899 resultados para Metabolismo Doenças


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Population aging is a global demographic trend. This process is a reality that merits attention and importance in recent years, and cause considerable impact in terms of greater demands on the health sector, social security and special care and attention from families and society as a whole. Thus, in the context of addressing the consequences of demographic transition, population aging is characterized as a major challenge for Brazilian society. Therefore, this study was conducted in two main objectives. In the first article, variables of socioeconomic and demographic contexts were employed to identify multidimensional profiles of elderly residents in the Northeast capitals, from specific indicators from the 2010 Census information Therefore, we used the Grade of Membership Method (GoM), whose design profiles admits that an individual belongs to different degrees of relevance to multiple profiles in order to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with living conditions of the elderly in the Northeastern capitals. The second article examined the possible relationship between mortality from chronic diseases and socio-economic indicators in the elderly population, of the 137 districts in Natal, broken down by ten-year age groups (60 to 69 years, 70-79 years and 80 and over. The microdata from the Mortality Information System (SIM), was used, provided by the Health Secretariat of Christmas, and population information came from the Population Census 2010. The method refers to the Global and Local Index neighborhood logic (LISA) Moran, whose spatial distribution from the choropleth maps allowed us to analyze the mortality of the elderly by neighborhoods, according to socioeconomic and demographic indicators, according to the presence of special significance. In the first article, the results show the identification of three extreme profiles. The Profile 1 which is characterized by median socioeconomic status and contributes 35.5% of elderly residents in the area considered. The profile 2 which brings together seniors with low socioeconomic status characteristics, with a percentage of 24.8% of cases. And the Profile 3 composing elderly with features that reveal better socioeconomic conditions, about 29.7% of the elderly. Overall, the results point to poor living conditions represented by the definition of these profiles, mainly expressed by the results observed in more than half of the northeastern elderly experience a situation of social vulnerability given the large percentage that makes up the Profile 1 and Profile 2, adding 60% of the elderly. In the second article, the results show a higher proportion of elderly concentrated in the neighborhoods of higher socioeconomic status, such as Petrpolis and LagoaSeca. Mortality rates, according to the causes of death and standardized by the empirical Bayesian method were distributed locally as follows: Neoplasms (Reis Santos, New Discovery, New Town, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Hypertensive diseases (Blue Lagoon, Potengi, Redinha, Reis Santos, Riverside, Lagoa Nova, Grass Soft, Nepolis and Ponta Negra); Acute Myocardial Infarction (Northeast, Guarapes and grass Soft); Cerebrovascular diseases (Petrpolis and Mother Luiza); Pneumonia (Ribeira, Praia do Meio, New Discovery, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Chronic Diseases of the Lower Way Airlines (Igap, Northeast and Thursdays). The present findings at work may contribute to other studies on the subject and development of specific policies for the elderly.


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Population aging is a global demographic trend. This process is a reality that merits attention and importance in recent years, and cause considerable impact in terms of greater demands on the health sector, social security and special care and attention from families and society as a whole. Thus, in the context of addressing the consequences of demographic transition, population aging is characterized as a major challenge for Brazilian society. Therefore, this study was conducted in two main objectives. In the first article, variables of socioeconomic and demographic contexts were employed to identify multidimensional profiles of elderly residents in the Northeast capitals, from specific indicators from the 2010 Census information Therefore, we used the Grade of Membership Method (GoM), whose design profiles admits that an individual belongs to different degrees of relevance to multiple profiles in order to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with living conditions of the elderly in the Northeastern capitals. The second article examined the possible relationship between mortality from chronic diseases and socio-economic indicators in the elderly population, of the 137 districts in Natal, broken down by ten-year age groups (60 to 69 years, 70-79 years and 80 and over. The microdata from the Mortality Information System (SIM), was used, provided by the Health Secretariat of Christmas, and population information came from the Population Census 2010. The method refers to the Global and Local Index neighborhood logic (LISA) Moran, whose spatial distribution from the choropleth maps allowed us to analyze the mortality of the elderly by neighborhoods, according to socioeconomic and demographic indicators, according to the presence of special significance. In the first article, the results show the identification of three extreme profiles. The Profile 1 which is characterized by median socioeconomic status and contributes 35.5% of elderly residents in the area considered. The profile 2 which brings together seniors with low socioeconomic status characteristics, with a percentage of 24.8% of cases. And the Profile 3 composing elderly with features that reveal better socioeconomic conditions, about 29.7% of the elderly. Overall, the results point to poor living conditions represented by the definition of these profiles, mainly expressed by the results observed in more than half of the northeastern elderly experience a situation of social vulnerability given the large percentage that makes up the Profile 1 and Profile 2, adding 60% of the elderly. In the second article, the results show a higher proportion of elderly concentrated in the neighborhoods of higher socioeconomic status, such as Petrpolis and LagoaSeca. Mortality rates, according to the causes of death and standardized by the empirical Bayesian method were distributed locally as follows: Neoplasms (Reis Santos, New Discovery, New Town, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Hypertensive diseases (Blue Lagoon, Potengi, Redinha, Reis Santos, Riverside, Lagoa Nova, Grass Soft, Nepolis and Ponta Negra); Acute Myocardial Infarction (Northeast, Guarapes and grass Soft); Cerebrovascular diseases (Petrpolis and Mother Luiza); Pneumonia (Ribeira, Praia do Meio, New Discovery, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Chronic Diseases of the Lower Way Airlines (Igap, Northeast and Thursdays). The present findings at work may contribute to other studies on the subject and development of specific policies for the elderly.


