906 resultados para Muscle strength


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in this contribution we present a soft matter solid electrolyte which was obtained by inclusion of a polymer (polyacrylonitrile, PAN) in LiClO4/LiTFSI-succinonitrile (SN), a semi-solid organic plastic electrolyte. Addition of the polymer resulted in considerable enhancement in ionic conductivity as well as mechanical strength of LiX-SN (X=ClO4, TFSI) plastic electrolyte. Ionic conductivity of 92.5%-[1 M LiClO4-SN]:7.5%-PAN (PAN amount as per SN weight) composite at 25 degrees C recorded a remarkably high value of 7 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1), higher by few tens of order in magnitude compared to 1 M LiClO4-SN. Composite conductivity at sub-ambient temperature is also quite high. At -20 degrees C, the ionic conductivity of (100 -x)%-[1 M LiClO4-SN]:x%-PAN composites are in the range 3 x 10(-5)-4.5 x 10(-4) Omega(-1) cm(-1), approximately one to two orders of magnitude higher with respect to 1 M LiClO4-SN electrolyte conductivity. Addition of PAN resulted in an increase of the Young's modulus (Y) from Y -> 0 for LiClO4-SN to a maximum of 0.4MPa for the composites. Microstructural studies based on X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy suggest that enhancement in composite ionic conductivity is a combined effect of decrease in crystallinity and enhanced trans conformer concentration. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Al-Li-SiCp composites were fabricated by a simple and cost effective stir casting technique. A compound billet technique has been developed to overcome the problems encountered during hot extrusion of these composites. After successful fabrication hardness measurement and room temperature compressive test were carried out on 8090 Al and its composites reinforced with 8, 12 and 18vol.% SiC particles in as extruded and peak aged conditions. The addition of SiC increases the hardness. 0.2% proof stress and compressive strength of Al-Li-8%SiC and Al-Li-12%SiC composites are higher than the unreinforced alloy. in case of the Al-Li-18%SiC composite, the 0.2% proof stress and compressive strength were higher than the unreinforced alloy but lower than those of Al-Li-8%SiC and Al-Li-12%SiC composites. This is attributed to clustering of particles and poor interfacial bonding.


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Quinuclidine grafted cationic bile salts are forming salted hydrogels. An extensive investigation of the effect of the electrolyte and counterions on the gelation has been envisaged. The special interest of the quinuclidine grafted bile salt is due to its broader experimental range of gelation to study the effect of electrolyte. Rheological features of the hydrogels are typical of enthalpic networks exhibiting a scaling law of the elastic shear modulus with the concentration (scaling exponent 2.2) modeling cellular solids in which the bending modulus is the dominant parameter. The addition of monovalent salt (NaCl) favors the formation of gels in a first range (0.00117 g cm-3 (0.02 M) < TNaCl < 0.04675 g cm-3 (0.8 M)). At larger salt concentrations, the gels become more heterogeneous with nodal zones in the micron scale. Small-angle neutron scattering experiments have been used to characterize the rigid fibers ( ≈ 68 Å) and the nodal zones. Stress sweep and creeprecovery measurements are used to relate the lack of linear viscoelastic domain to a mechanism of disentanglement of the fibers from their associations into fagots. The electrostatic interactions can be screened by addition of salt to induce a progressive evolution toward flocculation. SEM, UV absorbance, and SAXS study of the Bragg peak at large Q-values complete the investigation.


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An artificial neural network (ANN) is presented to predict a 28-day compressive strength of a normal and high strength self compacting concrete (SCC) and high performance concrete (HPC) with high volume fly ash. The ANN is trained by the data available in literature on normal volume fly ash because data on SCC with high volume fly ash is not available in sufficient quantity. Further, while predicting the strength of HPC the same data meant for SCC has been used to train in order to economise on computational effort. The compressive strengths of SCC and HPC as well as slump flow of SCC estimated by the proposed neural network are validated by experimental results.


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Near threshold fatigue crack growth behavior of a high strength steel under different temper levels was investigated. It is found that the observed variations in ΔKth could predominantly be attributed to roughness induced crack closure. The closure-free component of the threshold stress intensity range, ΔKeff,th showed a systematic variation with monotonic yield strength.


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Previous studies have shown that the external growth records of the posterior adductor muscle scar (PAMS) of the bivalve Pinna nobilis are incomplete and do not produce accurate age estimations. We have developed a new methodology to study age and growth using the inner record of the PAMS, which avoids the necessity of costly in situ shell measurements or isotopic studies. Using the inner record we identified the positions of PAMS previously obscured by nacre and estimated the number of missing records in adult specimens with strong abrasion of the calcite layer in the anterior portion of the shell. The study of the PAMS and inner record of two shells that were 6 years old when collected showed that only 2 and 3 PAMS were observed, while 6 inner records could be counted, thus confirming our working methodology. Growth parameters of a P. nobilis population located in Moraira, Spain (western Mediterranean) were estimated with the new methodology and compared to those obtained using PAMS data and in situ measurements. For the comparisons, we applied different models considering the data alternatively as length-at-age (LA) and tag-recapture (TR). Among every method we tested to fit the Von Bertalanffy growth model, we observed that LA data from inner record fitted to the model using non-linear mixed effects and the estimation of missing records using the calcite width was the most appropriate. The equation obtained with this method, L = 573*(1 - e(-0.16(t-0.02))), is very similar to that calculated previously from in situ measurements for the same population.


