825 resultados para Ovocytes de Xenopus laevis


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Within the scope of Russian-German palaeoenvironmental research, Two-Yurts Lake (TYL, Dvuh-Yurtochnoe in Russian) was chosen as the main scientific target area to decipher Holocene climate variability on Kamchatka. The 5x2 km large and 26 m deep lake is of proglacial origin and situated on the eastern flank of Sredinny Ridge at the northwestern end of the Central Kamchatka Valley, outside the direct influence of active volcanism. Here, we present results of a multi-proxy study on sediment cores, spanning about the last 7000 years. The general tenor of the TYL record is an increase in continentality and winter snow cover in conjunction with a decrease in temperature, humidity, and biological productivity after 5000-4500 cal yrs BP, inferred from pollen and diatom data and the isotopic composition of organic carbon. The TYL proxy data also show that the late Holocene was punctuated by two colder spells, roughly between 4500 and 3500 cal yrs BP and between 1000 and 200 cal yrs BP, as local expressions of the Neoglacial and Little Ice Age, respectively. These environmental changes can be regarded as direct and indirect responses to climate change, as also demonstrated by other records in the regional terrestrial and marine realm. Long-term climate deterioration was driven by decreasing insolation, while the short-term climate excursions are best explained by local climatic processes. The latter affect the configuration of atmospheric pressure systems that control the sources as well as the temperature and moisture of air masses reaching Kamchatka.


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Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil assemblages, as well as stable isotope data from the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary interval (~71.4 to ~70.7 Ma) of the Kronsmoor section (North German Basin), were investigated in order to characterize changes in surface-water productivity and oxygen content at the seafloor and their link to climatic and paleoceanographic changes. A nutrient index based on calcareous nannofossils is derived for the high-latitude, epicontinental North German Basin, reflecting changes in surface-water productivity. Oxygen isotopes of well-preserved planktic foraminiferal specimens of Heterohelix globulosa reflect warmer surface-water temperatures in the lower part of the studied succession and a cooling of up to 2°C (0.5 per mil) in the upper part (after 71.1 Ma). For the lower and warmer part of the investigated succession, benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the calcareous nannofossils indicate well-oxygenated bottom waters and low-surface water productivity. In contrast, the upper part of the succession is characterized by cooler conditions, lower oxygen content at the seafloor and increasing surface-water productivity. It is proposed that the cooling phase starting at 71.1 Ma was accompanied by increasing surface-water mixing caused by westerly winds. As a consequence of mixing, nutrients were advected from sub-surface waters into the mixed layer, resulting in increased surface-water productivity and enhanced organic matter flux to the seafloor. We hypothesize that global sea-level fall during the earliest Maastrichtian (~71.3 Ma), indicated by decreasing carbon isotope values, may have led to a weaker water mass exchange through narrower gateways between the Boreal Realm and the open North Atlantic and Tethys oceans. Both the weaker water mass exchange and enhanced surface-water productivity may have led to slightly less ventilated bottom waters of the upper part of the studied section. Our micro-paleontological and stable isotopic approach indicates short-term (<100 kyr) changes in oxygen consumption at the seafloor and surface-water productivity across the homogeneous Boreal White Chalk succession of the North German Basin.


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Die angewandte Mikropaläontologie bestimmt heute im wesentlichen das Alter eines Gesteins mit Hilfe von Faunenvergesellschaftungen. Aus der Zusammensetzung der Fauna, aus dem Einsatz oder Fehlen bestimmter Gattungen und Arten, aus den Mineralien, die das Gestein aufbauen, aus dem ganzen Bild, das eine aus einem Gestein herausgeschlämmte Fauna dem Bearbeiter gibt, läßt sich das Alter dieses Gesteins festlegen. Will man aber verschiedene Bohrungen, vor allem auch räumlich weit voneinander getrennter Gebiete, miteinander parallelisieren, so liegt das Kernproblem der Mikropaläontologie in der Frage, ob es sich bei verschiedenen Faunen tatsächlich um Alters- oder nur um Faziesunterschiede handelt. Da die Grundlagen der mikropaläontologischen Arbeitsweise zum weitaus größten Teil auf den Ergebnissen von Untersuchungen fossiler Faunen beruhen, müssen zu ihrer Unterbauung Untersuchungen an recentem Material folgen. Besonders spielt das Ineinandergreifen mariner und brackischer Sedimente in der angewandten Mikropaläontologie eine große Rolle. Auf Grund der Tatsache, daß ein großer Teil von Gattungen und Arten der Foraminiferen an der Wende Kreide/Tertiär ausstirbt und neue an ihre Stelle treten, stellt Glässner (1948) die Behauptung auf, daß die aktualistisch gewonnenen Ergebnisse für vortertiäre Faunen nur eine geringe Bedeutung besitzen. Auch seien vortertiäre, brackische Foraminiferen nicht bekannt (Glässner 1948, S. 191). Hiltermann (1948) konnte aber bereits im nordwestdeutschen Malm brackische, d. h. in Brackwasser eindringende Foraminiferen nachweisen. Auf jeden Fall behalten aktualistische Unterlagen ihren Wert für das Tertiär und Quartär. Die Faunen, die in recenten, brackischen Sedimenten nebeneinander auftreten, sind in einem Bohrprofil in einem Gestein übereinander zu erwarten. Gelingt es, die Beziehungen einer recenten Fauna zu ihrer Umwelt zu klären, dann können umgekehrt aus fossilen, ihnen gleichen oder ähnlichen Faunen Rückschlüsse auf die Entstehungsbedingungen von Gesteinen gezogen werden. Unter Umständen können der Verlauf einer Transgression, Küstennähe, die Höhe des Salzgehaltes des Meerwassers, die vorherrschenden Temperaturen u. a., aus ihnen abgelesen werden. Die Ostsee ist ein klassisches Brackwassergebiet der Erde. Ihr westlicher Teil, die Kieler Bucht, wurde erst in jüngster geologischer Zeit vom Meer überflutet. Nach Tapfer (1940) begann hier die flandrische Transgression erst etwa um 7500 v. d. Zw. mit dem Erreichen des heutigen Meeresniveaus. Seit dieser Zeit erst entstehen neue Küstenformen, wird der Meeresboden umgelagert und bilden sich marine und brackische Absätze in diesem Gebiet.


