961 resultados para Oral Food Challenges (OFC)


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Estima-se que a prevalência de alergia alimentar nos países Ocidentais seja de cerca de 2 % na população geral e até 8% em crianças, não existindo dados concretos no que diz respeito a Portugal. Objectivos: Avaliar a prevalência de alergia alimentar e identificar os alergenos alimentares principais numa população de crianças observadas na Consulta de Imunoalergologia do Hospital de Dona Estefânia num período de 12 meses. Métodos: Foi feita uma revisão de registos clínicos dos 4879 doentes com idade igual ou inferior a 18 anos observados na Consulta durante o ano de 1998. O diagnóstico baseou-se na história clínica, testes cutâneos por prick e prova de provocação oral. Foram incluídos os casos de alergia alimentar clinicamente relevante nos últimos três anos de vida. Resultados: Foi identificada uma prevalência de alergia alimentar de 8,5% (414 casos, correspondendo a 477 quadros de alergia alimentar), sendo o alimento alergénico mais importante o leite, seguido por ovo e peixe. No subgrupo de crianças com idade superior a 12 anos o padrão foi bastante diferente, surgindo os crustáceos, o peixe, o amendoim, os frutos frescos e secos como principais alergenos. A maioria das crianças (83%) apresentou sensibilização a apenas um alimento. Clinicamente, predominaram os quadros de urticária e angioedema, seguidos por vómitos, diarreia e agravamento de dermite atópica. Conclusões: A população estudada apresenta uma prevalência de alergia alimentar de 8,5%, sendo de prever que seja inferior na população geral pediátrica. Será interessante complementar este estudo com dados obtidos noutros grupos etários, visando uma melhor identificação da prevalência de alergia alimentar e dos alergenos alimentares major no nosso país. É indispensável sensibilizar as entidades responsáveis pela regulamentação da indústria alimentar para a necessidade de uma melhoria a nível dos processos de fabrico e rotulagem no sentido de uma maior protecção do doente alérgico.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Antes de tudo terei que referir o que qu ero dizer com modelo sacio-antropológico, sobretudo qu e é um modelo. Definir modelo é muito difícil poi s pode significar muita co isa: aquilo que serve ou deve servir de obj ecto de imitação para fazer ou reproduzir qualquer coi sa ; pode, ainda, ser um cânon, um ensaio de explicação da chamada estrutura, poi s vivemos num mundo de es truturas organizadas com as qu ai s construímos e apercebemos es te mesmo mundo. Na investigação da dita realidade soc ia l, passamos desta para o modelo e vice -versa . Este contínuo vai-vem nun ca deve ser interrompido. O modelo imita e representa, mas nun ca co nstitui, um elemento de controlo da investigação , é um instrumento de comparação e, ainda, pode significar uma forma de verificação da so lidez e da própria vida de uma dada es trutura. Em Hi stória, por exemplo, Braudel afirma que pode se r hipóteses de explicação so lidamente vinculado, segundo a forma de equação ou da função. Daí o facto de os modelos poderem ser considerados como si stemas de explicação, variando até o infi nito : simples ou complexos, físicos ou abstrac tos, qualitativos ou quantitativos, estatísticos ou dinâmi co s, mecâni cos ou estatísticos.


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A alergia alimentar é uma entidade clínica para a qual não temos, até à data, respostas terapêuticas totalmente satisfatórias. A possibilidade de uma abordagem activa, no sentido de induzir a tolerância, tem sido tentada pontualmente, com sucesso variável. Neste trabalho pretendemos fazer uma revisão sistemática dos estudos publicados sobre protocolos de indução de tolerância alimentar, tentando avaliar os seus resultados e perspectivar caminhos futuros. Foi possível identificar 10 estudos, 7 dos quais referentes a indução de tolerância oral e 3 a indução de tolerância subcutânea. Foi feito um resumo de cada estudo e cada protocolo é apresentado de forma esquemática, em quadro, de modo a facilitar a comparação. Verifica-se uma grande variabilidade no desenho dos diversos protocolos. Os resultados parecem promissores,em particular para os protocolos por via oral. No entanto, dado o risco de reacções adversas e a inexistência de protocolos normalizados, consideramos que esta abordagem deve manter-se reservada para situações clínicas seleccionadas e levada a cabo apenas por equipas experientes em centros de referência.


