870 resultados para Molecular Self-Assembly


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The European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a multipurpose species that has been widely cultivated around the Mediterranean basin since ancient times. New varieties were brought to the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire, which coexist since then with native populations that survived the last glaciation. The relevance of chestnut cultivation has being steadily growing since the Middle Ages, until the rural decline of the past century put a stop to this trend. Forest fires and diseases were also major factors. Chestnut cultivation is gaining momentum again due to its economic (wood, fruits) and ecologic relevance, and represents currently an important asset in many rural areas of Europe. In this Thesis we apply different molecular tools to help improve current management strategies. For this study we have chosen El Bierzo (Castile and Leon, NW Spain), which has a centenary tradition of chestnut cultivation and management, and also presents several unique features from a genetic perspective (next paragraph). Moreover, its nuts are widely appreciated in Spain and abroad for their organoleptic properties. We have focused our experimental work on two major problems faced by breeders and the industry: the lack of a fine-grained genetic characterization and the need for new strategies to control blight disease. To characterize with sufficient detail the genetic diversity and structure of El Bierzo orchards, we analyzed DNA from 169 trees grafted for nut production covering the entire region. We also analyzed 62 nuts from all traditional varieties. El Bierzo constitutes an outstanding scenario to study chestnut genetics and the influence of human management because: (i) it is located at one extreme of the distribution area; (ii) it is a major glacial refuge for the native species; (iii) it has a long tradition of human management (since Roman times, at least); and (iv) its geographical setting ensures an unusual degree of genetic isolation. Thirteen microsatellite markers provided enough informativeness and discrimination power to genotype at the individual level. Together with an unexpected level of genetic variability, we found evidence of genetic structure, with three major gene pools giving rise to the current population. High levels of genetic differentiation between groups supported this organization. Interestingly, genetic structure does not match with spatial boundaries, suggesting that the exchange of material and cultivation practices have strongly influenced natural gene flow. The microsatellite markers selected for this study were also used to classify a set of 62 samples belonging to all traditional varieties. We identified several cases of synonymies and homonymies, evidencing the need to substitute traditional classification systems with new tools for genetic profiling. Management and conservation strategies should also benefit from these tools. The avenue of high-throughput sequencing technologies, combined with the development of bioinformatics tools, have paved the way to study transcriptomes without the need for a reference genome. We took advantage of RNA sequencing and de novo assembly tools to determine the transcriptional landscape of chestnut in response to blight disease. In addition, we have selected a set of candidate genes with high potential for developing resistant varieties via genetic engineering. Our results evidenced a deep transcriptional reprogramming upon fungal infection. The plant hormones ET and JA appear to orchestrate the defensive response. Interestingly, our results also suggest a role for auxins in modulating such response. Many transcription factors were identified in this work that interact with promoters of genes involved in disease resistance. Among these genes, we have conducted a functional characterization of a two major thaumatin-like proteins (TLP) that belongs to the PR5 family. Two genes encoding chestnut cotyledon TLPs have been previously characterized, termed CsTL1 and CsTL2. We substantiate here their protective role against blight disease for the first time, including in silico, in vitro and in vivo evidence. The synergy between TLPs and other antifungal proteins, particularly endo-p-1,3-glucanases, bolsters their interest for future control strategies based on biotechnological approaches.