1000 resultados para Medicamentos - Administración


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A Indústria Farmacêutica é uma das mais competitivas indústrias do mundo contemporâneo, e um dos seus principais desafios está na comercialização de seus medicamentos, que na sua maioria depende da prescrição médica. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar as estratégias de avaliação de desempenho utilizadas pela Indústria Farmacêutica de origem multinacional que atua no nordeste Brasileiro e o papel dos seus gerentes, para avaliar os propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos. Para tanto, buscouse reunir elementos para uma abordagem satisfatória que contemple a complexidade da temática pesquisada: Avaliação de Desempenho, Estratégias da Indústria Farmacêutica, Propaganda Médica e Competências dos Propagandistas de Medicamentos. A temática justifica-se em razão da importância estratégica dos propagandistas de medicamentos para a indústria farmacêutica, que é uma das indústrias que mais investe em pesquisa na atualidade, e contribui para melhorar a qualidade de vida e a saúde humana. A metodologia é caracterizada como um survey, de natureza quali-quantitativa. O objeto de estudo é composto pelas empresas farmacêuticas multinacionais de origem Americanas, Europeias e Asiáticas, associadas à INTERFARMA que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário fechado (instrumento de pesquisa), composto por 5 perguntas fechadas que abordam a temática central dessa dissertação, 27 afirmativas para medir a concordância(escala likert) e 1 tabela contendo 46 competências, aplicado junto a gerentes da indústria farmacêutica. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio das técnicas de estatística descritiva e uma análise quantitativa para estabelecer o Ranking Médio (RM) para a parte do questionário que utilizou escala tipo Likert de 5 pontos para mensurar o grau de concordância dos respondestes. Através dos resultados desta pesquisa foi possível identificar as estratégias de avaliação de desempenho, utilizadas pelas empresas farmacêuticas, que atuam no Nordeste do Brasil, na gestão dos propagandistas vendedores de medicamentos, e identificar as competências essenciais dos propagandistas de medicamentos, na percepção dos gestores. Os resultados demonstraram que a Indústria Farmacêutica desenvolve e utiliza várias estratégias para medir e avaliar o desempenho dos propagandistas de medicamentos no Brasil, assim como em outros países, e que na percepção dos gerentes da Indústria Farmacêutica existem competências consideradas essenciais ao bom desempenho profissional dos propagandistas de medicamentos da indústria farmacêutica, contribuindo de para avanço do conhecimento deste tema


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This work uses computer vision algorithms related to features in the identification of medicine boxes for the visually impaired. The system is for people who have a disease that compromises his vision, hindering the identification of the correct medicine to be ingested. We use the camera, available in several popular devices such as computers, televisions and phones, to identify the box of the correct medicine and audio through the image, showing the poor information about the medication, such: as the dosage, indication and contraindications of the medication. We utilize a model of object detection using algorithms to identify the features in the boxes of drugs and playing the audio at the time of detection of feauteres in those boxes. Experiments carried out with 15 people show that where 93 % think that the system is useful and very helpful in identifying drugs for boxes. So, it is necessary to make use of this technology to help several people with visual impairments to take the right medicine, at the time indicated in advance by the physician


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Physical exercise and statins, which are recommended for the treatment of dyslipidemia, are independently associated to the occurrence of muscle injury. The objective is analyze the effect of aerobic exercise associated to the use of simvastatin on the morphology of the gastrocnemius muscle. Thirty Wistar rats were divided into six groups, two of which received a standard diet (1 sedentary and 1 exercised) and four (1 sedentary with medication, 1 sedentary without medication, 1 exercised with medication, 1 exercised without medication) received a hypercholesterolemic diet (standard diet with the addition of cholesterol and coconut oil). Simvastatin (20 mg/Kg) was administered five days a week for eight weeks, together with aerobic training on a treadmill (9.75 m/min) for 60 minutes a day. The gastrocnemius muscle was removed, sliced, stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and submitted to a histochemical reaction to determine mitochondrial activity. The data were analyzed using a paired t-test, analysis of variance and Scheffe's post hoc test (p<0.05). Greater histological alterations were found in the medicated and exercised animals, with a greater frequency of occurrence as well. The histochemical analysis revealed that the medicated groups had fibers with more intensive mitochondrial activity alongside fibers with an absence of reaction. The morphometric analysis revealed no significant differences between groups. It is suggested that simvastatin is a medication that leads to the occurrence of muscle injury and its administration in association with physical activity may exacerbate these injuries. This finding may be related to cellular respiration.


