980 resultados para Orientação profissional


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This research aimed to analyze the dynamics established between the activity of the teacher in Distance Education (DE) and professional gender of teaching, in terms of impact of DE in teacher s usual professional activity. Previous studies showed that one of the central discussions concerning DE refers to the role that the teacher is called to perform. The present research, based on theoretical and methodological assumptions issued from Clinic of Activity, analyzed the impact referred above. This central aim was operationally executed along three main stages: 1) survey study for description of socio-professional profile of teachers working in DE in two universities from Natal (RN-Brazil), 2) clinical analysis of professional activity of teachers working in DE, taking into account four simultaneous levels of psychological constitution and development of human activity: personal, interpersonal, transpersonal and impersonal; 3) analytical focus on transpersonal context in order to understand the influence of pedagogical practice in DE on professional gender of teaching. Documental research, audio recorded voice data and a multiple choice Likert scale questionnaire concerning socio-professional information were used as procedural tools. The qualitative-clinical procedural tool of instruction to the double , firstly proposed by Clinic of Activity research group, was used in order to obtain oral productions concerning professional activity. Data issued from stage 1 (n=70, 28 men and 41 women) was submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes. 65.7% of the sample worked in a public institution, 30% in a private institution, and 4.3% in public and private institutions. 31.4% of the sample of participants was formed by teachers having a master degree, 28.6% were doctors and 26.3% had degrees of specialists. 54.3% of participants acted as remote tutor, and 44.3% were regents teachers. After descriptive multidimensional cluster analysis, two groups emerged (remote tutors and regents teachers), the most important variables in terms of contributions to this distinction being: professional function, level of graduate formation, level of income, activities and forms of entry in DE. Clinical analysis of data produced by two participant-teachers of each group, issued from instruction to the double technique, was performed. This analysis indicated the existence of different models of distance education. A general concern referring to the need of both taking into account information technology and pedagogical attitudes was detected. On the other hand, participant-teachers considered that participation in DE activities could bring relevant contributions to general professional gender of teaching. . Finally, teachers warned against certain formats of organization of teachers professional activity, as found in the domain of DE, since these activities could promote the intensification and individualization of teachers` work activity, and even the worsening of relations, rather than exchanges and shares through collective bargaining. This process could compromise the renew of the professional gender, by losing its historical roots and diminishing activity possibilities of teachers in their labor context


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The idea that the career consists in a linear path throughout the individual s professional life structured by the company where he or she works has been changing to a new reality in which the career is seen as a journey, open to possibilities and uncertainties. Several models have come up as an attempt to comprehend and analyze this journey. Among them, there is the model of career narrative, which assumes that, while narrating, individuals give meaning to their own path, and at the same time they consider personal factors and the environment that act on their professional biography. This paper aimed to explore and articulate issues related to the environment and career paths of the human resource professionals working in the Greater Natal. For this purpose, the model of career narrative was used. From the methodological viewpoint, the project was divided in two stages. The first was characterized by conducting a survey with the intention of mapping professionals socio-occupational characteristics, through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistical techniques and cluster analysis. The descriptive statistical analyses included 117 participants. The results indicated that HR professionals of Greater Natal have different functions, develop activities focused on different subsystems, have an increasing career path, and focus their professional formation in Business Administration and Psychology. The second stage of the study was characterized by the use of 17 narrative interviews, whose participants, in the process of nonprobabilistic sampling, were identified based on their belonging to the three clusters: Group 1, HR and public administration; Group 2, HR experts; and Group 3, HR beginners. Analyzing the results of the qualitative phase, it was found that the identification with the activity practiced is a deciding factor for choosing and remaining in the HR field. The lack of professional recognition appears as the main difficulty faced by professionals, as well as the lack of employment opportunity in the Greater Natal. The results analysis leads to a series of discussions on the career path in HR and reflections for this professional category, its representative bodies and educational institutions


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This work seeks to understand the difficulties and dilemmas that pervade the career choice of teenagers. For this, we take investigative via psyquic unconscious determinations that, as observed in present clinical practice, it is also confirmed important in the reviewed literature. In the last one, the most important findings signaled an important relationship between identification processes and the various choices we make throughout life. These findings led us to question about how psychoanalysis understands these processes and how they are involved in building the career choice of teenagers. From the referential Freudian and Lacanian, we have studied the concepts of adolescence and identification, which articulated the process of career choice and fragments of clinical cases, allowed us to reach conclusions that point to the deep involvement of the dimension of desire and the unconscious in issues regarding career choices and the possibility of building a listening, of the difficulties found there, more attentive to the psychic determinations and singular responses that each presents in front of these determinations


