997 resultados para Military industry, Europe
Newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.
An EC concerted action on the assessment of AIDS/HIV prevention strategies was conducted between 1989 and 1992. The aim of this concerted action (CA) was to bring together researchers who are active in this assessment field, make an initial appraisal of the results of AIDS prevention efforts, in various population groups in Europe and develop an assessment methodology. Five areas of study were selected for the CA: the population as a whole ("general population"), men who have sexual relations with other men, intravenous drug users, migrant populations, monitoring of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to determine changes in behaviour. For each of these areas, a working group composed of the leading researchers in the field in Europe was constituted and commissioned by the project administration and coordination team to collate and analyse data on prevention efforts and their assessment in different countries of Europe. This review presents the main results from the groups responsible in each area in the concerted action. A number of general conclusions from the results of this concerted action are drawn.
Cet article prsente la situation des femmes au sein des hirarchies professionnelles et examine les diffrentes mesures lgislatives qui visent promouvoir une meilleure rpartition sexue de la prise de dcision dans le champ conomique en Europe. Il s'appuie la fois sur les documents publis par la Commission europenne, sur des initiatives adoptes dans certains tats membres et sur des donnes issues de plusieurs recherches rcentes sur les femmes cadres et dirigeantes d'entreprise en Europe.
We investigate the effects of the financial crisis on the stationarity of real interest rates in the Euro Area. We use a new unit root test developed by Peseran et al. (2013) that allows for multiple unobserved factors in a panel set up. Our results suggest that while short-term and long-term real interest rates were stationary before the financial crisis, they became nonstationary during the crisis period likely due to persistent risk that characterized financial markets during that time. JEL codes: E43, C23. Keywords: Real interest rates, Euro Area, financial crisis, panel unit root tests, cross-sectional dependence.
Proyecto de investigacin elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, a Alemanya, entre 2010 y 2012. La radiacin solar que alcanza la superficie terrestre es un factor clave entre los procesos que controlan el clima de la Tierra, dado el papel que desempean en el balance energtico y el ciclo hidrolgico. Establecer su contribucin al cambio climtico reciente supone una gran dificultad debido a la complejidad de los procesos implicados, la gran cantidad de informacin requerida, y la incertidumbre de las bases de datos disponibles en la actualidad. As, el objetivo principal del proyecto ha consistido en generar una base de datos de insolacin incluyendo las series ms largas (desde finales del siglo XIX) disponibles en toda Europa. Esta base de datos complementa para nuestro continente el Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) que mantiene y gestiona el grupo que ha acogido al receptor de la ayuda postdoctoral, y permite extender espacial (especialmente en pases del sur de Europa) y temporalmente las series climticas disponibles de mediciones de irradiancia solar. Como la insolacin es un proxy de la irradiancia solar, el proyecto actual tambin ha tratado de calibrar de forma exhaustiva ambas variables, a fin de generar una nueva base de datos reconstruida de esta segunda variable que est disponible desde finales del siglo XIX en Europa. Un segundo objetivo del proyecto ha consistido en continuar trabajando a escala de mayor detalle sobre la Pennsula Ibrica, con el fin de proporcionar una mejor comprensin del fenmeno del global dimming/brightening y su impacto en el ciclo hidrolgico y balance energtico. Finalmente, un tercer objetivo del presente proyecto postdoctoral ha consistido en continuar estudiando los posibles ciclos semanales a gran escala de diferentes variables climticas, lnea de investigacin de inters para la deteccin de posibles efectos de los aerosoles antrpicos en el clima a escalas temporales breves, y consecuentemente estrechamente vinculado al fenmeno del global dimming/brightening.
The white Barn Owl subspecies (Tyto alba alba) is found in southern Europe and the reddish-brown subspecies (T a. guttata) in northern and eastern Europe. In central Europe, the two subspecies interbreed producing a large range of phenotypic variants. Because of the different ratios of the subspecies in different geographic regions, we predict that genetic variation should be greater in Switzerland than in Hungary. We tested this hypothesis by measuring genetic variation with the RAPD method. As predicted, the genetic differentiation within a Swiss population of Barn Owls was significantly greater than the variation within a Hungarian population. This suggests that gene flow is greater in central Europe than at the eastern limit of the Barn Owl distribution in Hungary. In both countries genetic variation was more pronounced in females than in males. As in other birds, this is probably because female Barn Owls are less philopatric than males. The number of migrants between Hungary and Switzerland is ca. 1 individual per generation; if calculated separately for the sexes, then 0.525 for males and ca. I for females (Nm values). The difference in the number of migrants between genders again is likely a consequence of higher male philopatry. The sexual differentiation is greater in the Swiss population than in the Hungarian and the genetic substructuring of the populations of the species is substantial. The reason for the considerable population substructuring could be the nonmigratory behavior and socially monogamous pairing of the species, as well as the geographical barriers (Alps) between the populations examined.
