983 resultados para Organosolv pulp


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The family Myrtaceae is one of the most important related to fruit species. In Brazil it encloses more than 100 species of native fruit from North to South of the country (Giacometti, 1992; Donadio, 1992; Mattos, 1992). The genus Eugenia, Campomanesia, Psidium and Myrciaria are the most important, grouping most of the species of some importance. The germplasm bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista includes some of the major species. Some characteristics are typical for most of the Myrtaceae fruit species. The most relevant are the long juvenile period presented by the trees, taking long time to produce, when propagated by seed; the slow growing tree behavior; difficult to propagated by vegetative means; large variability in trees obtained by seed propagation. The cited characteristics are commented for some species as well as the fruit quality, from data obtained in trees at the same ecological conditions.The species evaluated are: 1) Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh; 2) Eugenia tomentosa Cambes; 3) Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; 4) Eugenia uniflora L.; 5) Eugenia luchsnathiana Berg.; 6) Eugenia uvalha Cambess; 7) Camponesia spp; 8) Plinia edulis (Veil. Sobral); 9) Eugenia involucrata D.C.; 10) Psidium acutangulum Mart.; 11) Myrciaria dubia Mc Vaugh; 12) Engenia guabiju Berg. The main conclusions based on the data analysed are: the fruits of some species present good general characteristics, mainly for fresh consumption, as high Vitamin C, sugars, pulp and other characteristics; 'Araca-boi' presents some good fruit characteristics, but is more adapted for processing, by its high acidity; Some species present low % of edible portion and need to be improved to gain commercial acceptance. mainly the 'cabeludinha' and 'cambuca'.


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Xylan is the principal type of hemicellulose. It is a linear polymer of beta-D-xylopyranosyl units linked by (1-4) glycosidic bonds. In nature, the polysaccharide backbone may be added to 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronopyranosyl units, acetyl groups, alpha-L-arabinofuranosyl, etc., in variable proportions. An enzymatic complex is responsible for the hydrolysis of xylan, but the main enzymes involved are endo-1,4-beta-xylanase and beta-xylosidase. These enzymes are produced by fungi, bacteria, yeast, marine algae, protozoans, snails, crustaceans, insect, seeds, etc., but the principal commercial source is filamentous fungi. Recently, there has been much industrial interest in xylan and its hydrolytic enzymatic complex, as a supplement in animal feed, for the manufacture of bread, food and drinks, textiles, bleaching of cellulose pulp, ethanol and xylitol production. This review describes some properties of xylan and its metabolism, as well as the biochemical properties of xylanases and their commercial applications.


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Objective. To evaluate the healing of experimentally induced chronic periapical lesions in dogs at 30, 75, and 120 days after root canal instrumentation with rotary NiTi files or manual K-files, with or without a calcium hydroxide/1% chlorhexidine paste intracanal dressing.Study design. The second, third, and fourth mandibular premolars and the second and third maxillary premolars of 5 dogs (12 to 18 months of age, weighing 8 to 15 kg) were selected for treatment (a total of 82 root canals). After pulp removal, the root canals were left exposed to the oral cavity for 7 days to allow microbial contamination, after which the root canals were sealed with ZOE cement until periapical lesions were confirmed with radiography. Group I and II teeth were instrumented with manual K-files using the crown-down technique. In group III and IV teeth, NiTi rotary files were used. The apical delta was perforated by using #20 to #30 K-files at the length of the tooth, thus creating a standardized apical opening. The apical stop was enlarged to size 70, with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigation at each file change. Teeth in groups II and IV were dressed with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2))/1% chlorhexidine (CHX) paste for 15 days before root filling. Group I and III teeth did not receive an intracanal dressing. The access openings of the teeth were permanently restored with silver amalgam condensed on a glass ionomer cement base. Pairs of standardized periapical radiographs were taken at the beginning of the treatment (0 days) and at 30, 75, and 120 days after filling.Results. There was no significant difference in the rate of radiographic healing of the periapical lesions between manual and rotary instrumentation. Radiographs taken at 120 days showed that the treatment with Ca(OH)(2)/1% CHX paste resulted in a significant reduction in mean size of the periapical lesions in comparison to single-session treatment. These findings were also true for histologic observations.Conclusion. The findings support the hypothesis that, regardless of the instrumentation technique (manual or rotary), the use of an intracanal dressing is important in the endodontic treatment of dog's teeth with experimentally induced chronic periapical lesions.