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The undergraduate courses in Psychology have been historically pointed as defective in aspects related to the critical education and the integration between theory and practice. Hence, the scientific education has been considered a possibility to overcome those lacks. Therefore, this study has investigated the undergraduate education process of Psychology students with PIBIC (Portuguese acronym for Undergraduate Scientific Research Scholarships Institutional Program) scholarships from CNPq (Portuguese acronym Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). The scholarship program has been a strategic tool for the undergraduate scientific research. Electronic questionnaires have been sent to all the PIBIC scholarship students of Psychology in Brazil (622; 104 have answered), containing questions about the program developed activities, tutoring and advising, PIBIC evaluation and other ones. The students scientific and academic production has also been investigated through their Lattes (CNPq s Platform in which researchers have their academic résumés). The major part of the participants (70%) has stated that the first motivation to be in the program had been their interest in the research or in the academic career. Furthermore, 60% of the scholarship students has worked as volunteers before receiving PIBIC scholarship. Among the students who have answered the research, 65,4% has reported they are tutored directly by their advisors, and 80% of them attends one or more than one advising meeting every fifteen days. It has been identified that the Psychology scholarship students do not participate in all the research activities and that the proximity with the advisor is related to the accomplishment of tasks which contributes with the student critical and reflexive education. Finally, less than 25% of the students has published scientific articles or book chapters during the scholarship, what XI demonstrates a possible exclusion of them in that phase of the process. In general, the scholarship students evaluate the program positively by revealing that it contributes with their professional and academic education. For those reasons, it is observed PIBIC s potential role for the undergraduate education in order to develop more critical psychologists able to propose innovations and contextualized practices. However, the results obtained in programs like the studied one denounce the disqualification of the provided undergraduate education for the major part of the university students, who do not have a PIBIC scholarship. As a result, it is emphasized that it there should be more investment for improving the quality of the undergraduate education itself and not only for programs which are available for few students


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study analyses the variability of the meaning of the work among young people on the transition from university to professional life, divided according to: university levels, knowledge area and graduation course. A hundred seventeen young people answered the questionaries structured on the components of the meaning of work. Semi-structured interviews were also made with parts of the sample about the themes related to the meaning of work on this way the information of the questionaries became complete. The answers of the interviews were studied through the analysis of the thematic contents. The results of such analysis and the answers of the questionaries were registered on the data base SPSS for Windows. The results of the statistic analysis made indicated that: (1) the centrality of work and the articulations among stronger spheres do not present variability according to level, area or course; (2) the course makes more difference values factors and descriptives factors than area and level; (3) the hierarchy of values presents variability according to area and the descriptive hierarchy presents variability according to course; (4) the level makes more difference specific attributes of the meaning of the work than area and course; (5) the standards of the meaning of work do not present variability according to level, area and course, but present variability according to type of the work market evaluation and planning the future work. In summary, the meaning of work present variability according to level, area and course of the young people, when studied in facets, except for the work centrality


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The Brazilian Ministry of Health regulated in 2008 the Family Health Support Nucleus (FHSN) as a device for support and complementarity to the Family Health Strategy. The FHSN, through the matrix support, potentiates the Family Health teams on dealing with a great variety of demands and activities that are under their responsibilities. It is structured in teams of professionals from various health specialties, among which is the mental health. In preliminary studies we noticed that the psychologists have been the main representatives of mental health professionals at the FHSN from Rio Grande do Norte (RN-Brazil). On this scenario, this study intends to problematize the professional practice of the psychologists who work at the FHSN teams in RN, regarding how their work is done, discussing it under the perspective of collective health and the directions for the basic health care on Brazilian s health system. Still as a goal, in more specific ways: identify the forms of professional insertion of the psychologists in this field; characterize the work done by the psychologist at the FHSN (developed activities); and produce an analysis of the characteristics and limits of those actions, from theoretical and methodological references based on Marxian ontology. Were performed semistructured interviews with psychologists working in the oldest FHSN teams form RN. We conducted the analysis of the material following the blocks of information: determinants of the psychologist entry at the services, training for current practice; operation of FHSN; activities performed by FHSN team and the psychologist; joint actions; and limits of psychology practice in the FHSN. An important result, we observed the little articulation of practicing between the psychology and other professionals and teams, further indicating the prevalence of the traditional medical model (individual and outpatient) as guidance of their performance instead of the matrix logic that is the foundation of the proposed action for the FHSN. We also emphasize the potential of psychologists actions at the FHSN on contributing to the achievement of comprehensive care