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es un estudio profundo del crecimiento selectivo de nanoestructuras de InGaN por epitaxia de haces moleculares asistido por plasma, concentrandose en el potencial de estas estructuras como bloques constituyentes en LEDs de nueva generación. Varias aproximaciones al problema son discutidas; desde estructuras axiales InGaN/GaN, a estructuras core-shell, o nanoestructuras crecidas en sustratos con orientaciones menos convencionales (semi polar y no polar). La primera sección revisa los aspectos básicos del crecimiento auto-ensamblado de nanocolumnas de GaN en sustratos de Si(111). Su morfología y propiedades ópticas son comparadas con las de capas compactas de GaN sobre Si(111). En el caso de las columnas auto-ensambladas de InGaN sobre Si(111), se presentan resultados sobre el efecto de la temperatura de crecimiento en la incorporación de In. Por último, se discute la inclusión de nanodiscos de InGaN en las nanocolumnas de GaN. La segunda sección revisa los mecanismos básicos del crecimiento ordenado de nanoestructuras basadas en GaN, sobre templates de GaN/zafiro. Aumentando la relación III/V localmente, se observan cambios morfológicos; desde islas piramidales, a nanocolumnas de GaN terminadas en planos semipolares, y finalmente, a nanocolumnas finalizadas en planos c polares. Al crecer nanodiscos de InGaN insertados en las nanocolumnas de GaN, las diferentes morfologias mencionadas dan lugar a diferentes propiedades ópticas de los nanodiscos, debido al diferente carácter (semi polar o polar) de los planos cristalinos involucrados. La tercera sección recoge experimentos acerca de los efectos que la temperatura de crecimiento y la razón In/Ga tienen en la morfología y emisión de nanocolumnas ordenadas de InGaN crecidas sobre templates GaN/zafiro. En el rango de temperaturas entre 650 y 750 C, la incorporacion de In puede modificarse bien por la temperatura de crecimiento, o por la razón In/Ga. Controlar estos factores permite la optimización de la longitud de onda de emisión de las nanocolumnas de InGaN. En el caso particular de la generación de luz blanca, se han seguidos dos aproximaciones. En la primera, se obtiene emisión amarilla-blanca a temperatura ambiente de nanoestructuras donde la región de InGaN consiste en un gradiente de composiciones de In, que se ha obtenido a partir de un gradiente de temperatura durante el crecimiento. En la segunda, el apilamiento de segmentos emitiendo en azul, verde y rojo, consiguiendo la integración monolítica de estas estructuras en cada una de las nanocolumnas individuales, da lugar a emisores ordenados con un amplio espectro de emisión. En esta última aproximación, la forma espectral puede controlarse con la longitud (duración del crecimiento) de cada uno de los segmentos de InGaN. Más adelante, se presenta el crecimiento ordenado, por epitaxia de haces moleculares, de arrays de nanocolumnas que son diodos InGaN/GaN cada una de ellas, emitiendo en azul (441 nm), verde (502 nm) y amarillo (568 nm). La zona activa del dispositivo consiste en una sección de InGaN, de composición constante nominalmente y longitud entre 250 y 500 nm, y libre de defectos extendidos en contraste con capas compactas de InGaN de similares composiciones y espesores. Los espectros de electroluminiscencia muestran un muy pequeño desplazamiento al azul al aumentar la corriente inyectada (desplazamiento casi inexistente en el caso del dispositivo amarillo), y emisiones ligeramente más anchas que en el caso del estado del arte en pozos cuánticos de InGaN. A continuación, se presenta y discute el crecimiento ordenado de nanocolumnas de In(Ga)N/GaN en sustratos de Si(111). Nanocolumnas ordenadas emitiendo desde el ultravioleta (3.2 eV) al infrarrojo (0.78 eV) se crecieron sobre sustratos de Si(111) utilizando una capa compacta (“buffer”) de GaN. La morfología y eficiencia de emisión de las nanocolumnas emitiendo en el rango espectral verde pueden ser mejoradas ajustando las relaciones In/Ga y III/N, y una eficiencia cuántica interna del 30% se deriva de las medidas de fotoluminiscencia en nanocolumnas optimizadas. En la siguiente sección de este trabajo se presenta en detalle el mecanismo tras el crecimiento ordenado de nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN emitiendo en el verde, y sus propiedades ópticas. Nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN con secciones largas de InGaN (330-830 nm) se crecieron tanto en sustratos GaN/zafiro como GaN/Si(111). Se encuentra que la morfología y la distribución espacial del In dentro de las nanocolumnas dependen de las relaciones III/N e In/Ga locales en el frente de crecimiento de las nanocolumnas. La dispersión en el contenido de In entre diferentes nanocolumnas dentro de la misma muestra es despreciable, como indica las casi identicas formas espectrales de la catodoluminiscencia de una sola nanocolumna y del conjunto de ellas. Para las nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN crecidas sobre GaN/Si(111) y emitiendo en el rango espectral verde, la eficiencia cuántica interna aumenta hasta el 30% al disminuir la temperatura de crecimiento y aumentar el nitrógeno activo. Este comportamiento se debe probablemente a la formación de estados altamente localizados, como indica la particular evolución