893 resultados para Mercado de Trabalho - Bibliotecário


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Devido à proliferação dos Cursos do Ensino Superior de Ciências Contábeis, o Conselho Federal de Contabilidade CFC criou o Exame de Suficiência, por ter constatado que a qualidade do ensino deixava a desejar, procurando, nas provas, dar ênfase às questões éticas. Atualmente, o profissional contador possui um conhecimento prático-mecânico da contabilidade muito maior do que um raciocínio contábil. Este trabalho, mediante o estudo de minha trajetória (auto)biográfica na perspectiva da formação profissional, busca identificar os elementos mais determinantes na formação de um professor de Ciências Contábeis e verificar em que medida o exercício da pesquisa esteve presente nesta formação, bem como examinar se a pesquisa, enquanto princípio educativo, se reflete na prática docente. É necessário entender que na trajetória de Contador a professor de Ciências Contábeis, este movimento se dá, na maioria das vezes, pelo convite a profissionais que deram certo no mercado de trabalho e que, portanto, nem sempre possuem formação pedagógica adequada para o exercício docente. É também finalidade deste estudo, ao compreender melhor a experiência de um percurso de Contador a professor de Ciências Contábeis, sugerir alguns possíveis caminhos para a formação continuada dos professores deste campo do conhecimento. Para tanto, do ponto de vista da Educação e Formação de Educadores, assumi como referências Freire, Demo e Schön; do ponto de vista do Ensino Superior, Cunha e Buarque; do ponto de vista das Ciências Contábeis, Iudícibus e Marion. A metodologia utilizada na elaboração deste trabalho foi a pesquisa (auto)biográfica com referência, principalmente, em Nóvoa e Josso. Os resultados sugerem que a tendência a reproduzir a abordagem bancária, recebida nos bancos escolares, do primário ao ensino superior, só pode ser revertida na medida em que o sujeito, sem abandonar o trabalho prático de docência, tem a oportunidade de estudar os fundamentos teóricos dos processos educativos formais e traz os mesmos para a sua reflexão sobre a prática. É perceptível, também, o quanto a investigação (auto)biográfica, com finalidade formativa, pode ser de grande ajuda neste processo reflexivo. Por isto mesmo, sugere-se, ao concluir, que no processo de formação continuada dos professores de Ciências Contábeis sejam utilizadas estas estratégias.(AU)


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Esta dissertação trata das percepções dos alunos, dos professores e do mercado de trabalho sobre os cursos superiores de tecnologia na região do grande ABC paulista, com a indicação histórica desta formação profissional. Através da análise de fatos que levaram à concepção desta modalidade de ensino e de como ela se integrou na sociedade brasileira atual, representada pela região do grande ABC paulista e do questionamento sócio, cultural e econômico de alunos que estão matriculados em uma instituição de ensino nela situada, bem como a análise das entrevistas realizadas com discentes, docentes e representantes do mercado de trabalho foi possível estabelecer o perfil de ingresso e de egresso destes alunos, uma vez que estão indicados todos os mecanismos possíveis para o percurso estabelecido por esta formação.(AU)


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Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenças, mesmo que de forma não apreendida, não aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padrões normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convívio escolar essa diferença torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilíbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da inclusão. As pesquisas acerca da educação inclusiva apontam experiências de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficiência que freqüentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ângulo, como se apresentam essas relações quando o(a) professor(a) é deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experiências. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetória formativa de um professor com deficiência física, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, também com deficiência física por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetórias no ensino básico, acesso e permanência no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuação como professor de ensino superior e inclusão. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a inclusão profissional frente às dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as características e os atributos dos indivíduos com deficiência, em convívio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base teórica o apoio da estatística, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetória histórica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenças.(AU)


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Nesta pesquisa, empreendemos uma análise sobre a ideologia de classe média que permeia o projeto educacional da Faculdade da Cidadania Zumbi dos Palmares. Inicialmente, procuramos pontuar os determinantes históricos responsáveis pelo acesso e ascensão de uma parcela da população negra paulistana, ao mercado de trabalho assalariado e ao sistema de ensino público. Em seguida, através de uma leitura crítica de vinte e seis editoriais da revista institucional Afirmativa Plural, de 2004 a 2009, buscamos apreender os princípios ideológicos que norteiam as ações do grupo fundador da Unipalmares. Seu projeto de formação superior apresenta como objetivo proporcionar aos estudantes, negros e não-negros, uma formação universitária humanística, tendo como foco a diversidade étnica e cultural. No entanto, os editoriais evidenciaram um projeto educacional quase que exclusivamente marcado por alusões à formação de um contingente de executivos negros. Para isso, além dos conteúdos direcionados para a formação executiva, há as histórias de negros bem sucedidos que servem de modelos positivos a serem seguidos. Nessa direção, as imagens selecionadas para a capa das edições reforçam na criação de uma realidade, de classe média, a ser alcançada pelos estudantes, forjando, assim, uma certa ansiedade em pertencer àquele universo pautado no consumo como símbolo de prestígio.(AU)