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Quatro búfalos com cânulas ruminais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quadrado latino 4 x 4, compreendendo quatro rações com feno de capim-coastcross (Cynodon dactylon) (50% MS) e níveis crescentes de polpa cítrica peletizada em substituição ao milho em grão moído no concentrado (0, 33, 66 e 100% MS). Foram avaliadas a degradabilidade dos nutrientes e a população de protozoários no rúmen. Houve efeito quadrático da fração solúvel dos nutrientes entre os tratamentos, com valores maiores nos dois extremos. A taxa de degradação da PB do feno e da MS da polpa cítrica apresentou-se linear com aumento da polpa cítrica na ração. As rações contendo polpa cítrica promoveram menores concentrações de Entodinium e número total de ciliados/mL que a dieta só com milho. Houve predominância dos Entodinium nas dietas contendo somente milho ou somente polpa cítrica, enquanto em mistura predominaram os ciliados da subfamília Diplodiniinae. Observou-se efeito de interação da polpa cítrica com o milho, promovendo modificações no metabolismo ruminal, especialmente na solubilidade dos nutrientes, na curva do pH e na composição da fauna.


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Shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH, EC extracted from cucumber pulp (Cucumis sativus L.) was purified 7-fold by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and elution from columns of Sephadex G-25, DEAE-cellulose, and hydroxyapatite. Two activity bands were detected on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at the last purification step. pH optimum was 8.7, and molecular weight of 45 000 was estimated on a Sephadex G-100 column. SDH was inhibited competitively by protocatechuic acid with a K(i) value of 2 x 10-4 M. K(m) values of 6 x 10-5 and 1 x 10-5 M were determined for shikimic acid and NADP+, respectively. The enzyme was completely inhibited by HgCl2 and p-(chloromercuri)benzoate (PCMB). NaCl and KCl showed partial protection against inhibition by PCMB. Heat inactivation between 50 and 55-degrees-C was biphasic, and the enzyme was completely inactivated after 10 min at 60-degrees-C. Incubation of SDH with either NADP+ or shikimic acid protected the enzyme against heat inactivation.


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We studied the correlation among cellular immune response, the pattern of lung granulomatous lesions and alterations in spleen lymphoid structure in Swiss mice inoculated intravenously with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis strain 18. The animals were evaluated at 24, 48 and 96 h after infection and further studied weekly for 18 weeks by: (i) the macrophage migration inhibition test with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and P. brasiliensis antigen (PbAg); and (ii) histopathology of the lung and spleen lesions. One group of animals was gamma -irradiated (8 Gy), infected under the same conditions and evaluated for the pattern of lung granulomatous lesions and spleen lymphoid structure at 24, 48 and 96 h after infection. During the first week of infection, the non-irradiated animals presented a positive response to PHA and PbAg, compact granulomas in the lungs and a typical hyperplasia of the spleen white pulp. However, from weeks 2 to 5, a depression of the cell-mediated immunity (CMI) response to PHA and PbAg was observed in association with granulomas presenting only large mononuclear cells and lacking both giant cells and a peripheral halo of small mononuclear cells. This pattern of granuloma formation was similar to that seen in gamma -irradiated animals, whose cells involved in CMI were absent. After week 7, the non-irradiated animals showed granulomas characterized by the presence of giant cells and a peripheral halo of small mononuclear cells. This type of granuloma was formed concomitantly with recovery of the CMI and of the lymphoid structure of the spleen. The results showed a correlation among granulomas composed of large mononuclear cells, hypoplasia of the splenic tissue and impaired CMI. This correlation indicated that although granuloma morphogenesis per se does not depend on the activation of CMI, this response is important at later stages during modulation of the cellular composition of the granulomas.


