827 resultados para Measurable Multifunctions


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PAPER Trapping phenomena in AlGaN and InAlN barrier HEMTs with different geometries S Martin-Horcajo1, A Wang1, A Bosca1, M F Romero1, M J Tadjer1,2, A D Koehler2, T J Anderson2 and F Calle1 Published 11 February 2015 • © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd Semiconductor Science and Technology, Volume 30, Number 3 Article PDF Figures References Citations Metrics 350 Total downloads Cited by 1 articles Export citation and abstract BibTeX RIS Turn on MathJax Share this article Article information Abstract Trapping effects were evaluated by means of pulsed measurements under different quiescent biases for GaN/AlGaN/GaN and GaN/InAlN/GaN. It was found that devices with an AlGaN barrier underwent an increase in the on-resistance, and a drain current and transconductance reduction without measurable threshold voltage change, suggesting the location of the traps in the gate-drain access region. In contrast, devices with an InAlN barrier showed a transconductance and a decrease in drain associated with a significant positive shift of threshold voltage, indicating that the traps were likely located under the gate region; as well as an on-resistance degradation probably associated with the presence of surface traps in the gate-drain access region. Furthermore, measurements of drain current transients at different ambient temperatures revealed that the activation energy of electron traps was 0.43 eV and 0.38 eV for AlGaN and InAlN barrier devices, respectively. Experimental and simulation results demonstrated the influence of device geometry on the observed trapping effects, since devices with larger gate lengths and gate-to-drain distance values exhibited less noticeable charge trapping effects.


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A investigação na área da saúde e a utilização dos seus resultados tem funcionado como base para a melhoria da qualidade de cuidados, exigindo dos profissionais de saúde conhecimentos na área específica onde desempenham funções, conhecimentos em metodologia de investigação que incluam as técnicas de observação, técnicas de recolha e análise de dados, para mais facilmente serem leitores capacitados dos resultados da investigação. Os profissionais de saúde são observadores privilegiados das respostas humanas à saúde e à doença, podendo contribuir para o desenvolvimento e bem-estar dos indivíduos muitas vezes em situações de grande vulnerabilidade. Em saúde infantil e pediatria o enfoque está nos cuidados centrados na família privilegiando-se o desenvolvimento harmonioso da criança e jovem, valorizando os resultados mensuráveis em saúde que permitam determinar a eficácia das intervenções e a qualidade de saúde e de vida. No contexto pediátrico realçamos as práticas baseadas na evidência, a importância atribuída à pesquisa e à aplicação dos resultados da investigação nas práticas clínicas, assim como o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de mensuração padronizados, nomeadamente as escalas de avaliação, de ampla utilização clínica, que facilitam a apreciação e avaliação do desenvolvimento e da saúde das crianças e jovens e resultem em ganhos em saúde. A observação de forma sistematizada das populações neonatais e pediátricas com escalas de avaliação tem vindo a aumentar, o que tem permitido um maior equilíbrio na avaliação das crianças e também uma observação baseada na teoria e nos resultados da investigação. Alguns destes aspetos serviram de base ao desenvolvimento deste trabalho que pretende dar resposta a 3 objetivos fundamentais. Para dar resposta ao primeiro objetivo, “Identificar na literatura científica, os testes estatísticos mais frequentemente utilizados pelos investigadores da área da saúde infantil e pediatria quando usam escalas de avaliação” foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura, que tinha como objetivo analisar artigos científicos cujos instrumentos de recolha de dados fossem escalas de avaliação, na área da saúde da criança e