972 resultados para Motif of letter
Goodspeed 8, Ford 608.
Draft of a brief letter complaining about students.
Document containing a draft of a letter regarding Croswell's work on cubic equations and notes for some additional letters.
Drafts of a letter concerning Croswell's June 1827 petition to the City Council.
Three-and-a-half-page handwritten letter from "FM Dana by order &c," to the Selectmen of Charlestown. Dana is presumably speaking on behalf of the Selectmen of Cambridge and provides an extensive response to the Charlestown Selectmen about increased ferry fares that is critical of the demands of the Harvard Corporation.
This letter summarizes the activities of the Committee to View Stoughton House including the Committee's recent visit to the dormitory. The letter is signed by "Leverett in the name of the Committee."
This letter, signed by Stephen West, Ezra Stiles, and Josiah Sherman, attests to the reputable character of Elisha Parmele and his brother, Reuben, who was also a minister. The signers explain the health concerns motivating the brothers' travels southward and request that those who encounter them treat them with "kindness and brotherly love."
Two leaves of a draft of a letter in Eliphalet Pearson's hand addressed to "Gentleman,"detailing the Committee of the town of Cambridge's attempts to tax real estate owned the College.
One leaf containing a draft of a letter by Pearson to the Harvard Corporation declining the invitation to dinner.
One leaf containing an unsigned draft of a letter presenting John Lowell's published eulogy of Governor James Bowdoin to the recipient by the order of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The eulogy had been delivered by John Lowell on January 26, 1791.
Handwritten letter from Jason Haven requesting the Corporation to grant Draper a degree.
Handwritten letter from Nathaniel Robbins regarding Philip Draper.
Letter requesting a proctor for the west end of Massachusetts Hall.