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The shallow-water Asellota from the Beagle Channel were investigated, based on material collected at four localities in 2001-2002. A total of 3,124 asellotes were sorted, and three new species and 12 new records of distribution were reported. The Paramunnidae showed the highest species diversity and abundance (11 species and 1,463 specimens). The present research raises the number of species known from the Beagle Channel to 23; of these, 16 were previously reported from the Magellan Straits, representing 69% of similarity. Based on the present results and published data, the faunistic affinities for the shallow-water Asellota was 30% between the Magellan region and the Scotia Arc, and 26% between the Magellan region and the Antarctic Peninsula.


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Ce travail porte sur l’identification, la fonction et la régulation des molécules maternelles d’ARNm qui dirigent la compétence développementale juste après la fécondation chez les bovins. Tout d’abord, en utilisant le modèle du temps écoulé jusqu’au premier clivage zygotique et à travers l’évaluation du transcriptome des embryons à 2-cellules, il fut possible de déterminer la signature moléculaire des niveaux extrêmes de compétence au développement et sélectionner des molécules candidates pour des études postérieures. Les résultats ont montré que les embryons de capacité développementale variable diffèrent dans certaines fonctions comme la réparation de l’ADN, le traitement de l’ARN, la synthèse de protéines et l’expression génique définies par des ARNm synthétisés par l’ovocyte. Pour obtenir une confirmation fonctionnelle, une paire de transcrits maternels (l’un détecté dans notre sondage précédent et l’autre étant une molécule reliée) ont été inhibés par « knock-down » dans des ovocytes. Les effets du knock-down de ces facteurs de transcription sont apparus avant la formation des blastocystes dû à une diminution de la capacité au clivage et celle à progresser après le stage de 8-cellules. L’analyse moléculaire des embryons knock-down survivants suggère qu’un de ces facteurs de transcription est un contrôleur crucial de l’activation du génome embryonnaire, qui représente une fenêtre développementale dans l’embryogenèse précoce. Dans la dernièr étude, nous avons testé si les facteurs de transcription d’intérêt sont modulés au niveau traductionnel. Des ARNm rapporteurs couplés à la GFP (Protéine fluorescente) contenant soit la version courte ou la version longue de la séquence 3’-UTR des deux molécules furent injectées dans des zygotes pour évaluer leur dynamique traductionnelle. Les résultats ont montré que les éléments cis-régulateurs localisés dans les 3’-UTRs contrôlent leur synchronisation traductionnelle et suggèrent une association entre la compétence développementale et la capacité de synthèse de ces protéines. Ceci conduit à l’idée que ces facteurs de transcription cruciaux sont aussi contrôlés au niveau traductionnel chez les embryons précoces. Les connaissances acquises ont joué un rôle essentiel pour définir le contrôle potentiel des molécules maternelles sur les embryons au début de leur développement. Cette étude nous montre aussi une utilisation potentielle de cette information ainsi que les nouveaux défis présents dans le secteur des technologies reproductives.