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Microbiological Control of Packaging Materials for Medicines and Cosmetics. Several consumers and official agencies, associated with the necessity of more efficient, safety and good microbiological quality packaging materials, conducted to the challenge of having packages which assure both the integrity of products and consumer's health. However, the packaging material can be an important source of microorganisms when does not fulfill the microbiological quality requirements. The objective of this work was to study the microbiological quality of different types of packaging materials for medicines and cosmetics. The microbial quality studies were conducted by analyzing representative samples by bioassay. The packing materials were analyzed for microbiological quality to verify presence of viable microorganisms. They showed the analyzed packaging materials for medicines are in agreement with RDC # 481 on 23/9/1999 of ANVISA. However, the packages to store cosmetic material are not fulfilling this RDC. The microbiological quality control of packing materials has fundamental importance for public health.


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Objective. To identify families served by the family health strategy (FHS) storing medicines at home, to evaluate storage conditions, and to investigate medicine use practices.Methods. The study was conducted in a municipality in the state of São Paulo with two FHS units serving 1 867 households. The sample was selected by means of stratified random sampling. Data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews from July to October 2008.Results. One resident was interviewed in each of the 280 households visited. Medicines were found in 255 households (91.1%). of 326 storage locations, 217 (75.8%) were inadequate (easily accessible to children or exposed to moisture, light). of the 2 578 medicines identified, 2 059 medicines (79.9%) in 236 (84.3%) households had safety or identification problems. of the 280 respondents, 179 (63.9%) used medications. of these, 24 were self-medicating, only one with an over-the-counter drug. Only 44 users had the prescription for their medication, and 21 did not follow the prescription in terms of dosage or had interrupted the treatment.Conclusions. Non-adherence to recommended treatment can lead to negative outcomes, such as inefficiency (using dosages lower than prescribed), poisoning (using dosages higher than prescribed), and other adverse reactions.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar as características do consumo de medicamentos na população urbana de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, foram coletados dados, por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, de uma amostra da população que consumiu pelo menos um medicamento nos quinze dias que antecederam a data da entrevista. O estudo foi realizado no período de agosto a setembro de 1985. Verificou-se que 42,1% dos medicamentos utilizados foram adquiridos sem prescrição médica. O consumo entre o sexo feminino foi maior que para o sexo masculino. Na automedicação o grupo que apresentou taxa mais elevada, segundo a faixa etária, foi o de 50 anos e mais, com 31,6%. Grande parte do consumo de medicamentos constituiu-se dos industrializados (97,6%). As prescrições médicas, feitas em consultas anteriores, e avalia das como bem sucedidas foram retomadas em situações diversas (12,0%), revelando o importante papel que o médico desempenha na formação dos critérios de escolha dos remédios utilizados nas práticas de automedicação. O farmacêutico e/ou balconista de farmácia contribui com 10,0% dos medicamentos usados que tiveram essa via de indicação. As orientações feitas por amigos, vizinhos e parentes (9,1%) revelaram intenso circuito de trocas de socializações quanto aos quadros móbidos e indicações terapêuticas.


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The inventory management in hospitals is of paramount importance, since the supply materials and drugs interruption can cause irreparable damage to human lives while excess inventories involves immobilization of capital. Hospitals should use techniques of inventory management to perform replenishment in shorter and shorter intervals, in order to reduce inventories and fixed assets and meet citizens requirements properly. The inventory management can be an even bigger problem for public hospitals, which have restrictions on the use of resources and decisionmaking structure more bureaucratized. Currently the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) uses a periodic replacement policy for hospital medical supplies and medicines, which involves one moment surplus stock replenishment, the next out of stock items. This study aims to propose a system for continuous replenishment through order point for inventory of medical supplies and medicines to the hospital HUOL. Therefore, a literature review of Federal University Hospitals Management, Logistics, Inventory Management and Replenishment System in Hospitals was performed, emphasizing the demand forecast, classification or ABC curve and order point system. And also, policies of inventory management and the current proposal were described, dealing with profile of the mentioned institution, the current policy of inventory management and simulation for continuous replenishment order point. For the simulation, the sample consisted of 102 and 44 items of medical and hospital drugs, respectively, selected using the ABC classification of inventory, prioritizing items of Class A, which contains the most relevant items in added value, representing 80 % of the financial value in 2012 fiscal year. Considering that it is a public organization, subject to the laws, we performed two simulations: the first, following the signs for inventory management of Instruction No. 205 (IN 205 ), from Secretary of Public Administration of the Presidency ( SEDAP / PR ), and the second, based on the literature specializing in inventory management hospital. The results of two simulations were compared to the current policy of replenishment system. Among these results are: an indication that the system for continuous replenishment reorder point based on IN 205 provides lower levels of safety stock and maximum stock, enables a 17% reduction in the amount spent for the full replenishment of inventories, in other words, decreasing capital assets, as well as reduction in stock quantity, also the simulation made from the literature has indicated parameters that prevent the application of this technique to all items of the sample. Hence, a change in inventory management of HUOL, with the application of the continuous replenishment according to IN 205, provides a significant reduction in acquisition costs of medical and hospital medicine


