962 resultados para Nano-fibrils


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In this work we propose a method for cleaving silicon-based photonic chips by using a laser based micromachining system, consisting of a ND:YVO4laser emitting at 355 nm in nanosecond pulse regime and a micropositioning system. The laser makes grooved marks placed at the desired locations and directions where cleaves have to be initiated, and after several processing steps, a crack appears and propagate along the crystallographic planes of the silicon wafer. This allows cleavage of the chips automatically and with high positioning accuracy, and provides polished vertical facets with better quality than the obtained with other cleaving process, which eases the optical characterization of photonic devices. This method has been found to be particularly useful when cleaving small-sized chips, where manual cleaving is hard to perform; and also for polymeric waveguides, whose facets get damaged or even destroyed with polishing or manual cleaving processing. Influence of length of the grooved line and speed of processing is studied for a variety of silicon chips. An application for cleaving and characterizing sol–gel waveguides is presented. The total amount of light coupled is higher than when using any other procedure.


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The elastic strain/stress fields (halo) around a compressed amorphous nano-track (core) caused by a single high-energy ion impact on LiNbO3 are calculated. A method is developed to approximately account for the effects of crystal anisotropy of LiNbO3 (symmetry 3m) on the stress fields for tracks oriented along the crystal axes (X, Y or Z). It only considers the zero-order (axial) harmonic contribution to the displacement field in the perpendicular plane and uses effective Poisson moduli for each particular orientation. The anisotropy is relatively small; however, it accounts for some differential features obtained for irradiations along the crystallographic axes X, Y and Z. In particular, the irradiation-induced disorder (including halo) and the associated surface swelling appear to be higher for irradiations along the X- or Y-axis in comparison with those along the Z-axis. Other irradiation effects can be explained by the model, e.g. fracture patterns or the morphology of pores after chemical etching of tracks. Moreover, it offers interesting predictions on the effect of irradiation on lattice parameters


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The thermal annealing of amorphous tracks of nanometer-size diameter generated in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) by Bromine ions at 45 MeV, i.e., in the electronic stopping regime, has been investigated by RBS/C spectrometry in the temperature range from 250°C to 350°C. Relatively low fluences have been used (<1012 cm−2) to produce isolated tracks. However, the possible effect of track overlapping has been investigated by varying the fluence between 3×1011 cm−2 and 1012 cm−2. The annealing process follows a two-step kinetics. In a first stage (I) the track radius decreases linearly with the annealing time. It obeys an Arrhenius-type dependence on annealing temperature with activation energy around 1.5 eV. The second stage (II) operates after the track radius has decreased down to around 2.5 nm and shows a much lower radial velocity. The data for stage I appear consistent with a solid-phase epitaxial process that yields a constant recrystallization rate at the amorphous-crystalline boundary. HRTEM has been used to monitor the existence and the size of the annealed isolated tracks in the second stage. On the other hand, the thermal annealing of homogeneous (buried) amorphous layers has been investigated within the same temperature range, on samples irradiated with Fluorine at 20 MeV and fluences of ∼1014 cm−2. Optical techniques are very suitable for this case and have been used to monitor the recrystallization of the layers. The annealing process induces a displacement of the crystalline-amorphous boundary that is also linear with annealing time, and the recrystallization rates are consistent with those measured for tracks. The comparison of these data with those previously obtained for the heavily damaged (amorphous) layers produced by elastic nuclear collisions is summarily discussed.


