955 resultados para Oct-4 Transcription Factor
Résumé : c-Myc est un facteur de transcription (FT) dont les niveaux cellulaires sont dérégulés dans la majorité des cancers chez l’homme. En hétérodimère avec son partenaire obligatoire Max, c-Myc lie préférentiellement les séquences E-Box (CACGTG) et cause l’expression de gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse des protéines et des ARNs, dans le métabolisme et dans la prolifération cellulaire. Il est maintenant bien connu que c-Myc exerce aussi son potentiel mitogène en liant et inhibant différents FTs impliqués dans l’expression de gènes cytostatiques. Entre autres, c-Myc est en mesure d’inhiber Miz-1, un FT comportant 13 doigts de zinc de type Cys2-His2 (ZFs) impliqué dans l’expression de plusieurs gènes régulateurs du cycle cellulaire comprenant les inhibiteurs de CDK p15[indice supérieur INK4], p21[indice supérieur CIP1] et p57[indice supérieur KIP2]. Plus récemment, il fut démontré qu’en contrepartie, Miz-1 est aussi en mesure de renverser les fonctions activatrices de c-Myc et de prévenir la prolifération de cellules cancéreuses dépendantes de c-Myc. Ces différentes observations ont mené à la suggestion de l’hypothèse intéressante que la balance des niveaux de Miz-1 et c-Myc pourrait dicter le destin de la cellule et a permis d’établir Miz-1 comme nouvelle cible potentielle pour le développement d’agents anti-cancéreux. Malgré le fait que ces deux protéines semblent centrales à la régulation du cycle cellulaire, les mécanismes moléculaires leur permettant de s’inhiber mutuellement ainsi que les déterminants moléculaires permettant leur association spécifique demeurent assez peu documentés pour le moment. De plus, la biologie structurale de Miz-1 demeure à être explorée puisque qu’aucune structure de ses 13 ZFs, essentiels à sa liaison à l’ADN, n’a été déterminée pour l’instant. Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre cette thèse visent la caractérisation structurale et biophysique de Miz-1 dans le contexte de la répression génique causée par le complexe c-Myc/Miz-1. Nous présentons des résultats d’éxpériences in vitro démontrant que Miz-1 interagit avec c-Myc via un domaine contenu entre ses ZFs 12 et 13. De plus, nous démontrons que Miz-1 et Max sont en compétition pour la liaison de c-Myc. Ces résultats suggèrent pour la permière fois que Miz-1 inhibe les activités de c-Myc en prévenant son interaction avec son partenaire obligatoire Max. De plus, ils laissent présager que que Miz-1 pourrait servir de référence pour le développement d’inhibiteurs peptidiques de c-Myc. Finalement, nous avons réalisé la caractérisation structurale et dynamique des ZFs 1 à 4 et 8 à 10 de Miz-1 et avons évalué leur potentiel de liaison à l’ADN. Les résultats obtenus, couplés à des analyses bio-informatiques, nous permettent de suggérer un modèle détaillé pour la liaison spécifique de Miz-1 à son ADN consensus récemment identifié.
The myogenic differentiation 1 gene (MYOD1) has a key role in skeletal muscle differentiation and composition through its regulation of the expression of several muscle-specific genes. We first used a general linear mixed model approach to evaluate the association of MYOD1 expression levels on individual beef tenderness phenotypes. MYOD1 mRNA levels measured by quantitative polymerase chain reactions in 136 Nelore steers were significantly associated (P ? 0.01) with Warner?Bratzler shear force, measured on the longissimus dorsi muscle after 7 and 14 days of beef aging. Transcript abundance for the muscle regulatory gene MYOD1 was lower in animals with more tender beef. We also performed a coexpression network analysis using whole transcriptome sequence data generated from 30 samples of longissimus muscle tissue to identify genes that are potentially regulated by MYOD1. The effect of MYOD1 gene expression on beef tenderness may emerge from its function as an activator of muscle-specific gene transcription such as for the serum response factor (C-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor) gene (SRF), which determines muscle tissue development, composition, growth and maturation.
