941 resultados para Mother-spouse
Malaria during pregnancy can be severe in non-immune women, but in areas of stable transmission, where women are semi-immune and often asymptomatic during infection, malaria is an insidious cause of disease and death for mothers and their offspring. Sequelae, such as severe anaemia and hypertension in the mother and low birth weight and infant mortality in the offspring, are often not recognised as consequences of infection. Pregnancy malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum, is mediated by infected erythrocytes (IEs) that bind to chondroitin sulphate A and are sequestered in the placenta. These parasites have a unique adhesion phenotype and distinct antigenicity, which indicates that novel targets may be required for development of an effective vaccine. Women become resistant to malaria as they acquire antibodies against placental IE, which leads to higher haemoglobin levels and heavier babies. Proteins exported from the placental parasites have been identified, including both variant and conserved antigens, and some of these are in preclinical development for vaccines. A vaccine that prevents P. falciparum malaria in pregnant mothers is feasible and would potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives each year.
Objectiu: provar que, enfront de l’aparició de sibilàncies, l’alletament matern es comporta com a un factor protector i l’alletament artificial com a un factor inductor. Material i mètodes: assaig clínic controlat, randomitzat, a doble cec amb grup control i seguiment de 8 anys, de la submostra espanyola, en el seu 5è any de seguiment, del treball multicèntric europeu EU CHILDHOOD OBESITY PROGRAMME (QLK1-2001-00389). La població es va dividir en 3 grups: nadons alimentats amb lactància artificial amb baix contingut proteic, nadons alimentats amb lactància artificial amb alt contingut proteic i un grup control de nadons alimentats amb llet materna. Per avaluar l’aparició de sibilàncies i la seva evolució en el temps es van realitzar entrevistes als pares a mesura que la població assolia els 6 anys de vida sobre qüestions referides als 3 i als 6 anys i s’havien de realitzar entrevistes als 8 anys de vida sobre qüestions referdies a aquesta mateixa edat. Per comprovar la repercussió en la funció pulmonar i valorar la base atòpica, es tenia previst realitzar, als 8 anys, espirometria, prik test amb aeroalergens, determinació de IgE sèrica total i quantificació dels eosinòfils en sang perifèrica. S’han valorat possibles factors de confusió com antecedents familiars de malalties de base al•lèrgica, nivell socioeconòmic familiar, factors, ambient epidemiològic i s’ha estudiat altra morbiditat associada com episodis de febre, vòmits, diarrea, dermatitis atòpica, refredat de vies respiratòries altes i prescripció mèdica d’antibiòtics. Resultats: només un 20’8% van rebre alletament matern. No s’han trobat diferències estadísticament significatives entre la història d’episodis de sibilàncies i el tipus d’alletament rebut. Tampoc s’han trobat diferències estadísticament significatives entre l’alimentació rebuda i la història de dermatitis atòpica. La llet artificial es va associar, amb significació estadística, a una major prescripció d’antibiòtics i una major incidència de patir diarrees i, sense significació estadística, es va associar a un augment del risc de patir RVA. La lactància materna es va associar amb significació estadística a una menor prescripció d’antibiòtics. La presència de germans grans i un baix nivell d’educació de la mare van contribuir a augmentar la morbiditat durant el primer any de vida. El consum d’alcohol durant l’embaràs es va associar a més episodis de vòmits i el consum de tabac a més episodis de diarrea. Conclusions: l’alletament artificial no predisposa a patir més episodis de sibilàncies ni de dermatitis atòpica. La lactància materna exclusiva durant almenys 3 mesos disminueix el risc de diarrees en els primers 6 mesos de vida i retarda l’aparició d’infeccions aparentment bacterianes que requereixen tractament antibiòtic. L’alletament matern exclusiu durant un mínim de tres mesos no comporta una substancial disminució de la morbiditat durant els primers 12 mesos de vida.