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O presente trabalho tem como tema central a opinião do surdo universitário sobre sua auto- estima e qualidade vida. Os objetivos foram conhecer o joven-adulto surdo universitário, segundo sua opinião, buscando especificamente identificar os fatores que contribuíram para o seu desenvolvimento psicológico e sua auto-estima; e identificar as características da qualidade de vida, considerando os aspectos físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. Participaram desta pesquisa 3 jovens-adultos surdos, universitários. O método utilizado foi o descritivo qualitativo, usando-se como fonte de coleta de dados a entrevista livre e o WHOQOL-bref. O método qualitativo na área da saúde visa investigar o significado que os fenômenos sentimentos, idéias, vivências, manifestações, dentre outros, tem para as pessoas e que dão molde às suas vidas incluindo os cuidados com a saúde. Percebemos que ao atingirem a fase adulta, os sujeitos pesquisados conseguem tomar decisões e escolher seus caminhos com maior liberdade em função das experiências e condições que lhes foram apresentadas. Verificamos que as situações vividas no ambiente escolar e o aprendizado da língua de sinais contribuíram para sua constituição como sujeito não limitado à condição da surdez. Foi possível identificar que possuem expectativas profissionais futuras e expressaram suas dificuldades, desejos, frustrações diante do mercado de trabalho, relações sociais e familiares como qualquer outro individuo, encontrando recursos internos para o enfrentamento das circunstâncias cotidianas. Os resultados da pesquisa também permitiram observar que os surdos reconhecem o grau de satisfação que têm com a vida, seu estado de saúde e cuidados com seu bem-estar físico, psicológico e social. Concluímos que ao recontar sua história de vida os surdos têm a possibilidade de se reconhecer como sujeitos e a oportunidade de dar continuidade às próprias vivências que contribuíram para seu bem-estar


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A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenário desafiador no qual educador e educando não comungam do mesmo espaço físico. A Educação a Distância (EAD), ainda é vista como uma solução que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduação de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o título: “O estudante da EAD (educação a distância): um estudo de perfil e interação geracional” propõe conhecer as características do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o diálogo entre as gerações no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa é qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva com dados que foram coletados através de entrevista com 08 alunos das gerações X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrículas. Já a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrículas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda é o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduação com o propósito de progressão no ambiente profissional. As duas gerações citadas geração X e geração Y, mesmo em contextos históricos diferenciados de valores, crenças e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformação social que contempla os meios de produção do trabalho, a formação educacional e as relações sociais. O diálogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experiências mutuas. Para a geração X o jovem atual não é mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnológicos. E para a geração Y, na partilha não há barreiras de idade, mas a segurança de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experiências


