989 resultados para Natural mating


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Following brief descriptions of the various phases in the natural life history of the milkfish (Chanos chanos), namely adults, eggs and embryos, larvae, fry and metamorphosis, juveniles and sub-adults, a summary is provided of the life history, providing also a schematic diagram.


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Natural food plants of partly provisioned groups of Macaca thibetana included about 196 species belonging to 135 genera and 72 families. The macaques consumed mainly bamboo shoots and fruits for about 2 months in autumn, whereas they relied on active or passive provisions from visitors, a variety of structural parts of plants and a small amount of invertebrates in late spring and summer and ate mainly mature leaves and bark for the rest of the year. About half of the species eaten came from the dense herb and shrub layers. This forest-dwelling species shows a distinctive feeding and foraging pattern in comparison with other macaques, explaining why M. thibetana has the largest body weight of all macaques.


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Data on sexual behavior were collected in six groups of semi-commensal Macaca thibetana along the trail on the slope habitat between 1987 and 1989. Ignoring the common items such as mounting, presenting etc., 20 categories of sexual behavior were described. Most of the descriptions were likely to have enlarged the behavior repertoire reported in macaques, showing a great complexity of sociosexual interactions under the principally natural condition. A great diversity of grouping appeared in the mating season. The copulatory pattern was found to be the serial type contrary to previous speculation, and the mount-to-ejaculation ratio was higher in the central subgroup, as compared with the far-peripheral adult subgroup (FAS) with less male and female rivals. An age-class subdivision of sexually active males made it possible to show that the young adult male immigrants were the most active class in sexual activity. Subgrouping form FAS was a ''space-segregation'' tactic of mating for the losers of both sexes in the competition. Some parameters of copulation were also documented.


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In five groups of seasonally provisioned Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Emei, males were sampled for wounds as an indicator of their competition for females during about 80 days in the 1987 mating season. Quantitative data on intergroup transfer were collected in a period between June 1986 and December 1987. The young adult (YA) males, the most active age-class in mating activity and intergroup transfer, received most of the wounds. Wounds tended to appear more in the front of body for YA and subadults (SA) than they did for middle-old aged (MO) males. This implies that some of the MO males were more active and aggressive in the fights. During the 1.5 year period, 5/6 of the YA and 5/17 of the MO males made intergroup shifts. Although YA males faced a high risk of receiving wounds at transfer, they usually rose in rank. On the other hand, the MO males transferred more smoothly but dropped in rank. The peripheral SA males, which rarely emigrated in the population, were an active component in determining the wounding rate, and the rate and direction of male migration. Three SA immigrants died of severe attacks made by resident males in 1988 and 1991. Adult sex ratios and their variations were considerably reduced with male nonrandom shifts and better conservation of the population.


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Acoustic communication in drosophilid flies is based on the production and perception of courtship songs, which facilitate mating. Despite decades of research on courtship songs and behavior in Drosophila, central auditory responses have remained uncharacterized. In this study, we report on intracellular recordings from central neurons that innervate the Drosophila antennal mechanosensory and motor center (AMMC), the first relay for auditory information in the fly brain. These neurons produce graded-potential (nonspiking) responses to sound; we compare recordings from AMMC neurons to extracellular recordings of the receptor neuron population [Johnston's organ neurons (JONs)]. We discover that, while steady-state response profiles for tonal and broadband stimuli are significantly transformed between the JON population in the antenna and AMMC neurons in the brain, transient responses to pulses present in natural stimuli (courtship song) are not. For pulse stimuli in particular, AMMC neurons simply low-pass filter the receptor population response, thus preserving low-frequency temporal features (such as the spacing of song pulses) for analysis by postsynaptic neurons. We also compare responses in two closely related Drosophila species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans, and find that pulse song responses are largely similar, despite differences in the spectral content of their songs. Our recordings inform how downstream circuits may read out behaviorally relevant information from central neurons in the AMMC.