The PhD thesis was developed in the framework of Innovar H2020 project. This project aimed at using genomics, transcriptomics and phenotyping techniques to update varietal registration procedure used in Europe for Value of Cultivation and Use (VCU) and Distinctiness Uniformity and Stability (DUS) protocols. The phenotypic and genotypic diversity of a durum wheat panel were assessed for different agronomic traits, connected with wheat development, disease resistance and spike fertility. A panel of 253 durum wheat varieties was characterized for VCU and DUS traits and genotyped with Illumina 90K SNP Chip array (Wang et al., 2014). GWAS analysis was performed, detecting strong QTLs confirmed also by literature review. Candidate genes were identified for each trait and molecular markers will be developed to be used for marker assisted selection in breeding programs. As for disease resistance, the panel was evaluated for resistance to Soil-Borne-Cereal-Mosaic-Virus (SBCMV). A major QTL, sbm2, was detected on chromosome 2B responsible for durum wheat resistance (Maccaferri et al., 2011). The sbm2 interval was explored by fine mapping on segregant population using KASP markers and by RNASeq analysis, detecting candidate genes involved in plant-pathogen reaction. As regards yield related traits, detailed analysis was performed on the GNI-2A QTL (Milner et al., 2016), responsible for increased number spike fertility. Fine mapping analysis was performed on durum panel identifying hox2 a strong candidate gene, codifying for transcription factor protein. The gene is paralogue of GNI-1 (Sakuma et al., 2019), and it has a 4 kbp deletion responsible for increased number of florets per spikelet. To conclude, the herein reported thesis shows a complete characterization of agronomic and disease resistance traits in modern durum wheat varieties. The results obtained will augment available information for each variety, identifying informative molecular markers for breeding purposes and QTLs/candidate genes responsible for different agronomic traits.
Ewing sarcoma (EWS) and CIC-DUX4 sarcoma (CDS) are pediatric fusion gene-driven tumors of mesenchymal origin characterized by an extremely stable genome and limited clinical solutions. Post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are crucial for understanding the development of this class of tumors. RNA binding proteins (RBPs) play a crucial role in the aggressiveness of these tumors. Numerous RBP families are dysregulated in cancer, including IGF2BPs. Among these, IGF2BP3 is a negative prognostic factor in EWS because it promotes cell growth, chemoresistence, and induces the metastatic process. Based on preliminary RNA sequencing data from clinical samples of EWS vs CDS patients, three major axes that are more expressed in CDS have been identified, two of which are dissected in this PhD work. The first involves the transcription factor HMGA2, IGF2BP2-3, and IGF2; the other involves the ephrin receptor system, particularly EphA2. EphA2 is involved in numerous cellular functions during embryonic stages, and its increased expression in adult tissues is often associated with pathological conditions. In tumors, its role is controversial because it can be associated with both pro- and anti-tumoral mechanisms. In EWS, it has been shown to play a role in promoting cell migration and neoangiogenesis. Our study has confirmed that the HMGA2/IGF2BPs/IGF2 axis contributes to CDS malignancy, and Akt hyperactivation has a strong impact on migration. Using loss/gain of function models for EphA2, we confirmed that it is a substrate of Akt, and Akt hyperactivation in CDS triggers ligand-independent activation of EphA2 through phosphorylation of S897. Moreover, the combination of Trabectedin and NVP/BEZ235 partially inhibits Akt/mTOR activation, resulting in reduced tumor growth in vivo. Inhibition of EphA2 through ALWII 41_27 significantly reduces migration in vitro. The project aim is the identification of target molecules in CDS that can distinguish it from EWS and thus develop new targeted therapeutic strategies.
Phospholipases A2 (PLA2) are key enzymes for production of lipid mediators. We previously demonstrated that a snake venom sPLA2 named MT-III leads to prostaglandin (PG)E2 biosynthesis in macrophages by inducing the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Herein, we explored the molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways leading to these MT-III-induced effects. Results demonstrated that MT-III induced activation of the transcription factor NF-κB in isolated macrophages. By using NF-κB selective inhibitors, the involvement of this factor in MT-III-induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 production was demonstrated. Moreover, MT-III-induced COX-2 protein expression and PGE2 release were attenuated by pretreatment of macrophages with SB202190, and Ly294002, and H-7-dihydro compounds, indicating the involvement of p38MAPK, PI3K, and PKC pathways, respectively. Consistent with this, MT-III triggered early phosphorylation of p38MAPK, PI3K, and PKC. Furthermore, SB202190, H-7-dihydro, but not Ly294002 treatment, abrogated activation of NF-κB induced by MT-III. Altogether, these results show for the first time that the induction of COX-2 protein expression and PGE2 release, which occur via NF-κB activation induced by the sPLA2-MT-III in macrophages, are modulated by p38MAPK and PKC, but not by PI3K signaling proteins.