jovem, desenvolvidas com variáveis ordinais, e identificar os testes estatísticos aplicados com estas variáveis. A análise exploratória dos artigos permitiu-nos verificar que os investigadores utilizam diferentes instrumentos com diferentes formatos de medida ordinal (com 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 pontos) e tanto aplicam testes paramétricos como não paramétricos, ou os dois em simultâneo, com este tipo de variáveis, seja qual for a dimensão da amostra. A descrição da metodologia nem sempre explicita se são cumpridas as assunções dos testes. Os artigos consultados nem sempre fazem referência à distribuição de frequência das variáveis (simetria/assimetria) nem à magnitude das correlações entre os itens. A leitura desta bibliografia serviu de suporte à elaboração de dois artigos, um de revisão sistemática da literatura e outro de reflexão teórica. Apesar de terem sido encontradas algumas respostas às dúvidas com que os investigadores e os profissionais, que trabalham com estes instrumentos, se deparam, verifica-se a necessidade de desenvolver estudos de simulação que confirmem algumas situações reais e alguma teoria já existente, e trabalhem outros aspetos nos quais se possam enquadrar os cenários reais de forma a facilitar a tomada de decisão dos investigadores e clínicos que utilizam escalas de avaliação. Para dar resposta ao segundo objetivo “Comparar a performance, em termos de potência e probabilidade de erro de tipo I, das 4 estatísticas da MANOVA paramétrica com 2 estatísticas da MANOVA não paramétrica quando se utilizam variáveis ordinais correlacionadas, geradas aleatoriamente”, desenvolvemos um estudo de simulação, através do Método de Monte Carlo, efetuado no Software R. O delineamento do estudo de simulação incluiu um vetor com 3 variáveis dependentes, uma variável independente (fator com três grupos), escalas de avaliação com um formato de medida com 3, 4, 5, e 7 pontos, diferentes probabilidades marginais (p1 para distribuição simétrica, p2 para distribuição assimétrica positiva, p3 para distribuição assimétrica negativa e p4 para distribuição uniforme) em cada um dos três grupos, correlações de baixa, média e elevada magnitude (r=0.10, r=0.40, r=0.70, respetivamente), e seis dimensões de amostras (n=30, 60, 90, 120, 240, 300). A análise dos resultados permitiu dizer que a maior raiz de Roy foi a estatística que apresentou estimativas de probabilidade de erro de tipo I e de potência de teste mais elevadas. A potência dos testes apresenta comportamentos diferentes, dependendo da distribuição de frequência da resposta aos itens, da magnitude das correlações entre itens, da dimensão da amostra e do formato de medida da escala. Tendo por base a distribuição de frequência, considerámos três situações distintas: a primeira (com probabilidades marginais p1,p1,p4 e p4,p4,p1) em que as estimativas da potência eram muito baixas, nos diferentes cenários; a segunda situação (com probabilidades marginais p2,p3,p4; p1,p2,p3 e p2,p2,p3) em que a magnitude das potências é elevada, nas amostras com dimensão superior ou igual a 60 observações e nas escalas com 3, 4,5 pontos e potências de magnitude menos elevada nas escalas com 7 pontos, mas com a mesma ma magnitude nas amostras com dimensão igual a 120 observações, seja qual for o cenário; a terceira situação (com probabilidades marginais p1,p1,p2; p1,p2,p4; p2,p2,p1; p4,p4,p2 e p2,p2,p4) em que quanto maiores, a intensidade das correlações entre itens e o número de pontos da escala, e menor a dimensão das amostras, menor a potência dos testes, sendo o lambda de Wilks aplicado às ordens mais potente do que todas as outra s estatísticas da MANOVA, com valores imediatamente a seguir à maior raiz de Roy. No entanto, a magnitude das potências dos testes paramétricos e não paramétricos assemelha-se nas amostras com dimensão superior a 90 observações (com correlações de baixa e média magnitude), entre as variáveis dependentes nas escalas com 3, 4 e 5 pontos; e superiores a 240 observações, para correlações de baixa intensidade, nas escalas com 7 pontos. No estudo de simulação