de la energía de fotoluminiscencia con la temperatura (ausencia de “s-shape”) en muestras con una alta eficiencia cuántica interna. Por otro lado, no se ha encontrado la misma dependencia entre condiciones de crecimiento y efiencia cuántica interna en las nanoestructuras InGaN/GaN crecidas en GaN/zafiro, donde la máxima eficiencia encontrada ha sido de 3.7%. Como alternativa a las nanoestructuras axiales de InGaN/GaN, la sección 4 presenta resultados sobre el crecimiento y caracterización de estructuras core-shell de InGaN/GaN, re-crecidas sobre arrays de micropilares de GaN fabricados por ataque de un template GaN/zafiro (aproximación top-down). El crecimiento de InGaN/GaN es conformal, con componentes axiales y radiales en el crecimiento, que dan lugar a la estructuras core-shell con claras facetas hexagonales. El crecimiento radial (shell) se ve confirmado por medidas de catodoluminiscencia con resolución espacial efectuadas en un microscopio electrónico de barrido, asi como por medidas de microscopía de transmisión de electrones. Más adelante, el crecimiento de micro-pilares core-shell de InGaN se realizó en pilares GaN (cores) crecidos selectivamente por epitaxia de metal-orgánicos en fase vapor. Con el crecimiento de InGaN se forman estructuras core-shell con emisión alrededor de 3 eV. Medidas de catodoluminiscencia resuelta espacialmente indican un aumento en el contenido de indio del shell en dirección a la parte superior del pilar, que se manifiesta en un desplazamiento de la emisión de 3.2 eV en la parte inferior, a 3.0 eV en la parte superior del shell. Este desplazamiento está relacionado con variaciones locales de la razón III/V en las facetas laterales. Finalmente, se demuestra la fabricación de una estructura pin basada en estos pilares core-shell. Medidas de electroluminiscencia resuelta espacialmente, realizadas en pilares individuales, confirman que la electroluminiscencia proveniente del shell de InGaN (diodo lateral) está alrededor de 3.0 eV, mientras que la emisión desde la parte superior del pilar (diodo axial) está alrededor de 2.3 eV. Para finalizar, se presentan resultados sobre el crecimiento ordenado de GaN, con y sin inserciones de InGaN, en templates semi polares (GaN(11-22)/zafiro) y no polares (GaN(11-20)/zafiro). Tras el crecimiento ordenado, gran parte de los defectos presentes en los templates originales se ven reducidos, manifestándose en una gran mejora de las propiedades ópticas. En el caso de crecimiento selectivo sobre templates con orientación GaN(11-22), no polar, la formación de nanoestructuras con una particular morfología (baja relación entre crecimiento perpedicular frente a paralelo al plano) permite, a partir de la coalescencia de estas nanoestructuras, la fabricación de pseudo-templates no polares de GaN de alta calidad. ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to gain insight into the selective area growth of InGaN nanostructures by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, focusing on their potential as building blocks for next generation LEDs. Several nanocolumn-based approaches such as standard axial InGaN/GaN structures, InGaN/GaN core-shell structures, or InGaN/GaN nanostructures grown on semi- and non-polar substrates are discussed. The first section reviews the basics of the self-assembled growth of GaN nanocolumns on Si(111). Morphology differences and optical properties are compared to those of GaN layer grown directly on Si(111). The effects of the growth temperature on the In incorporation in self-assembled InGaN nanocolumns grown on Si(111) is described. The second section reviews the basic growth mechanisms of selectively grown GaNbased nanostructures on c-plane GaN/sapphire templates. By increasing the local III/V ratio morphological changes from pyramidal islands, to GaN nanocolumns with top semi-polar planes, and further to GaN nanocolumns with top polar c-planes are observed. When growing InGaN nano-disks embedded into the GaN nanocolumns, the different morphologies mentioned lead to different optical properties, due to the semipolar and polar nature of the crystal planes involved. The third section reports on the effect of the growth temperature and In/Ga ratio on the morphology and light emission characteristics of ordered InGaN nanocolumns grown on c-plane GaN/sapphire templates. Within the growth temperature range of 650 to 750oC the In incorporation can be modified either by the growth temperature, or the In/Ga ratio. Control of these factors allows the optimization of the InGaN nanocolumns light emission wavelength. In order to achieve white light emission two approaches are used. First yellow-white light emission can be obtained at room temperature from nanostructures where the InGaN region is composition-graded by using temperature gradients during growth. In a second approach the stacking of red, green and