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In order to know which clone of acerola is better for acerola industrialization, we studied the pectin methylesterase (PME) specific activity, pectin content and vitamin C content in five different clones of acerola. The pectin yield varied from 1.37 to 2.99% and the highest content of pectin occurred in clones 3 and 5. Ascorbic acid varied significantly from 1157.5 to 1735.5 mg/100 g of pulp in the five clones. The highest content of vitamin C occurred in clone 4. The PME specific activity varied from 0.79 to 2.92 units g(-1)/g of pulp and the highest values occurred in clone 2. We also studied the optimum temperature and the optimum pH of this enzyme. Clones 1, 2, 4 and 5 showed optimum temperature at 90C. Clone 3 showed practically the same specific activity at all temperatures studied. Clones 1 and 4 showed an optimum pH of 9.0 and clone numbers 2, 3 and 5 showed a pH optimum at 8.5.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate two different types of root canal sealers: AH Plus (an epoxy resin-based sealer) and Fill Canal (a zinc oxide-eugenol based sealer). A total of 34 root canals with vital pulp from dogs' premolars were used. After instrumentation, the root canals were filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus or gutta-percha and Fill Canal sealers using a classical technique of lateral condensation. After histological processing, the sections were stained with hematoxylineosin or Mallory's trichrome stain. Inflammatory cells or areas of necrosis were not associated with AH Plus. Hard tissue formation apically to the material was observed in 14 specimens. The Fill Canal sealer presented an inflammatory response of moderate intensity in the periapical region, mainly adjacent to the material.


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Objective: the aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the response of the pulp-dentin complex following application of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, calcium hydroxide hard-setting cement and EDTA-soluble preparation of dentine matrix proteins (ESDP) in deep cavities prepared in non-human primate teeth. Methods: Eighteen deep Class V buccal cavities were prepared in premolars of four capuccin monkeys. In Groups 1 and 2, the cavity floor was lined with ESDP or a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Vitrebond - 3M ESPE), respectively. In Group 3 (control), the cavity was lined with a hard setting calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal - Dentsply). The cavities were subsequently filled with amalgam. After 6 months, the animals were sacrificed and the teeth were prepared for microscopic assessment. Six-micron thick serial sections were stained with H/E, Masson's trichrome and Brown & Brenn techniques. Results: No inflammatory pulpal response was observed for all experimental and control Groups. However, the amount of reactionary dentin deposition differed between groups in the rank order ESDP (Group 1) > calcium hydroxide (Group 3) > resin-modified glass-ionomer (Group 2). These differences were statistically significant. Conclusions: All materials were biocompatible when applied in deep cavities. ESDP stimulated higher deposition of reactionary dentin matrix than Vitrebond and Dycal.


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Statement of problem. During tooth preparation, both high-speed handpieces and lasers generate heat, which, if not controlled, can cause pulpal necrosis.Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare temperature increases produced by a high-speed dental handpiece with those produced by a relatively new instrument, the Er:YAG (erbium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser.Material and methods. Thirty bovine mandibular incisors were reduced to an enamel/dentin thickness of 2.5 mm. Class V preparations were completed to a depth of 2.0 mm, measured with a caliper or by a mark oil the burs. A thermocouple was placed inside the pulp chamber to determine temperature increases (degreesC). Analysis was performed on the following groups (n = 10): Group 1, high-speed handpiece without water cooling, Group 11, high-speed handpiece with water cooling (30 mL/min), and Group III, the noncontact Er:YAG laser (2.94 mum at 350 mJ/10 Hz) with water cooling (4.5 mL/min). The temperature increases were recorded by a computer linked to the thermocouples. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Dunn multiple comparison test was used as post hoc test (alpha = .05).Results. The average temperature rises were: 11.64degreesC (+/-4.35) for Group 1, 0.96degreesC (+/-0.71) for Group 11, and 2.69degreesC (+/-1.12) for Group III. There were no statistical differences between Groups 11 and III, both 11 and III differed from Group I significantly (P = .000 and P = .002, respectively).Conclusion. The preparations made with the high-speed and the laser instrument generated similar heat increases under water cooling. Water cooling was essential to avoid destructive temperature increases when using both the high-speed handpiece and laser.