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Parasitic infection is one of the problems that affect human health, especially in developing countries. In this study, all of the fast food shops, restaurants, and roast meat outlets of Khorramabad (Western Iran) and all the staff employed by them, some 210 people, were selected through a census and their stools were examined for the presence of parasites. The parasitological tests of direct wet-mount, Lugol's iodine staining, formaldehyde-ether sedimentation and Trichrome staining techniques were performed on the samples. The data was analyzed with a chi-square test and logistic regression was selected as the analytical model. The results showed 19 (9%) stool specimens were positive for different intestinal parasites. These intestinal parasites included Giardia lamblia2.9%, Entamoeba coli 4.3%, Blastocystis sp. 1.4%, and Hymenolepis nana 0.5%. There was a significant difference between the presence of a valid health card, awareness of transmission of intestinal parasites, participation in training courses in environmental health with intestinal parasites (p < 0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between the rate of literacy and gender among patients infected with intestinal parasites (p > 0.05). To control parasitic infection in food handlers, several strategies are recommended such as stool examinations every three months, public education, application of health regulations, controlling the validity of health cards and training on parasitic infection transmission. In this regard, the findings of the present study can be used as a basis to develop preventive programs targeting food handlers because the spread of disease via them is a common problem worldwide.


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A tecnologia está em constante evolução e os benefícios, em diversas áreas, que ela nos traz são imensos. Uma das áreas que tem vindo a usufruir desta evolução é a medicina. Os avanços na tecnologia médica têm permitido aos médicos diagnosticar e tratar melhor os seus pacientes. O seu objetivo não é substituir o médico mas sim aconselhá-los e ajudá-los a tomar a melhor decisão face ao caso clínico que possam ter em mãos. Os sistemas de informação estão já tão “entrelaçados” com as práticas médicas que a ideia de uma instituição de prestação de cuidados médicos não os possuir é impensável. Isto porque a informação que estes sistemas processam diariamente é imensa e variadíssima (indo desde relatórios clínicos, a exames efetuados entre outros) para cada utente. As doenças orais fazem parte do grupo de patologias que afetam o maior número de pessoas no mundo. As ações preventivas para estes sintomas devem fazer parte da higiene diária dos indivíduos logo desde os primeiros anos de vida. Assim a aplicação apresentada nesta tese teve como objetivo a sensibilização para uma prática de higiene oral cuidada e constante. Teve também como objetivo a implementação de funcionalidades para gestão de dados dos pacientes da clínica, nomeadamente para o histórico clínico, ficando este armazenado numa anamnese. Para a implementação do presente projeto procedeu-se a um estudo prévio do estado da arte e ao levantamento de requisitos. Estes foram definidos através de reuniões de trabalho onde se analisou as necessidades da clínica com o objetivo de encontrar as soluções que melhor se enquadravam a cada caso. Para garantir que as metas propostas foram alcançadas, foram realizados inquéritos verificando assim o sucesso da aplicação.


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A variety of foods and environmental sources harbor bacteria that are resistant to one or more antimicrobial drugs used in medicine and agriculture. Antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli is of particular concern because it is the most common Gram-negative pathogen in humans. Hence this study was conducted to determine the antibiotic sensitivity pattern of E. coli isolated from different types of food items collected randomly from twelve localities of Hyderabad, India. A total of 150 samples comprising; vegetable salad, raw egg-surface, raw chicken, unpasteurized milk, and raw meat were processed microbiologically to isolate E. coli and to study their antibiotic susceptibility pattern by the Kirby-Bauer method. The highest percentages of drug resistance in isolates of E. coli were detected from raw chicken (23.3%) followed by vegetable salad (20%), raw meat (13.3%), raw egg-surface (10%) and unpasteurized milk (6.7%). The overall incidence of drug resistant E. coli was 14.7%. A total of six (4%) Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL) producers were detected, two each from vegetable salads and raw chicken, and one each from raw egg-surface and raw meat. Multidrug resistant strains of E. coli are a matter of concern as resistance genes are easily transferable to other strains. Pathogen cycling through food is very common and might pose a potential health risk to the consumer. Therefore, in order to avoid this, good hygienic practices are necessary in the abattoirs to prevent contamination of cattle and poultry products with intestinal content as well as forbidding the use of untreated sewage in irrigating vegetables.


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The evaluation of workers as potential reservoirs and disseminators of pathogenic bacteria has been described as a strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity of workers at an oncology hospital in the Midwest region of Brazil, as well as to characterize the phenotypic profile of the isolates. Saliva samples of 294 workers from the hospital’s healthcare and support teams were collected. Microbiological procedures were performed according to standard techniques. Among the participants, 55 (18.7%) were colonized by Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity. A total of 64 bacteria were isolated, including potentially pathogenic species. The most prevalent species was Enterobacter gergoviae (17.2%). The highest rates of resistance were observed for β-lactams, and 48.4% of the isolates were considered multiresistant. Regarding the enterobacteria isolated, the production of ESBL and KPC was negative. Nevertheless, among the 43 isolates of the CESP group, 51.2% were considered AmpC β-lactamase producers by induction, and 48.8% were hyper-producing mutants. The significant prevalence of carriers of Enterobacteriaceae and the phenotypic profile of the isolates represents a concern, especially due to the multiresistance and production of AmpC β-lactamases.