blue emitting segments was used to achieve the monolithic integration of these structures in one single InGaN nanocolumn leading to ordered broad spectrum emitters. With this approach, the spectral shape can be controlled by changing the thickness of the respective InGaN segments. Furthermore the growth of ordered arrays of InGaN/GaN nanocolumnar light emitting diodes by molecular beam epitaxy, emitting in the blue (441 nm), green (502 nm), and yellow (568 nm) spectral range is reported. The device active region, consisting of a nanocolumnar InGaN section of nominally constant composition and 250 to 500 nm length, is free of extended defects, which is in strong contrast to InGaN layers (planar) of similar composition and thickness. Electroluminescence spectra show a very small blue shift with increasing current, (almost negligible in the yellow device) and line widths slightly broader than those of state-of-the-art InGaN quantum wells. Next the selective area growth of In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns on Si(111) substrates is discussed. Ordered In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns emitting from ultraviolet (3.2 eV) to infrared (0.78 eV) were then grown on top of GaN-buffered Si substrates. The morphology and the emission efficiency of the In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns emitting in the green could be substantially improved by tuning the In/Ga and total III/N ratios, where an estimated internal quantum efficiency of 30 % was derived from photoluminescence data. In the next section, this work presents a study on the selective area growth mechanisms of green-emitting InGaN/GaN nanocolumns and their optical properties. InGaN/GaN nanocolumns with long InGaN sections (330-830nm) were grown on GaN/sapphire and GaN-buffered Si(111). The nanocolumn’s morphology and spatial indium distribution is found to depend on the local group (III)/N and In/Ga ratios at the nanocolumn’s top. A negligible spread of the average indium incorporation among different nanostructures is found as indicated by similar shapes of the cathodoluminescence spectra taken from single nanocolumns and ensembles of nanocolumns. For InGaN/GaN nanocolumns grown on GaN-buffered Si(111), all emitting in the green spectral range, the internal quantum efficiency increases up to 30% when decreasing growth temperature and increasing active nitrogen. This behavior is likely due to the formation of highly localized states, as indicated by the absence of a complete s-shape behavior of the PL peak position with temperature (up to room temperature) in samples with high internal quantum efficiency. On the other hand, no dependence of the internal quantum efficiency on the growth conditions is found for InGaN/GaN nanostructures grown on GaN/sapphire, where the maximum achieved efficiency is 3.7%. As alternative to axial InGaN/GaN nanostructures, section 4 reports on the growth and characterization of InGaN/GaN core-shell structures on an ordered array of top-down patterned GaN microrods etched from a GaN/sapphire template. Growth of InGaN/GaN is conformal, with axial and radial growth components leading to core-shell structures with clear hexagonal facets. The radial InGaN growth (shell) is confirmed by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence performed in a scanning electron microscopy as well as in scanning transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore the growth of InGaN core-shell micro pillars using an ordered array of GaN cores grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy as a template is demonstrated. Upon InGaN overgrowth core-shell structures with emission at around 3.0 eV are formed. With spatially resolved cathodoluminescence, an increasing In content towards the pillar top is found to be present in the InGaN shell, as indicated by a shift of CL peak position from 3.2 eV at the shell bottom to 3.0 eV at the shell top. This shift is related to variations of the local III/V ratio at the side facets. Further, the successful fabrication of a core-shell pin diode structure is demonstrated. Spatially resolved electroluminescence measurements performed on individual micro LEDs, confirm emission from the InGaN shell (lateral diode) at around 3.0 eV, as well as from the pillar top facet (axial diode) at around 2.3 eV. Finally, this work reports on the selective area growth of GaN, with and without InGaN insertion, on semi-polar (11-22) and non-polar (11-20) templates. Upon SAG the high defect density present in the GaN templates is strongly reduced as indicated by TEM and a dramatic improvement of the optical properties. In case of SAG on non-polar (11-22) templates the formation of nanostructures with a low aspect ratio took place allowing for the fabrication of high-quality, non-polar GaN pseudo-templates by coalescence of the nanostructures.