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The human being is understood as an integral being, complex, which has multiple dimensions: social, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and others. As its biological dimension, the man presents the possibility of physical illness, which means that the body requires care. The sick away from humans in health and safety conditions, approaching them directly from the finitude and vulnerability condition, leading us to contact the major uncertainties of life: suffering of disease and death. Religiosity and spirituality are important coping strategy for human when faced with borderline situations. When people turn to religion to cope with stress is the religious and spiritual coping. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the views on death and the religious-spiritual coping in patients with chronic diseases hospitalized. The study included ten patients hospitalized for chronic disease complications Medical Clinic Unit of a public hospital in the city of Uberlndia/MG. two psychological scales were used: Scale Religious-Spiritual Coping Brief (CRE-Brief Scale) and Scale Brief Diverse Perspectives of Death and a structured interview (audiogravada) on the subject of death and religious and spiritual coping. The results indicated that 80% of the sample (N = 8) consisted of patients hospitalized due to chronic diseases, while 20% accounted for patients with AIDS complications. Analyzing the results of scale CRE-Brief, it emphasizes the use of strategies of religious and spiritual coping by participants as compared to CRE Total, all study participants had average or high scores for this index, with a low utilization CRE negative and average utilization CRE Positive. Regarding views on death, the results obtained by the Different Perspectives Quick Scale on Death suggest that this sample agrees with the view death as something that is part of the natural cycle of life (M8 - Death as a natural end) and features the prospect of death as uncertainty, mystery and ignorance (M4 - death as Unknown). The correlations between the measures the factors and items of CRE-Bref and dimensions of Short scales on different perspectives of Death notes the prevalence of correlations of M4 dimensions - Death as unknown and M8 - Death as a natural order to the creditor scale soon. In the interview analysis revealed a positive influence of religion/ spirituality on health, from the perspective of the respondent, highlighting the protection promoted by religion. It also noticed the use of prayer as a coping strategy of hospitalization and illness. Regarding the interview about the topic of death, there was a predominance of issues related to "afterlife", "unknown" and "abandonment", which are associated with the visions of death and mystery and death as a natural end. In the interviews there belief clues about death as a terrifying mystery connected, so the unknown and the feeling of fear on the same. The experience of illness can therefore be considered as a source of vulnerability, since it is present personal perception of danger (external) - own illness and possible death, especially in those patients undergoing ICU - and where control is insufficient for the sense of security, since the hospital providing care to the patient are delegated to third parties and patients assume a passive role. This fact is important and relevant to health professionals who deal daily with patients hospitalized for chronic diseases, since the recourse to religion and spirituality as a coping strategy that psychic movement was not constituted in a form of negative distance or even denial of health condition. On the contrary, it refers to a movement in search of comfort and security provided by the religion and spirituality.


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Esta memoria doctoral versa sobre los estudios que se realizaron para evaluar los efectos de reestructurados crnicos (RP) enriquecidos con glucomanano y espirulina sobre crecimiento, tamao y estructura de rganos, glucemia, insulinemia, resistencia a la insulina, metabolismo lipoproteico y estrs oxidativo en un modelo de sndrome metablico como es la rata Zucker fa/fa. Para ello se disearon diferentes dietas hipersaturadas, aadidas o no con agente hipercolesterolemiante, conteniendo 15% de RP control, 15% de RP enriquecido con glucomanano o 15% de RP con glucomanano ms 3 g de espirulina/kg. Los animales, de cinco semanas de edad y aproximadamente 120 g de peso, se mantuvieron en jaulas metablicas individuales a una temperatura de 22,3 1,8 2C, en ciclos de 12 horas de luz/oscuridad. Las ratas recibieron pienso estndar de crecimiento durante un periodo de adaptacin de una semana a las condiciones ambientales. Posteriormente se distribuyeron en seis grupos experimentales homogneos y se sometieron durante 7 semanas a las dietas experimentales. Al finalizar dicho periodo se procedi a su sacrificio y extraccin de sangre y rganos seleccionados para su estudio...