e tendo por base a distribuição de frequência, concluímos que na primeira situação de simulação e para os diferentes cenários, as potências são de baixa magnitude devido ao facto de a MANOVA não detetar diferenças entre grupos pela sua similaridade. Na segunda situação de simulação e para os diferentes cenários, a magnitude das potências é elevada em todos os cenários cuja dimensão da amostra seja superior a 60 observações, pelo que é possível aplicar testes paramétricos. Na terceira situação de simulação, e para os diferentes cenários quanto menor a dimensão da amostra e mais elevada a intensidade das correlações e o número de pontos da escala, menor a potência dos testes, sendo a magnitude das potências mais elevadas no teste de Wilks aplicado às ordens, seguido do traço de Pillai aplicado às ordens. No entanto, a magnitude das potências dos testes paramétricos e não paramétricos assemelha-se nas amostras com maior dimensão e correlações de baixa e média magnitude. Para dar resposta ao terceiro objetivo “Enquadrar os resultados da aplicação da MANOVA paramétrica e da MANOVA não paramétrica a dados reais provenientes de escalas de avaliação com um formato de medida com 3, 4, 5 e 7 pontos, nos resultados do estudo de simulação estatística” utilizaram-se dados reais que emergiram da observação de recém-nascidos com a escala de avaliação das competências para a alimentação oral, Early Feeding Skills (EFS), o risco de lesões da pele, com a Neonatal Skin Risk Assessment Scale (NSRAS), e a avaliação da independência funcional em crianças e jovens com espinha bífida, com a Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Para fazer a análise destas escalas foram realizadas 4 aplicações práticas que se enquadrassem nos cenários do estudo de simulação. A idade, o peso, e o nível de lesão medular foram as variáveis independentes escolhidas para selecionar os grupos, sendo os recém-nascidos agrupados por “classes de idade gestacional” e por “classes de peso” as crianças e jovens com espinha bífida por “classes etárias” e “níveis de lesão medular”. Verificou-se um bom enquadramento dos resultados com dados reais no estudo de simulação.


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Dissertação mest. em Imagiologia Médica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Univ. do Algarve, 2006


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Background: Azoospermia is the medical condition of a man not having any measurable level of sperm in his semen. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a member of the glycoprotein hormone family that plays an important role in human reproduction because of its essential role in normal spermatogenesis. Various Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reported within FSH receptor (FSHR) gene that may affect the receptor function. Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between two FSHR SNPs at positions A919G, A2039G, and susceptibility to azoospermia in a group of Iranian azoospermic men. The association between FSH levels within the sera and A919G and A2039G alleles and genotypes were also investigated. Materials and Methods: This case control study was performed on 212 men with azoospermia (126 non-obstructive and 86 obstructive) and 200 healthy Iranian men. Two FSHR gene SNPs were genotyped using PCR-RFLP method. The relationship between FSH levels within the sera and A919G and A2039G alleles and genotypes were also investigated. Results: Statistical analysis indicated that at A919G position, AA genotype and A allele were more frequent in obstructive azoospermia cases compared to non- obstructive or normal men (p=0.001). Regarding A2039G polymorphisms, no significant difference was observed between both azoospermia groups and the controls. The mean level of serum FSH was higher in the non-obstructive men compared to the obstructive patients (23.8 versus 13.8, respectively, p= 0.04). Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated that the genetic polymorphisms in the FSHR gene might increase the susceptibility to azoospermia in Iranian men.


