999 resultados para Microwave hydrothermal


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The effects of iron ions on dielectric properties of lithium sodium phosphate glasses were studied by non-usual, fast and non-destructive microwave techniques. The dielectric constant (epsilon`). insertion loss (L) and microwave absorption spectra (microwave response) of the selected glass system xFe(2)O(3)center dot(1 - x)(50P(2)O5 center dot 25Li(2)O center dot 25Na(2)O), being x = 0, 3, 6, ....,15 expressed in mol.%, were investigated. The dielectric constant of the samples was investigated at 9.00 GHz using the shorted-line method (SLM) giving the minimum value of epsilon` = 2.10 +/- 0.02 at room temperature, and increasing further with x, following a given law. It was observed a gradual increasing slope Of E in the temperature range of 25 <= t <= 330 degrees C, at the frequency of 9.00 GHz. Insertion loss (measured at 9.00 GHz) and measurements of microwave energy attenuation, at frequencies ranging from 8.00 to 12.00 GHz were also studied as a function of iron content in the glass samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The interference of magneto-intersubband oscillations and microwave-induced resistance oscillations is studied in high-density triple quantum wells. We give an introduction into magnetotransport in trilayer systems and focus on photoresistance measurements. The power and frequency dependence of the observed magnetoresistance oscillations can be described by the inelastic mechanism of photoresistance, generalized to the three-subband case. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interference of microwave-induced resistance oscillations and magneto-intersubband oscillations in double quantum wells exposed to a continuous microwave irradiation is under study. By comparing experimental and theoretical magnetoresistance traces at different temperatures, we confirm that the inelastic mechanism of photoresistance explains our observations up to T similar or equal to 4 K. For higher temperatures, our results suggest a deviation of the inelastic scattering time tau(in) from the predicted T(-2) dependence. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on integer and fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations in a 2D electron system with high density and moderate mobility, and present results of measurements at high microwave intensity and temperature. Fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations occur up to fractional denominator 8 and are quenched independently of their fractional order. We discuss our results and compare them with existing theoretical models. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report in detail oscillatory magnetoresistance in double quantum wells under microwave irradiation. The experimental investigation contains measurements of frequency, power and temperature dependence. In theory, the observed interference oscillations are explained in terms of the influence of subband coupling on the frequency-dependent photoinduced part of the electron distribution function. Thus, the magnetoresistance shows the interference of magneto-intersubband and conventional microwave induced resistance oscillations.


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A systematic study was made of the synthesis of V(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O nanostructures, whose morphologies, crystal structure, and amount of water molecules between the layered structures were regulated by strictly controlling the hydrothermal treatment variables. The synthesis involved a direct hydrothermal reaction between V(2)O(5) and H(2)O(2), without the addition of organic surfactant or inorganic ions. The experimental results indicate that high purity nanostructures can be obtained using this simple and clean synthetic route. Oil the basis of a study of hydrothermal treatment variables such as reaction temperature and time, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) revealed that it was possible to obtain nanoribbons of the V(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O monoclinic phase and nanowires or nanorods of the V(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O orthorhombic phase. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) shows also that the water content in the Structure call be controlled at appropriate hydrothermal conditions. Concerning the oxidation state of the vanadium atoms of as-obtained samples, a mixed-valence state composed of V(4+) and V(5+) was observed ill the V(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O monoclinic phase, while the valence of the vanadium atoms was preferentially 5+ in the V(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O orthorhombic phase. The X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) results also indicated that the local structure of vanadium possessed a higher degree of symmetry in the V(2)O(5)center dot nH(2)O monoclinic phase.


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Hierarchical assemblies of CaMoO4 (CM) nano-octahedrons were obtained by microwave-assisted hydrothemial synthesis at 120 degrees C for different times. These structures were structurally, morphologically and optically characterized by X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy, field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence measurements. First-principle calculations have been carried out to understand the structural and electronic order-disorder effects as a function of the particle/region size. Supercells of different dimensions were constructed to simulate the geometric distortions along both they and z planes of the scheelite structure. Based on these experimental results and with the help of detailed structural simulations, we were able to model the nature of the order-disorder in this important class of materials and discuss the consequent implications on its physical properties, in particular, the photoluminescence properties of CM nanocrystals.