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The present study aimed to evaluate the inclusion of the principles of the National Medicines Policy - PNM and the Pharmaceutical assistance - PNAF in the prosecution of lawsuits involving medicines. To fulfill this necessity , data collection was performed on the website by the Tribunal Rio Grande do Norte - TJ RN ( Rio Grande do Norte Court) , in 2012 . It was obtained 115 judgments, which were analyzed in order to generate Monitoring Indicators from lawsuits and conduct content analysis proposed by Bardin (2006). The results showed that : a) 100 % of the decisions were favorable to the author , b) 76 % of decisions were requests by the trade name of the drug , c) only one drug (eculizumabe) had not granted by ANVISA , d) 36 % of drugs were present in the list of standard medicines in SUS , 16 % of primary care block and 20 % of specialized component , e) 76 % of the decisions presented the request of at least 01 non-standard medicine. With regard to decentralization of PNM and PNAF we observed a commitment to this principle at judicial decisions, to see that municipalities and states are often forced to buy medicines of responsibility from another federal entity or other tertiary units as CACONs and UNACONS. The content analysis revealed that the argument from the judges used when you utter their decisions was that the right to health is recognized by Brazilian law as a fundamental right and should be guaranteed by the State for all its citizens. So, health is more than budgetary constraints of federal entities, which are severally liable for lawsuits , regardless the medication requested belongs or not to a particular block of a pharmaceutical assistance funding. Given these data, it is observed that there are gaps in the judgment when it comes to the insertion of the words and principles of PNM and PNAF, creating then the need for greater dialogue between the executive and judicial, so that they may consider relevant the effectiveness and application of such principles to minimize the negative consequences of the phenomenon of health judicialisation. Keywords: Judicialisation, Medicines, Public Policy, Pharmaceutical Care


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This work was concerned to investigate the meaning attributed to anxiolytic drugs by women, in public health service. It proposes a joint analysis through a link between three dimensions: the woman, the drug, and public health service itself, in an hegemonic medical assistance model. It is observed that the relation between these elements has a great influence over the use and construction of a particular meaning, by the user. The medication is analysed as a consumption merchandise and as an health symbol. In this way, it reflects a biologized vision, which believes the drug as a solution for all health problems. It tries to analyse the generalized medical prescription for anxiolythics and it s consequences. It focalizes also the production and utilization of public health services by patients, mainly women. The question related to the use of anxiolytics and the meaning construted by women is analysed focusing the way that relations of masculine/feminine gender are organized in our society. At this point of view, it tries to understand the dimension that these questions have in subjectivity production, and how it acts in the health/disease process. Finally, this work tries to understand, in a broad sense, the use of anxiolytics looking at the problem not only as a biological question, but also as a cultural matter. The research was done over seventeen women, all of them anxiolytic users. It was used, as research instrument, semi-structured interview associated with methodological analysis of user s speeches