In this study, a novel concise series of molecules based on the structure of goniothalamin (1) was synthesized and evaluated against a highly metastatic human pancreatic cancer cell line (Panc-1). Among them, derivative 8 displayed a low IC50 value (2.7 μM) and its concentration for decreasing colony formation was 20-fold lower than goniothalamin (1). Both compounds reduced the levels of the receptor tyrosine kinase (AXL) and cyclin D1 which are known to be overexpressed in pancreatic cancer cells. Importantly, despite the fact that goniothalamin (1) and derivative 8 caused pancreatic cancer cell cycle arrest and cell death, only derivative 8 was able to downregulate pro-survival and proliferation pathways mediated by mitogen activated protein kinase ERK1/2. Another interesting finding was that Panc-1 cells treated with derivative 8 displayed a strong decrease in the transcription factor (c-Myc), hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein levels. Notably, the molecular effects caused by derivative 8 might not be related to ROS generation, since no significant production of ROS was observed in low concentrations of this compound (from 1.5 up to 3 μM). Therefore, the downregulation of important mediators of pancreatic cancer aggressiveness by derivative 8 reveals its great potential for the development of new chemotherapeutic agents for pancreatic cancer treatment.
G-quadruplexes are secondary structures present in DNA and RNA molecules, which are formed by stacking of G-quartets (i.e., interaction of four guanines (G-tracts) bounded by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding). Human PAX9 intron 1 has a putative G-quadruplex-forming region located near exon 1, which is present in all known sequenced placental mammals. Using circular dichroism (CD) analysis and CD melting, we showed that these sequences are able to form highly stable quadruplex structures. Due to the proximity of the quadruplex structure to exon-intron boundary, we used a validated double-reporter splicing assay and qPCR to analyze its role on splicing efficiency. The human quadruplex was shown to have a key role on splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1, as a mutation that abolished quadruplex formation decreased dramatically the splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. The less stable, rat quadruplex had a less efficient splicing when compared to human sequences. Additionally, the treatment with 360A, a strong ligand that stabilizes quadruplex structures, further increased splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. Altogether, these results provide evidences that G-quadruplex structures are involved in splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1.
Stress is triggered by numerous unexpected environmental, social or pathological stimuli occurring during the life of animals, including humans, which determine changes in all of their systems. Although acute stress is essential for survival, chronic, long-lasting stress can be detrimental. In this review, we present data supporting the hypothesis that stress-related events are characterized by modifications of oxidative/nitrosative pathways in the brain in response to the activation of inflammatory mediators. Recent findings indicate a key role for nitric oxide (NO) and an excess of pro-oxidants in various brain areas as responsible for both neuronal functional impairment and structural damage. Similarly, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), another known source of oxidants, may account for stress-induced brain damage. Interestingly, some of the COX-2-derived mediators, such as the prostaglandin 15d-PGJ2 and its peroxisome proliferator-activated nuclear receptor PPARγ, are activated in the brain in response to stress, constituting a possible endogenous anti-inflammatory mechanism of defense against excessive inflammation. The stress-induced activation of both biochemical pathways depends on the activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor and on the activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB). In the case of inducible NO synthase (iNOS), release of the cytokine TNF-α also accounts for its expression. Different pharmacological strategies directed towards different sites in iNOS or COX-2 pathways have been shown to be neuroprotective in stress-induced brain damage: NMDA receptor blockers, inhibitors of TNF-α activation and release, inhibitors of NFκB, specific inhibitors of iNOS and COX-2 activities and PPARγ agonists. This article reviews recent contributions to this area addressing possible new pharmacological targets for the treatment of stress-induced neuropsychiatric disorders.
