980 resultados para Outcome measurement
Comment on: Heinrich H, Goetze O, Menne D, Iten PX, Fruehauf H, Vavricka SR, Schwizer W, Fried M, Fox M. Effect on gastric function and symptoms of drinking wine, black tea, or schnapps with a Swiss cheese fondue: randomised controlled crossover trial. BMJ. 2010 Dec 14;341:c6731. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c6731. PMID 21156747.
The free extended lateral arm flap (ELAF) has gained increasing popularity thank to its slimness and versatility, longer neurovascular pedicle, and greater flap size when compared with the original flap design. The aim of this study was to assess the donor-site morbidity associated with this extended procedure. A retrospective study of 25 consecutive patients analyzing postoperative complications using a visual analogue scale questionnaire revealed high patients satisfaction and negligible donor-site morbidity of the ELAF. Scar visibility was the commonest negative outcome. Impaired mobility of the elbow had the highest correlation with patient dissatisfaction. Sensory deficits or paresthetic disorders did not affect patient satisfaction. The extension of the lateral arm flap and positioning over the lateral humeral epicondyle is a safe and well-accepted procedure with minimal donor-site morbidity. To optimize outcomes, a maximal flap width of 6 or 7 cm and intensive postoperative mobilization therapy is advisable.
Measurement of cell microrheology by magnetic twisting cytometry with frequency domain demodulation.
This paper presents a new respiratory impedance estimator to minimize the error due to breathing. Its practical reliability was evaluated in a simulation using realistic signals. These signals were generated by superposing pressure and flow records obtained in two conditions: 1) when applying forced oscillation to a resistance- inertance- elastance (RIE) mechanical model; 2) when healthy subjects breathed through the unexcited forced oscillation generator. Impedances computed (4-32 Hz) from the simulated signals with the new estimator resulted in a mean value which was scarcely biased by the added breathing (errors less than 1 percent in the mean R, I , and E ) and had a small variability (coefficients of variation of R, I, and E of 1.3, 3.5, and 9.6 percent, respectively). Our results suggest that the proposed estimator reduces the error in measurement of respiratory impedance without appreciable extracomputational cost.
Purpose/Objective(s): Adenosquamous carcinoma (AC) of the head and neck is a distinct entity first described in 1968. Its natural history is more aggressive than squamous cell carcinoma but this is based on very small series reported in the literature. The goal of this study was to assess the clinical profile, outcome, patterns of failure and prognostic factors in patients with AC of the head and neck treated by radiation therapy (RT) with or without chemotherapy (CT).Materials/Methods: Data from 18 patients with Stage I (n = 3), II (n = 1), III (n = 4), or IVa (n = 10) AC, treated between 1989 and 2009, were collected in a retrospective multicenter Rare Cancer Network study. Median age was 60 years (range, 48 - 73 years). Fourteen patients were male and 4 female. Risk factors, including perineural invasion, lymphangitis, vascular invasion, positive margins, were present in 83% of the patients. Tumor sites included oral cavity in 4, oropharynx in 4, hypopharynx in2, larynx in 2, salivary glands in 2, nasal vestibule in 2, nasopharynx in 1, and maxillary sinus in 1 patient. Surgery (S) was performed in all but 5 patients. S alone was performed in only 1 patient, and definitive RT alone in 3 patients. Fourteen patients received combined modality treatment (S+RT in 10, RT+CT in 2, and all of the three modalities in 2 patients). Median RT dose to the primary and to the nodes was 66 Gy (range, 50 - 72 Gy) and 53 Gy (range, 44 - 66 Gy), respectively (1.8 - 2.0 Gy/fr., 5 fr./ week). In 4 patients, the planning treatment volume included the primary tumor site only. Seven patients were treated with 2D RT, 7 with 3D conformal RT, and 2 with intensity-modulated RT.Results: After a median follow-up period of 38 months (range, 9 - 62 months), 8 patients developed distant metastases (lung, bone, mediastinum, and liver), 6 presented nodal recurrences, and only 4 had a local relapse at the primary site (all in-field recurrences). At last follow-up, 6 patients were alive without disease, 1 alive with disease, 9 died from progressive disease, and 2 died from intercurrent disease. The 3-year and median overall survival, disease-free survival (DFS) and locoregional control rates were 52% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 28 - 76%) and 39 months, 36% (95% CI: 13 - 49%) and 12 months, and 54% (95% CI: 26 - 82%) and 40 months, respectively. In multivariate analysis (Cox model), DFS was negatively influenced by the presence of extracapsular extension (p = 0.02) and advanced stage (IV versus I-III, p = 0.003).Conclusions: Overall prognosis of locoregionally advanced AC remains poor, and distant metastases and nodal relapse occur in almost half of the cases. However, local control is relatively good, and early stage AC patients had prolonged DFS when treated with combined modality treatment.
