993 resultados para Natural convection


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It is suggested that the oscillation of thermocapillary convection may be excited by the buoyancy instability. By means of numerical simulation of the finite-element method, the temperature distributions in the liquid bridge are qualitatively analyzed. The temperature gradient in a certain flow region of liquid bridge may turn to be parallel to the direction of gravity when the temperature difference △T between two boundary rods of liquid bridge is larger than the critical value. The buoyancy instability may be excited, and then the thermocapillary oscillatory convection appears, as the temperature difference increases further. The distribution of the critical Marangoni number in the micro-gravity environment is derived from the data on the ground experiments. The results show that the onset of thermocapillary oscillatory convection is delayed in the case of smaller typical scale of liquid bridge and lower gravity environment.


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This paper deals with the valuation of energy assets related to natural gas. In particular, we evaluate a baseload Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) power plant and an ancillary instalation, namely a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility, in a realistic setting; specifically, these investments enjoy a long useful life but require some non-negligible time to build. Then we focus on the valuation of several investment options again in a realistic setting. These include the option to invest in the power plant when there is uncertainty concerning the initial outlay, or the option's time to maturity, or the cost of CO2 emission permits, or when there is a chance to double the plant size in the future. Our model comprises three sources of risk. We consider uncertain gas prices with regard to both the current level and the long-run equilibrium level; the current electricity price is also uncertain. They all are assumed to show mean reversion. The two-factor model for natural gas price is calibrated using data from NYMEX NG futures contracts. Also, we calibrate the one-factor model for electricity price using data from the Spanish wholesale electricity market, respectively. Then we use the estimated parameter values alongside actual physical parameters from a case study to value natural gas plants. Finally, the calibrated parameters are also used in a Monte Carlo simulation framework to evaluate several American-type options to invest in these energy assets. We accomplish this by following the least squares MC approach.


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Qualitative analyses of available photographs and maps of Merritt Island, Florida provide a large-scale, historical perspective of ecological changes of the marshes in the vicinity. Sites that deserve closer scrutiny can be identified. Secondarily, such an analysis provides a geographical orientation essential for communication not only between newcomers and those familiar with the area, but also among those familiar with the area but who refer to sites by differing methods. Photographs and maps from various sources were examined. Below are listed what we consider to be the most useful subset of these for ecological and geographical assessment of salt marsh impoundments on Merritt Island, Florida. (Document has 25 pages.)


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Background: Candida-associated denture stomatitis is a frequent infectious disease. Treatment of this oral condition is difficult because failures and recurrences are common. The aim of this study was to test the in vitro antifungal activity of pure constituents of essentials oils. -- Methods: Eight terpenic derivatives (carvacrol, farnesol, geraniol, linalool, menthol, menthone, terpinen-4-ol, and aterpineol), a phenylpropanoid (eugenol), a phenethyl alcohol (tyrosol) and fluconazole were evaluated against 38 Candida isolated from denture-wearers and 10 collection Candida strains by the CLSI M27-A3 broth microdilution method. -- Results: Almost all the tested compounds showed antifungal activity with MIC ranges of 0.03-0.25% for eugenol and linalool, 0.03-0.12% for geraniol, 0.06-0.5% for menthol, a-terpineol and terpinen-4-ol, 0.03-0.5% for carvacrol, and 0.06-4% for menthone. These compounds, with the exception of farnesol, menthone and tyrosol, showed important in vitro activities against the fluconazole-resistant and susceptible-dose dependent Candida isolates. -- Conclusions: Carvacrol, eugenol, geraniol, linalool and terpinen-4-ol were very active in vitro against oral Candida isolates. Their fungistatic and fungicidal activities might convert them into promising alternatives for the topic treatment of oral candidiasis and denture stomatitis.


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Salvinia molesta D. S. Mitchell (Salviniaceae), variously called giant salvinia, water fern or African payal, is a vegetatively reproducing, perennial, free-floating, aquatic weed, native to southeastern Brazil (Waterhouse and Norris 1987). It (hereafter called salvinia) is a very serious weed in most regions outside its native range (Harley and Mitchell 1981) including India. The purpose of this paper is to report on two fungal pathogens that were found to be the cause of a sudden decline in salvinia in Bangalore.(PDF has 4 pages.)


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Isidro de Robles reuniu e publicou em espanhol uma coletânea de onze novelas de vários autores, afirmando serem elas inéditas. Sabe-se, contudo, que as cinco primeiras, de autoria de Alfonso de Alcaláy Henares, escritor e poeta português (Lisboa, 1599 – Alcalá, 1682) já haviam sido publicadas sob o título “Vários effetos de amor en cinco novellas exemplares...”. cuja edição princeps, considerada raríssima, foi publicada em Lisboa, no ano de 1641. As cinco novelas chamaram a atenção e agradaram ao publico, que valorizou O esforço literário e a genialidade do autor por tê-las escrito omitindo uma determinada vogal. Assim, na primeira novela todas as palavras Foram escritas sem a letra a, na segunda sem a letra e, etc.