Anophthalmia and microphthalmia are important birth defects, but their pathogenesis remains incompletely understood. We studied a patient with severe unilateral microphthalmia who had a 2.7 Mb deletion at chromosome 18q22.1 that was inherited from his mother. In-situ hybridization showed that one of the deleted genes, TMX3, was expressed in the retinal neuroepithelium and lens epithelium in the developing murine eye. We re-sequenced TMX3 in 162 patients with anophthalmia or microphthalmia, and found two missense substitutions in unrelated patients: c.116G>A, predicting p.Arg39Gln, in a male with unilateral microphthalmia and retinal coloboma, and c.322G>A, predicting p.Asp108Asn, in a female with unilateral microphthalmia and severe micrognathia. We used two antisense morpholinos targeted against the zebrafish TMX3 orthologue, zgc:110025, to examine the effects of reduced gene expression in eye development. We noted that the morphant larvae resulting from both morpholinos had significantly smaller eye sizes and reduced labeling with islet-1 antibody directed against retinal ganglion cells at 2 days post fertilization. Co-injection of human wild type TMX3 mRNA rescued the small eye phenotype obtained with both morpholinos, whereas co-injection of human TMX3(p.Arg39Gln) mutant mRNA, analogous to the mutation in the patient with microphthalmia and coloboma, did not rescue the small eye phenotype. Our results show that haploinsufficiency for TMX3 results in a small eye phenotype and represents a novel genetic cause of microphthalmia and coloboma. Future experiments to determine if other thioredoxins are important in eye morphogenesis and to clarify the mechanism of function of TMX3 in eye development are warranted.
Estimates of genetic susceptibility to leprosy were made in the past from observational reports in familial settings using descriptive epidemiologic data. Risk of conjugal transmission of leprosy (from one spouse to another) has been estimated between 1-10% and is thought to occur in 3-5% of spouses exposed to untreated lepromatous disease in the partner. Risk of secondary transmission is presumed higher in other family members than for the conjugal partner. This belief has become dogma to many leprologists who may no longer know the basis for this estimation. This article reviews the historic epidemiologic descriptions of risk for leprosy transmission in married couples compared to other family members. Although uncommon, conjugal leprosy occurs and at higher rates in populations with traditional familial intermarriage and consanguinity.
Iodine deficiency is an important clinical and public health problem. Its prevention begins with an adequate intake of iodine during pregnancy. International agencies recommend at least 200 microg iodine per d for pregnant women. We assessed whether iodine concentrations in the amniotic fluid of healthy pregnant women are independent of iodine intake. This cross-sectional, non-interventional study included 365 consecutive women who underwent amniocentesis to determine the fetal karyotype. The amniocentesis was performed with abdominal antisepsis using chlorhexidine. The iodine concentration was measured in urine and amniotic fluid. The study variables were the intake of iodized salt and multivitamin supplements or the prescription of a KI supplement. The mean level of urinary iodine was 139.0 (SD 94.5) microg/l and of amniotic fluid 15.81 (SD 7.09) microg/l. The women who consumed iodized salt and those who took a KI supplement had significantly higher levels of urinary iodine than those who did not (P = 0.01 and P = 0.004, respectively). The urinary iodine levels were not significantly different in the women who took a multivitamin supplement compared with those who did not take this supplement, independently of iodine concentration or multivitamin supplement. The concentrations of iodine in the amniotic fluid were similar, independent of the dietary iodine intake. Urine and amniotic fluid iodine concentrations were weakly correlated, although the amniotic fluid values were no higher in those women taking a KI supplement. KI prescription at recommended doses increases the iodine levels in the mother without influencing the iodine levels in the amniotic fluid.
Se explora el fundamento y finalidad de las atribuciones legales mortis causa previstas para el cónyuge y el conviviente. Los beneficios viudales y sucesorios se analizan para aportar reflexiones que sirvan para afrontar una reforma de los mismos que sea capaz de ajustarles mejor técnica, familiar y socialmente.
