986 resultados para Novels


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Writing about philosophical practice with children requires a memory of the body, a body that holds on to what is important to itself. My memory begins with my contact with the ideas of Matthew Lipman and the new ideas brought by his words, and continues with the need to change some of them and assign different meanings to others. Since my reading of the thinkers of the so called “Frankfurt School,” some words have taken new meanings to me, and have informed the way I now understand the practice of philosophy with children and its relationship to issues like educational “formation,” as well as others. Philosophical practice is unique, and needs to be thought, felt, and experienced; it has its own time and involves the construction and transformation of subjectivity itself. As such, to search for words in philosophy means to chose those words that can help us make sense and give meaning of what we do and think, allowing us to work with our thinking and with its forms of expression, beyond its technical dimension. In this sense, the usual emphasis of philosophy in its more technical dimension leads to an impoverishment of formation as experience, for the latter, which is a fundamental dimension of our lives, is rendered secondary. This has implications for the relationship between adults and children. When they reduce philosophy to a study of the formal capacity of thinking, teachers put students in the condition of a minority, and therefore in some way also put themselves in such a condition. In this paper, the activity of writing - as a way of expressing thought - allows me to conduct a tour my own subjectivity, and to encounter the words that express the meanings that inform what I think and do about my practice with philosophical novels, and about the value of generating texts related to philosophical practice, formation and assessment.


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Between 1894 and 1899 Kate Chopin (1850 – 1904), one of the main exponents of American Realism and Feminism, published seven critical essays in newspapers and journals. To this number, it might be added the sketch ―Confidences‖ and the two first entrances of Impressions, her second diary, totalizing nine texts. These texts unveil a refined critical spirit, an outspoken and edge-cutting style in writing, sometimes sarcastically merciless, and an eager reader, all of them aspects that would be put into practice by the Feminist criticism expressed in the author‘s novels and short stories. To introduce and briefly discuss these essays are the main purposes of this paper.


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This article deals with how Milton Hatoum explores aspects of the memory, through the convergence of voices in his four Lusophone novels Tale of a Certain Orient, The Brothers, Ashes of the Amazon and Orphans of Eldorado. A profile of complex characters is constructed through a synthesis of accounts, letters and depositions, as different faces of individuals and society at large are interspersed through memory.


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Jules Laforgue is a French Symbolist poet, he wrote poetry works such as Les complaintes, L’imitation de Notre-Dame, la lune, Le sanglot de la terre. In spite of mostly of symbolist poets write only poetry, he also dedicated himself to prose works such as Moralités Légendaires, a particular work in prose and extreme today as in the nineteenth century, he devoted himself to parody and irony. The novels that make up this book are the work of writing and tone of nuance. They refer to literary genres, without, however, respect their definitions. There are demarcation of famous texts, but that refer more to modes, themes, and aesthetic conventions. Here, the poet makes variations on familiar themes, and explore his Moralités arguments that belong to a cultural background: the myth of Hamlet, approached the novel here mentioned belong to a cultural heritage that an author set for posterity. In other novels, the author makes use of myths Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian myths rewriting so parodic, ironic, looking for originality, doing the work of Symbolist and modern poet.


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This essay will describe the italian women who dedicated their novels and tales in the nineth Century to the people and the brazilian culture. I intend to remark the female point of view of these writers, very different of the others writers which novels and tales described only the exotic and pitoresc. Keywords Italian writers; Brazilian characters; female point of view; Italian novels of the 20th century.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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This article analyses how Victor Hugo embodied his heroes and Machado de Assis his anti-heroes. Three Assis´s short stories and three Hugo´s novels are compared: “O caso da Vara” and the chapter “L‟affaire Champmathieu” from the book Les Misérables; “Noite de Almirante” and Les Travailleurs de la Mer; “Um incêndio” and Quatre-Vingt-Treize. These texts present similar situations, but each author shows an outcome that reveals their literary proposal. For this reason, Comparative Literature and Intertext had been used as base of reflection for this article.


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Using the concept of influence, well explored by Sandra Nitrini (2000), the purpose of this study is to verify the characterization of the main characters of O Xangô de Baker Street (1995) and Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter (1928) – Sherlock Holmes and Macunaíma – as rogues in their novels, heirs to the Spanish picaresque, a genre that has taken on new meaning in Brazilian literature, as pointed out since the 1960s by Antonio Candido in his famous essay “Dialética da malandragem” (2010). With these theories, we analyze the composition of the tricksters, whose starting point is the question facing the country, the Brazilian. Although the distances in time and style of separating the protagonists created by Jô Soares and Mário de Andrade, we have noticed the interesting procedure of re-creation of the renowned English detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle and the reinterpretation of aspects of Brazilian folklore a convergence of interests with regard to representation of the national character.