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Amphibian yolk platelets are composed of lipoprotein subunits arranged in an ordered crystalline structure. Freeze-etch electron microscopy of isolated Xenopus platelets provides a direct view of the structure of the crystal and aids the interpretation of fracture phenomena in lipoprotein systems. A study has been made both of fracture faces and of faces produced by fracturing and etching following partial dissolution of platelets in electrolyte solutions. In freeze-etch replicas, main body crystals appear to be composed of dimers. Rectangular and semihexagonal patterns are seen in fracture faces. Rectangular patterns are seen also in faces produced by partial dissolution and revealed by fracturing and etching. Dissolution faces with possible semihexagonal patterns are distinct but infrequent. Based on this evidence, a new closest-packing model of platelet structure is proposed using lipovitellin dimers as building blocks, with one molecule of the second major protein component, phosvitin, associated with each monomer of the lipovitellin dimer. © 1972 Academic Press, Inc.


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We simulate currents and concentration profiles generated by Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cytosol through IP3 receptor channel clusters. Clusters are described as conducting pores in the lumenal membrane with a diameter from 6 nm to 36 nm. The endoplasmic reticulum is modeled as a disc with a radius of 1–12 mm and an inner height of 28 nm. We adapt the dependence of the currents on the trans Ca2+ concentration (intralumenal) measured in lipid bilayer experiments to the cellular geometry. Simulated currents are compared with signal mass measurements in Xenopus oocytes. We find that release currents depend linearly on the concentration of free Ca2+ in the lumen. The release current is approximately proportional to the square root of the number of open channels in a cluster. Cytosolic concentrations at the location of the cluster range from 25 μM to 170 μM. Concentration increase due to puffs in a distance of a few micrometers from the puff site is found to be in the nanomolar range. Release currents decay biexponentially with timescales of < 1 s and a few seconds. Concentration profiles decay with timescales of 0.125–0.250 s upon termination of release.


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Neural crest cells are unique to vertebrates and essential to the development and evolution of the craniofacial skeleton. Using a combination of DiI cell lineage tracing, transcriptomics, and analysis of key transcription factors of the Sox Family, I examined neural crest development in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, as the most basal extant vertebrate from which it is possible to get embryos. The results have uncovered distinct cranial and trunk neural crest subpopulations along the anterior-posterior axis of the lamprey embryo, with a clear separation between the two. However, no evidence of the presence of an intermediate vagal neural crest population was uncovered. Comparing cranial neural crest genes between lamprey and chick, either by examining individual candidate genes or whole genome transcriptome analysis, reveals significant changes in the cranial neural crest gene regulatory network of lamprey compared with chick. In particular, the lamprey cranial neural crest is "missing" several gnathostome cranial crest genes. We speculate that these may underlie the evolutionary divergence of craniofacial development between jawed and jawless vertebrates. Despite the absence of vagal neural crest, DiI-labeling shows that trunk neural crest-derived cells, likely homologous to mammalian Schwann cell precursors, contribute to the lamprey enteric nervous system, potentially representing the most primitive form of neural crest cells contribution to the ENS. Finally, I characterized key members of the Sox Family (Sox B-F) due to their importance in neural crest specification in other species. In comparative studies of the SoxC genes (Sox4, Sox11, and Sox12) in both lamprey and Xenopus, I found similar expression patterns and a novel key role in early neural crest specification, suggesting a conserved role of the SoxC genes amongst vertebrates. Taken together, this work represents important progress in characterizing the early evolution of the neural crest in vertebrates and its role in the transition from jawless to jawed vertebrates.


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Tese de dout. em Química, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Most vertebrates, including cartilaginous fishes, maintain their plasma SO4 (2-) concentration ([SO4 (2-)]) within a narrow range of 0.2-1 mM. As seawater has a [SO4 (2-)] about 40 times higher than that of the plasma, SO4 (2-) excretion is the major role of kidneys in marine teleost fishes. It has been suggested that cartilaginous fishes also excrete excess SO4 (2-) via the kidney. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms for SO4 (2-) transport in cartilaginous fish, largely due to the extraordinarily elaborate four-loop configuration of the nephron, which consists of at least 10 morphologically distinguishable segments. In the present study, we determined cDNA sequences from the kidney of holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) that encoded solute carrier family 26 member 1 (Slc26a1) and member 6 (Slc26a6), which are SO4 (2-) transporters that are expressed in mammalian and teleost kidneys. Elephant fish Slc26a1 (cmSlc26a1) and cmSlc26a6 mRNAs were coexpressed in the proximal II (PII) segment of the nephron, which comprises the second loop in the sinus zone. Functional analyses using Xenopus oocytes and the results of immunohistochemistry revealed that cmSlc26a1 is a basolaterally located electroneutral SO4 (2-) transporter, while cmSlc26a6 is an apically located, electrogenic Cl(-)/SO4 (2-) exchanger. In addition, we found that both cmSlc26a1 and cmSlc26a6 were abundantly expressed in the kidney of embryos; SO4 (2-) was concentrated in a bladder-like structure of elephant fish embryos. Our results demonstrated that the PII segment of the nephron contributes to the secretion of excess SO4 (2-) by the kidney of elephant fish. Possible mechanisms for SO4 (2-) secretion in the PII segment are discussed.