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Se muestra los resultados de un studio con modelos de goteros enterrados donde se observa un efecto de autoreegulación del efecto de sobrepresión del agua en el suelo.


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The assembly and composition of human excision nuclease were investigated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting. Individual repair factors or any combination of up to four repair factors failed to form DNA–protein complexes of high specificity and stability. A stable complex of high specificity can be detected only when XPA/RPA, transcription factor IIH, XPC⋅HHR23B, and XPG and ATP are present in the reaction mixture. The XPF⋅ERCC1 heterodimer changes the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA–protein complex formed with the other five repair factors, but it does not confer additional specificity. By using proteins with peptide tags or antibodies to the repair factors in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, it was found that XPA, replication protein A, transcription factor IIH, XPG, and XPF⋅excision repair cross-complementing 1 but not XPC⋅HHR23B were present in the penultimate and ultimate dual incision complexes. Thus, it appears that XPC⋅HHR23B is a molecular matchmaker that participates in the assembly of the excision nuclease but is not present in the ultimate dual incision complex. The excision nuclease makes an assymmetric DNase I footprint of ≈30 bp around the damage and increases the DNase I sensitivity of the DNA on both sides of the footprint.


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In pre-B lymphocytes, productive rearrangement of Ig light chain genes allows assembly of the B cell receptor (BCR), which selectively promotes further developmental maturation through poorly defined transmembrane signaling events. Using a novel in vitro system to study immune tolerance during development, we find that BCR reactivity to auto-antigen blocks this positive selection, preventing down-regulation of light chain gene recombination and promoting secondary light chain gene rearrangements that often alter BCR specificity, a process called receptor editing. Under these experimental conditions, self-antigen induces secondary light chain gene rearrangements in at least two-thirds of autoreactive immature B cells, but fails to accelerate cell death at this stage. These data suggest that in these cells the mechanism of immune tolerance is receptor selection rather than clonal selection.


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2C is a typical alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone that recognizes two different ligands. These ligands are adducts of the allo-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule H-2Ld and an endogenous octapeptide, and of the self-MHC molecule H-2Kb and another peptide. MHC-binding and T-cell assays with synthetic peptides in combination with molecular modeling studies were employed to analyze the structural basis for this crossreactivity. The molecular surfaces of the two complexes differ greatly in densities and distributions of positive and negative charges. However, modifications of the peptides that increase similarity decrease the capacities of the resulting MHC peptide complexes to induce T-cell responses. Moreover, the roles of the peptides in ligand recognition are different for self- and allo-MHC-restricted T-cell responses. The self-MHC-restricted T-cell responses were finely tuned to recognition of the peptide. The allo-MHC-restricted responses, on the other hand, largely ignore modifications of the peptide. The results strongly suggest that adaptation of the T-cell receptor to the different ligand structures, rather than molecular mimicry by the ligands, is the basis for the crossreactivity of 2C. This conclusion has important implications for T-cell immunology and for the understanding of immunological disorders.


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Repeated, specific interactions between capsid protein (CP) subunits direct virus capsid assembly and exemplify regulated protein–protein interactions. The results presented here reveal a striking in vivo switch in CP assembly. Using cryoelectron microscopy, three-dimensional image reconstruction, and molecular modeling, we show that brome mosaic virus (BMV) CP can assemble in vivo two remarkably distinct capsids that selectively package BMV-derived RNAs in the absence of BMV RNA replication: a 180-subunit capsid indistinguishable from virions produced in natural infections and a previously unobserved BMV capsid type with 120 subunits arranged as 60 CP dimers. Each such dimer contains two CPs in distinct, nonequivalent environments, in contrast to the quasi-equivalent CP environments throughout the 180-subunit capsid. This 120-subunit capsid utilizes most of the CP interactions of the 180-subunit capsid plus nonequivalent CP–CP interactions. Thus, the CP of BMV, and perhaps other viruses, can encode CP–CP interactions that are not apparent from mature virions and may function in assembly or disassembly. Shared structural features suggest that the 120- and 180-subunit capsids share assembly steps and that a common pentamer of CP dimers may be an important assembly intermediate. The ability of a single CP to switch between distinct capsids by means of alternate interactions also implies reduced evolutionary barriers between different capsid structures. The in vivo switch between alternate BMV capsids is controlled by the RNA packaged: a natural BMV genomic RNA was packaged in 180-subunit capsids, whereas an engineered mRNA containing only the BMV CP gene was packaged in 120-subunit capsids. RNA features can thus direct the assembly of a ribonucleoprotein complex between alternate structural pathways.