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Estimating un-measurable states is an important component for onboard diagnostics (OBD) and control strategy development in diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems. This research focuses on the development of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based state estimator for two of the main components in a diesel engine aftertreatment system: the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) catalyst. One of the key areas of interest is the performance of these estimators when the catalyzed particulate filter (CPF) is being actively regenerated. In this study, model reduction techniques were developed and used to develop reduced order models from the 1D models used to simulate the DOC and SCR. As a result of order reduction, the number of states in the estimator is reduced from 12 to 1 per element for the DOC and 12 to 2 per element for the SCR. The reduced order models were simulated on the experimental data and compared to the high fidelity model and the experimental data. The results show that the effect of eliminating the heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients are not significant on the performance of the reduced order models. This is shown by an insignificant change in the kinetic parameters between the reduced order and 1D model for simulating the experimental data. An EKF based estimator to estimate the internal states of the DOC and SCR was developed. The DOC and SCR estimators were simulated on the experimental data to show that the estimator provides improved estimation of states compared to a reduced order model. The results showed that using the temperature measurement at the DOC outlet improved the estimates of the CO , NO , NO2 and HC concentrations from the DOC. The SCR estimator was used to evaluate the effect of NH3 and NOX sensors on state estimation quality. Three sensor combinations of NOX sensor only, NH3 sensor only and both NOX and NH3 sensors were evaluated. The NOX only configuration had the worst performance, the NH3 sensor only configuration was in the middle and both the NOX and NH3 sensor combination provided the best performance.


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The Positive Youth Development (PYD) perspective is a strength-based conceptualization of youth. It highlights the importance of mutually beneficial relationships between youth and their environment to develop the “Five Cs”, key assets that include character. Character has long been a subject of programming due to its focus on helping children lead moral, empathic, and prosocial lives. There are, however, many limitations in character research, including poorly operationalized definitions of character; a failure to examine the developmental and broader social context in which character exists; and a lack of evaluation of more practical character programming. The goal of this dissertation was to address these gaps in knowledge and inform the character education programming literature. The first study examined the relationships among age, gender, the school social context, and character. Moral character was negatively associated with grade, and being a girl was positively associated with moral character. The relationships between positive peer interactions at school and character (fairness, integrity) were stronger among students who reported low initial moral character when positive peer interactions was high. In the second study, the Build Character: Build Success Program, a character education program, was evaluated over six months to examine its effects on character behaviours, victimization, and school climate. No program effects were found for students in grades 1 to 3, but a slight decrease in victimization in one experimental school was found for students in grades 4 to 8. This lack of general program effects may be due to the short-term nature of the intervention, which may not have been long enough to result in measurable behaviour change. Implementation data indicated that teachers did not teach all program elements, which also may have influenced the results of the program evaluation. The present dissertation contributes to knowledge about character and its programming by: introducing new measures to operationalize character, discovering developmental patterns in character in school-aged children, highlighting gender differences in character, examining character within its broad social context, and evaluating short-term character education programming.


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As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively and meet the needs and expectations of clients in a better way. Although similar experiences have been studied in health care, the transfer of quality improvement to nonprofit social services gives a possibility for more knowledge on what enables, and constrains, systematic quality improvement in this specific context. This thesis is based on five years of supporting quality improvement in the Swedish nonprofit welfare sector. Specifically, it builds knowledge on which active mechanisms and enabling or constraining structures exist for nonprofit social service quality improvement. By studying quality improvement projects that have been conducted in the development program Forum for Values, critical cases and broad overviews are found valuable. These cases have resulted in four papers on quality improvement in nonprofit social services. The papers include: critical cases from a nursing home for elderly and a daycare for disabled children (Paper I); a critical case from a sheltered housing (Paper II); an overview of performance measurements in 127 quality improvement projects (Paper III); and an analytical model of how improvement policy and practice are bridged by intermediaries (Paper IV). In this thesis, enabled or constrained events and activities related to Deming's system of profound knowledge are identified from the papers and elaborated upon. As a basis for transforming practice into continuous improvement, profound knowledge includes the four knowledge domains: appreciation of a system, theory of knowledge, understanding of variation and psychology of change. From a realist perspective, the identified events are seen as enabled or constrained by mechanisms and underlying regularities, or structures, in the context of nonprofit social services. The emerging mechanisms found in this thesis are: describing and reflecting upon project relations; forming and testing a theory of action; collecting and displaying measurable results over time; and engaging and participating in a development program. The structures that enable these mechanisms are: connecting projects to shared values such as client needs; local ownership of what should be measured; and translating quality improvement into a single practice. Constraining structures identified are: a lack of generalizable scientific knowledge and inappropriate or missing infrastructure for measurements. Reflecting upon the emergent structures of nonprofit social services, the role of political macro structures, reflective practice, competence in statistical methods and areas of expertise becomes important. From this discussion and the findings some hypotheses for future work can be formulated. First, the identified mechanisms and structures form a framework that helps explain why intended actions of quality improvement occur or not. This frameworkcan be part of formulating a program theory of quality improvement in nonprofit social services. With this theory, quality improvement can be evaluated, reflected upon and further developed in future interventions. Second,new quality improvement interventions can be reproduced more regularly by active work with known enablers and constraints from this program theory. This means that long-lasting interventions can be performed and studied in a second generation of improvement efforts. Third, if organizations integrate quality improvement as a part of their everyday practice they also develop context-specific knowledge about their services. This context-specific knowledge can be adopted and further developed through dedicated management and understanding of variation. Thus, if enabling structures are invoked and constraining structures handled, systematic quality improvement could be one way to integrate generalizable scientific knowledge as part of an evidence-creating practice.