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The changes in the tensile properties and fracture mode brought about by heat treatment of Fe-12Cr-6Al ferritic stainless steel have been studied. A favourable combination of high strength and good ductility is obtained by heating the material at 1370 K for 2 h followed by a water quench. The high-temperature treatment results in carbide dissolution as well as an increase in the grain size. The mechanism of strengthening has been evaluated from the apparent activation energy (28 kJ mol–1) and is identified to be the unpinning of dislocations from the atmosphere of carbon atoms. As the heat-treatment temperature is increased, the fracture behaviour changes from ductile to brittle mode and this is related to the changes in grain size and friction stress.


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Adenine nucleotides and their related compounds were determined in muscle extracts from two species of fish that were stored in ice after thawing. The fish were the closely related species, Australian barramundi (Lates calcarifer ) and Kenyan Nile perch (Lates niloticus ) which had different process histories. For all samples, adenine nucleotides did not exceed 6% of the total nucleotide pool. Inosine monophosphate (IMP) decreased steadily with storage. Hypoxanthine (Hx) was the major product of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) degradation in both barramundi and Nile perch, showing a steady increase with days of iced storage. The Hx level did not reach a maximum during the 9d storage period. The K-value also increased regularly with time of storage and for the later stages (i.e., 7 and 9d) and was significantly different (P < 0.01) for the two species. The iced storage life of these typical samples of barramundi and Nile perch was estimated to be 3d after thawing using a K-value of < 30% to indicate excellent quality. Despite the differences in process history the nucleotide profiles were remarkably similar during storage. This precludes the use of nucleotide levels as a means of differentiating between these species.


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Estimates of genetic parameters are presented for staple length and staple strength for 15 month old, medium Peppin sheep at Longreach and Julia Creek Queensland. The effects of birth type, sex and year of birth are shown. There were significant interactions for sex by site and for sex by year of birth. Heritability of staple length and strength were respectively 0.75 and 0.37 for the Longreach flock and 0.70 and 0.23 for the Julia Creek flock. The heritability of staple strength agrees with other published data however the estimate for staple length is very high. Phenotypic and genetic correlations with greasy fleece weight, yield, clean fleece weight, average fibre diameter and liveweight are in general agreement with other published estimates. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.


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A modified conventional direct shear device was used to measure unsaturated shear strength of two silty soils at low suction values (0 ~ 50 kPa) that were achieved by following drying and wetting paths of soil water characteristic curves (SWCCs). The results revealed that the internal friction angle of the soils was not significantly affected by either the suction or the drying wetting SWCCs. The apparent cohesion of soil increased with a decreasing rate as suction increased. Shear stress-shear displacement curves obtained from soil specimens subjected to the same net normal stress and different suction values showed a higher initial stiffness and a greater peak stress as suction increased. A soil in wetting exhibited slightly higher peak shear stress and more contractive volume change behavior than that of soil in drying at the same net normal stress and suction.


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Hamstring strains in the Australian Football League (AFL) have a high incidence (15%) and recurrence rate (34%) with lateral hamstring injuries most common (83%). Retrospective studies have found significant muscle volume asymmetries ≤23 months post hamstring injury; however examination of the association between hamstring strains and muscle asymmetry has not been investigated prospectively. This study presents baseline data from a longitudinal study focusing on individual hamstring morphometry in uninjured and injured semi-elite AFL players.


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We investigated the surface electromyogram response of six forearm muscles to falls onto the outstretched hand. The extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, abductor pollicis longus, flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles were sampled from eight volunteers who underwent ten self-initiated falls. All muscles initiated prior to impact. Co-contraction is the most obvious surface electromyogram feature. The predominant response is in the radial deviators. The surface electromyogram timing we recorded would appear to be a complex anticipatory response to falling modified by the ef- fect on the forearm muscles following impact. The mitigation of the force of impact is probably more importantly through shoulder abduction and extension and elbow flexion rather than action of the forearm muscles.


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The spherical indentation strength of a lead zirconate titanate (PZT) piezoelectric ceramic was investigated under poled and unpoled conditions and with different electrical boundary conditions (arising through the use of insulating or conducting indenters). Experimental results show that the indentation strength of the poled PZT is higher than that of the unpoled PZT. The strength of a poled PZT under a conducting indenter is higher than that under an insulating indenter. Poling direction (with respect to the direction of indentation loading) did not significantly affect the strength of material. Complementary finite element analysis (FEA) of spherical indentation of an elastic, linearly coupled piezoelectric half-space is conducted for rationalizing the experimental observations. Simulations show marked dependency of the contact stress on the boundary conditions. In particular, contact stress redistribution in the Coupled problem leads to a change in the fracture initiation, from Hertzian cracking in the unpoled material to Subsurface damage initiation in poled PZT. These observations help explain the experimental ranking of strength the PZT in different material conditions or under different boundary conditions.