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Human sperm centrosome reconstitution and the parental contributions to the zygotic centrosome are examined in mammalian zygotes and after exposure of spermatozoa to Xenopus laevis cell-free extracts. The presence and inheritance of the conserved centrosomal constituents γ-tubulin, centrin, and MPM-2 (which detects phosphorylated epitopes) are traced, as is the sperm microtubule-nucleating capability on reconstituted centrosomes. γ-Tubulin is biparentally inherited in humans (maternal >> than paternal): Western blots detect the presence of paternal γ-tubulin. Recruitment of maternal γ-tubulin to the sperm centrosome occurs after sperm incorporation in vivo or exposure to cell-free extract, especially after sperm “priming” induced by disulfide bond reduction. Centrin is found in the proximal sperm centrosomal region, demonstrates expected calcium sensitivity, but appears absent from the zygotic centrosome after sperm incorporation or exposure to extracts. Sperm centrosome phosphorylation is detected after exposure of primed sperm to egg extracts as well as during the early stages of sperm incorporation after fertilization. Finally, centrosome reconstitution in cell-free extracts permits sperm aster microtubule assembly in vitro. Collectively, these results support a model of a blended zygotic centrosome composed of maternal constituents attracted to an introduced paternal template after insemination.


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When ciliogenesis first occurs in sea urchin embryos, the major building block proteins, tubulin and dynein, exist in substantial pools, but most 9+2 architectural proteins must be synthesized de novo. Pulse-chase labeling with [3H]leucine demonstrates that these proteins are coordinately up-regulated in response to deciliation so that regeneration ensues and the tubulin and dynein pools are replenished. Protein labeling and incorporation into already-assembled cilia is high, indicating constitutive ciliary gene expression and steady-state turnover. To determine whether either the synthesis of tubulin or the size of its available pool is coupled to the synthesis or turnover of the other 9+2 proteins in some feedback manner, fully-ciliated mid- or late-gastrula stage Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis embryos were pulse labeled in the presence of colchicine or taxol at concentrations that block ciliary growth. As a consequence of tubulin autoregulation mediated by increased free tubulin, no labeling of ciliary tubulin occurred in colchicine-treated embryos. However, most other proteins were labeled and incorporated into steady-state cilia at near-control levels in the presence of colchicine or taxol. With taxol, tubulin was labeled as well. An axoneme-associated 78 kDa cognate of the molecular chaperone HSP70 correlated with length during regeneration; neither colchicine nor taxol influenced the association of this protein in steady-state cilia. These data indicate that 1) ciliary protein synthesis and turnover is independent of tubulin synthesis or tubulin pool size; 2) steady-state incorporation of labeled proteins cannot be due to formation or elongation of cilia; 3) substantial tubulin exchange takes place in fully-motile cilia; and 4) chaperone presence and association in steady-state cilia is independent of background ciliogenesis, tubulin synthesis, and tubulin assembly state.


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Limited solubility and precipitation of amyloidogenic sequences such as the Alzheimer peptide (β-AP) are major obstacles to a molecular understanding of protein fibrillation and deposition processes. Here we have circumvented the solubility problem by stepwise engineering a β-AP homology into a soluble scaffold, the monomeric protein S6. The S6 construct with the highest β-AP homology crystallizes as a tetramer that is linked by the β-AP residues forming intermolecular antiparallel β-sheets. This construct also shows increased coil aggregation during refolding, and a 14-mer peptide encompassing the engineered sequence forms fibrils. Mutational analysis shows that intermolecular association is linked to the overall hydrophobicity of the sticky sequence and implies the existence of “structural gatekeepers” in the wild-type protein, that is, charged side chains that prevent aggregation by interrupting contiguous stretches of hydrophobic residues in the primary sequence.


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Dynamic combinatorial libraries are mixtures of compounds that exist in a dynamic equilibrium and can be driven to compositional self adaptation via selective binding of a specific assembly of certain components to a molecular target. We present here an extension of this initial concept to dynamic libraries that consists of two levels, the first formed by the coordination of terpyridine-based ligands to the transition metal template, and the second, by the imine formation with the aldehyde substituents on the terpyridine moieties. Dialdehyde 7 has been synthesized, converted into a variety of ligands, oxime ethers L11–L33 and acyl hydrazones L44–L77, and subsequently into corresponding cobalt complexes. A typical complex, Co(L22)22+ is shown to engage in rapid exchange with a competing ligand L11 and with another complex, Co(L22)22+ in 30% acetonitrile/water at pH 7.0 and 25°C. The exchange in the corresponding Co(III) complexes is shown to be much slower. Imine exchange in the acyl hydrazone complexes (L44–L77) is strongly controlled by pH and temperature. The two types of exchange, ligand and imine, can thus be used as independent equilibrium processes controlled by different types of external intervention, i.e., via oxidation/reduction of the metal template and/or change in the pH/temperature of the medium. The resulting double-level dynamic libraries are therefore named orthogonal, in similarity with the orthogonal protecting groups in organic synthesis. Sample libraries of this type have been synthesized and showed the complete expected set of components in electrospray ionization MS.