INTRODUCTION: The satisfaction's analysis is being used as an instrument to create different sanitary reforms to improve the quality and numerous studies aim to the increase the mother's satisfaction directly related to the maternity care. OBJECTIVES: [corrected] Identify the woman satisfaction's degree about birth attention, accompaniment during nativity and the breastfeeding's term. MATERIAL AND METHOD: [corrected] Descriptive transversal study in the university hospital San Cecilio in Granada (España), during the time of August 2011 to 2012, it performed with a second prospective tracing phase to a N = 60 mothers. It used a protocol (Annex 1) after 24 hours in hospital and at 14 days by telephone. After 3 months, it performed a tracing pertaining to the baby food. RESULTS: The global satisfaction's level about birth is high in study population. It has been shown that breastfeeding (P = 0,514) and vaginal birth without epidural (P = 0,320) creates higher satisfaction for mother. On the other hand, birth satisfaction related with duration of breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: Satisfactory mothers' opinion related with birth care and accompaniment during nativity increases in women whose birth happened in a uncomplicated way without epidural and they started early breastfeeding.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs frequently in women in childbearing years. With the improvement of the treatments, more patients with rheumatoid arthritis consider a pregnancy. Close co-operation between the physician and the obstetrician caring for the mother and the foetus is necessary. The disease should be well controlled at the time of the conception, although an amelioration of rheumatoid arthritis occurs in about 75% of pregnancies, in the first trimester. Some medications can be used during pregnancy and lactation. There is no indication of any adverse effects of rheumatoid arthritis on pregnancy outcome. The mother needs to be followed up regularly after delivery because of the high risk of post-partum flare.
Con la colaboración del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla
In the present article on intergenerational transmission of attachment representations, we use mothers' and fathers' Adult Attachment Interview classifications to predict a 3-year-old's responses to the Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT). We present a Q-sort coding procedure for the ASCT, which was developed for children as young as three. The Q-sort yields scores on four attachment dimensions (security, deactivation, hyperactivation, and disorganization). One-way ANOVAs revealed significant mother-child associations for each dimension, although results for the hyperactivation and disorganization dimensions were significant only according to contrast tests. Conversely, no father-child association was found, regardless of the dimension considered. Findings are discussed in terms of the respective part played by each parent in their children's emotional development.
BACKGROUND: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and C-reactive protein (CRP) may be positively associated with the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) but no previous studies have investigated their associations with non-epithelial ovarian cancers (NEOC). METHODS: A case-control study was nested within the Finnish Maternity Cohort. Case subjects were 58 women diagnosed with sex cord-stromal tumors (SCST) and 30 with germ cell tumors (GCT) after recruitment. Control subjects (144 for SCST and 74 for GCT) were matched for age, parity, and date of blood donation of the index case. RESULTS: Doubling of IGF-I concentration was not related to maternal risk of either SCST (OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.58-1.62) or GCT (OR 1.13, 95% CI 0.51-2.51). Similarly, doubling of CRP concentrations was not related to maternal risk of either SCST (OR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.43) or GCT (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.68-1.28). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-diagnostic IGF-I and CRP concentrations during the first trimester of pregnancy were not associated with increased risk of NEOC in the mother. Risk factors for NEOC may differ from those of EOC.
Treball de recerca on analitzo els elements socials i culturals que influeixen en la vivència de la maternitat, en el cas de tres dones. Em proposo intentar copsar de quina forma tres dones que han estat mares al segle XXI experimenten la seva pròpia maternitat i així intentar dilucidar fins a quin punt aquestes tres dones viuen aquesta situació personal present, en clau de passat. Quan escric passat, em refereixo al segle XIX, quan es va institucionalitzar el concepte de l'ideal maternal.