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Coexisten, en el universo académico, prácticas curriculares obligatorias y no obligatorias que pueden ser remuneradas o no. Delante de la constatación de lagunas en la concepción, gestión y operacionalización de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, escogimos este tema como objeto de nuestra investigación, tratando de analizarlo en el contexto de los cambios sociohistóricos contemporaneos y su influencia en la cualidad de la formación profesional del estudiante de la carrera de Servicio Social. Este estudio tiene como ¨locu¨ de investigación la Facultad de Servicio Social del Estado de Rio Grande del Norte (FASSO/UERN). Este estudio se caracteriza por la adopción de una perspectiva de análisis cualitativa, con la expectativa de develarlo mucho más allá de lo que se muestra en su aparecncia. Para esto, realizamos revisión de literatura, análisis de documentos, observación asistemática y entrevistas con estudiantes y profesionales de las entidades que ofrecen prácticas a los estudiantes. Además se incluyó, en los procedimientos metodológicos, la aplicación de encuestas y conversaciones informales. Constatamos la existencia de lagunas en el desarrolllo de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, ocasionadas por la ausencia de supervisión y por la inclusión de pasantes en sectores y/o actividades desvinculadas de su futura profesión. La investigación nos permitió desvelar situaciones en las que la oferta de plazas ocurre en detrimento de la contratación de empleados, lo que configura un distanciamento de este componente curricular del área de formación profesional, desvirtuando su carácter educacional. Cientes de la coexistencia contradictoria entre situaciones ventajosas y problemáticas en las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas para el proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, concluimos que esta modalidad de práctica cuando vinculada a la intervención de la facultad y bajo la supervisión de asistentes sociales, independiente de sus implicaciones en los intereses del mercado, potencializa el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades intrínsecas al proceso de formación profesional; pero si distanciada del área de formación y/o sin el debido acompañamiento didáctico-pedagógico establece poca o ninguna relación con la formación de los asistentes sociales. Pero, incluso distanciadas del ejercicio y de la formación académica en el área de servicio social y/o (llenas de aspectos frágiles) llenas de fallas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendisaje, estas experiencias ejercen profunda influencia en la formación de los asistentes sociales, pudiendo fragilizar el compromiso con el proyecto ético-político, diseminar el aspecto subalterno de la profesión y hacer confuso y conflictivo el proceso de construcción de la identidad profesional. En este sentido, las inversiones de capital para reducir los gastos con mano de obra, las dificultades vividas por las universidades públicas brasileñas para garantizar la cualidad de la enseñanza delante de la insuficiencia de recursos humanos y materiales y la desvalorización de los componentes no obligatorios del proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, son factores que obstaculizan el reconocimiento y la materialización del potencial didáctico-pedagógico de las prácticas


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The present research study the work professional of the Social worker in the National Institute of Social Security of Rio Grande do Norte s State, especially about the working terms, the demands and working process of Social worker in consequence of the limits established with disorganization of his institutional space derived of the Counter-Reforms of the State and of Social Security. In decade of 1990 there was in Brazil adhesion to the neoliberal politics what configured a new organization of work and a new performance of the State. Inside this context, it was accomplished the Counter-Reforms with emphasis in the privatizations, reform of the Social Security and of the device of the Brazilian State, among other actions. Particularly, in Social Service reforms brought profound consequences for the Social workers of INSS, among it: reduction of professionals and in his institutional space. This study situates the Social Worker of Social Security in front of the contemporary modifications in the world of work as well as in front of the consequences come upon of the Counter-Reforms implemented and executed by the neoliberal governments in the country of way the of frame and to enter to the globalized world and the new order of the capital. From the qualitative research based in the critical and dialectic theoreticianmethodological perspective that study the phenomena from your relations, mediations and contradictions, was possible unveil the limits and the possibilities of the professional work of the Social worker in INSS placed the Counter-Reforms of Social Security. Synthetically, the results of this investigation indicate that, there is an worsening in the inconsistency of the work with relation to social worker's functional situation and his working terms in the institution


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The dissertation proposes a discussion about the instrumentality of the Social Work, in the attempt of visualizing her, as well as the profession, in a totality perspective to the light of the rationality critical-dialetical. Understood as the capacity that the professional subjects acquire of giving answers to the demands that are placed to the profession, itself built partner-historically, in a teleologys conflicts and causalitys. So, it is proposed the discussion of the instrumentality while a group of you know specific, composed essentially by the development of three practical-formative dimensions. The theoretical-methodological refers to the capacity of apprehension of the method and of the theories and, consequently, of the relationship that does with the practice. The dimension ethical-politics concerns the development of the capacity of analyzing the society and the own profession as field of contradictory forces, being considered the character eminently political of the professional exercise, as well as the professional's conscience concerning the social direction that prints in your intervention. And the technician-operative dimension refers more strictly to the technical elements and you score for the development of the intervention. It was looked for to evidence as those dimensions they attend in the professional exercise, starting from the experience lived by the social workers of the Social Attendance Reference Centers, in Natal/RN


