993 resultados para Occupational Choice


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The relative importance and relationship between psychological and situational factors in predicting commuter-transport-mode choice was tested by four hypotheses. First, the influence of individuals’ values on commuter behavior is mediated by their corresponding beliefs about the environmental threat of cars (mediation hypothesis). Second, the influence of these beliefs on behavior is moderated by individual consideration of future consequences and control beliefs (moderation hypothesis). Third, cost, time, and access factors contribute to individuals’ commuter choice (situational hypothesis). Fourth, situational and psychological factors jointly influence proenvironmental behavior (interaction hypothesis). A sample of 205 Australian university students completed a survey to measure these relationships. Regression analyses indicated support for the mediation, situational, and interaction hypotheses. It was concluded that to achieve a transport-mode shift to public transport, public policy strategies should focus on individuals’ transport-related environmental beliefs (personal control and environmental effect of cars) and situations (access to public transport at reduced cost).


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Multiple choice questions are used extensively in nursing research and education and play a fundamental role in the design of research studies or educational programs. Despite their widespread use, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines relating to design and use of multiple choice questions. Little is written about their format, structure, validity and reliability of in the context of nursing research and/or education and most of the current literature in this area is based on opinion or consensus. Systematic multiple choice question design and use of valid and reliable multiple choice questions are vital if the results of research or educational testing are to be considered valid. Content and face validity schould be established by expert panel review and construct validity should be established using ‘key check’, item discrimination and item difficulty analyses. Reliability measures include internal consistency and equivalence. Internal consistency should be established by determination of internal consistency using reliability coefficients while equivalence should be established using alternate form correlation. This paper reviews literature related to the use of multiple choice questions, current design recommendations and processes to establish reliability and validity, and discusses implications for their use in nursing research and education.


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OT AUSTRALIA's Accredited Occupational Therapist Program is promoted using the message 'Assuring professional excellence'. It is widely assumed that professional excellence is understood. Yet, this concept encompasses complex themes, including competence and clinical reasoning. In this paper, the meaning of professional excellence is examined by investigating the perspectives of private practitioners. Private practitioners were chosen as they represent the diversity of the occupational therapy field, and may pre-empt trends within broader practice. Sixteen key informants were interviewed to obtain their perspectives on professional excellence. Common themes that arose from the findings include the significance of experience in practice, and the importance of understanding one's limitations in knowledge and expertise. Findings are discussed in relation to OT AUSTRALIA's aim to assure standards of practice.


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Health and safety at work remains a serious and under-recognised problem in Australia. This paper argues for the importance of increasing the individual responsibility and accountability of senior managers and directors of corporations for the development and maintenance of occupational health and safety (OHS) standards in the workplace. In order to do so, the paper first sets out the range of statutory and general law duties and liabilities to which directors and senior managers are subject, considers to what extent these obligations have relevance in the OHS area and argues for the extension of these duties and liabilities in some circumstances. The paper then goes on to argue for a better legislative model for the legal responsibility of managers and officers, supported by the increased prosecution of individuals in appropriate circumstances, as well as acknowledging the benefits of a broader range of non-legal strategies to improve board level commitment to OHS that will influence corporate compliance overall.


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This article provides a concise overview ofthe Victoria's new Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 ("OHSA 2004"). After outlining the Maxwell Report on which much ofthe OHSA 2004 is based, the article examines the principal legislative provisions of the Act, especially those that differ from the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985 (Vic) ("1985 Act"). Analysis of the legislation evaluates some positive developments, as well as suggests amendments. Although the OHSA 2004 contains numerous alterations in its scheme as compared to the 1985 Act, these changes are unlikely to usher in a brave new world of occupational health and safety regulation in Victoria


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the meaning of professional competence for occupational therapy private practitioners and their experience of the barriers to professional competence. Semi-structured interviews with 16 key informants from private practice in Victoria elicited diverse opinions and experiences. However, the difficulty of assessing competence, and the lack of standards that identify competent practice for occupational therapy were major themes in the findings. The role of theory in competent practice was evident in discussion but it was not clearly articulated by many participants. Experiences of professional socialisation varied yet participants perceived input from peers as contributing to assuring competence. Major barriers to professional competence were identified as professional isolation, time and finances. The present study highlights the complexity of current attempts to assess professional competence for practising occupational therapists including the implementation of an accreditation program by The Australian Association of Occupational Therapists Inc. (OT AUSTRALIA), the peak body representing occupational therapists.


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This paper questions conventional approaches to measuring social welfare through gross domestic product (GDP). This paper is divided into two parts. The first part adopts a systems approach to development and incorporates this into the theory of social choice. The second part operationalises this approach through the development of a cost-benefit adjusted gross domestic product (CBAGDP) social welfare function, which overcomes certain limitations of this traditional measure of development. The CBAGDP is then used to estimate welfare in Thailand. This approach is justified because of its normative values and its plausible results.


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Numerous methods exist within the literature to measure human well-being. A limitation of some approaches however is that they fail to explicitly consider society's views, choices and preferences on how human well-being should be defined. It is possible though to explicitly incorporate society's value judgements in defining and measuring human well-being through normative social choice theory. Normative social choice theory reflects the views, opinions and perspectives of societies of differing economic and social circumstances so that measures of human well-being retain their relevance for public policy makers in those countries. This paper reviews two indicators based on this theory for Thailand over the 25 year period, 1975-1999. The first indicator focuses on certain hierarchical needs and the second is a measure of adjusted national income. It is concluded that both measures provide important insights.


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The consensus from studies of the price-demand relationship for higher education is that this relationship is negative but small. This paper investigates the circumstances in which demand for an MBA is positive to price increases. A survey of currently enrolled MBA students, and prospective MBA students, found that most students displayed the expected price elasticity in a conjoint analysis of hypothetical MBA course ratings. However, 12 per cent of respondents exhibited “reversal” behaviour regarding price. Profiling these respondents using discriminant analysis suggested that “reversals” seemed prepared to pay more for a course at a high prestige university, if they could study off-campus using print-based materials.


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This paper reports on a study of how prospective and current MBA students (n = 699) made tradeoffs between tuition price and other variables in choosing a university program in the Australian market. Two price segments were identified: price-negative and price-positive. The price-positive segment constituted 13 per cent of the sample. The behaviour of the two price segments is interpreted in relation to the allocative and informational roles of price. Price-positive respondents were found to be more concerned with the reputational characteristics of universities and programs in making their choice. Age, enrolment mode, and residential state were found to be associated with segment membership. The results suggest that an MBA by distance education can be regarded as a prestige product for some market segments.