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This thesis was elaborated in the scenario of Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD) – a supplementary unit at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the training of personnel with technical and higher level courses whose technical level training is associated with a process of digital inclusion, with the purpose of attracting young people to this area, with emphasis on Software and Hardware Development. It aims to investigate the cognitive change of young apprentice on technological education and his/her entrance into the labor market, through the formation and the social inclusion proposed by the Instituto Metrópole Digital; understanding the juvenile subjectivity production through the Instituto Metrópole Digital’s education by performance in the labor market; recognizing the Brazilian professional qualification public policies for youth and identifying the role of Tutoring in the learning process during the course of formation of the young apprentice of the technological education proposed by the Instituto Metrópole Digital.The clipping of the object of investigation was the process of cognitive change and constitution of subjectivity of the young apprentice in information technology (IT) in the IMD. It was searched support in theory Freireana as proposal that problematizes the policies and the process of formation and professional qualification, in the perspective of a citizen and liberating consciousness. By qualitative and ethnographic nature, descriptive-explanatory, it counts with the participation of young people, high school students from public and private schools, aged between 15 and 18 years. There are strong aspects: a cognitive change on the young apprentice of technological education onto overdrive high school as the student of the Instituto Metrópole Digital; it happened the social integration for those who remain in the course, both in the neighborhood where they reside and at school where he attended high school, the young man is recognized and becomes reference to other young, favoring him a life projection which when the activities of mentoring is learning motivator, it exerts a positive influence to the young on the continuity of studies, it provides intellectual and institutional affiliation and continuity in the investments to the academic life for a better insertion in the labor market, which refers to the modification of the life project-invest in academic training, in exchange for a technical job in the labor market. There are weak aspects: the absence of professor in the course, in his most important role, which involves awareness of his/her condition in action, in explicit position that the professional practice constitutes as this constitution requires reciprocity of its students and the context in which it operates; fragile formation of mentoring, absence of dialogues in the classroom that favors the formation of subject learning, mainly in guiding action, mediator of the young; There is a lack of methodological proposal to develop real projects on the labor market with problem solving and collaborative learning. It considers that without converting information into knowledge cannot discern clearly enough that there is no direct causal relationship between Professional and technological Education and the level of employability of the young worker certificate. It suggests to the evasion: a greater knowledge of the reality of the student of the Institute Metropolis Digital; better knowledge of youth and their expectations of life project; the Tutoring will be Teacher-tutor; investing in employability conditions effective the young into the labor market.


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Natal has come through major changes in the last 150 years, since the actions of city beautification, in the 19th century, until the present day, when such transformations start to have the objective of including the city in the competition for the attraction of the capital flows and consumption, domestically and in a foreign sense. It is thought that the first initiatives aimed at increasing tourism in Natal occurred in the 1960s, however, it became apparent that only from the 1980s was there a significant increase in tourist activities in Natal and the Metropolitan Region, especially on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, leading to an expansion of the labour market, the significant increase of foreign investment, territorial changes of great impact and the production of buildings primarily intended for the hotel industry and second residence for European tourists. Since then, the incentives for tourist activity in the state have been maintained and even increased, based on tourism aimed at natural beauties, local cuisine and events, which transformed the tourist activity in one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the city of Natal. In the early 21st century, the construction of high-rise condominiums, monuments (including the designer ones), such as the Parque da Cidade, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, were already established. Also, shopping centers and, in order to host the World Cup, the new football stadium, the Arena das Dunas, among others, which were aimed at local and foreign consumers, especially European, stood out in the city. It is understood that these new buildings, monuments and also renovations and restorations that were deployed in the city of Natal aimed at constructing a new identity for the city, within the process of capitalist development and urban spectacle. It is considered that the monuments and the iconic buildings are attributes of the cities aimed at selling locations as goods, establishing a new urban environment, a new role as cities, which aimed at seeking greater autonomy from the nation-state. In this research, it was sought to analyze the architectural object, that is, buildings and monuments built or restored in Natal and its relevance to the city marketing promoted by the city itself. It was found that, indeed, such buildings and monuments are inserted in contemporary architectural production as a basis for increasing the competitive nature of Natal. In addition, they reveal a capitalist mode of production, supported by public resources, operating in the production of urban space with a view to repeating the hegemonic model of a competitive city


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The configuration assumed by the institutional governance arrangement established in the cities of Fortaleza and Natal, and its influence on the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning that promotes the formation and integration into the labor market of teens and young people aged 14 to 24 years old and people with disabilities is the aim of this thesis. The interactive governance approach, proposed by Kooiman (2003.2008) was the mainstay of the epistemological construction of the investigative process, also supported by contributions from Draibe (2001) concerning the stages of implementation of public policies. In methodological terms, the approach used was qualitative, being performed descriptive bibliographical and documentary research, applying semi-structured interviews with 44 subjects. Data were based on Bardin (2011), having been pre-established two categories of analysis: governance and implementation. The results pointed, among other things, to greater diversity and dynamics of the arrangement in Fortaleza, highlighting the much larger number of accessions of Nonprofit Entities (ESFLs) to politics, more frequent interactions between stakeholders from different organizational levels of governance, better alignment between guiding governance images and spaces designed to encourage interactions among actors and also greater local government involvement. In both cities studied, on the other hand, the study indicated that the failure of institutional capacities adversely affect the interactions stimulation and the exercise of meta-governance. The thesis concluded that the shape and intensity of the interactions between the actors involved in the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning and the way images are shared results in greater understanding and dissemination of the policy and create a favorable environment for cooperation and dialogue needed to collective work and favors the modeling of a governance structure able to handle the demands and characteristics of organizations and their participants in order to accommodate the divergent interests, make room for the creation of innovations and convergence of actions to achieve the objectives of the policy. Thus, the results of the Professional Learning Policy in the cities of Natal and Fortaleza, in terms of levels of entering the labor market, can be understood from the differences found in the governance structure of the institutional arrangement used for its implementation.


