934 resultados para Millennium bcp


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1. The member and associate member countries of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean/Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (ECLAC/CDCC) have committed to pursuing and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, a common set of goals and targets to bring all people up to minimum acceptable standards of human development by 2015. 2. However, in spite of various capacity-building initiatives, Caribbean countries continued to experience difficulties in addressing additional demands of monitoring and measuring progress created by the Millennium Development Goals and other Internationally Agreed Development Goals. Therefore, it was necessary to implement activities to ensure the further building/strengthening of institutional capabilities for generating reliable social, economic and environmental statistics among Caribbean States. 3. The ECLAC project entitled “Strengthening the Capacity of National Statistical Offices in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals and other Internationally Agreed Development Goals” sought to build and strengthen institutional capabilities for generating and compiling reliable social, economic and environmental statistics in the Caribbean subregion, through the provision of technical support, as well as the conduct of training workshops for statisticians and policymakers. 4. Within the objectives of that project, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean convened a regional training workshop on the measurement of poverty in the Caribbean in Port of Spain, to build the capacity of government officials and other relevant stakeholders. 5. The overall objective of the workshop was to develop and strengthen the national technical capacity of public officials in data processing, systematization and dissemination of poverty indicators and measurement in the Caribbean subregion. The workshop further sought to review and discuss the current approaches to poverty measurement and monitoring in an effort to identify methods to ensure that monitoring and reporting of the Millennium Development Goals were conducted according to internationally agreed upon methodologies. Furthermore, the workshop also intended to review different methods of poverty measurements, including the multidimensional methodology for the measurement of poverty. 6. Participants were introduced to different methods of poverty measurements and other aggregation proposals which would enable countries to better measure progress towards Goal 1 on poverty, report on it and apply evidence-based approaches to national policymaking and planning.


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This issue of Gender Dialogue focuses attention on the status of the girl child in the Caribbean and examines the ongoing progress and challenges in fulfilment of international mandates such as the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Millennium Development Goals and other relevant commitments.


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The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is seeking to provide support to the Governments of Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados in researching the potential for employing renewable energy technologies to mitigate climate change. This exercise involves the study of different types of renewable technologies and mitigative strategies, with the aim of making recommendations to the governments on the development of their renewable energy sector. The recommendations may also assist in achieving their long-term objectives of reducing poverty and promoting healthy economies and sustainable livelihoods in keeping with the Millennium Development Goals. Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados each face common and specific challenges in their efforts to adequately define and implement their energy and climate policies, in a way that allows them to contribute to the mitigation effort against climate change, while promoting sustainable development within their countries. Each country has demonstrated an understanding of the global and national challenges pertaining to climate change. They have attempted to address these challenges through policies and various programmes implemented by local and international agencies. Documented and undocumented policies have sought to outline the directions to be taken by each territory as they seek to deploy new technologies to address issues related to energy and the environment. While all territories have sought to deploy multiple alternate and renewable technologies simultaneously, it is clear that, given their sizes and resource limitations, no one territory can achieve excellence in all these areas. Guyana has demonstrated the greatest potential for hydro energy and should pursue it as their main area of expertise. The country also has an additional major strategy that includes forest credits and the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) programme. This approach will be brought to the negotiation table in the upcoming climate change meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009. Of the three countries, Jamaica has the only active significant wind farm deployment, while Barbados has a long tradition in solar energy. Each country might then supplement their energy and fuel mix with other energy and fuel sources and draw from the experience of other countries. Given the synergies that might accrue from adopting a regional approach, the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) might be well positioned to play a coordinating role. This focus on renewable energy and biofuels should yield good, long-term results as it relates to mitigation against climate change, and good, short- and medium-term results as it relates to the development of sustainable economies. Each country might also achieve energy security, reduced oil dependence, significant reduction in harmful emissions and better foreign exchange management if they pursue good policies and implementation practices. Human and financial resources are critical to the success of planned interventions, and it will be necessary to successfully mobilize these resources in order to be effective in executing key plans.