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How does an archaeological museum understand its function in a digital environment? Consumer expectations are rapidly shifting, from what used to be a passive relationship with exhibition contents, towards a different one, in which interaction, individuality and proactivity define the visitor experience. This consumer paradigm is much studied in fast moving markets, where it provokes immediately measurable impacts. In other fields, such as tourism and regional development, the very heterogeneous nature of the product to be branded makes it near to impossible for only one player to engage successfully. This systemic feature implies that museums, acting as major stakeholders, often anchor a regional brand around which SME tend to cluster, and thus assume responsibilities in constructing marketable identities. As such, the archaeological element becomes a very useful trademark. On the other hand, it also emerges erratically on the Internet, in personal blogs, commercial websites, and social networks. This forces museums to enter as a mediator, authenticating contents and providing credibility. What might be called the digital pull factor poses specific challenges to museum management: what is to be promoted, and how, in order to create and maintain a coherent presence in social media? The underlying issue this paper tries to address is how museums perceive their current and future role in digital communication.


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The global climate threat has intensified Sweden’s ambitions to build wind power stations. This thesis explores the planning of, and opposition to, wind power in the inland rural and forest regions of Sweden. It is in these autonomous communities that the plans are implemented and the aim of the thesis was to, from a local perspective, understand and analyse the planning and acceptance challenges that large-scale wind power development faces in places that are both sparsely populated and have good wind conditions. This thesis is based on qualitative methods and was conducted as two studies. The case study area comprises four municipalities in Dalarna County. The first study analyses the planning and establishment process in three municipalities using interviews and an analysis method called process tracing. The second study analyses one wind power establishment, in which the interviews form the basis for a discourse analytical approach. One striking finding highlights the relationship between the global and the local. Global environment and energy aspects are absent in the local process, and wind power becomes a technical land issue that clashes with other local land interests. Another finding of the study reveals that planning for wind power establishment follows a rational planning tradition. The feelings and memories of the individual – different views regarding the landscape – play a background role in the formal permit process, while measurable observable conditions have a more prominent role. Wind power developers thereby acquire a more significant position than what they probably would have had if the planning had included local residents’ views on wind power in the landscape at an early stage.


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The Iowa Legislative Council authorized the creation of The Iowa Rivers and Waterways Study Committee in 2013. The Committee was directed to consult with interested parties in considering options for restoring Iowa’s rivers and water ways. The Committee was also charged to develop recommendations for an initial plan to prioritize restoration projects, and provide defined goals and measurable improvements.


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With the advent of Internet-based technologies for information organization, many groups have constructed their own indexing languages. Biologists, Library and Information Science practitioners, and now social taggers have worked together to create large and many times complex indexing languages. In this environment of diversity, two questions surface: (1) what are the measurable characteristics of these indexing languages, and (2) do measurements of these indexing languages speciate along these characteristics? This poster presents data from this exploratory work.