BACKGROUND: To update the pattern of cancer mortality in Europe. Materials and methods: We analysed cancer mortality in 34 European countries during 2000-2004, with an overview of trends in 1975-2004 using data from the World Health Organization. RESULTS: From 1990-1994 to 2000-2004, overall cancer mortality in the European Union declined from 185.2 to 168.0/100 000 (world standard, -9%) in men and from 104.8 to 96.9 (-8%) in women, with larger falls in middle age. Total cancer mortality trends were favourable, though to a variable degree, in all major European countries, including Russia, but not in Romania. The major determinants of these favourable trends were the decline of lung (-16%) and other tobacco-related cancers in men, together with the persistent falls in gastric cancer, and the recent appreciable falls in colorectal cancer. In women, relevant contributions came from the persistent decline in cervical cancer and the recent falls in breast cancer mortality, particularly in northern and western Europe. Favourable trends were also observed for testicular cancer, Hodgkin lymphomas, leukaemias, and other neoplasms amenable to treatment, though the reductions were still appreciably smaller in eastern Europe. CONCLUSION: This updated analysis of cancer mortality in Europe showed a persistent favourable trend over the last years.
I. Introduction : A. Donnes du problme : En ce dbut de XXIe sicle, le nombre d'actions en justice visant engager la responsabilit des autorits de surveillance des banques, la suite de faillites bancaires, n'a cess de crotre. Ce contentieux s'inscrit dans une tendance gnrale de recherche des responsabilits des acteurs chargs du contrle des entits conomiques prives. Les autorits de surveillance bancaire ont-elles l'obligation de rpondre, devant la justice, du dommage ventuellement caus dans l'exercice de leur mission et d'en assumer les consquences financires? C'est ce que tentent d'tablir les demandeurs, le plus souvent des dposants lss, qui, malgr l'existence de mcanismes de garantie des dpts, n'ont pu recouvrer l'intgralit des sommes dposes auprs de banques dfaillantes. Les demandeurs agissent frquemment en dernier ressort contre l'autorit de surveillance bancaire. Les carences allgues des autorits de surveillance bancaire constituent les fondements de leurs actions en justice. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent expliquer l'augmentation de ce contentieux : ? La croissance des avoirs financiers. Au sein d'un paysage financier europen caractris par l'intgration et l'interdpendance de plus en plus pousses des conomies nationales, volume et concentration des avoirs financiers n'ont cess de crotre. ? La formalisation des rglementations prudentielles. La surveillance des banques repose dsormais sur un corps de rgles dtaill et prcis, au niveau national, europen et international. ? Les dfaillances bancaires. De telles dfaillances ont touch de nombreux Etats ces dernires annes: la Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) dont la faillite a eu des rpercussions internationales en 1991, l'tablissement Barings au Royaume-Uni en 1995, le Crdit Lyonnais en France en 1992 ou la Spar- und Leihkasse Thun en Suisse en 1991. Cette tendance est cependant paradoxale puisque dans de nombreux Etats europens, comme au Royaume-Uni ou en Allemagne, les autorits de surveillance jouissent d'une protection juridique confre par la loi, les prservant, thoriquement, de poursuites judiciaires intempestives. Dans d'autres pays, comme en France et en Suisse, c'est le droit gnral de la responsabilit de l'Etat qui est appliqu de manire restrictive par les juridictions comptentes. Les actions judiciaires devant les juges nationaux comportent galement des aspects de droit europen. En effet, depuis 1993 un march bancaire unique existe en Europe et les demandeurs ont frquemment invoqu le droit matriel de l'Union europenne l'appui de leurs prtentions. L'affaire BCCI illustre le type de contentieux auquel doivent faire face le Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) allemand, la Financial Services Authority (FSA) britannique, la Commission fdrale des banques (CFB) suisse ou la Commission bancaire (CB) franaise. L'accroissement de ce contentieux prouve que le risque d'engagement de la responsabilit des autorits de surveillance bancaire n'est pas purement thorique.
OBJECTIVE:: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are used in food industries as probiotic agents. The aim of this study is to assess the potential health effects of airborne exposure to a mix of preblend (LAB and carbohydrate) and milk powder in workers. METHODS:: A medical questionnaire, lung function tests, and immunologic tests were carried out on 50 workers. Occupational exposure to inhalable dust and airborne LAB was measured. RESULTS:: Workers not using respiratory masks reported more symptoms of irritation than workers using protection. Workers from areas with higher levels of airborne LAB reported the most health symptoms and the immune responses of workers to LAB was higher than the immune responses of a control population. CONCLUSIONS:: Measures to reduce exposure to airborne LAB and milk powder in food industries are recommended.
This article reconsiders the growth of Italian industry from the First World War to the eve of the economic miracle, with the aid of sector-specific new value-added series, at three different price-bases. The new estimates reduce growth during the First World War, making the Italian case comparable to the other belligerent countries, while improving the performance of the 1920s. The 1929 crisis looks more profound than before, while the recovery after 1933 is now stronger. During the 1920s and the 1930s, a significant shift from traditional to more advanced activities took place: when confronted with the rest of Europe, the interwar period was a relative success, which laid the ground for the following economic boom.