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The natural ventilation of a building, flanked by others forming urban canyons and driven by the combined forces of wind and thermal buoyancy, has been studied experimentally at small scale. The aim was to improve our understanding of the effect of the urban canyon geometry on passive building ventilation. The steady ventilation of an isolated building was observed to change dramatically, both in terms of the thermal stratification and airflow rate, when placed within the confines of urban canyons. The ventilation flows and internal stratifications observed at small scale are presented for a range of canyon widths (building densities) and wind speeds. Two typical opening arrangements are considered. Flanking an otherwise isolated building with others of similar geometry as in a typical urban canyon was shown to reverse the effect of wind on the thermally-driven ventilation. As a consequence, neglecting the surrounding geometry when designing naturally-ventilated buildings may result in poor ventilation. Further implications are discussed.


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The three effectiveness measures based on the ability of a flow to flush buoyancy from a ventilated space proposed by Coffey and Hunt [Ventilation effectiveness measures based on heat removal-part 1. Definitions. Building and Environment, in press, doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2006.03.016.] are applied to assess and compare two fundamental natural ventilation flows. We focus on the limiting cases of passive displacement and passive mixing ventilation flows during transient conditions. These transient flows occur when, for example, heat is purged from a building at night. Whilst it is widely recognised that mixing flows are less efficient at purging heat than displacement flows, our results indicate that, when a particular zone of a room is considered, displacement ventilation can result in lower effectiveness than mixing ventilation. When a room is considered as a whole, displacement ventilation yields higher effectiveness than mixing ventilation and we quantify these differences in terms of the geometry of the space and opening area. The proposed theoretical predictions are compared with effectiveness deduced from measurements made during laboratory experiments and show good agreement. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We compare natural ventilation flows established by a range of heat source distributions at floor level. Both evenly distributed and highly localised line and point source distributions are considered. We demonstrate that modelling the ventilation flow driven by a uniformly distributed heat source is equivalent to the flow driven by a large number of localised sources. A model is developed for the transient flow development in a room with a uniform heat distribution and is compared with existing models for localised buoyancy inputs. For large vent areas the flow driven by localised heat sources reaches a steady state more rapidly than the uniformly distributed case. For small vent areas there is little difference in the transient development times. Our transient model is then extended to consider the time taken to flush a neutrally buoyant pollutant from a naturally ventilated room. Again comparisons are drawn between uniform and localised (point and line) heat source geometries. It is demonstrated that for large vent areas a uniform heat distribution provides the fastest flushing. However, for smaller vent areas, localised heat sources produce the fastest flushing. These results are used to suggest a definition for the term 'natural ventilation efficiency', and a model is developed to estimate this efficiency as a function of the room and heat source geometries. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The transient natural ventilation of an enclosure through vents whose areas vary linearly with time is modelled theoretically. Both displacement and mixing flows are examined and analytical solutions developed. Predictions are presented for the ventilation of a typical office building and compared to existing constant vent area model predictions based on openings of the same average area. The predictions suggest that if the average vent areas are equal in the timedependent and constant area models, the overall time required to ventilate the enclosure is not affected. However, the rate at which heat is removed from the enclosure depends on the initial opening areas and the expansion rates/durations.


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We examine the time taken to flush pollutants from a naturally ventilated room. A simple theoretical model is developed to predict the time taken for neutrally-buoyant pollutants to be removed from a room by a flow driven by localised heat inputs; both line and point heat sources are considered. We show that the rate of flushing is a function of the room volume, vent areas ( A) and the distribution, number (n) and strength (B) of the heat sources. We also show that the entire problem can be reduced to a single parameter ( μ) that is a measure of the vent areas, and a dimensionless time ( τ) that is a function of B, V and μ. Small-scale salt-bath experiments were conducted to measure the flushing rates in order to validate our modelling assumptions and predictions. The predicted flushing times show good agreement with the experiments over a wide range of μ. We apply our model to a typical open plan office and lecture theatre and discuss some of the implications of our results. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.