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We have recently demonstrated a biosensor based on a lattice of SU8 pillars on a 1 μm SiO2/Si wafer by measuring vertically reflectivity as a function of wavelength. The biodetection has been proven with the combination of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein and its antibody (antiBSA). A BSA layer is attached to the pillars; the biorecognition of antiBSA involves a shift in the reflectivity curve, related with the concentration of antiBSA. A detection limit in the order of 2 ng/ml is achieved for a rhombic lattice of pillars with a lattice parameter (a) of 800 nm, a height (h) of 420 nm and a diameter(d) of 200 nm. These results correlate with calculations using 3D-finite difference time domain method. A 2D simplified model is proposed, consisting of a multilayer model where the pillars are turned into a 420 nm layer with an effective refractive index obtained by using Beam Propagation Method (BPM) algorithm. Results provided by this model are in good correlation with experimental data, reaching a reduction in time from one day to 15 minutes, giving a fast but accurate tool to optimize the design and maximizing sensitivity, and allows analyzing the influence of different variables (diameter, height and lattice parameter). Sensitivity is obtained for a variety of configurations, reaching a limit of detection under 1 ng/ml. Optimum design is not only chosen because of its sensitivity but also its feasibility, both from fabrication (limited by aspect ratio and proximity of the pillars) and fluidic point of view. (© 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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The aim of this work is the theoretical study of the band alignment between the two components of a hybrid organic-inorganic solar-cell. The working organic molecules are metal tetra-sulphonated phthalocyanines (M-Pc) and the inorganic material is nano-porous ZnO growth in the 001 direction. The theoretical calculations are being made using the density functional theory (DFT) using a GGA functional with the SIESTA code, which projects electron wave functions and density onto a real space grid and uses as basis set a linear combination of numerical, finite-range localized atomic orbitals. We also used the DFT+U method included in the code that allows a semi-empirical inclusion of electronic correlations in the description of electronic spectra for systems such as zinc oxide.


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En los últimos años es notable la proliferación de trabajos y estudios que tratan sobre las características del hormigón autocompactante. De ellos, la durabilidad es el aspecto menos tratado, siendo especialmente escasos los que se centran en un problema particular de esta durabilidad, como es la penetración de cloruros, un aspecto básico para todos los elementos estructurales sometidos a un ambiente marino. Esta será la línea básica del presente trabajo, que vendrá acompañada de otra serie de ensayo que permitan ratificar los resultados obtenidos. Debido a lo anteriormente expuesto, el objetivo general de esta investigación es estudiar la influencia de la adición de nano-sílice en aspectos tanto microestructurales como durables en hormigones autocompactantes. Dado que el objetivo general planteado es muy ambicioso y requiere tiempo y multitud de ensayos combinando numerosas variables, este trabajo de investigación se centra en los siguientes objetivos particulares dentro de la línea general de la investigación: Evaluar los cambios que se producen en las propiedades en estado fresco de los distintos hormigones ensayados; Evaluar los cambios que se producen en las propiedades mecánicas de los hormigones estudiados; Determinar los cambios de la matriz porosa de los distintos hormigones ensayados y determinar los cambios en los componentes hidratados de la matiz de cemento. Para cumplir con este objetivo, se ha procedido a comparar el comportamiento de cuatro tipos de hormigón con el mismo cemento: Un hormigón convencional sin adición, un hormigón autocompactante sin adición, un hormigón autocompactante con 2,5 % de adición de nano sílice y un hormigón autocompactante con 5 % de adición de nano sílice. Las etapas seguidas en este trabajo son las siguientes: Revisión bibliográfica relativa a los hormigones autocompactantes, y a la adición de nano-sílice.; Estudio y elección de las dosificaciones para los hormigones objeto de estudio: hormigón convencional, un hormigón autocompactante sin adiciones y hormigones autocompactantes con adición de nano-sílice; Evaluación de los hormigones, convencional y autocompactantes, en estado fresco en base a la normativa vigente y a las exigencias de la Instrucción del Hormigón Estructural (EHE-08); Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas de los hormigones en estado endurecido mediante ensayo de resistencia a compresión; Caracterización microestructural de los hormigones mediante ensayos de porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio (PIM) y termoanálisis (TG-ATD); Evaluación del comportamiento de los hormigones frente a ensayos específicos enfocados a su durabilidad, como son los de resistividad eléctrica y de penetración de cloruros y estudio comparativo de los resultados obtenidos y establecimiento de relaciones entre la dosificación y el comportamiento de cada hormigón, de cara a poder fijar recomendaciones de uso.


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E-beam lithography was used to pattern a titanium mask on a GaN substrate with ordered arrays of nanoholes. This patterned mask served as a template for the subsequent ordered growth of GaN/InGaN nanorods by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The mask patterning process was optimized for several holes configurations. The smallest holes were 30 nm in diameter with a pitch (center-to-center distance) of 100 nm only. High quality masks of several geometries were obtained that could be used to grow ordered GaN/InGaN nanorods with full selectivity (growth localized inside the nanoholes only) over areas of hundreds of microns. Although some parasitic InGaN growth occurred between the nanorods during the In incorporation, transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence measurements demonstrated that these ordered nanorods exhibit high crystal quality and reproducible optical properties.