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The Barra do Itapirapua ( BIT) carbonatites in southern Brazil belong to the final stages of the Early Cretaceous alkaline rock - carbonatite magmatism of the Ponta Grossa Arch Province. The BIT complex is a dyke and vein stockwork in which four main carbonatitic phases are recognized, mainly magnesiocarbonatites and ferrocarbonatites. These carbonatites are generally overprinted by pervasive hydrothermal events. The C-O stable isotopic data indicate re-equilibration under hydrothermal conditions at temperatures between 375 and 80 degrees C. Significant amounts of REE fluorocarbonate minerals, relatively Sr- and Th-rich, were deposited. Syntaxy between synchysite-(Ce) and parisite-(Ce) is very common owing to the similarity in structures, with alternating (001) layers of (CeF), (CO3) and (Ca). However, bastnasite-(Ce) occurs as individual crystals, overgrown by the synchysite and parisite polycrystals. Textural and chemical reactions between the REE fluorocarbonates provide insights into the mobility of rare-earth elements during fluid-rock interaction. The BIT complex is considered to be of potential economic interest for production of the rare-earth concentrates.


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Tests are described showing the results obtained for the determination of REE and the trace elements Rb, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, Pb, Th and U with ICP-MS methodology for nine basaltic reference materials, and thirteen basalts and amphibolites from the mafic-ultramafic Niquelandia Complex, central Brazil. Sample decomposition for the reference materials was performed by microwave oven digestion (HF and HNO(3), 100 mg of sample), and that for the Niquelandia samples also by Parr bomb treatment (5 days at 200 degrees C, 40 mg of sample). Results for the reference materials were similar to published values, thus showing that the microwave technique can be used with confidence for basaltic rocks. No fluoride precipitates were observed in the microwave-digested solutions. Total recovery of elements, including Zr and Hf, was obtained for the Niquelandia samples, with the exception of an amphibolite. For this latter sample, the Parr method achieved a total digestion, but not so the microwave decomposition; losses, however, were observed only for Zr and Hf, indicating difficulty in dissolving Zr-bearing minerals by microwave acid attack.


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The inactivation kinetics of enzymes polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) was studied for the batch (discontinuous) microwave treatment of green coconut water. Inactivation of commercial PPO and POD added to sterile coconut water was also investigated. The complete time-temperature profiles of the experimental runs were used for determination of the kinetic parameters D-value and z-value: PPO (D(92.20 degrees C) = 52 s and z = 17.6 degrees C); POD (D(92.92 degrees C) = 16 s and z = 11.5 degrees C); PPO/sterile coconut water: (D(84.45 degrees C) = 43 s and z = 39.5 degrees C) and POD/sterile coconut water: (D(86.54 degrees C) = 20 s and z = 19.3 degrees C). All data were well fitted by a first order kinetic model. The enzymes naturally present in coconut water showed a higher resistance when compared to those added to the sterilized medium or other simulated solutions reported in the literature. The thermal inactivation of PPO and POD during microwave processing of green coconut water was significantly faster in comparison with conventional processes reported in the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microwave (MW)-assisted cellulose dissolution in ionic liquids (ILs) has routinely led either to incomplete biopolymer solubilization, or its degradation. We show that these problems can be avoided by use of low-energy MW heating, coupled with efficient stirring. Dissolution of microcrystalline cellulose in the IL 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride has been achieved without changing its degree of polymerization; regenerated cellulose showed pronounced changes in its index of crystallinity, surface area, and morphology. MW-assisted functionalization of MCC by ethanoic, propanoic, butanoic, pentanoic, and hexanoic anhydrides has been studied. Compared with conventional heating, MW irradiation has resulted in considerable decrease in dissolution and reaction times. The value of the degree of substitution (DS) was found to be DS(ethanoate) > DS(propanoate) > DS(butanoate). The values of DS(pentanoate) and DS(hexanoate) were found to be slightly higher than DS(ethanoate). This surprising dependence on the chain length of the acylating agent has been reported before, but not rationalized. On the basis of the rate constants and activation parameters of the hydrolysis of ethanoic, butanoic, and hexanoic anhydrides in aqueous acetonitrile (a model acyl transfer reaction), we suggest that this result may be attributed to the balance between two opposing effects, namely, steric crowding and (cooperative) hydrophobic interactions between the anhydride and the cellulosic surface, whose lipophilicity has increased, due to its partial acylation. Four ethanoate-based mixed esters were synthesized by the reaction with a mixture of the two anhydrides; the ethanoate moiety predominated in all products. The DS is reproducible and the IL is easily recycled. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 48: 134-143, 2010