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Abstract : The goal of this study was to determine whether providing videos for students to watch before class would be more effective than assigning readings. The study took place within a flipped classroom: a methodology designed to engage students in the initial construction of knowledge before class, freeing up classroom time for active learning pedagogies. Preparing for class by watching videos should require less of the students’ time than doing readings, and they should respond better to videos than to readings because these more closely mimic this generation’s interactions with information and media. Consequently, flipped classroom students provided with videos should perceive a lower workload, which could translate into more positive learning outcomes. From an instructor’s perspective, however, developing and organizing videos is extremely time consuming. Thus, a teacher giving consideration to flipping their class would likely want to know whether videos would lead to positive outcomes for their students before actually committing to developing these. However, no research to date was identified which has examined the question of whether flipped class videos would be more effective than readings. The hypotheses for the study were that videos would result in measurable learning gains for the students, and would lead to lower time demands and perceived workloads, as well as more positive attitudes. These were tested using a quasi-experimental design involving a convenience sample of two small college General Biology 1 courses taught by the same teacher. One group had videos to watch before class for the first 1/3 of the course (treatment; Class A), during which the other was assigned readings (control; Class B). Following this, both groups were provided with videos. Student scores were compared on pre-instruction and in-class quizzes, activities, four unit tests, and a final exam. Further, students completed a 44 item survey as well as a demographic questionnaire. Results suggest greater learning gains for students provided with videos. Certainly, students from Class B improved significantly when provided with videos, especially as compared to Class A, whose improvement over the same time span was marginal. However, conclusions based on these results are somewhat tentative, as Class A performed rather poorly on all summative assessments, and this could have driven the patterns observed, at least partially. From the surveys, Class B students reported that they spent more time preparing for class, were less likely to do the necessary preparations, and generally perceived their effort and workload levels to be higher. These factors were significant enough that they contributed to four students from Class B (10% of the class) dropping the course over the semester. In addition, students from both groups also reported more positive attitudes towards videos than readings, although they did not necessarily feel that videos were (or would be) a more effective study and learning tool. The results of this study suggest that any effort on the part of an instructor to prepare or organize videos as pre-class instructional tools would likely be well spent. However, even outside of the context of a flipped classroom, this study provides an indication that assigned readings can place heavy workload requirements on students, which should give cause for any instructor employing mandatory readings to reassess their approach. Finally, since both groups were statistically equivalent across all measured demographic variables, it appears that some of the observed disparities in assessment scores may have been driven by differences in group dynamics. Consequently, the suggestion is made that an instrument to measure classroom climate should be incorporated into any research design comparing two or more interacting groups of students, as group dynamics have the potential to play a key role in any outcomes.||Résumé : L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer si fournir des vidéos aux étudiants avant une classe serait plus efficace comme méthode d’apprentissage individuel que de leur donner une liste de lectures à compléter. L'étude a eu lieu dans une classe renversée – une stratégie plus reconnu sous le nom de «classroom flipping» – ce qui ce trouve à être une méthodologie qui vise à obliger les élèves d’accomplir le transfert de connaissances initial avant la classe, en vue de libérer du temps de classe pour des activités pédagogiques plus approfondie. En théorie, pour les élèves, se préparer pour une classe renversé en regardant des vidéos devrait exiger moins de temps que d’être obligé à apprendre le matériel en