999 resultados para OPTICAL PHONONS


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We demonstrated optical amplification at 1550 nm with a carbon tetrachloride solution of Er3+-Yb3+ codoped NaYF4 nanocubes synthesized with solvo-thermal route. Upon excitation with a 980 nm laser diode, the nanocube solution exhibited strong near-infrared emission by the I-4(13/2) -> I-4(15/2) transition of Er3+ ions due to energy transfer from Yb3+ ions. We obtained the highest optical gain coefficient at 1550 nm of 0.58 cm(-1) for the solution with the pumping power of 200 mW. This colloidal solution might be a promising candidate as a liquid medium for optical amplifier and laser at the optical communication wavelength. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We investigate the steady-state optical bistability behavior in a three-level A-type atomic system closed by a microwave field under the condition that the applied fields are in resonance with corresponding atomic transitions. It is shown that the bistable hysteresis cycles can be controlled by both the amplitude and the phase of the microwave field. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The damage mechanisms and micromachining of 6H SiC are studied by using femtosecond laser pulses at wavelengths between near infrared (NIR) and near ultraviolet (NUV) delivered from an optical parametric amplifier (OPA). Our experimental results indicate that high quality microstructures can be fabricated in SiC crystals. On the basis of the dependence of the ablated area and the laser pulse energy, the threshold fluence of SiC is found to increase with the incident laser wavelength in the visible region, while it remains almost constant for the NIR laser. For the NIR laser pulses, both photoionization and impact ionization play important roles in electronic excitation, while for visible lasers, photoionization plays a more important role.


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Optical parametric chirped pulse amplification with different pump wavelengths was investigated using LBO crystal, at signal central wavelength of 800 nm. According to our theoretical simulation, when pump wavelength is 492.5 nm, there is a maximal gain bandwidth of 190 nm. centered at 805 nm in optimal noncollinear angle using LBO. Presently, pump wavelength of 492.5 nm can be obtained from second harmonic generation of a Yb:Sr-5(PO4)(3)F laser. The broad gain bandwidth can completely support similar to 6 fs with a spectral centre of seed pulse at 800 nm. The deviation from optimal noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning crystal angle for phase matching. The gain spectrum with pump wavelength of 492.5 nm is much better than those with pump wavelengths of 400, 526.5 and 532 nm, at signal centre of 800 nm. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have experimentally demonstrated pulses 0.4 mJ in duration smaller than 12 fs; with an excellent spatial beam profile by self-guided propagation in argon. The original 52 fs pulses from the chirped pulsed amplification laser system are first precompressed to 32 fs by inserting an acoustic optical programmable dispersive filter instrument into the laser system for spectrum reshaping and dispersion compensation, and the pulse spectrum is subsequently broadened by filamentation in an argon cell. By using chirped mirrors for post-dispersion compensation, the pulses are successfully compressed to smaller than 12 fs.


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A gain amplifier for degenerated optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) with lithium triborate and cesium lithium borate (CLBO) crystals was demonstrated in a near-collinear configuration, The signal gain of the final energy amplifier with CLBO was similar to 6. After compression, the 123 fs pulse duration was obtained. Compared with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it is confirmed that CLBO is more effective as a nonlinear crystal in a final power amplifier for terawatt or petawatt OPCPA systems. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of OPCPA with CLBO. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification (NOPA) based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled crystals are investigated, under the condition that the group velocity matching (GVM) of the signal and idler pulses is satisfied. Our study focuses on the dependence of the gain spectrum upon the noncollinear angle, crystal temperature, and crystal angle with periodically poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP), periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN), and periodically poled LiTaO3 (PPLT), and the NOPA gain properties of the three crystals are compared. Broad gain bandwidth exists above 85 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 nm with a 532 nm pump pulse, with proper noncollinear angle and grating period at a fixed temperature for GVM. Deviation from the group-velocity-matched noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. Moreover, there is a large capability of crystal angle tuning.


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The gain properties of near-collinear degenerated phase-matched optical parametric amplification (OPA) using PPKTP crystal are investigated theoretically. The results indicate that the type-0 phase matching of PPKTP has larger accepted angle and better gain spectrum by tuning crystal temperature or rotating crystal angle.