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Discoloration of non-vital teeth is an esthetic deficiency frequently requiring bleaching treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the cervical base efficacy in order to prevent or to minimize the leakage along the root canal filling and into the dentinal tubules. Thirty-eight extracted single-root human teeth were used, which were biomechanically prepared, filled, and divided into three experimental groups: G1, a cervical base was applied (3 mm of thickness) below the cemento-enamel junction, with resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Vitremer); G2, the base was done with glass-ionomer cement (Vidrion R); and G3 (Control), did not receive any material as base. A mixture of sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide 30% was placed inside the pulp chamber for 3 days, and the access opening was sealed with Cimpat. This procedure was repeated thrice. Soon after this, a paste of calcium hydroxide was inserted into the pulp chamber for 14 days. All teeth were covered with two layers of sticky wax, except the access opening, and immersed in blue India Ink for 5 days. The results did not show statistically significant differences between the three groups concerning the leakage inside the dentinal tubules. Regarding the apical direction, a statistical difference (ANOVA P < 0.05) was observed among the experimental group G1 and control group G3. No statistically significant difference was observed between G2 and G3 groups. Therefore, the placement of a cervical base before internal bleaching procedures is still recommended.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Four lignin samples were extracted from sugar cane bagasse using four different alcohols (methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, and 1-butanol) via the organosolv-CO2 supercritical pulping process. Langmuir films were characterized by surface pressure vs mean molecular area (Pi-A) isotherms to exploit information at the molecular level carrying out stability tests, cycles of compression/expansion (hysteresis), subphase temperature variations, and metallic ions dissolved into the water subphase at different concentrations. Briefly, it was observed that these lignins are relatively stable on the water surface when compared to those obtained via different extraction processes. Besides, the Pi-A isotherms are shifted to smaller molecular areas at higher subphase temperatures and to larger molecular areas when the metallic ions are dissolved into the subphase. The results are related to the formation of stable aggregates (domains) onto the water subphase by these lignins, as shown in the Pi-A isotherms. It was found as well that the most stable lignin monolayer onto the water subphase is that extracted with 1-butanol. Homogeneous Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of this lignin could be produced as confirmed by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and the cumulative transfer parameter. In addition, FTIR analysis showed that this lignin LB film is structured in a way that the phenyl groups are organized preferentially parallel to the substrate surface. Further, these LB films were deposited onto gold interdigitated electrodes and ITO and applied in studies involving the detection of Cd+2 ions in aqueous solutions at low concentration levels throughimpedance spectroscopy and electrochemical measurements. FTIR spectroscopy was carried out before and after soaking the thin films into Cd+2 aqueous solutions, revealing a possible physical interaction between the lignin phenyl groups and the heavy metal ions. The importance of using nanostructured systems is demonstrated as well by comparing both LB and cast films.


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Background: Although there are several studies that show the prevalence and diameter of accessory root canals in the furcation area, there is a scarceness of studies that observe the trajectory and different types of cavo-interradicular canals. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of the different morphologic types of accessory canals in the furcation region in an attempt to show their trajectories.Methods: Forty submerged mandibular third molars were used, which were extracted and decalcified so that the microtomy procedure in the mesio-distal axial plane could be performed, obtaining semiserial sections with thicknesses of 5 mu m. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and observed under optical microscopy.Results: All of the morphologic types were found, whereas the proper accessory canals, type-A canals, were present in 10% of the specimens. The most prevalent canals were the sealed ones (type D), with a prevalence of 87.5%, followed by the blind ones (type B), with a prevalence of 75%. The loop accessory canals (type C), observed in only 5% of the teeth, were the least prevalent ones.Conclusions: Different morphologic types of accessory canals were found in the furcation area of submerged mandibular molars. The histologic method was effective to show the canal trajectories.


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Data on flow properties of Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) produced from oranges cv. Pera-Rio (65.04 Brix, 8.8% w/w pulp content, 2.5% w/w pectin, 3.84% citric acid, 1.293 g cm(-3)) from -18 to 0 degrees C were fitted with appropriate predictive models. The power law model was found to be the most appropriate to fit the flow curves obtained for FCOJ between 46.56 and 65.04 degrees Brix. In higher concentrations, thixotropy was observed and showed more temperature dependence. A single equation combining Arrhenius and exponential relationships was applied to describe the temperature effect and shear rate on the quantity of breakdown of FCOJ.