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Metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined as a set of cardiovascular risk factors including obesity, systemic high blood pressure (SHBP), changes in glucose metabolism and dyslipidemia. The prevalence of MS in renal transplant recipients (RTR) ranges from 15% to 65%, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and reducing renal allograft survival in the long term. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and frequency of MS in renal transplant patients according to gender and time of transplantation and to evaluate renal function in patients with and without MS. Patients and Methods: Crosssectional study conducted from August 2012 to September 2013 involving 153 renal transplant recipients. MS was defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III). The sample was divided into two groups: patients with metabolic syndrome (WMS patients) and patients without metabolic syndrome (WoMS patients) and according to gender. The WMS patients were stratified into quartiles according to the renal transplantation period (RTP), and variables related to MS were analyzed for both sexes. Results: MS was diagnosed in 58.1% of the studied population, specifically in MS was found 58.4% of men and 41.6% of women (P 0.05). The male and female with MS were 48.8 11.6 years old vs. 47.1 12.7 years old and the time of post transplantation was 76.1 76.5 months vs. 84.7 65.4 months, respectively (P >0,05). When we compared the sexes in the WMS group, systolic blood pressure (SBP) was higher in men (137.0 18.1 vs. 128.9 13.6 mmHg, P= 0.029), while the other components of MS did not exhibit significant differences. With respect to renal function, when we compared the sexes in the WMS group, the serum creatinine (sCr) was higher in men (1.73 0.69 vs. 1.31 0.47 mg/dL, P= 0.0012), while the urinary protein/creatinine ratio was higher in women (0.48 0.69 vs. 0.37 0.48 mg/dL, P=0.0150). We found no significant difference in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) between WMS and WoMS patients for women and men (50.6 19.1 vs. 50.1 18.3 mL/min/1.73 m, P=0.909). We found a significant positive association between eGFR and HDL-c levels (r=0.3371; P=0.0145) for WMS men. The MS components showed no significant differences in RTP for different interquartile ranges, except for diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in women, where there was a significant variation among the quartiles evaluated (P=0.0009). Conclusion: the prevalence of MS was similar in the different quartiles in both sexes, in relation to time post TX. There was no significant difference in eGFR in patients WMS and WoMS, in both sexes. Concluding that the MS did not vary in relation to time post transplant.


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O consumo de frutas e vegetais tem sido associado preveno de vrias doenças crnicas, nomeadamente doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes, cancro e outras que envolvam processos inflamatrios. As bagas destacam-se pelo seu elevado contedo em polifenis, cujas propriedades antioxidantes contribuem para a manuteno da sade humana. O presente trabalho teve como alvo de estudo as diferentes partes morfolgicas (bagas e folhas) de espcies produtoras de bagas, nomeadamente Elaeagnus umbellata, a Rubus grandofolius, a Sambucus lancolata, a Vaccinium padifolium e a Vaccinium cylindraceum, tendo em vista a sua valorizao como produtos alimentares e/ou nutracuticos. A caracterizao fsico-qumica destas espcies permitiu determinar que o teor total de slidos solveis (TSS) das bagas varia de 4,4 a 16,5 Brix. As bagas demonstraram ser a parte morfolgica com teor de humidade mais elevado. A anlise do perfil fenlico por HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn, no modo negativo, dos extractos metanlicos mostrou que as folhas apresentam maior contedo de compostos fenlicos, comparativamente s bagas. Os cidos hidroxicinmicos (derivados dos cidos cafeicos, cumrico e ferlico), os cidos cafeoilqunicos, bem como os flavonis-O-glicosilados (derivados da quercetina e canferol) predominam nestas espcies. A anlise pelo modo positivo permitiu a identificao de antocianinas glicosiladas (delfinidina, cianidina, petunidina, peonidina e malvidina) nas bagas e folhas jovens da espcie Vaccinium padifolium. Os ensaios in vitro de simulao da digesto gastrointestinal permitiram compreender a sua influncia na actividade antioxidante dos extractos. Aps a digesto, as folhas continuam a apresentar maior capacidade antioxidante do que as bagas. Adicionalmente, concluiu-se que as enzimas presentes neste processo tm menor influncia do que o pH e a fora inica dos sucos digestivos. O estudo do efeito inibitrio in vitro dos extractos sobre a actividade de enzimas responsveis pelo metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono permitiu determinar que os viii Joana Pinto (2016) extractos foram mais eficientes na inibio da actividade da -glucosidase do que na inibio da actividade da -amilase.


