911 resultados para PHOTONIC REPORTER


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Interleukin 2 (IL2) is the primary growth hormone used by mature T cells and this lymphokine plays an important role in the magnification of cell-mediated immune responses. Under normal circumstances its expression is limited to antigen-activated type 1 helper T cells (TH1) and the ability to transcribe this gene is often regarded as evidence for commitment to this developmental lineage. There is, however, abundant evidence than many non-TH1 T cells, under appropriate conditions, possess the ability to express this gene. Of paramount interest in the study of T-cell development is the mechanisms by which differentiating thymocytes are endowed with particular combinations of cell surface proteins and response repertoires. For example, why do most helper T cells express the CD4 differentiation antigen?

As a first step in understanding these developmental processes the gene encoding IL2 was isolated from a mouse genomic library by probing with a conspecific IL2 cDNA. The sequence of the 5' flanking region from + 1 to -2800 was determined and compared to the previously reported human sequence. Extensive identity exists between +1 and -580 (86%) and sites previously shown to be crucial for the proper expression of the human gene are well conserved in both sequence location in the mouse counterpart.

Transient expression assays were used to evaluate the contribution of various genomic sequences to high-level gene expression mediated by a cloned IL2 promoter fragment. Differing lengths of 5' flanking DNA, all terminating in the 5' untranslated region, were linked to a reporter gene, bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) and enzyme activity was measured after introduction into IL2-producing cell lines. No CAT was ever detected without stimulation of the recipient cells. A cloned promoter fragment containing only 321 bp of upstream DNA was expressed well in both Jurkat and EL4.El cells. Addition of intragenic or downstream DNA to these 5' IL2-CAT constructs showed that no obvious regulatory regions resided there. However, increasing the extent of 5' DNA from -321 to -2800 revealed several positive and negative regulatory elements. One negative region that was well characterized resided between -750 and -1000 and consisted almost exclusively of alternating purine and pyrimidines. There is no sequence resembling this in the human gene now, but there is evidence that there may have once been.

No region, when deleted, could relax either the stringent induction-dependence on cell-type specificity displayed by this promoter. Reagents that modulated endogenous IL2 expression, such as cAMP, cyclosporin A, and IL1, affected expression of the 5' IL2-CAT constructs also. For a given reagent, expression from all expressible constructs was suppressed or enhanced to the same extent. This suggests that these modulators affect IL2 expression through perturbation of a central inductive signal rather than by summation of the effects of discrete, independently regulated, negative and positive transcription factors.


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An exciting frontier in quantum information science is the integration of otherwise "simple'' quantum elements into complex quantum networks. The laboratory realization of even small quantum networks enables the exploration of physical systems that have not heretofore existed in the natural world. Within this context, there is active research to achieve nanoscale quantum optical circuits, for which atoms are trapped near nano-scopic dielectric structures and "wired'' together by photons propagating through the circuit elements. Single atoms and atomic ensembles endow quantum functionality for otherwise linear optical circuits and thereby enable the capability of building quantum networks component by component. Toward these goals, we have experimentally investigated three different systems, from conventional to rather exotic systems : free-space atomic ensembles, optical nano fibers, and photonics crystal waveguides. First, we demonstrate measurement-induced quadripartite entanglement among four quantum memories. Next, following the landmark realization of a nanofiber trap, we demonstrate the implementation of a state-insensitive, compensated nanofiber trap. Finally, we reach more exotic systems based on photonics crystal devices. Beyond conventional topologies of resonators and waveguides, new opportunities emerge from the powerful capabilities of dispersion and modal engineering in photonic crystal waveguides. We have implemented an integrated optical circuit with a photonics crystal waveguide capable of both trapping and interfacing atoms with guided photons, and have observed the collective effect, superradiance, mediated by the guided photons. These advances provide an important capability for engineered light-matter interactions, enabling explorations of novel quantum transport and quantum many-body phenomena.