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This study aimed to apply, thermogravimetriy /derivative Thermogravimetriy (TG/DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), to conduct a comparative study on drug reference, generic and whose active principles are similar captopril hydrochlorothiazide, ampicillin, paracetamol, aspirin and mebendazole sold in local pharmacies. Samples of the active ingredients and dosage forms were also characterized by absorption infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and microscopy scanning electron (SEM). The TG / DTG curves showed a general similarity in the thermal behavior of the samples, but also showed the influence of excipients on the thermal stability. The DSC curve of the generic base hydrochlorothiazide showed no peak on the fusion of the drug due to interference of lactose as a diluent, which causes interaction with the active principle causing their degradation before the merger. The DSC curves of the drugs consisting of paracetamol showed reproducibility at the melting point of the active and the other thermal events. The DSC result of binary mixtures involving captopril / magnesium stearate and mebendazole/magnesium stearate showed possible interactions or incompatibilities evidenced by the displacement of the melting point of both drugs. The other mixtures showed no change. The infrared spectra presented were very similar, indicating the presence of functional groups characteristic of the constituents of the samples. The X-ray diffraction showed peaks indicative of crystalline structure of the active ingredients as well as some of the ingredients in the formulation of the drug and the micrographs indicate a general heterogeneity in the size distribution of particles in the samples