A obesidade é um dos principais problemas de saúde pública. Indivíduos obesos são mais suscetíveis a desenvolver doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes melito tipo 2. A obesidade resulta do aumento no tamanho e no número de adipócitos. O balanço entre adipogênese e adiposidade determina o grau de obesidade do indivíduo. Adipócitos maduros secretam adipocinas, tais como TNFα, IL-6, leptina e adiponectina, e lipocina, o ácido palmitoleico ω-7. A produção de adipocinas é maior na obesidade, o que contribui para o estabelecimento de resistência periférica à insulina. O conhecimento dos eventos moleculares que regulam a diferenciação dos pré-adipócitos e de células-tronco mesenquimais em adipócitos (adipogênese) é importante para o entendimento da gênese da obesidade. A ativação do fator de transcrição PPARγ é essencial na adipogênese. Certos ácidos graxos são ligantes de PPARγ e podem, assim, controlar a adipogênese. Além disso, alguns ácidos graxos atuam como moléculas sinalizadoras em adipócitos, regulando sua diferenciação ou morte. Dessa forma, a composição lipídica da dieta e os agonistas de PPARγ podem regular o balanço entre adipogênese e morte de adipócitos e, portanto, a obesidade.
Background: Calcineurin, a serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatase, plays an important role in the control of cell morphology and virulence in fungi. Calcineurin regulates localization and activity of a transcription factor called CRZ1. Recently, we characterize Aspergillus fumigatus CRZ1 homologue, AfCrzA. Here, we investigate which pathways are influenced by A. fumigatus AfCrzA during a short pulse of calcium by comparatively determining the transcriptional profile of A. fumigatus wild type and.AfcrzA mutant strains. Results: We were able to observe 3,622 genes modulated in at least one timepoint in the mutant when compared to the wild type strain (3,211 and 411 at 10 and 30 minutes, respectively). Decreased mRNA abundance in the Delta crzA was seen for genes encoding calcium transporters, transcription factors and genes that could be directly or indirectly involved in calcium metabolism. Increased mRNA accumulation was observed for some genes encoding proteins involved in stress response. AfCrzA overexpression in A. fumigatus increases the expression of several of these genes. The deleted strain of one of these genes, AfRcnA, belonging to a class of endogenous calcineurin regulators, calcipressins, had more calcineurin activity after exposure to calcium and was less sensitive to menadione 30 mu M, hydrogen peroxide 2.5 mM, EGTA 25 mM, and MnCl(2) 25 mM. We constructed deletion, overexpression, and GFP fusion protein for the closely related A. nidulans AnRcnA. GFP
Background -: Sucrose content is a highly desirable trait in sugarcane as the worldwide demand for cost-effective biofuels surges. Sugarcane cultivars differ in their capacity to accumulate sucrose and breeding programs routinely perform crosses to identify genotypes able to produce more sucrose. Sucrose content in the mature internodes reach around 20% of the culms dry weight. Genotypes in the populations reflect their genetic program and may display contrasting growth, development, and physiology, all of which affect carbohydrate metabolism. Few studies have profiled gene expression related to sugarcane's sugar content. The identification of signal transduction components and transcription factors that might regulate sugar accumulation is highly desirable if we are to improve this characteristic of sugarcane plants. Results -: We have evaluated thirty genotypes that have different Brix (sugar) levels and identified genes differentially expressed in internodes using cDNA microarrays. These genes were compared to existing gene expression data for sugarcane plants subjected to diverse stress and hormone treatments. The comparisons revealed a strong overlap between the drought and sucrose-content datasets and a limited overlap with ABA signaling. Genes associated with sucrose content were extensively validated by qRT-PCR, which highlighted several protein kinases and transcription factors that are likely to be regulators of sucrose accumulation. The data also indicate that aquaporins, as well as lignin biosynthesis and cell wall metabolism genes, are strongly related to sucrose accumulation. Moreover, sucrose-associated genes were shown to be directly responsive to short term sucrose stimuli, confirming their role in sugar-related pathways. Conclusion -: Gene expression analysis of sugarcane populations contrasting for sucrose content indicated a possible overlap with drought and cell wall metabolism processes and suggested signaling and transcriptional regulators to be used as molecular markers in breeding programs. Transgenic research is necessary to further clarify the role of the genes and define targets useful for sugarcane improvement programs based on transgenic plants.