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As Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar apresentam-se como um problema de sade proeminente e, como tal, devem ser entendidas como multidimensionais e complexas, que interagem com factores biolgicos, psicolgicos e scio-culturais e, que podem ocorrer devido a comportamentos alimentares de carcter patolgico e com consequncias srias na qualidade de vida presente e futura. Este trabalho de investigao teve como principal objectivo avaliar a prevalncia das Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar numa populao no clnica de estudantes, assim como caracterizar o perfil socio-demogrfico e familiar dos estudantes e, determinar a relao entre a sintomatologia associada a perturbaes do comportamento alimentar e o sexo, idade, IMC, tipo de famlia, vinculao aos pais e ano de escolaridade dos adolescentes. No intuito de concretizar os objectivos, realizmos um estudo no experimental, transversal e correlacional. A amostra foi constituda por 326 estudantes do 3 Ciclo e do Ensino Secundrio da zona centro de Portugal. Foram aplicados um questionrio annimo composto por dados socio-demogrficos, antropomtricos e clnicos, o Eating Disorder Inventory 2 (EDI 2) e o Questionrio de Vinculao ao Pai e Me (QVPM). De acordo com os critrios presentes no DSM-IV-TR no encontramos qualquer caso de Bulimia Nervosa em ambos os sexos. Nas raparigas, constatamos 1,5% de casos provveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Restritivo, 0% de casos provveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Purgativa, 17,3% de casos provveis de Anorexia Nervosa Restritiva Parcial e 6,1% de casos provveis de Anorexia Nervosa Purgativa Parcial. Quanto aos rapazes, relatam-se 0,8% de casos provveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Restritivo, 0% de casos provveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Purgativa, 5,2% de situaes parciais de Anorexia Nervosa Restritiva e 1,8% de situaes parciais de Anorexia Nervosa Purgativa. Foram observadas tambm, correlaes entre a sintomatologia associada a perturbaes do comportamento alimentar consoante o sexo, idade, IMC, tipo de famlia, vinculao aos pais e ano de escolaridade dos inquiridos. Conclumos que todo o sistema familiar e escolar, especialmente pais e professores, devem estar alerta para os sinais manifestados pelos adolescentes no sentido de dar preveno um papel fulcral.