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The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled KTP are investigated theoretically. Our numerical simulation focuses on the gain spectrum of dependence upon noncollinear angle, crystal temperature and crystal angle. At the optimal noncollinear angle and grating period with fixed temperature, there exists a broadest gain bandwidth about 130 nm at signal wavelength of 800 nm. The deviation from optimal noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An erratum is presented to correct the propagation loss of the freestanding optical fibers fabricated in glass chip. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Broadband near-infrared (IR) luminescence in transparent alkali gallium silicate glass-ceramics containing N2+-doped beta-Ga2O3 nanocrystals was observed. This broadband emission could be attributed to the T-3(2g) (F-3) -> (3)A(2g) (F-3) transition of octahedral Ni2+ ions in glass-ceramics. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the near-IR luminescence and fluorescent lifetime of the glass-ceramic doped with 0.10 mol% NiO were 260 nm and similar to 1220 mu s, respectively. It is expected that transparent Ni2+-doped beta-Ga2O3 glass-ceramics with this broad near-IR emission and long fluorescent lifetime have potential applications as super-broadband optical amplification media.


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On the basis of noncollinear optical parametric amplification in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) which is realized by quasi-phase matching (QPM) technology, we consider the possibility of semi-noncollinear phase matching between collinear and noncollinear geometries by tilting a PPLN-crystal's parallel grating at a sure angle. Numerical simulation with proper parameters shows that we can achieve a broader optical parametric amplification (OPA) bandwidth than that of noncollinear geometry. About 121 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 and 70 nm at a signal wavelength of 1064 nm under optimal conditions are obtained when the crystal length is 9 mm.


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Optical microscopy has become an indispensable tool for biological researches since its invention, mostly owing to its sub-cellular spatial resolutions, non-invasiveness, instrumental simplicity, and the intuitive observations it provides. Nonetheless, obtaining reliable, quantitative spatial information from conventional wide-field optical microscopy is not always intuitive as it appears to be. This is because in the acquired images of optical microscopy the information about out-of-focus regions is spatially blurred and mixed with in-focus information. In other words, conventional wide-field optical microscopy transforms the three-dimensional spatial information, or volumetric information about the objects into a two-dimensional form in each acquired image, and therefore distorts the spatial information about the object. Several fluorescence holography-based methods have demonstrated the ability to obtain three-dimensional information about the objects, but these methods generally rely on decomposing stereoscopic visualizations to extract volumetric information and are unable to resolve complex 3-dimensional structures such as a multi-layer sphere.

The concept of optical-sectioning techniques, on the other hand, is to detect only two-dimensional information about an object at each acquisition. Specifically, each image obtained by optical-sectioning techniques contains mainly the information about an optically thin layer inside the object, as if only a thin histological section is being observed at a time. Using such a methodology, obtaining undistorted volumetric information about the object simply requires taking images of the object at sequential depths.

Among existing methods of obtaining volumetric information, the practicability of optical sectioning has made it the most commonly used and most powerful one in biological science. However, when applied to imaging living biological systems, conventional single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques often result in certain degrees of photo-damages because of the high focal intensity at the scanning point. In order to overcome such an issue, several wide-field optical-sectioning techniques have been proposed and demonstrated, although not without introducing new limitations and compromises such as low signal-to-background ratios and reduced axial resolutions. As a result, single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques remain the most widely used instrumentations for volumetric imaging of living biological systems to date.

In order to develop wide-field optical-sectioning techniques that has equivalent optical performance as single-point-scanning ones, this thesis first introduces the mechanisms and limitations of existing wide-field optical-sectioning techniques, and then brings in our innovations that aim to overcome these limitations. We demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, that our proposed wide-field optical-sectioning techniques can achieve diffraction-limited optical sectioning, low out-of-focus excitation and high-frame-rate imaging in living biological systems. In addition to such imaging capabilities, our proposed techniques can be instrumentally simple and economic, and are straightforward for implementation on conventional wide-field microscopes. These advantages together show the potential of our innovations to be widely used for high-speed, volumetric fluorescence imaging of living biological systems.