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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, held a two-day expert group meeting on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) monitoring and reporting with a particular focus on health-related indicators in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on 16-17 June 2009. This meeting was convened within the framework of the United Nations Development Account-funded project ‘Strengthening the Capacity of National Statistical Offices in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other Internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADGs)’.


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Nicaragua is making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, but is set to miss a number of targets in 2015. This paper’s general equilibrium analysis shows that it is unfeasible for the government to step up spending in order to meet these targets by the 2015 deadline. Any boost to public spending and financing would have to be front-loaded, which would entail pernicious macroeconomic trade-offs. A more realistic scenario would be to postpone meeting the goals until 2020. In that case, the allocation of public spending would spur economic growth without causing macroeconomic hardships, although the country would nevertheless remain highly vulnerable to external shocks.


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This paper will contend that the post-2015 development agenda presents a major opportunity for Caribbean countries to reverse decades of lagging economic performance and make the transition to balanced, holistic, and people-centred growth and development. The MDGs, while valuable in promoting gains in poverty reduction, health, education, nutrition, and maternal well-being were not tailored to the growth and development needs of the region. This can now be changed by a post-2015 development agenda which goes beyond improving the welfare of citizens by meeting basic needs and enhancing access to primary services. The necessary scaling-up of the MDG framework will require that the sustainable development goals, which will anchor the post- 2015 development agenda, are capable of promoting structural change, competitiveness and output gains while advancing social development and meeting environmental concerns. They must also address the unfinished business of the millennium development goals, primarily in the area of human development.


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Tariff policies for the achievement of MDGs ; Natural resources within UNASUR ; The human right to water and sanitation.-- Meetings: Tariff and Regulatory Policies ; Transboundary Water Cooperation ; Latinosan III.-- News of the Network: National Water Resources Strategy ; Hydroelectric Development in Chile.-- Internet and WWW News


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Saneamento básico e saúde são inseparáveis. Sob esta premissa, é conduzida a investigação contida neste estudo, que busca contribuir oferecendo à sociedade um ponto de vista interdisciplinar na formulação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas de saneamento básico urbano. O uso de indicadores urbanos é fator de melhoria no planejamento e gestão das cidades, e matéria atualíssima. Há fartura deles, entretanto este estudo busca a simplicidade cognitiva, embora sem reducionismo, e aí reside a preocupação com a interdisciplinaridade contida na abordagem desta investigação, que culmina com a proposição de modelo econométrico relacionando dados censitários sociais e sanitários. São estudadas as relações entre mortalidade na infância, população urbana, provisão de serviços urbanos de abastecimento de água, esgotamento sanitário e coleta de lixo. São verificadas as relações explicativas entre a variável de dependente constituída pelo produto mortalidade na infância x população urbana e as variáveis independentes populações urbanas atendidas com abastecimento de água, rede de esgoto e coleta de lixo. Consideradas as políticas de investimentos em saneamento expressas no Orçamento Geral do Estado do Pará para o ano de 2006 como usuais, e a partir do modelo desenvolvido, a mortalidade na infância é inferida para o ano de 2015, e comparada com a Meta dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio da ONU, a qual consiste na redução da mortalidade na infância em 2/3 entre os anos de 1990 e 2015. As estimativas de recursos para o atingimento dessa Meta indicam a necessidade de manter os investimentos em abastecimento de água, coleta de lixo e incrementálos em esgotamento sanitário. Como conseqüência lógica do raciocínio e das análises contidas no trabalho, é sugerido como critério de priorização no planejamento e alocação de recursos para ampliação da provisão de serviços urbanos de saneamento básico a mortalidade na infância.


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A partir do aporte teórico da Abordagem das Capacitações e tendo como referência metodológica a técnica dos Conjuntos Fuzzy, este artigo apresenta um indicador-síntese de pobreza multidimensional para os estados brasileiros. Todavia, diferentemente de outros estudos, a contribuição deste artigo é diminuir o grau de arbitrariedade na escolha das dimensões da pobreza, considerando o cumprimento das metas dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento do Milênio (PNUD, 2003). Os resultados apontam uma delimitação espacial bem definida no país, com os estados das Norte e Nordeste situando-se entre os dez de maiores índices, com exceção do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.