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This study aims to bring reflection on the legitimacy crisis of the Brazilian representative democracy, which results in non-attendance of fundamental rights, regarding legal and social facts in light of the existing constitutional order and seeking solutions in more democratic procedures and in a more humane, critical, democratic and collaborative education. It has been an issue for some time the understanding that the authorities do not meet the basic needs of Brazilian citizens - the only way to make them autonomous and sufficiently able to conduct their lives in a competitive and globalized labor market. Such situation only worsened - as illustrated by the social movements in mid-2013 - when people took to the streets, showing a noticeable dissatisfaction with public services in general, and some other groups presenting specific complaints in those events. To find solutions or at least suggestions for the reflection of the problem found, a current approach to public authorities was necessary attempting to reveal how the constitutional order authorizes their operation and how - in fact - they act. In this endeavour, the legitimacy of power was discussed, involving the analysis of its origin, to whom it belongs and the legitimacy of deficit situations, concluding that it is only justified as it gets more democratic influence, with greater participation of people in its deliberations and decisions, with its plurality and complexity. Research carried out by official institutions was necessary to have evidence of the low level of social development of the country and the nonattendance of minimum basic rights, as well as exposure to various acts and omissions which show that all public authorities do not legitimately represent the people's interests. The competence of the Supreme Court to establish the broader scope of the remuneration policy in the public service received proper attention, presenting itself as an effective means to promote the reduction of the remuneration and structural inequality in public service and contributing to better care of fundamental rights. Also, considerations were made about the Decree 8243/2014, which established the National Policy for Social Participation (NPSP) and the National System of Social Participation (NSSP) and took other measures with the suggestion of its expansion into the legislative and judiciary powers as a way to legitimize the Brazilian democracy, considering its current stage. In conclusion, it is presented the idea expressed by the most influential and modern pedagogical trends for the creation of a participatory, solidary, non-hierarchical and critical culture since the childhood stage. This idea focuses on the resolution of questions addressed to the common good, which considers the complexity and the existing pluralism in society with a view to constant knowledge update. Knowledge update is in turn dynamic and requires such action, instilling - for the future generations - the idea that the creation of a more participatory and collaborative democracy is needed to reduce social inequality as a way to legitimize and promote social welfare, with the implementation of a policy devoted to meet the minimum fundamental rights to ensure dignity to the population.


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La Escuela Secundaria es la etapa final de la Educación Básica y su objetivo es profundizar los conocimientos adquiridos anteriormente, con vistas tanto a la continuidad de los estudios por parte de los alumnos como también a su formación profesional. Considerando el carácter excluyente y elitista de la Escuela Secundaria brasileña, solo recientemente las matrículas de los estudiantes sordos comienzan a ampliarse, y los profesores se deparan con el desafío de lidiar con ese tipo de discente en aulas regulares. Tanto la política de educación especial, desde una perspectiva inclusiva, como la Ley nº 10.436/2002 – reglamentada por el Decreto nº 5.626/2005 – posibilitaron un gran salto para la educación de los sordos en el país. La primera, por la defensa de una escuela atenta a las peculiaridades y demandas de sus discentes; la segunda, por reconocer la Lengua de Señas Brasileña como medio de comunicación y expresión legítimo de la comunidad de sordos y por indicar medidas que garanticen el derecho al acceso y al éxito escolar de la población sorda dentro de la escuela. Amparado en esas discusiones, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de escolaridad de alumnos sordos de una Escuela Secundaria pública y estatal del municipio de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Se realizó un estudio de caso de tipo cualitativo. Los sujetos fueron tres discentes sordos que estaban terminando la Escuela Secundaria, una profesora de Portugués y dos intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Brasileña. Como procedimiento de investigación, se utilizaron entrevistas (grabadas en audio y video), observaciones y análisis de documentos. La participación de los sujetos sordos demandó cuidados éticos adicionales, tales como la traducción del Término de Consentimiento Libre y Aclarado y del guion de la entrevista a la Lengua de Señas Brasileña. Los resultados apuntan que el acceso y la permanencia en la escuela secundaria fueron garantizados, no obstante había poca participación en las clases y el aprendizaje de los contenidos escolares estaba comprometido. Había traductores/intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Brasileña, los cuales, sin embargo, solo iniciaron sus actividades tres meses después del comienzo del periodo lectivo. La profesora y los intérpretes no mantuvieron interacciones que facilitasen el aprendizaje o la participación de los estudiantes, quienes se encontraban siempre juntos y en un lugar determinado del aula, sin mayores interacciones con sus pares normo-oyentes. Los discentes sordos estaban terminando la Escuela Secundaria con edades superiores a 17-18 años, los cuales revelaron no tener perspectivas de continuidad en sus estudios o de inserción en el mercado laboral. Se concluye que la escolaridad de los alumnos sordos en la escuela investigada apunta a la necesidad de una reorganización curricular que atienda a las especificidades lingüísticas y sociales de esos estudiantes.