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Several conditions have been used in the coupling reaction of stepwise SPPS at elevated temperature (SPPS-ET), but we have elected the following as our first choice: 2.5-fold molar excess of 0.04-0.08 M Boc or Fmoc-amino acid derivative, equimolar amount of DIC/HOBt (1:1)or TBTU/DIPEA(1:3), 25% DMSO/toluene, 60 degrees C, conventional heating. In this study, aimed to further examine enantiomerization under such condition and study the applicability of our protocols to microwave-SPPS, peptides containing L-Ser, L-His, L-Cys and/or L-Met were manually synthesized traditionally, at 60 degrees C using conventional heating and at 60 degrees C using microwave heating. Detailed assessment of all crude peptides (in their intact and/or fully hydrolyzed forms) revealed that, except for the microwave-assisted coupling of L-Cys, all other reactions occurred with low levels of amino acid enantiomerization (<2%). Therefore, herein we (i) provide new evidences that our protocols for SPPS at 60 degrees C using conventional heating are suitable for routine use, (ii) demonstrate their appropriateness for microwave-assisted SPPS by Boc and Fmoc chemistries, (iii) disclose advantages and limitations of the three synthetic approaches employed. Thus, this study complements our past research on SPPS-ET and suggests alternative conditions for microwave-assisted SPPS. Copyright (C) 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Microwave-assisted sample preparation using diluted nitric acid solutions is an alternative procedure for digesting organic samples. The efficiency of this procedure depends on the chemical properties of the samples and in this work it was evaluated by the determination of crude protein amount. fat and original carbon. Soybeans grains, bovine blood. bovine muscle and bovine viscera were digested in a cavity-microwave oven using oxidant mixtures in different acid concentrations. The digestion efficiency was evaluated based on the determination of residual carbon content and element recoveries using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). In order to determine the main residual organic compounds, the digests were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H NMR). Subsequently, studies concerning separation of nitrobenzoic acid isomers were performed by ion pair reversed phase liquid chromatography using a C18 stationary phase, water:acetonitrile:methanol (75:20:5, v/v/v) +0.05% (v/v) TFA as mobile phase and ultraviolet detection at 254 nm. Sample preparation based on diluted acids proved to be feasible and a recommendable alternative for organic sample digestion, reducing both the reagent volumes and the variability of the residues as a result of the process of decomposition. It was shown that biological matt-ices containing amino acids, proteins and lipids in their composition produced nitrobenzoic acid isomers and other organic compounds after cleavage of chemical bonds. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The microwave reflection, transmission and complex permittivity of paratoluene-2-sulfonic acid doped conducting polypyrrole (PPy/pTSA) coated Nylon-Lycra textiles in the 1-18 GHz frequency were investigated. The real part of permittivity increased with polymerization time and dopant concentration, reaching a plateau at certain dopant concentration and polymerization time. The imaginary part of permittivity showed a frequency dependent change throughout the tested range. All the samples had higher values of absorption than reflection. The total electromagnetic shielding effectiveness exceeded 80% for the highly pTSA doped samples coated for 3 hours.