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Com a crise financeira que se tem vindo a agudizar, com o agravamento da pobreza e excluso social, associados a problemas de sade e emergncia de problemas sociais (como o desemprego e a pobreza) tem assomado uma vaga de iniciativas de movimentos da sociedade civil. So novas formas de organizao e resposta a situaes especficas de grupos de indivduos na luta por polticas pblicas e direitos sociais tais como o da sade, da habitao, da educao, do trabalho, entre outras. Nos finais da dcada de 70, em Portugal, a criao do Servio Nacional de Sade intenta o acesso sade garantido a todos os cidados. Nos anos 80 o Estado limita este direito baseado no princpio da justia social protegendo os grupos mais desfavorecidos. Institui as taxas moderadoras e define as isenes para alguns doentes crnicos. Perante a desigualdade de direitos que da advm, no Hospital Peditrico de Coimbra, a partir dos anos 90, surgem movimentos associativos em prol dos direitos de sade, criados e dinamizados por Assistentes Sociais, nomeadamente as Associaes Acreditar em 1993, a Corao Feliz em 1994, a Associao Nacional de Fibrose Qustica em 1996 e j no sculo XXI a Diabticos Todo o Terreno em 2004 e a Hepaturix em 2006. A Hepaturix Associao de Crianas e Jovens Transplantados ou com Doenças Hepticas fundada j no sculo XXI e cuja actividade ser descrita neste trabalho, tem vindo a lutar pelos direitos sociais desta populao, com a colaborao da Assistente Social que, no Hospital Peditrico de Coimbra, apoia a Unidade de Transplantao Heptica Peditrica. Entre outros, a iseno das taxas moderadoras para os doentes transplantados e para os dadores vivos assim como o direito aos transportes nas deslocaes para o hospital aps o transplante, so direitos sociais alcanados pela Hepaturix atravs da sensibilizao do poder poltico. A Assistente Social tem sido um pilar neste percurso, sendo mediadora entre a instituio e a associao, em prol do direito destas crianas e jovens. / With the financial crisis that has been worsening, with increased poverty and social exclusion associated with health problems and the emergency of social problems (such as unemployment and poverty) there has been a loomed wave of initiatives for movements from the civil society. These are new ways of organization and response to specific situations of groups of individuals in the strike for public policies and social rights such as health, habitation, education, work, among others. In the late 70s, in Portugal, the creation of the National Health Service intents the access to health care guaranteed to all citizens. In the 80s the government limits this right based on the principle of social justice, protecting the most disadvantaged groups. Establishes user fees and defines the exemptions for some chronically ill. Before the inequality of rights resulted from this, there has been a rising of associative movements for health rights, created and dynamized by Social Workers at the Pediatric Hospital of Coimbra, from the 90s on: "Acreditar" in 1993, "Corao Feliz" in 1994, Associao Nacional da Fibrose Quistica" in 1996 and now, in the XXI century: "Diabticos Todo o Terreno"in 2004 and "Hepaturix" in 2006. The Hepaturix - Association of Transplanted Children and Youth or with Hepatic Diseases - founded in the twenty-first century, whose will be discussed in this work, has been fighting for social rights of this population, with the cooperation of the Social Work who, at the Childrens Hospital of Coimbra, supports the Pediatric Hepatic Transplantation Unit. Among others, the exemption of user fees for transplanted patients and living donors as well as the right to transport at dislocations to the hospital after transplant, are social rights accomplished by Hepaturix, through the awareness of political power. The Social Worker has been a pillar in this journey, being a mediator between the institution and the association on behalf of the rights of these children and youth.


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O presente trabalho aborda a histria das principais doenças que assolaram a Europa desde a poca medieval poca contempornea, incluindo a referncia s origens, s manifestaes e ao tratamento. igualmente abordada a questo do isolamento das substncias ativas nas plantas medicinais e farmacolgicas at descoberta do primeiro antibitico identificado pelo homem a penicilina, por Alexandre Fleming e a sua enorme importncia no combate aos micro-organismos.


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O fisioterapeuta, enquanto profissional de sade, contacta com uma elevada heterogeneidade de utentes e ambientes e caso sejam negligenciadas as corretas medidas de preveno e controlo da transmisso e disseminao de doenças infecciosas, o prprio fisioterapeuta alm de colocar a sua prpria segurana em risco, poder tornar-se um veculo para a transmisso e disseminao das mesmas entre pacientes, entre pacientes e fisioterapeuta, outros profissionais de sade e, concomitantemente, levar contaminao do ambiente e comunidade em geral. Deste modo, pertinente e urgente que o fisioterapeuta, enquanto profissional de sade, seja portador de conhecimento sobre os princpios que compreendem as doenças infecciosas e a sua disseminao e as medidas adequadas para o seu controlo e preveno, de forma a poder contribuir para a preveno e controlo da infeco como elemento essencial na sua prtica profissional.


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Molybdenum is one of the essential micronutrients for soybeans, acting directly on nitrogen metabolism as enzyme cofactor of nitrogenase. Usually, this nutrient is supplied to the plants through seed treatment or foliar application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the molybdenum effects by foliar in the physiological potential of soybean seeds and verify its interference in the enzyme activities involved in nitrogen metabolism. Soybean seeds of BMX Turbo cultivar were used, produced in Erechim, RS, harvest 2013, from plants treated with the following Mo concentrations: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1, supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) and stored during 0 and 6 months in uncontrolled conditions. The first experiment was conducted in Seedtes Seed Analysis Laboratory in Pato Branco, PR. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 x 2 with four replications each. The physiological potential of the seeds was evaluated by the germination test, seedling growth, accelerated aging and emergence on the soil. The second experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, where the seeds derived from treatments with different concentrations of Mo: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1 supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) were grown in vases. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 with four replications. Evaluations were performed when the plants reached the R1 phenological stage concerning the nodulation, dry matter of root and shoot of the plants and the determination of the activity of the enzymes glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase and the content of total soluble proteins. The data were submitted to variance analysis and when significant they were assessed by Tukeys test for comparison of products and seed storage and with regression study to the concentrations at 5% probability. Analyses were performed using SISVAR statistical software. The soybean seed storage under uncontrolled conditions affected the seed vigour produced with Mo, regardless of the commercial product used during production. The application of Mo through foliar positively influences the production of soya beans which presented increasing responses in the germination and vigour with the application of Mo above 25 g ha-1 . The enrichment of Mo through foliar did not affect the nodulation of plants of the next generation, however, the use of Mo above 25 g ha-1 provided an increase in the activity of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism as well as on the total protein content.


