996 resultados para Monograph Claim Report
The taxonomy of the mud crab, Scylla serrata has become a topic of interest. Alcock (1899) described this species from Indian waters. It was considered that under the genus Scylla, only one species, namely, Scylla serrata was valid. But Estampador (1949) revised the genus and reported the occurrence of four sorts, Scylla serrata, S. tranquebarica, S. oceanica and a variety S. serrata, var paramarnosain in Philippine waters. He established his claim based on the morphology such as colouration, relative length of chelae and also on the cytological events during gametogenesis. Serene (1952) pointed out that two distinct categories under this genus were demonstrable on the basis of colouration. But Stephenson & Campbell (1960) concluded them as only synonyms, but pointed out the need for further investigations.
Progress and Outputs: summary of 2012, progress of project logframe targets in year 4, events diary,activities within each sub-component. Risk assessment. Project finances. List of documents.
FIRRI surveyed the fisheries of Lake George and Kazinga Channel between 20th June and 20th July 2001. This was the second survey FIRRI has conducted for the ILM project on the water system. The first survey was conducted during November 2000. These data, the analyses and accompanying reports contribute to baseline information for the fishery being collected with the support of ILM that is required for lakewide planning and management. Eight fish landing sites (6 on Lake George) namely; Kahendero, Hamukungu, Kasenyi, Kashaka, Mahyoro, Kayinja (2 on Kazinga Channel) namely; Katunguru -K and B fall within the focus of ILM and were surveyed during November 2000 and June/July 2001 over a three day period at each landing site in 2001 (Mahyoro 2 days). In November 2000, each landing was sampled once. FIRRI conducted a rapid FS and concurrently a CAS. All results are reported by landing site and then summed up (Global) for 8 sites on Lake George and Kazinga Channel.
Development of collaborative approach to identify coastal water pollution issues and develop remedial strategies. Establish effective ecosystem indicator framework to measure progress toward sustaining the BOBLME ecosystem health
Meeting to develop environmental indicators to measure overall health of BOBLME; identify important coastal water pollution issues: produce conclusions and recommendations to form an action plan.