Several aspects of photoperception and light signal transduction have been elucidated by studies with model plants. However, the information available for economically important crops, such as Fabaceae species, is scarce. In order to incorporate the existing genomic tools into a strategy to advance soybean research, we have investigated publicly available expressed sequence tag ( EST) sequence databases in order to identify Glycine max sequences related to genes involved in light-regulated developmental control in model plants. Approximately 38,000 sequences from open-access databases were investigated, and all bona fide and putative photoreceptor gene families were found in soybean sequence databases. We have identified G. max orthologs for several families of transcriptional regulators and cytoplasmic proteins mediating photoreceptor-induced responses, although some important Arabidopsis phytochrome-signaling components are absent. Moreover, soybean and Arabidopsis gene-family homologs appear to have undergone a distinct expansion process in some cases. We propose a working model of light perception, signal transduction and response-eliciting in G. max, based on the identified key components from Arabidopsis. These results demonstrate the power of comparative genomics between model systems and crop species to elucidate several aspects of plant physiology and metabolism.
The protein phosphatase calcineurin is an important mediator connecting calcium-dependent signalling to various cellular responses in multiple organisms. In fungi calcineurin acts largely through regulating Crz1p-like transcription factors. Here we characterize an Aspergillus fumigatus CRZ1 homologue, CrzA and demonstrate its mediation of cellular tolerance to increased concentrations of calcium and manganese. In addition to acute sensitivitiy to these ions, and decreased conidiation, the crzA null mutant suffers altered expression of calcium transporter mRNAs under high concentrations of calcium, and loss of virulence when compared with the corresponding complemented and wild-type strains. We use multiple expression analyses to probe the transcriptional basis of A. fumigatus calcium tolerance identifying several genes having calA and/or crzA dependent mRNA accumulation patterns. We also demonstrate that contrary to previous findings, the gene encoding the Aspergillus nidulans calcineurin subunit homologue, cnaA, is not essential and that the cnaA deletion mutant shares the morphological phenotypes observed in the corresponding A. fumigatus mutant, Delta calA. Exploiting the A. nidulans model system, we have linked calcineurin activity with asexual developmental induction, finding that CrzA supports appropriate developmental induction in a calcineurin and brlA-dependent manner in both species.
Background: Topical flavonoids, such as quercetin, have been shown to reduce ultraviolet (UV) irradiation-mediated skin damage. However, the mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in this protective effect are not clear. UV irradiation leads to activation of two major signaling pathways, namely nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) and activator protein-1 (AP-1) pathways. Activation of NF-kappa B pathway by UV irradiation stimulates inflammatory cytokine expression, whereas activation of AP-1 pathway by UV irradiation promotes matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) production. Both pathways contribute to UV irradiation-induced skin damage, such as photoaging and skin tumor formation. Objective: To elucidate the underlying mechanism, we examined the effect of quercetin on UV irradiation induced activation of NF-kappa B and AP-1 pathways. Methods: Primary human keratinocytes, the major skin cell type subjected to physiological solar UV irradiation, were used to study the effects of quercetin on UV irradiation-induced signal transduction pathways. Results: Quercetin decreased UV irradiation-induced NF-kappa B DNA-binding by 80%. Consequently, quercetin suppressed UV irradiation-induced expression of inflammatory cytokines IL-1 beta (similar to 60%), IL-6 (similar to 80%), IL-8 (similar to 76%) and TNF-alpha (similar to 69%). In contrast, quercetin had no effect on UV irradiation activation of three MAP kinases, ERK, JNK, or p38. Accordingly, induction of AP-1 target genes such as MMP-1 and MMP-3 by UV irradiation was not suppressed by quercetin. Conclusion: Our data indicate that the ability of quercetin to block UV irradiation-induced skin inflammation is mediated, at least in part, by its inhibitory effect on NF-kappa B activation and inflammatory cytokine production. (C) 2011 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The c-myb gene is the cellular homologue of the v-myb oncogenes carried by the avian leukaemia viruses AMV and E26. It encodes a transcription factor (c-Myb), as does each of the viral oncogenes, which recognises the core DNA sequence C/T-A-A-C-G/T-G via a repeated helix-turn-helix-like motif. c-myb is expressed in immature haemopoietic cells, as well as immature cells of the gastro-intestinal epithelium and is down-regulated with differentiation. Enforced expression of activated or even normal forms of Myb can transform haemopoietic cells, most often of the myeloid lineage, in vitro and in vivo. Although many genes have been identified which are likely to be regulated by c-Myb, the critical target genes involved in Myb's transforming activity are not known. Together with data showing increased c-myb expression in colonic tumours, these observations raise the possibility that c-myb may play a role in human malignant disease. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.