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Parasitic infection is highly prevalent throughout the developing countries of the world. Food handlers are a potential source of infection for many intestinal parasites and other enteropathogenic infections as well. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasite carriers among food handlers attending the public health center laboratory in Sari, Northern Iran for annual check-up. The study was performed from August 2011 through February 2012. Stool samples were collected from 1041 male and female food handlers of different jobs aged between 18 to 63 years and were examined following standard procedures. Sociodemographic, environmental and behavioral data analysis of the food handlers were recorded in a separate questionnaire. Intestinal parasites were found in 161 (15.5%) of the studied samples. Seven species of protozoan or helminth infections were detected. Most of the participants were infected with Giardia lamblia (53.9%) followed by Blastocystis hominis (18%), Entamoeba coli (15.5%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (5.5%), Cryptosporidium sp. (3.1%), Iodamoeba butschlii (3.1%) and Hymenolepis nana (1.9%) as the only helminth infection. The findings emphasized that food handlers with different pathogenic organisms may predispose consumers to significant health risks. Routine screening and treatment of food handlers is a proper tool in preventing food-borne infections.


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The colonization of the oral cavity is a prerequisite to the development of oropharyngeal candidiasis. Aims: The aims of this study were: to evaluate colonization and quantify Candida spp. in the oral cavity; to determine the predisposing factors for colonization; and to correlate the levels of CD4+ cells and viral load with the yeast count of colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) in HIV-positive individuals treated at a University Hospital. Saliva samples were collected from 147 HIV patients and were plated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and chromogenic agar, and incubated at 30 ºC for 72 h. Colonies with similar morphology in both media were counted and the result expressed in CFU/mL. Results: Of the 147 HIV patients, 89 had positive cultures for Candida spp., with a total of 111 isolates, of which C. albicans was the most frequent species (67.6%), and the mean of colonies counted was 8.8 × 10³ CFU/mL. The main predisposing factors for oral colonization by Candida spp. were the use of antibiotics and oral prostheses. The use of reverse transcriptase inhibitors appears to have a greater protective effect for colonization. A low CD4+ T lymphocyte count is associated with a higher density of yeast in the saliva of HIV patients.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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This cross-sectional study, performed in an oncology hospital in Goiania, aimed to characterize the prevalence of oral colonization and antimicrobial susceptibility of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from the saliva of healthcare workers. Microorganisms were subjected to biochemical tests, susceptibility profile, and phenotypic detection. Of 76 participants colonized with Gram negative bacilli, 12 (15.8%) harbored Pseudomonas spp. Of all isolates, P. aeruginosa (75.0%), P. stutzeri (16.7%), and P. fluorescens (8.3%), were resistant to cefoxitin, and therefore likely to be AmpC producers. The results are clinically relevant and emphasize the importance of surveillance to minimize bacterial dissemination and multiresistance.


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The reactivation of Chagas disease in HIV infected patients presents high mortality and morbidity. We present the case of a female patient with confirmed Chagasic meningoencephalitis as AIDS-defining illness. Interestingly, her TCD4+ lymphocyte cell count was 318 cells/mm3. After two months of induction therapy, one year of maintenance with benznidazol, and early introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the patient had good clinical, parasitological and radiological evolution. We used a qualitative polymerase chain reaction for the monitoring of T. cruzi parasitemia during and after the treatment. We emphasize the potential value of molecular techniques along with clinical and radiological parameters in the follow-up of patients with Chagas disease and HIV infection. Early introduction of HAART, prolonged induction and maintenance of antiparasitic therapy, and its discontinuation are feasible, in the current management of reactivation of Chagas disease.


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SUMMARYParacoccidioidomycosis (PCM), caused by Paracoccidioides spp, is an important endemic mycosis in Latin America. There are two recognized Paracoccidioides species, P. brasiliensis and P. lutzii, based on phylogenetic differences; however, the pathogenesis and disease manifestations of both are indistinguishable at present. Approximately 1,853 (~51,2%) of 3,583 confirmed deaths in Brazil due to systemic mycoses from 1996-2006 were caused by PCM. Antifungal treatment is required for patients with PCM. The initial treatment lasts from two to six months and sulfa derivatives, amphotericin B, azoles and terbinafine are used in clinical practice; however, despite prolonged therapy, relapses are still a problem. An effective Th1-biased cellular immune response is essential to control the disease, which can be induced by exogenous antigens or modulated by prophylactic or therapeutic vaccines. Stimulation of B cells or passive transference of monoclonal antibodies are also important means that may be used to improve the efficacy of paracoccidioidomycosis treatment in the future. This review critically details major challenges facing the development of a vaccine to combat PCM.