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Acompanha: Sequncia didtica interativa para o ensino de doenças epidmicas


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Objetivos: La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) se asocia a un incremento del riesgo de fracturas y de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los objetivos de nuestro estudio fueron evaluar los niveles sricos de Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) en una cohorte de pacientes con DM2 y analizar su relacin con el metabolismo seo y la enfermedad ateroesclertica (EA). Pacientes y mtodos: Se estudiaron 126 sujetos: 72 pacientes con DM2 (edad media de 58,26 aos) y 54 sujetos no diabticos (edad media de 55,47 aos). Se midi DKK1 mediante ensayo de inmunoabsorcin ligado a enzimas (ELISA, Biomedica Gruppe), se determin la densidad mineral sea (DMO) mediante absorciometra dual de rayos X (DXA), se registr la presencia de EA (enfermedad cerebrovascular, enfermedad arterial perifrica, cardiopata isqumica) y se evalu el grosor de la ntima-media (GIM, ultrasonografa doppler) y la calcificacin artica (radiologa simple). Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en DKK1 entre diabticos y no diabticos. Las concentraciones sricas de DKK1 fueron significativamente mayores en las mujeres de la muestra total (24,315,2 vs. 19,610,2 pmol/L, p=0,046) y del grupo DM2 (27,517,2 vs. 19,88,9 pmol/L, p=0,025). Hubo una correlacin positiva entre DKK1 y DMO lumbar en la muestra total (r=0,183, p=0,048). Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias en funcin del diagnstico de osteoporosis o presencia de fracturas vertebrales morfomtricas. Los valores de DKK1 fueron significativamente mayores en los pacientes con DM2 y EA (26,414,5 pmol/L vs. 19,111,6 pmol/L, p=0,026) y tambin en pacientes con GIM anormal (26,415,1 pmol/L vs. 19,811,3 pmol/L, p=0,038). En el anlisis de la curva ROC para evaluar la utilidad de DKK1 como un marcador de alto riesgo de EA, el rea bajo la curva fue de 0,667 (intervalo de confianza -IC- del 95%: 0,538-0,795; p=0,016). Una concentracin de 17,3 pmol/L o superior mostr una sensibilidad del 71,4% y una especificidad del 60% para identificar un mayor riesgo de EA. Conclusiones: Los niveles circulantes DKK1 son ms altos en los diabticos con EA y se asocian con un GIM patolgico. Por tanto, consideramos que DKK1 puede estar implicado en la enfermedad vascular de los pacientes con DM2.


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The use of inputs containing phosphites have been presenting results in many studies, taking on importance to the control of diseases in some cultures and demonstrating the resistance induction in seedlings, with ability to activate defense mechanisms, conferring protection to plants against microorganisms. The soybean crop is recognized for its importance in providing grains and derivatives for human consumption, animal, production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, among others. Positive results obtained through studies based on resistance inducers in some cultures arouse the interest for further study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium phosphites on the resistance induction and treatment of soybean seeds. Therefore were conducted four laboratory studies at the Federal Technological University of Paran, Campus of Dois Vizinhos. In the first study it was evaluated the quality attributes of the seeds and the resistance induction as seed treatment. Then it was verified that phosphites have action upon the seedlings metabolism in due to seed treatment, having the phosphite Reforce contributed to seed quality attributes and phosphites FitofosK and Fitofos K Plus induced the resistance increasing the activity of -1,3-glucanase. In the second study it was evaluated the the resistance induction in soybean cotyledons, in which the phosphites demonstrated induction potential of phytoalexin gliceolin. In the third study It was evaluated the soybean seed health treated with potassium phosphites.. it was observed that the phosphites reduced the incidence of many fungi on seeds, especially of storage fungi like Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium semitectum. In the fourth study it was evaluated the in vitro effect of potassium phosphites on pathogenic fungi of the culture. And it was found direct action of phosphites on the mycelial growth of Fusarium semitectum, Pythium sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Based on these results, we concluded that potassium phosphites have potential in seeds treatment, as resistance inducer and on in vitro control of phytopathogens.