BACKGROUND The rate of avoidable caesarean sections (CS) could be reduced through multifaceted strategies focusing on the involvement of health professionals and compliance with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). Quality improvements for CS (QICS) programmes (QICS) based on this approach, have been implemented in Canada and Spain. OBJECTIVES Their objectives are as follows: 1) Toto identify clusters in each setting with similar results in terms of cost-consequences, 2) Toto investigate whether demographic, clinical or context characteristics can distinguish these clusters, and 3) Toto explore the implementation of QICS in the 2 regions, in order to identify factors that have been facilitators in changing practices and reducing the use of obstetric intervention, as well as the challenges faced by hospitals in implementing the recommendations. METHODS Descriptive study with a quantitative and qualitative approach. 1) Cluster analysis at patient level with data from 16 hospitals in Quebec (Canada) (n = 105,348) and 15 hospitals in Andalusia (Spain) (n = 64,760). The outcome measures are CS and costs. For the cost, we will consider the intervention, delivery and complications in mother and baby, from the hospital perspective. Cluster analysis will be used to identify participants with similar patterns of CS and costs based, and t tests will be used to evaluate if the clusters differed in terms of characteristics: Hospital level (academic status of hospital, level of care, supply and demand factors), patient level (mother age, parity, gestational age, previous CS, previous pathology, presentation of the baby, baby birth weight). 2) Analysis of in-depth interviews with obstetricians and midwives in hospitals where the QICS were implemented, to explore the differences in delivery-related practices, and the importance of the different constructs for positive or negative adherence to CPGs. Dimensions: political/management level, hospital level, health professionals, mothers and their birth partner. DISCUSSION This work sets out a new approach for programme evaluation, using different techniques to make it possible to take into account the specific context where the programmes were implemented.
BACKGROUND: European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) is a network of population-based congenital anomaly registries in Europe surveying more than 1 million births per year, or 25% of the births in the European Union. This paper describes the potential of the EUROCAT collaboration for pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety surveillance. METHODS: The 34 full members and 6 associate members of the EUROCAT network were sent a questionnaire about their data sources on drug exposure and on drug coding. Available data on drug exposure during the first trimester available in the central EUROCAT database for the years 1996-2000 was summarised for 15 out of 25 responding full members. RESULTS: Of the 40 registries, 29 returned questionnaires (25 full and 4 associate members). Four of these registries do not collect data on maternal drug use. Of the full members, 15 registries use the EUROCAT drug code, 4 use the international ATC drug code, 3 registries use another coding system and 7 use a combination of these coding systems. Obstetric records are the most frequently used sources of drug information for the registries, followed by interviews with the mother. Only one registry uses pharmacy data. Percentages of cases with drug exposure (excluding vitamins/minerals) varied from 4.4% to 26.0% among different registries. The categories of drugs recorded varied widely between registries. CONCLUSIONS: Practices vary widely between registries regarding recording drug exposure information. EUROCAT has the potential to be an effective collaborative framework to contribute to post-marketing drug surveillance in relation to teratogenic effects, but work is needed to implement ATC drug coding more widely, and to diversify the sources of information used to determine drug exposure in each registry.
BACKGROUND The origin and formed family characteristics are related to physician's professional career. The purpose of this study was to know and compare by sex the characteristics of the origin family and formed family of women and men family physician in Andalusia. METHODS Cross sectional and multicenter study. SETTING Urban primary health care centres from Andalusian province capitals. PARTICIPANTS Physician of primary health care centres. INCLUSION CRITERIA at least one year using computerized medical history with the same quota patients. Multistage random sample, 88 primary health care centres and 500 physicians, 50% of both sexes (alpha=5%, power=90%, precision=15%). Postal auto administrated questionnaire. VARIABLES sex, age, tutor of resident in family medicine, last father's activity, last mother's activity, number of brothers or sisters, family situation, last couple's activity (if any), to have or not children. RESULTS 73.6 % responses. In no responses there weren't differences of sex neither tutor of resident in family medicine. Mean age: women physicians 49.5 +/- 4.3 and men physician 51.3 +/- 4.9 (p= or < 0.005). Postgraduate formation in family medicine: 42.2% of women and 33.3% of men (p=0.016). Live alone: 6.1% of women physician and 2.7% men physician (p=0.005). Live alone with children 9.9% of women and 2.2% of men (p=0.005). 16.5% of women and 10.2% of men don t have children (p=0.077). 21.1% of men physician s couples work only at home vs. 0.1% of women physician s couples (p= or < 0.005). 46% of women physician s couples is also physician vs. 22% of men physician s couples (p= or < 0.005). No significant differences registered in parent s activities neither in the number of brother or sisters. CONCLUSION There are no significant differences in physician s origin family. However important differences in the characteristics of formed family are observed in both sexes.