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The present study utilized the thermogravimetry (TG) and optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma - ICP / OES to determine the calcium content in tablets of carbonate, citrate and calcium lactate used in the treatment of osteoporosis. The samples were characterized by IR, SEM, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermal analysis evaluated the thermal stability and physical-chemical events and showed that the excipients influence the decomposition of active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry indicated that the decomposition temperature of the active CaCO3 (T = 630.2 °C) is lower compared to that obtained in samples of the tablets (633.4 to 655.2 °C) except for sample AM 2 (Ti = 613.8 oC). In 500.0 °C in the samples of citrate and calcium lactate, as well as their respective active principles had already been formed calcium carbonate. The use of N2 atmosphere resulted in shifting the initial and final temperature related to the decomposition of CaCO3. In the DTA and DSC curves were observed endo and exothermic events for the samples of tablets and active ingredients studied. The infrared spectra identified the main functional groups in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and tablets studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretches of the groups OH, CH, C = O. Analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples are crystalline and that the final residue showed peaks indicative of the presence of calcium hydroxide by the reaction of calcium oxide with moisture of the air. Although the samples AM 1, AM 2, AM 3 and AM 6 in their formulations have TiO2 and SiO2 peaks were not observed in X-ray diffractograms of these compounds. The results obtained by TGA to determine the calcium content of the drugs studied were satisfactory when compared with those obtained by ICP-OES. In the AM 1 tablet was obtained the content of 35.37% and 32.62% for TG by ICP-OES, at 6 AM a percentage of 17.77% and 16.82% and for AM 7 results obtained were 8.93% for both techniques, showing that the thermogravimetry can be used to determine the percentage of calcium in tablets. The technique offers speed, economy in the use of samples and procedures eliminating the use of acid reagents in the process of the sample and efficiency results.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica é um desafio para a Medicina atual. Novos métodos e medicamentos têm sido propostos com o intuito de controlar os sintomas álgicos. A via de administração subaracnóidea tem se mostrado como uma alternativa viável e segura, embora necessite continuamente ser objeto de estudo de muitos pesquisadores. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos medicamentos disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico já consagrados pelo uso e os que se mostram promissores na atualidade para a prática clínica diária. CONTEÚDO: Nesta revisão são avaliados vários fármacos que apresentam ação analgésica quando utilizada via neuroeixo. Opióides, anestésicos locais, agonistas alfa2-adrenérgicos, antagonistas dos aminoácidos excitatórios e inibitórios, acetilcolina, inibidores da acetilcolinesterase, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio, adenosina, serotonina, antidepressivos tricíclicos e inibidores da síntese de prostaglandinas são analisados no que concerne aos seus efeitos farmacológicos, incluindo os indesejáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Muitos avanços foram registrados no controle dos sintomas álgicos após a utilização das substâncias citadas por via raquidiana, onde certamente algumas serão aproveitadas e enriquecerão o arsenal terapêutico e outras relegadas temporária ou definitivamente. Entretanto, ainda serão necessários muitos estudos clínicos e experimentais para que estes conhecimentos possam ser incorporados e utilizados com segurança pelos profissionais que lidam com o tratamento da dor crônica.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O uso espinhal de opióides pode causar alguns efeitos indesejáveis, dentre os quais, o mais freqüente é o prurido que, apesar de sua baixa morbidade, pode proporcionar desconforto intenso ao paciente e prolongar o período de internação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar diversas opções terapêuticas no tratamento profilático do prurido após administração de sufentanil por via subaracnóidea. MÉTODO: Foram distribuídos de maneira aleatória, por sorteio, 100 pacientes a serem submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica não-obstétricas em cinco grupos, de acordo com o tratamento utilizado: controle (ausência de tratamento - C); droperidol 2,5 mg (D); nalbufina 10 mg (N); associação dos medicamentos anteriores (DN) e ondansetron 8 mg (O). O prurido foi avaliado quantitativamente 30 minutos, 1, 2, e 3 horas após a administração subaracnóidea de sufentanil. RESULTADOS: Os grupos C e O apresentaram incidência significativamente maior de prurido em relação aos grupos D, N e DN. Entretanto, não houve diferença significativa na necessidade de tratamento específico com naloxona entre os grupos tratados. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento profilático do prurido neste estudo, independentemente do fármaco utilizado, diminuiu sua intensidade e limitou a necessidade de tratamento específico com naloxona.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A incidência e causas de parada cardíaca (PC) durante a anestesia variam e são difíceis de comparar diante dos diversos métodos usados nos estudos. A pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar todas as PC ocorridas no intra e pós-operatório, durante um período de sete anos, de 1996 a 2002, em hospital de ensino de atendimento terciário para determinar incidência e causas da PC. MÉTODO: A incidência prospectiva de PC ocorrida durante a anestesia em 40.941 pacientes consecutivos foi identificada, utilizando-se um Banco de Dados. Todos os casos de PC e óbito foram revisados por uma Comissão, para determinar o fator desencadeante da PC ou óbito. A incidência de PC foi calculada em relação à idade, sexo, estado físico, segundo a classificação da ASA, tipo de atendimento, fatores desencadeantes, como alteração do estado físico do paciente e complicações cirúrgicas e anestésicas, tipo de anestesia e evolução para óbito. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 138 PC (33,7:10.000), sendo a maioria em recém-nascidos, crianças até um ano e idosos, no sexo masculino (65,2%), em pacientes com estado físico ASA III ou superior, em atendimento de emergência e durante anestesia geral. Alterações do estado físico foram o principal fator de PC (23,9:10.000), seguidas de complicações cirúrgicas isoladamente (4,64:10.000) ou associadas a alterações do estado físico (2,44:10.000) e da anestesia isoladamente (1,71:10.000) ou associadas a alterações do estado físico (0,98:10.000). O risco de óbito relacionado à anestesia como fator principal ou contributivo foi igual para ambos (0,49:10.000). As principais causas da mortalidade associada à anestesia foram os problemas ventilatórios (45,4%), eventos relacionados à medicação empregada (27,3%), aspiração pulmonar (18,2%) e hidratação excessiva (9,1%). CONCLUSÕES: A incidência de PC durante a anestesia ainda continua elevada. A maioria das PC e óbitos associados à anestesia foi relacionada ao manuseio das vias aéreas e à administração de medicamentos e anestésicos.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o consumo de medicamentos e os principais grupos terapêuticos consumidos por pessoas com deficiências físicas, auditivas ou visuais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em que foram analisados dados do Inquérito Multicêntrico de Saúde no Estado de São Paulo (ISA-SP) em 2002 e do Inquérito de Saúde no Município de São Paulo (ISA-Capital), realizado em 2003. Os entrevistados que referiram deficiências foram estudados segundo as variáveis que compõem o banco de dados: área, sexo, renda, faixa etária, raça, consumo de medicamentos e tipos de medicamentos consumidos. RESULTADOS: A percentagem de consumo entre as pessoas com deficiência foi de: 62,8% entre os visuais; 60,2% entre os auditivos e 70,1% entre os físicos. As pessoas com deficiência física consumiram 20% mais medicamentos que os não-deficientes. Entre as pessoas com deficiência visual, os medicamentos mais consumidos foram os diuréticos, agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina e analgésicos. Pessoas com deficiência auditiva utilizaram mais analgésicos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina. Entre indivíduos com deficiência física, analgésicos, antitrombóticos e agentes do sistema renina-angiotensina foram os medicamentos mais consumidos. CONCLUSÕES: Houve maior consumo de medicamentos entre as pessoas com deficiências quando comparados com os não-deficientes, sendo os indivíduos com deficiência física os que mais consumiram fármacos, seguidos de deficientes visuais e auditivos.