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A general strategy is described for designing proteins that self assemble into large symmetrical nanomaterials, including molecular cages, filaments, layers, and porous materials. In this strategy, one molecule of protein A, which naturally forms a self-assembling oligomer, An, is fused rigidly to one molecule of protein B, which forms another self-assembling oligomer, Bm. The result is a fusion protein, A-B, which self assembles with other identical copies of itself into a designed nanohedral particle or material, (A-B)p. The strategy is demonstrated through the design, production, and characterization of two fusion proteins: a 49-kDa protein designed to assemble into a cage approximately 15 nm across, and a 44-kDa protein designed to assemble into long filaments approximately 4 nm wide. The strategy opens a way to create a wide variety of potentially useful protein-based materials, some of which share similar features with natural biological assemblies.


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It is known that an E146D site-directed variant of the Azotobacter vinelandii iron protein (Fe protein) is specifically defective in its ability to participate in iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) insertion. Molybdenum-iron protein (MoFe protein) from the strain expressing the E146D Fe protein is partially (≈45%) FeMoco deficient. The “free” FeMoco that is not inserted accumulates in the cell. We were able to insert this “free” FeMoco into the partially pure FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein. This insertion reaction required crude extract of the ΔnifHDK A. vinelandii strain CA12, Fe protein and MgATP. We used this as an assay to purify a required “insertion” protein. The purified protein was identified as GroEL, based on the molecular mass of its subunit (58.8 kDa), crossreaction with commercially available antibodies raised against E. coli GroEL, and its NH2-terminal polypeptide sequence. The NH2-terminal polypeptide sequence showed identity of up to 84% to GroEL from various organisms. Purified GroEL of A. vinelandii alone or in combination with MgATP and Fe protein did not support the FeMoco insertion into pure FeMoco-deficient MoFe protein, suggesting that there are still other proteins and/or factors missing. By using GroEL-containing extracts from a ΔnifHDK strain of A. vinelandii CA12 along with FeMoco, Fe protein, and MgATP, we were able to supply all required proteins and/or factors and obtained a fully active reconstituted E146D nifH MoFe protein. The involvement of the molecular chaperone GroEL in the insertion of a metal cluster into an apoprotein may have broad implications for the maturation of other metalloenzymes.


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The assembly of polymer chains in solution is a powerful method that is leading to the preparation of interesting and unique macromolecular-based synthetic nanostructures. Specific control over the intramolecular and intermolecular physical interactions dictates either the folding of single chains or the aggregation and ordering of multiple chains. This control is provided through the selective placement of functional groups along the polymer backbone and the relative strengths of their attractive and repulsive interactions.


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Translation initiation is a complex process in which initiator tRNA, 40S, and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled by eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) into an 80S ribosome at the initiation codon of mRNA. The cap-binding complex eIF4F and the factors eIF4A and eIF4B are required for binding of 43S complexes (comprising a 40S subunit, eIF2/GTP/Met-tRNAi and eIF3) to the 5′ end of capped mRNA but are not sufficient to promote ribosomal scanning to the initiation codon. eIF1A enhances the ability of eIF1 to dissociate aberrantly assembled complexes from mRNA, and these factors synergistically mediate 48S complex assembly at the initiation codon. Joining of 48S complexes to 60S subunits to form 80S ribosomes requires eIF5B, which has an essential ribosome-dependent GTPase activity and hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP induced by eIF5. Initiation on a few mRNAs is cap-independent and occurs instead by internal ribosomal entry. Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and hepatitis C virus epitomize distinct mechanisms of internal ribosomal entry site (IRES)-mediated initiation. The eIF4A and eIF4G subunits of eIF4F bind immediately upstream of the EMCV initiation codon and promote binding of 43S complexes. EMCV initiation does not involve scanning and does not require eIF1, eIF1A, and the eIF4E subunit of eIF4F. Initiation on some EMCV-like IRESs requires additional noncanonical initiation factors, which alter IRES conformation and promote binding of eIF4A/4G. Initiation on the hepatitis C virus IRES is even simpler: 43S complexes containing only eIF2 and eIF3 bind directly to the initiation codon as a result of specific interaction of the IRES and the 40S subunit.