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The Talbot effect of a grating with different kinds of flaws is analyzed with the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The FDTD method can show the exact near-field distribution of different flaws in a high-density grating, which is impossible to obtain with the conventional Fourier transform method. The numerical results indicate that if a grating is perfect, its Talbot imaging should also be perfect; if the grating is distorted, its Talbot imaging will also be distorted. Furthermore, we evaluate high-density gratings by detecting the near-field distribution with the scanning near-field optical microscopy technique. Experimental results are also given. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We have investigated the basic properties of subwavelength-diameter hollow optical fiber with exact solutions of Maxwell's equations. The characteristics of modal field and waveguide dispersion have been studied. It shows that the subwavelength-diameter hollow optical fibers have interesting properties, such as enhanced evanescent field, local enhanced intensity in the hollow core and large waveguide dispersion that are very promising for many miniaturized high performance and novel photonic devices. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Fields in subwavelength-diameter terahertz hollow optical fiber (STHOF) can be intensified by large discontinuity of the electric field at high index contrast interfaces. The influences of fiber geometry and refractive index of the dielectric region on the fiber characteristics, such as power distribution, enhancement factor, have been discussed in detail. By appropriate design, the intensity in the central region of STHOF may be enhanced by a factor of greater than 1.5 compared with subwavelength-diameter terahertz fiber without the central hole and the loss can be reduced. For its compact structure and simple fabrication process, the fiber may be very useful in many miniaturized high performance and novel terahertz photonic devices. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ExoU, uma citotoxina produzida pelo patógeno oportunista Pseudomonas aeruginosa e translocada para o citossol de células hospedeiras via sistema de secreção do tipo III, é associada à gravidade de infecções agudas. Estudos anteriores realizados em nosso laboratório relataram a potente atividade pró-inflamatória de ExoU, responsável por um intenso recrutamento de neutrófilos para o sítio de infecção. No presente trabalho, o efeito de ExoU na modulação da ativação do fator transcricional NF-κB e na regulação da expressão e da secreção da quimiocina para neutrófilos IL-8 foi avaliado em culturas de células epiteliais respiratórias e endoteliais humanas infectadas com a cepa PA103 de P. aeruginosa (produtora de ExoU) ou com a mutante deletada no gene exoU, PA103κexoU. Análises por RT-PCR semi-quantitativo mostraram que a infecção pela cepa produtora de ExoU levou ao aumento dos níveis de mRNA de IL-8, enquanto ensaios de alteração da mobilidade eletroforética (EMSA), supershift e com gene repórter mostraram que ExoU induziu a translocação nuclear do heterodímero transativador p65/p50 de NF-κB e a ativação da transcrição de genes dependente deste fator transcricional. Adicionalmente, o tratamento das culturas celulares com um inibidor de NF-κB antes da infecção bacteriana reduziu significativamente os níveis de mRNA de IL-8 e da secreção desta quimiocina. Em conjunto, estes resultados mostram que ExoU ativa NF-κB e, consequentemente, estimula a expressão e a secreção de IL-8 por células epiteliais respiratórias e células endoteliais infectadas com P. aeruginosa


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Cylindrical vector beams were produced from laser diode end-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic microchip laser by use of two types of subwavelength multilayer gratings as the axisymmetric-polarization output couplers respectively. The grating mirrors are composed of high- and low-refractive-index (Nb2O5/SiO2) layers alternately while each layer is shaped into triangle and concentric corrugations. For radially polarized laser output, the beam power reached 610mW with a polarization extinction ratio ( PER) of 61: 1 and a slope efficiency of 68.2%; for azimuthally polarized laser output, the beam power reached 626mW with a PER of 58: 1 and a slope efficiency of 47.6%. In both cases, the laser beams had near-diffraction limited quality. Small differences of beam power, PER and slope efficiency between radially and azimuthally polarized laser outputs were not critical, and could be minimized by further optimized adjustment to laser cavity and the reflectances of respective grating mirrors. The results manifested, by use of the photonic crystal gratings mirrors and end-pumped microchip laser configuration, CVBs can be generated efficiently with high modal symmetry and polarization purity. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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报道了单束飞秒激光在氧化铝晶体中诱导自组装微米点阵的有关研究进展。当单束飞秒激光被透镜聚焦到氧化铝晶体的内部某固定点, 微米点阵就在聚焦点的下方自动生成。我们发现能否产生自组装点阵和光束的聚焦点距离样品表面的深度有关。通过比较在氧化铝晶体和氟化钙晶体中能够产生点阵的深度,我们发现在氧化铝中较浅的位置即能诱导出点阵,而在氟化钙中则要求深度较深。具体的机理在文中进行了讨论。


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Microvoid arrays were self-organized when femtosecond laser beam was tightly focused at a fixed point inside CaF2 crystal sample. Except void array grown below the focal point which had been reported before, we found another void array grown vertical to the laser propagation direction. This result has potential application in the fabrication of integrated micro-optic elements and photonic crystals. The possible mechanism of the phenomenon was proposed and verified experimentally.


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Up-converting phosphor technology (UPT)-based lateral-flow immunoassay has been developed for quantitative detection of Yersinia pestis rapidly and specifically. In this assay, 400 nm up-converting phosphor particles were used as the reporter. A sandwich immumoassay was employed by using a polyclonal antibody against F1 antigen of Y. pestis immobilized on the nitrocellulose membrane and the same antibody conjugated to the UPT particles. The signal detection of the strips was performed by the UPT-based biosensor that could provide a 980 nm IR laser to excite the phosphor particles, then collect the visible luminescence emitted by the UPT particles and finally convert it to the voltage as a signal. V-T and V-c stand for the multiplied voltage units for the test and the control line, respectively, and the ratio V-T/V-C is directly proportional to the number of Y pestis in a sample. We observed a good linearity between the ratio and log CFU/ml of Y pestis above the detection limit, which was approximately 10(4) CFU/mI. The precision of the intra- and inter-assay was below 15% (coefficient of variation, CV). Cross-reactivity with related Gram-negative enteric bacteria was not found. The UPT-LF immunoassay system presented here takes less than 30 min to perform from the sample treatment to the data analysis. The current paper includes only preliminary data concerning the biomedical aspects of the assay, but is more concentrated on the technical details of establishing a rapid manual assay using a state-of-the-art label chemistry. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.