875 resultados para Molfino, Miguel Angel


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Burkholderia cenocepacia infects patients with cystic fibrosis. We have previously shown that B. cenocepacia can survive in macrophages within membrane vacuoles (BcCVs) that preclude fusion with the lysosome. The bacterial factors involved in B. cenocepacia intracellular survival are not fully elucidated. We report here that deletion of BCAM0628, encoding a predicted low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP) that is restricted to B. cenocepacia strains of the transmissible ET-12 clone, accelerates the maturation of the BcCVs. Compared to parental strain and deletion mutants in other LMW-PTPs that are widely conserved in Burkholderia species, a greater proportion of BcCVs containing the BCAM0628 mutant were targeted to the lysosome. Accelerated BcCV maturation was not due to reduced intracellular viability since BCAM0628 survived and replicated in macrophages similarly to the parental strain. Therefore, BCAM0628 was referred to as dpm (delayed phagosome maturation). We provide evidence that the Dpm protein is secreted during growth in vitro and upon macrophage infection. Dpm secretion requires an N-terminal signal peptide. Heterologous expression of Dpm in B. multivorans confers to this bacterium a similar phagosomal maturation delay as found with B. cenocepacia. We demonstrate that Dpm is an inactive phosphatase, suggesting that its contribution to phagosomal maturation arrest must be unrelated to tyrosine phosphatase activity.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia causes opportunistic infections in plants, insects, animals, and humans, suggesting that “virulence” depends on the host and its innate susceptibility to infection. We hypothesized that modifications in key bacterial molecules recognized by the innate immune system modulate host responses to B. cenocepacia. Indeed, modification of lipo- polysaccharide (LPS) with 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose and flagellin glycosylation attenuates B. cenocepacia infection in Arabi- dopsis thaliana and Galleria mellonella insect larvae. However, B. cenocepacia LPS and flagellin triggered rapid bursts of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in A. thaliana leading to activation of the PR-1 defense gene. These responses were drastically reduced in plants with fls2 (flagellin FLS2 host receptor kinase), Atnoa1 (nitric oxide-associated protein 1), and dnd1-1 (reduced production of nitric oxide) null mutations. Together, our results indicate that LPS modification and flagellin glycosylation do not affect recognition by plant receptors but are required for bacteria to establish overt infection.


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Uncertainty profiles are used to study the effects of contention within cloud and service-based environments. An uncertainty profile provides a qualitative description of an environment whose quality of service (QoS) may fluctuate unpredictably. Uncertain environments are modelled by strategic games with two agents; a daemon is used to represent overload and high resource contention; an angel is used to represent an idealised resource allocation situation with no underlying contention. Assessments of uncertainty profiles are useful in two ways: firstly, they provide a broad understanding of how environmental stress can effect an application’s performance (and reliability); secondly, they allow the effects of introducing redundancy into a computation to be assessed


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ArnT is a glycosyltransferase that catalyses the addition of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N) to the lipid A moiety of the lipopolysaccharide. This is a critical modification enabling bacteria to resist killing by antimicrobial peptides. ArnT is an integral inner membrane protein consisting of 13 predicted transmembrane helices and a large periplasmic C-terminal domain. We report here the identification of a functional motif with a canonical consensus sequence DEXRYAX(5)MX(3)GXWX(9)YFEKPX(4)W spanning the first periplasmic loop, which is highly conserved in all ArnT proteins examined. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated the contribution of this motif in ArnT function, suggesting that these proteins have a common mechanism. We also demonstrate that the Burkholderia cenocepacia and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ArnT C-terminal domain is required for polymyxin B resistance in vivo. Deletion of the C-terminal domain in B. cenocepacia ArnT resulted in a protein with significantly reduced in vitro binding to a lipid A fluorescent substrate and unable to catalyse lipid A modification with L-Ara4N. An in silico predicted structural model of ArnT strongly resembled the tertiary structure of Campylobacter lari PglB, a bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase involved in protein N-glycosylation. Therefore, distantly related oligosaccharyltransferases from ArnT and PglB families operating on lipid and polypeptide substrates, respectively, share unexpected structural similarity that could not be predicted from direct amino acid sequence comparisons. We propose that lipid A and protein glycosylation enzymes share a conserved catalytic mechanism despite their evolutionary divergence.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia, a member of the B. cepacia complex (Bcc), is an opportunistic pathogen causing serious chronic infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. Tyrosine phosphorylation has emerged as an important post-translational modification modulating the physiology and pathogenicity of Bcc bacteria. Here, we investigated the predicted bacterial tyrosine kinases BCAM1331 and BceF, and the low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases BCAM0208, BceD and BCAL2200 of B. cenocepacia K56-2. We show that BCAM1331, BceF, BCAM0208 and BceD contributed to biofilm formation, while BCAL2200 was required for growth in nutrient-limited conditions. Multiple deletions of either tyrosine kinase or low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases genes resulted in attenuation of B. cenocepacia intramacrophage survival and reduced pathogenicity in the Galleria mellonella larvae infection model. Experimental evidence indicates that BCAM1331 displays a reduced
tyrosine autophosphorylation activity compared to BceF. Using the artificial substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate, the phosphatase activity of the three low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases demonstrated similar kinetic parameters. However, only BCAM0208 and BceD could dephosphorylate BceF. Further, BCAL2200 becomes tyrosine phosphorylated in vivo and catalyzes its auto-dephosphorylation. Together, our data suggest that despite having similar biochemical activities low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases and tyrosine kinases have both overlapping and specific roles in the physiology of B. cenocepacia.