There is little information concerning the long term outcome of patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Thus 109 patients with reflux symptoms (33 with erosive oesophagitis) with a diagnosis of GORD after clinical evaluation and oesophageal testing were studied. All patients were treated with a stepwise approach: (a) lifestyle changes were suggested aimed at reducing reflux and antacids and the prokinetic agent domperidone were prescribed; (b) H2 blockers were added after two months when symptoms persisted; (c) anti-reflux surgery was indicated when there was no response to (b). Treatment was adjusted to maintain clinical remission during follow up. Long term treatment need was defined as minor when conservative measures sufficed for proper control, and as major if daily H2 blockers or surgery were required. The results showed that one third of the patients each had initial therapeutic need (a), (b), and (c). Of 103 patients available for follow up at three years and 89 at six years, respective therapeutic needs were minor in 52% and 55% and major in 48% and 45%. Eighty per cent of patients in (a), 67% in (b), and 17% in (c) required only conservative measures at six years. A decreasing lower oesophageal sphincter pressure (p < 0.001), radiological reflux (p = 0.028), and erosive oesophagitis (p = 0.031), but not initial clinical scores, were independent predictors of major therapeutic need as shown by multivariate analysis. The long term outcome of GORD is better than previously perceived.
ABSTRACT. A dual-wavelength digital holographic microscope to measure absolute volume of living cells is proposed. The optical setup allows us to reconstruct two quantitative phase contrast images at two different wavelengths from a single hologram acquisition. When adding the absorbing dye fast green FCF as a dispersive agent to the extracellular medium, cellular thickness can be univocally determined in the full field of view. In addition to the absolute cell volume, the method can be applied to derive important biophysical parameters of living cells including osmotic membrane water permeability coefficient and the integral intracellular refractive index (RI). Further, the RI of transmembrane flux can be determined giving an indication about the nature of transported solutes. The proposed method is applied to cultured human embryonic kidney cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells, human red blood cells, mouse cortical astrocytes, and neurons.
