998 resultados para PL248.F34 Z7412 1891
Londres, 1891, Sherlock Holmes y el Dr. Watson evitan el asesinato de una niña por parte de lord Blackwood (Marc Strong), un asesino místico al que perseguía desde hacía mucho tiempo. Tres meses más tarde, Holmes está sin un nuevo caso y se aburre. Watson pretende irse del 221 de Baker Street para independizarse y casarse con María Morstan. La película no es la adaptación de ninguna novela de Conan Doyle. Está basada es una historia escrita por Lionel Wigram, luego adaptada a un cómic con dibujos de John Watkiss.
PURPOSE: To describe new affected individuals of Franceschetti's original pedigree of hereditary recurrent erosion and to classify a unique entity called Franceschetti corneal dystrophy. DESIGN: Observational case series. METHODS: Slit-lamp examination of 10 affected individuals was conducted. Biomicroscopic examinations were supplemented by peripheral corneal biopsy in 1 affected patient with corneal haze. Tissue was processed for light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry was performed. DNA analysis was carried out in 12 affected and 3 nonaffected family members. RESULTS: All affected individuals suffered from severe ocular pain in the first decade of life, attributable to recurrent corneal erosions. Six adult patients developed bilateral diffuse subepithelial opacifications in the central and paracentral cornea. The remaining 4 affected individuals had clear corneas in the pain-free stage of the disorder. Histologic and immunohistochemical examination of the peripheral cornea in a single patient showed a subepithelial, avascular pannus. There was negative staining with Congo red. DNA analysis excluded mutations in the transforming growth factor beta-induced (TGFBI) gene and in the tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 (TACSTD2) gene. CONCLUSION: We have extended the pedigree of Franceschetti corneal dystrophy and elaborated its natural history on the basis of clinical examinations. A distinctive feature is the appearance of subepithelial opacities in adult life, accompanied by a decreased frequency of recurrent erosion attacks. Its clinical features appear to distinguish it from most other forms of dominantly inherited recurrent corneal erosion reported in the literature.
An analytical model based on Bowen and Holman [1989] is used to prove the existence of instabilities due to the presence of a second extremum of the background vorticity at the front side of the longshore current. The growth rate of the so-called frontshear waves depends primarily upon the frontshear but also upon the backshear and the maximum and the width of the current. Depending on the values of these parameters, either the frontshear or the backshear instabilities may dominate. Both types of waves have a cross-shore extension of the order of the width of the current, but the frontshear modes are localized closer to the coast than are the backshear modes. Moreover, under certain conditions both unstable waves have similar growth rates with close wave numbers and angular frequencies, leading to the possibility of having modulated shear waves in the alongshore direction. Numerical analysis performed on realistic current profiles confirm the behavior anticipated by the analytical model. The theory has been applied to a current profile fitted to data measured during the 1980 Nearshore Sediment Transport Studies experiment at Leadbetter Beach that has an extremum of background vorticity at the front side of the current. In this case and in agreement with field observations, the model predicts instability, whereas the theory based only on backshear instability fai led to do so.
A admiración que destilou no seu tempo e durante o século XIX o bo sentido común das obras de Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) plasmouse na tradución dos seus libros a un considerable número de linguas. The Way to Wealth (El camino de la fortuna o Cómo hacerse rico), publicado en 1758, contén máis de cen máximas que instan ao traballo honrado, á orde e ao aforro, condenando calquera sinal de preguiza ou desidia. O noso corpus nútrese dunha selección de trece aforismos que teñen relación precisamente con este vicio que condena á miseria, a preguiza. En cambio, o home de ben que aplique as virtudes contidas en The Way to Wealth, aconselladas a modo de refráns, verá, segundo o autor, prosperar esplendidamente a súa economía. Pretendemos analizar, dende os puntos de vista tradutolóxico e contrastivo, o corpus de dúas traducións españolas deste libriño de Franklin: unha anónima, publicada en Barcelona, en 1891; e a de Alberto Lena de 1999.
La vie politique en province : étude sur G. Bordillon, suivie d'un choix de ses lettres / Élie Sorin
Skeletal muscle is considered to be a major site of energy expenditure and thus is important in regulating events affecting metabolic disorders. Over the years, both in vitro and in vivo approaches have established the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-β/δ (PPARβ/δ) in fatty acid metabolism and energy expenditure in skeletal muscles. Pharmacological activation of PPARβ/δ by specific ligands regulates the expression of genes involved in lipid use, triglyceride hydrolysis, fatty acid oxidation, energy expenditure, and lipid efflux in muscles, in turn resulting in decreased body fat mass and enhanced insulin sensitivity. Both the lipid-lowering and the anti-diabetic effects exerted by the induction of PPARβ/δ result in the amelioration of symptoms of metabolic disorders. This review summarizes the action of PPARβ/δ activation in energy metabolism in skeletal muscles and also highlights the unexplored pathways in which it might have potential effects in the context of muscular disorders. Numerous preclinical studies have identified PPARβ/δ as a probable potential target for therapeutic interventions. Although PPARβ/δ agonists have not yet reached the market, several are presently being investigated in clinical trials.