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The study is about the non-insertion of the Social Assistant in the work market of Natal/RN, emphasizing the perception those Social Assistants have about this problem. We try to analyze the relation that those workers figure out about their non-insertion in the work market and their professional formation. The problem is related to the present unemployment rates in our society, which results of the changes that have affected the world of work as a whole in the wake of the Productive Restructuring and State Reformation supported by the neo-liberalism ideological system. We realize that these factors have deeply affected the configurations of the work market in general; especially those related to professions whose challenges multiply obstacles not only to the insertion of new workers, but to their staying in their job. We note that the reality of the work market has been built up on the decrease of the work force opportunities and the increase of the selectivity criteria to insertion of new workers. In consequence, unemployment rates increase everywhere, regardless of place, profession or education level of the workers. Work and management changes have brought about new challenges to professional formation. The presence of neo-liberalism productive and market logic demands a more adequate professional formation to work market from their candidates to a job. Due to the numberless difficulties workers face nowadays to enter the world of work, society itself and workers in general begin to question the profession of their choice, the kind of formation they have got, and frequently they lay the blame of their professional difficulties on it. This result has come out from the research we did with some social assistants not inserted in the professional work market in Natal/RN. The research reveals too that those unemployed professionals see their difficulties connected to their professional formation and they happen to say that the main challenge they face today is to get acknowledgment to the significance and importance of their profession


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Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work


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This work demonstrates the results obtained from research on violence against women: an analysis of the work from reference center of the Social Assistance-CREAS, held in the city of Parnamirim/RN from September 2008 extending through the february of 2009. Having as goal to investigate and examine in a longitudinal cut, which specifically covers the period from 2006 to 2007, find out extent the actions taken by the Reference Center Specialized Social Assistance- CREAS, contributed to the change of women who were there, by checking if there was any change in their positions ahead of the violence and if they began to realize how social subjects, able to control their living conditions and interfere in the orientation of social dynamics Have a particular emphasis on the presence of work and schooling or lack of them is also a factor to be allied to the barriers and rules imposed on women in contemporary society. In this study it was found through a qualitative research guided by dialectical and implemented through the use of documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and an extensive theoretical background on the subject in question that the woman victim of violence is in a complex and contradictory context where there is both the construction and deconstruction of rights, a view that there are strong influences of patriarchal culture and the consequences of social issues that specifically searched for the public, focuses on social, economic , political, social and cultural. In this sense, the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women, operated by CREASE Parnamirim, is also reflected in its early stages in the life of these women are to nurture a real chance for these victims of violence, to perceive themselves as social subjects can control their lives and interfere in their own destinies. We want this study to add more knowledge to help and most appropriate intervention in this reality, but without the intention of reaching exhaustion, but to subsidize future studies on the topic of women victims of violence


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This work demonstrates the results obtained from research on violence against women: an analysis of the work from reference center of the Social Assistance-CREAS, held in the city of Parnamirim/RN from September 2008 extending through the february of 2009. Having as goal to investigate and examine in a longitudinal cut, which specifically covers the period from 2006 to 2007, find out extent the actions taken by the Reference Center Specialized Social Assistance-CREAS, contributed to the change of women who were there, by checking if there was any change in their positions ahead of the violence and if they began to realize how social subjects, able to control their living conditions and interfere in the orientation of social dynamics Have a particular emphasis on the presence of work and schooling or lack of them is also a factor to be allied to the barriers and rules imposed on women in contemporary society. In this study it was found through a qualitative research guided by dialectical and implemented through the use of documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and an extensive theoretical background on the subject in question that the woman victim of violence is in a complex and contradictory context where there is both the construction and deconstruction of rights, a view that there are strong influences of patriarchal culture and the consequences of social issues that specifically searched for the public, focuses on social, economic , political, social and cultural. In this sense, the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women, operated by CREASE Parnamirim, is also reflected in its early stages in the life of these women are to nurture a real chance for these victims of violence, to perceive themselves as social subjects can control their lives and interfere in their own destinies. We want this study to add more knowledge to help and most appropriate intervention in this reality, but without the intention of reaching exhaustion, but to subsidize future studies on the topic of women victims of violence


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Presents the discussion of practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality (formative; theoretical and intellectual; investigative; technical-instrumental; and ethical-political) Social Work from research in social and occupational areas in which they operate social workers in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. Chapters expose positions, experiences and reality of the respondents and the theoretical constructs and analytical, to understand: the evaluation of the training process, relating the teaching practice, the role of knowledge and the importance of research in professional practice of social workers, the seizure of technical-instrumental dimension, articulating demands, duties, powers and instruments, as elements that comprise it, and finally the ethical-political dimension, discussing the challenges of ethics and materialization of the ethical-political in daily work. In this sense, the dissertation sought add to production and academic debate about the work of the social worker, as well as contribute to their own professional practice, revealing how professionals articulate the practical and social dimensions that comprise the instrumentality in their daily work