Abstract : Cardíac rhabdomyomas are benign cardiac tumors with few cardiac complications but with a known association to tuberous sclerosis that affects the neurologic outcome of the patients. Thís study analyses the long-term cardiac and neurological outcome of patients with cardiac rhabdomyomas in order to allow comprehensive prenatal counseling. qll prenatal and postnatal cases with echocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac rhabdomyomas encountered from August 1982 -September 2007 have been recorded. Independent factors, such às the number and the location of the tumors, have been analyzed for association with a diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis, in order to predict the cardiac and neurologic outcome of the patients. Cardiac complications include arrhythmias, outflow tract obstruction, secondary cardiogenic shock. Arrhythmias are the most often encountered problems during the neonatal period. Supraventricular tachycardia is the commonest rhythm disturbance identified. However, no specific dimension or location of the cardiac rhabdomyomas may predict the rhythm disturbances. The importance of the diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis in patients presenting with cardiac rhabdomyomas is exemplified by the neurodevelopmental complications showing 80% of cases with epilepsy and 63% of cases with a delayed development. The presence of multiple cardiac tumors in patients suggests a higher risk to be affected by tuberous sclerosis, compared to patients with a single tumor. Cardiac rhabdomyomas generally regress aftér birth and after the perinatal period cardiac-related problems are rare, but tuberous sclerosis and the associated neurodevelopmental complications dominate the clinical picture and should form an important aspect of the prenatal counseling of parents. Résumé : Les rhabdomyomes cardiaques sont des tumeurs cardiaques bénignes avec toutefois des complications. cardiaques possibles et surtout avec une association pour la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville qui détermine le pronostic neurologique. Cette étude présente une analyse du suivi cardiologique. et neurologique à long terme d'enfants avec un diagnostic de rhabdomyomes cardiaques dans le but de mieux informer les parents lors de la consultation anténatale. L'ensemble des cas de rhabdomyomes cardiaques diagnostiqués au moyen de l'échocardiographie pendant la période anténatale ainsi que postnatale a été répertorié d'août 1982 à septembre 2007. Des facteurs indépendants, tels que le nombre et la localisation des tumeurs, ont été analysés pour leur association avec le diagnostic de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville, afin de prédire le pronostic cardiaque et neurologique de ces patients. Les complications cardiaques retrouvées sont les arythmies, les obstructions des voies d'éjection ventriculaire et le choc cardiogène secondaire. Les arythmies sont les problèmes les plus fréquemment rencontrés pendant la période néonatale.. La tachycardie supraventriculaire est le trouble de rythme le plus souvent identifié. Néanmoins, il n'y a pas de dimension ou de localisation.- spécifique d'un rhabdomyome cardiaque qui pourrait prédire ces troubles du rythme. L'importance de l'association au diagnostic de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville chez les patients atteints de rhabdomyomes est démontrée à travers les complications du développement neurologique avec une attéinte épileptique dans 80% des cas ainsi qu'un retard de développement dans 63% des cas. La présence de multiples tumeurs cardiaques chez un patient suggère un risque accru d'être atteint de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville comparé à un patient atteint d'une tumeur unique. Les rhabdomyomes cardiaques régressent après la naissance et après la période périnatale les complications cardiaques deviennent rares. Toutefois, l'association à la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville domine le tableau clinique avec des complications au niveau du développement neurologique et formé donc un aspect important lors de la consultation anténatale.
OBJECTIVE: The estimation of blood pressure is dependent on the accuracy of the measurement devices. We compared blood pressure readings obtained with an automated oscillometric arm-cuff device and with an automated oscillometric wrist-cuff device and then assessed the prevalence of defined blood pressure categories. METHODS: Within a population-based survey in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), we selected all participants with a blood pressure >/= 160/95 mmHg (n=653) and a random sample of participants with blood pressure <160/95 mmHg (n=662), based on the first blood pressure reading. Blood pressure was reassessed 2 years later for 464 and 410 of the participants, respectively. In these 874 subjects, we compared the prevalence of blood pressure categories as estimated with each device. RESULTS: Overall, the wrist device gave higher blood pressure readings than the arm device (difference in systolic/diastolic blood pressure: 6.3 +/- 17.3/3.7 +/- 11.8 mmHg, P<0.001). However, the arm device tended to give lower readings than the wrist device for high blood pressure values. The prevalence of blood pressure categories differed substantially depending on which device was used, 29% and 14% for blood pressure <120/80 mmHg (arm device versus wrist device, respectively), 30% and 33% for blood pressure 120-139/80-89 mmHg, 17% and 26% for blood pressure 140-159/90-99 mmHg, 12% and 13% for blood pressure 160-179/100-109 mmHg and 13% and 14% for blood pressure >/= 180/110 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS: A large discrepancy in the estimated prevalence of blood pressure categories was observed using two different automatic measurement devices. This emphasizes that prevalence estimates based on automatic devices should be considered with caution.