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Gvzman de Alfarache é um dos mais extensos e Importantes romances picarescos de que se tem noticia. Foi publicado, inicialmente, em duas partes: a primeira, em Madri, em 1599, intitulada ‘Primera parte de la vida dei P. Ícaro Gvzman de Alfarache’, a segunda, em Barcelona, em 1605, com o titulo ‘Segvnda parte de la vida de Gvzman de Alfarache, atalaya de la vida humana, por Mateo Aleman, su verdadero autor’. Consta que, em 1602, por ter sido publicada uma segunda parte apócrifa escrita pelo advogado valenciano Juan José Marti, Alemán acrescentou ao título a informação ‘su verdadeiro autor’. O romance é a autobiografia de um velhaco que depois de aventuras de todo gênero, conta com detalhes, a sua vida em tom cético e pessimista, com o estoicismo espanhol e características típicas do Barroco. Em seis anos o romance teve vinte e três edições e foi traduzido para o francês, o inglês e o italiano. Alemán utilizou pela primeira vez o termo pícaro para simbolizar a humanidade propensão crime


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João Franco Barreto, escritor português, nasceu em Lisboa em 1600, ignorando-se a data de sua morte. Em 1624, integrou expedição de libertação da Bahia das mãos dos holandeses. Ao regressar a Portugal dedicou-se às letras: escreveu obras como ‘Cyparisso’, ‘Biblioteca Portuguesa’, ‘Ortografia portuguesa’; traduziu a Eneida, de Virgílio; e dirigiu a edição de um Dicionário dos nomes próprios que se encontram nos Lusíadas de Luis de Camões. Segundo Inocêncio, essa tradução de Barreto, publicada em 1763, corresponde à segunda edição, ainda que esta informação não figure no corpo da obra, e ‘seja em demasia parafrástica, e que muitas vezes não reproduza fielmente o sentido do original, em razão das dificuldades da rima, a que o tradutor quis sujeitar-se, todavia, a pureza e correção de linguagem com que foi escrita juntas à louçania do estilo, e a uma versificação quase sempre fluida e harmoniosa, fazem e farão sempre com que este trabalho não seja de todo esquecido, apesar de terem aparecido depois outras versões sem dúvida mais perfeitas’. A coleção, dividida em dois volumes, traz os livros I a Vl e VII a XII. A primeira parte, que corresponde à ‘Odisséia’, narra as viagens de Enéas até a sua chegada à Itália. A segunda, a exemplo da ‘llíada’, descreve as guerras pela conquista do Lácio até a fundação do reino de Lavinio.


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The convective instabilities in two or more superposed layers heated from below were studied extensively by many scientists due to several interfacial phenomena in nature and crystal growth application. Most works of them were performed mainly on the instability behaviors induced only by buoyancy force, especially on the oscillatory behavior at onset of convection (see Gershuni et. Al.(1982), Renardy et. Al. (1985,2000), Rasenat et. Al. (1989), and Colinet et. Al.(1994)) . But the unstable situations of multi-layer liquid convection will become more complicated and interesting while considering at the same time the buoyancy effect combined with thermocapillary effect. This is the case in the gravity reduced field or thin liquid layer where the thermocapillary effect is as important as buoyancy effect. The objective of this study was to investigate theoretically the interaction between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and pure Marangoni instability in a two-layer system, and more attention focus on the oscillatory instability both at the onset of convection and with increasing supercriticality. Oscillatory behavious of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convective instability (R-M-B instability) and flow patterns are presented in the two-layer system of Silicon Oil (10cSt) over Fluorinert (FC70) for a larger various range of two-layer depth ratios (Hr=Hupper/Hdown) from 0.2 to 5.0. Both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation (A=L/H=10) show that the instability of the system depends strongly on the depth ratio of two-layer liquids. The oscillatory instability regime at the onset of R-M-B convection are found theoretically in different regions of layer thickness ratio for different two-layer depth H=12,6,4,3mm. The neutral stability curve of the system displaces to right while we consider the Marangoni effect at the interface in comparison with the Rayleigh-Bénard instability of the system without the Marangoni effect (Ma=0). The numerical results show different regimes of the developing of convection in the two-layer system for different thickness ratios and some differences at the onset of pure Marangoni convection and the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convections in two-layer liquids. Both traveling wave and standing wave were detected in the oscillatory instability regime due to the competition between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and Marangoni effect. The mechanism of the standing wave formation in the system is presented numerically in this paper. The oscillating standing wave results in the competition of the intermediate Marangoni cell and the Rayleigh convective rolls. In the two-layer system of 47v2 silicone oil over water, a transition form the steady instability to the oscillatory instability of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard Convection was found numerically above the onset of convection for ε=0.9 and Hr=0.5. We propose that this oscillatory mechanism is possible to explain the experimental observation of Degen et. Al.(1998). Experimental work in comparison with our theoretical findings on the two-layer Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convection with thinner depth for H<6mm will be carried out in the near future, and more attention will be paid to new oscillatory instability regimes possible in the influence of thermocapillary effects on the competition of two-layer liquids


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An experimental investigation of Bénard-Marangoni convection has been performed in double immiscible liquid layers of rectangular configuration on the ground. The two kinds of liquid are 10cst silicon oil and FC-70 respectively. The size of rectangular chamber is 100mm×40mm in horizontal cross-section. The evolution processes of convection are observed in the differential thickness ratio of two liquid layers. The critical temperature difference was measured via the detections of fluid convection by a particle image velocimetry (PIV) in the vertical cross-section of the liquid layer. The critical temperature difference or the critical Marangoni number was given. And the influence of the thickness ratio of two liquid layers on the convection instability was discussed. The evolution processes of patterns and temperature distributions on the interface are displayed by using thermal liquid crystal. The velocity distributions on the interface were also obtained. In comparison with the thermocapillary effect, the effect of buoyancy convection will relatively increase when the depth of the liquid layer increases. Because of the coupling of buoyancy and thermocapillary effect, the convection instability is much more complex than that in the microgravity environment. And the critical convection depends on the change of the thickness of liquid layers and also the change of thickness ratio of two liquid layers.