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Today our understanding of the vibrational thermodynamics of materials at low temperatures is emerging nicely, based on the harmonic model in which phonons are independent. At high temperatures, however, this understanding must accommodate how phonons interact with other phonons or with other excitations. We shall see that the phonon-phonon interactions give rise to interesting coupling problems, and essentially modify the equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of materials, e.g., thermodynamic stability, heat capacity, optical properties and thermal transport of materials. Despite its great importance, to date the anharmonic lattice dynamics is poorly understood and most studies on lattice dynamics still rely on the harmonic or quasiharmonic models. There have been very few studies on the pure phonon anharmonicity and phonon-phonon interactions. The work presented in this thesis is devoted to the development of experimental and computational methods on this subject.

Modern inelastic scattering techniques with neutrons or photons are ideal for sorting out the anharmonic contribution. Analysis of the experimental data can generate vibrational spectra of the materials, i.e., their phonon densities of states or phonon dispersion relations. We obtained high quality data from laser Raman spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and inelastic neutron spectrometer. With accurate phonon spectra data, we obtained the energy shifts and lifetime broadenings of the interacting phonons, and the vibrational entropies of different materials. The understanding of them then relies on the development of the fundamental theories and the computational methods.

We developed an efficient post-processor for analyzing the anharmonic vibrations from the molecular dynamics (MD) calculations. Currently, most first principles methods are not capable of dealing with strong anharmonicity, because the interactions of phonons are ignored at finite temperatures. Our method adopts the Fourier transformed velocity autocorrelation method to handle the big data of time-dependent atomic velocities from MD calculations, and efficiently reconstructs the phonon DOS and phonon dispersion relations. Our calculations can reproduce the phonon frequency shifts and lifetime broadenings very well at various temperatures.

To understand non-harmonic interactions in a microscopic way, we have developed a numerical fitting method to analyze the decay channels of phonon-phonon interactions. Based on the quantum perturbation theory of many-body interactions, this method is used to calculate the three-phonon and four-phonon kinematics subject to the conservation of energy and momentum, taking into account the weight of phonon couplings. We can assess the strengths of phonon-phonon interactions of different channels and anharmonic orders with the calculated two-phonon DOS. This method, with high computational efficiency, is a promising direction to advance our understandings of non-harmonic lattice dynamics and thermal transport properties.

These experimental techniques and theoretical methods have been successfully performed in the study of anharmonic behaviors of metal oxides, including rutile and cuprite stuctures, and will be discussed in detail in Chapters 4 to 6. For example, for rutile titanium dioxide (TiO2), we found that the anomalous anharmonic behavior of the B1g mode can be explained by the volume effects on quasiharmonic force constants, and by the explicit cubic and quartic anharmonicity. For rutile tin dioxide (SnO2), the broadening of the B2g mode with temperature showed an unusual concave downwards curvature. This curvature was caused by a change with temperature in the number of down-conversion decay channels, originating with the wide band gap in the phonon dispersions. For silver oxide (Ag2O), strong anharmonic effects were found for both phonons and for the negative thermal expansion.


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Near-infrared to UV and visible upconversion luminescence was observed in single-crystalline ZnO under an 800 nm infrared femtosecond laser irradiation. The optical properties of the crystal reveal that the UV and VIS emission band are due to the exciton transition (D0X) bound to neutral donors and the deep luminescent centers in ZnO, respectively. The relationship between the upconversion luminescence intensity and the pump power of the femtosecond laser reveals that the UV emission belongs to three-photon sequential band-to-band excitation and the VIS emission belongs to two-photon simultaneous defect-absorption induced luminescence. A saturation phenomenon and polarization-dependent effect are also observed in the upconversion process of ZnO. A very good optical power limiting performance at 800 nm has been demonstrated. The two- and three-photon absorption coefficients of ZnO crystal were measured to be 0.2018 cm GW(-1) and 7.102 x 10(-3) cm(3) GW(-2), respectively. The two- and three-photon cross sections were calculated to be 1.189 x 10(-51) cm(4) s and 1.040 x 10(-80) cm(6) s(2), respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.