Metastatic melanoma has a poor prognosis with high resistance to chemotherapy and radiation. Recently, the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab has demonstrated clinical efficacy, being the first agent to significantly prolong the overall survival of inoperable stage III/IV melanoma patients. A major aim of patient immune monitoring is the identification of biomarkers that predict clinical outcome. We studied circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in ipilimumab-treated patients to detect alterations in the myeloid cell compartment and possible correlations with clinical outcome. Lin(-) CD14(+) HLA-DR(-) monocytic MDSC were enriched in peripheral blood of melanoma patients compared to healthy donors (HD). Tumor resection did not significantly alter MDSC frequencies. During ipilimumab treatment, MDSC frequencies did not change significantly compared to baseline levels. We observed high inter-patient differences. MDSC frequencies in ipilimumab-treated patients were independent of baseline serum lactate dehydrogenase levels but tended to increase in patients with severe metastatic disease (M1c) compared to patients with metastases in skin or lymph nodes only (M1a), who had frequencies comparable to HD. Interestingly, clinical responders to ipilimumab therapy showed significantly less lin(-) CD14(+) HLA-DR(-) cells as compared to non-responders. The data suggest that the frequency of monocytic MDSC may be used as predictive marker of response, as low frequencies identify patients more likely benefitting from ipilimumab treatment. Prospective clinical trials assessing MDSC frequencies as potential biomarkers are warranted to validate these observations.
BACKGROUND: We retrospectively reviewed the long-term outcome and late side effects of endometrial cancer (EC) patients treated with different techniques of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT). METHODS: Between 1999 and 2012, 237 patients with EC were treated with PORT. Two-dimensional external beam radiotherapy (2D-EBRT) was used in 69 patients (30 %), three-dimensional EBRT (3D-EBRT) in 51 (21 %), and intensity-modulated RT (IMRT) with helical Tomotherapy in 47 (20 %). All patients received a vaginal brachytherapy (VB) boost. Seventy patients (29 %) received VB alone. RESULTS: After a median of 68 months (range, 6-154) of follow-up, overall survival was 75 % [95 % confidence interval (CI), 69-81], disease-free survival was 72 % (95% CI, 66-78), cancer-specific survival was 85 % (95 % CI, 80-89), and locoregional control was 86 % (95 % CI, 81-91). The 5-year estimates of grade 3 or more toxicity and second cancer rates were 0 and 7 % (95 % CI, 1-13) for VB alone, 6 % (95 % CI, 1-11) and 0 % for IMRT + VB, 9 % (95 % CI, 1-17) and 5 % (95 % CI, 1-9) for 3D-EBRT + VB, and 22 % (95 % CI, 12-32) and 12 % (95 % CI, 4-20) for 2D-EBRT + VB (P = 0.002 and P = 0.01), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic EBRT should be tailored to patients with high-risk EC because the severe late toxicity observed might outweigh the benefits. When EBRT is prescribed for EC, IMRT should be considered, because it was associated with a significant reduction of severe late side effects.
The advances of the semiconductor industry enable microelectromechanical systems sensors, signal conditioning logic and network access to be integrated into a smart sensor node. In this framework, a mixed-mode interface circuit for monolithically integrated gas sensor arrays was developed with high-level design techniques. This interface system includes analog electronics for inspection of up to four sensor arrays and digital logic for smart control and data communication. Although different design methodologies were used in the conception of the complete circuit, high-level synthesis tools and methodologies were crucial in speeding up the whole design cycle, enhancing reusability for future applications and producing a flexible and robust component.
A new approach to the local measurement of residual stress in microstructures is described in this paper. The presented technique takes advantage of the combined milling-imaging features of a focused ion beam (FIB) equipment to scale down the widely known hole drilling method. This method consists of drilling a small hole in a solid with inherent residual stresses and measuring the strains/displacements caused by the local stress release, that takes place around the hole. In the presented case, the displacements caused by the milling are determined by applying digital image correlation (DIC) techniques to high resolution micrographs taken before and after the milling process. The residual stress value is then obtained by fitting the measured displacements to the analytical solution of the displacement fields. The feasibility of this approach has been demonstrated on a micromachined silicon nitride membrane showing that this method has high potential for applications in the field of mechanical characterization of micro/nanoelectromechanical systems.