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The increasing pace of technological change and innovation in the labor market are important landmarks that contribute to accelerate the improvement of vocational and technological education. The need to analyze the educational processes is correlated with this dynamic in order to respond to the pedagogical processes and inherent to the labor market needs in evidence. This research theme is centered on targeted education process for tourist activity that is premised on improving the quality of services, taking as analysis parameter technological higher education in the federal education network (IF), covering the design, similarity and the differences in the courses offered, the axis of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure instituted by the National catalog Technological Colleges and the National Science and Technology Department in Brazil. The research also aims to investigate the design and implementation of these upper and search courses emphasize the importance of training for students. The research is exploratory qualitative from survey data on the websites of the Ministry of Education, was adopted as a research procedure the questionnaire sent to coordinators via institutional email courses, to collect data in order to obtain results about Technological Education Federal Education Network. The survey results show that most courses offered by technological higher education in the federal education network (IF) is the Tourism Management, we noted that this option is the result of the ease in assembling the structure of the courses in relation to others; teachers have this type of education a more practical option for students coming to the conclusion that the courses undergo a fragile process, stating that the formation lies only in the student's interest in obtaining the higher diploma course without concern for quality this academic background, demand for courses is by being fast graduation. Even as a result of the design and development of Political and Pedagogical projects it was found that they are built in the most collegial many of them without the participation of a pedagogue; about the permanence of the student identified a high dropout rate, occurring in some campuses to migration to the traditional higher education, a BA in tourism. Thus, this work aimed to contextualize the technological higher education in tourism, presenting the reality of the current situation, aiming to discuss the phenomenon from the description made by all subjects and the research object, knowledge of which is due to experience the federal education network that was able to bring the essence of the matter.


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This work seeks to understand how trans men build their identities and live the transsexual experience in the relationships they establish daily onto “man” category. It could be observed that for it they engenders a specific gender transition in the midst of male transsexuality. Despite being under a complex amalgam of relations of exploitation and disciplinary domination, ways of being man are brokered for a living and entry into spaces where they are expelled for not conform the bodies that gender norms require. It is understood that gender transition is a process at the same time of organic and prosthetic body management and the assumption of your own identity. Thus, they build a politic of identity that creatively fixes a person's category as rights holder. The "transition" is therefore to transact from nonexistence to a place of humanity. This dissertation describes how this process takes place in the experiences of the speakers, observing the practices that bring out the male, front of class positions on the labor market, access to health, hormonization and own identity. Thereby, theories that fix them as expressing female masculinities or marginal to the hegemony do not find exactitude in their lives. The research methodologically started performing "multilocated ethnographies" that gave possibilities to in-depth interviews with 15 stakeholders from the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South of Brazil. Between 2014 and 2015, from the applying of network technique to the first dialogues in research, it was possible to build a participant observation by the trans men’s everyday life. Wherewith I was capable to behold their own private activities, as well as their public agency amid a trans activism collective in northeast, and the follow-up actions in which they were involved during the XII Encontro Nacional em Universidades de Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero (ENUDSG) held in Mossoró/RN. Therefore, the thesis engages to describe and understand the different ways of constructing trans male gender transitions in access to transsexuality and therefore a way of explaining their own trajectories in terms of people that exist as such, even though in the midst of narratives marked by emotions linked to "not live", to suffering and dehumanization.


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Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.


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Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.