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Real-space grids are a powerful alternative for the simulation of electronic systems. One of the main advantages of the approach is the flexibility and simplicity of working directly in real space where the different fields are discretized on a grid, combined with competitive numerical performance and great potential for parallelization. These properties constitute a great advantage at the time of implementing and testing new physical models. Based on our experience with the Octopus code, in this article we discuss how the real-space approach has allowed for the recent development of new ideas for the simulation of electronic systems. Among these applications are approaches to calculate response properties, modeling of photoemission, optimal control of quantum systems, simulation of plasmonic systems, and the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation for low-dimensionality systems.


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A Educação Popular tem assumido, na região Alentejo, uma grande importância, na medida em que tem adoptado várias modalidades, diferentes protagonistas e promotores. Na realidade, nesta região, vários factores concorreram para este papel da Educação Popular.


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La región del Napo tiene una posición geografica peculiar, que ha influido mucho en la historia de su gente. Por ella ha entrado Francisco de Orellana desde Quito al Amazonas y por ella, desde Belém do Pará, ha subido Pedro de Texeira hasta Quito. La facllidad de acceso desde los Andes y el hecho de tener ríos navegables ha permitido al Napo conocer fenómenos casi inexistentes en otras provincias orientales ecuatorianos, como por ejemplo el establecerse de haciendas desde tiempos relativamente remotos, con la consecuente conversión de la población indígena en personaje sometido. En la época funesta del auge cauchero el Napo fue la única provincia ecuatoriana seberamente afectada por el fenómeno, que determinó la reubicación forzada de muchas poblaciones Sin duda, de toda la Amazonía ecuatoriana, el Napo es la región cuya población, especalmente en el último siglo, ha sido mós diezmada, sometida, literalmente zarandeada. Es también la que ha recibido un rnayor aporte de migración serrana y costeña, aún antes del descubrimiento del petróleo, hasta el punto que hoy se está hablando de su subdiuisión en dos o tres provincias.


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Recensão do livro "Itineraria Sacra. Bracara Augusta Fidelis et Ancient


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O objeto principal desta tese é o estudo de algoritmos de processamento e representação automáticos de dados, em particular de informação obtida por sensores montados a bordo de veículos (2D e 3D), com aplicação em contexto de sistemas de apoio à condução. O trabalho foca alguns dos problemas que, quer os sistemas de condução automática (AD), quer os sistemas avançados de apoio à condução (ADAS), enfrentam hoje em dia. O documento é composto por duas partes. A primeira descreve o projeto, construção e desenvolvimento de três protótipos robóticos, incluindo pormenores associados aos sensores montados a bordo dos robôs, algoritmos e arquitecturas de software. Estes robôs foram utilizados como plataformas de ensaios para testar e validar as técnicas propostas. Para além disso, participaram em várias competições de condução autónoma tendo obtido muito bons resultados. A segunda parte deste documento apresenta vários algoritmos empregues na geração de representações intermédias de dados sensoriais. Estes podem ser utilizados para melhorar técnicas já existentes de reconhecimento de padrões, deteção ou navegação, e por este meio contribuir para futuras aplicações no âmbito dos AD ou ADAS. Dado que os veículos autónomos contêm uma grande quantidade de sensores de diferentes naturezas, representações intermédias são particularmente adequadas, pois podem lidar com problemas relacionados com as diversas naturezas dos dados (2D, 3D, fotométrica, etc.), com o carácter assíncrono dos dados (multiplos sensores a enviar dados a diferentes frequências), ou com o alinhamento dos dados (problemas de calibração, diferentes sensores a disponibilizar diferentes medições para um mesmo objeto). Neste âmbito, são propostas novas técnicas para a computação de uma representação multi-câmara multi-modal de transformação de perspectiva inversa, para a execução de correcção de côr entre imagens de forma a obter mosaicos de qualidade, ou para a geração de uma representação de cena baseada em primitivas poligonais, capaz de lidar com grandes quantidades de dados 3D e 2D, tendo inclusivamente a capacidade de refinar a representação à medida que novos dados sensoriais são recebidos.


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Comparatistas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014