lisant. En plus, présenter le matériel d’un cours avec des vidéos imite de plus près les genres d’interactions qu’on les étudiants de cette génération avec de l'information et les médias, ce qui devrait faciliter leur tâche. Par conséquent, les élèves d’une classe renversée fournies avec des vidéos devraient percevoir une charge de travail moins élevée, et ceci pourrait se traduire en bilans d'apprentissage plus positifs. Cependant, du point de vue du professeur, avoir à développer et organiser des vidéos se présente comme un gros défi, surtout en vue du temps et de l’effort qui sont requis. Ainsi, un enseignant qui songe à renversée sa classe voudrait probablement savoir si le fait d’offrir des vidéos mène à des résultats positifs avant de réellement s'engager dans le développement de ces derniers. Par contre, lors de l’écriture de ce texte, aucune étude n’a été identifié qui répond à cette question, et aucune publication compare la performance des étudiants lorsqu’ils ont des vidéos à regarder avec lorsqu’ils sont obligés de faire de la lecture pour se préparer. Alors, les hypothèses de l'étude étaient que des étudiants ayant accès à des vidéos démontreraient des gains d’apprentissages évidents, qu’ils apercevraient des requêtes de temps moins encombrantes et une charge de travail plus faible, et, en vue de ces derniers, que les étudiants auraient des attitudes plus positives envers le cours et le matériel. Les hypothèses ont été testés à l'aide d'un modèle quasi-expérimental, avec comme échantillon deux classes collégiales de Biologie générale 1, tout les deux enseignés par le même professeur. Un de ces groupes avaient accès à des vidéos pour se préparer pour chaque classe lors du premier tiers du cours, alors que l’autre groupe étaient obligé de faire de la lecture. Après le premier tiers du cours, ce qui fut 10 des 30 classes du semestre, les deux groupes ont été fournis avec des vidéos pour le restant du cours. Des notes ont été ramassées et comparées sur des mini-examens préparatoires avant et durant les classes, sur des activités complétées en classe, sur quatre examens en classe, et un examen final. En outre, les étudiants ont rempli un questionnaire composé de 44 items, ainsi qu’un autre questionnaire démographique. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent qu’une décision d’offrir des vidéos aux élèves peut mener à des gains d'apprentissage plus élevés comparativement à l’option lecture. En particulier, les élèves du groupe initial de lecture se sont considérablement améliorées lorsqu'ils ont été fournis avec des vidéos, surtout par rapport au groupe initial de vidéos, dont l’amélioration durant la même période était marginale. Cependant, ces conclusions sont un peu incertaines, parce que la performance du groupe initial de vidéos était globalement médiocre, ce qui aurait pu mener aux résultats observés. Par contre, les résultats obtenus des questionnaires étaient moins incertains, et indiquent que les élèves qui se sont vues attribués des lectures passaient plus de temps pour préparer leurs classes, étaient plus aptes à ne pas faire les préparatifs nécessaires, et ont aperçus leurs niveaux d'efforts et leurs charges de travails comme étant plus élevés. Ces facteurs étaient suffisamment importants qu'ils ont contribué au fait que quatre étudiants du groupe de lecture, soit 10% de la classe, ont abandonnés le cours durant le premier tiers du semestre. Finalement, les élèves ont démontrés des attitudes plus positives envers les vidéos, bien qu'ils ne trouvaient pas nécessairement que ceux-ci étaient plus efficaces que les lectures lorsqu’ils voulaient étudier pour les examens. Basé sur ces résultats, il est possible de conclure que tout effort de la part d'un instructeur pour préparer ou organiser des vidéos pédagogiques serait probablement un bon investissement. En plus, et même en dehors du contexte d'une classe renversée, cette étude offre une indication qu’une stratégie pédagogique qui oblige les étudiants à faire beaucoup de lecture peut imposer des exigences et une charge de travail très élevée pour les étudiants, ce qui devrait donner cause à tout instructeur qui attribue des lectures à réévaluer leur approche. Enfin, puisque les deux groupes étaient équivalents d’un point de vue statistique sur toutes les mesures démographiques, il semble que certaines disparités entre les deux groupes dans les notes d'évaluation et d’examens peuvent possiblement avoir été entraînées par des différentes dynamiques dans chaque group. Par conséquent, il est suggéré que des mesures de relations entre étudiants et de dynamiques de groupes devraient être incorporé dans n’importe qu’elle recherche comparant deux ou plusieurs groupes d’étudiants, et surtout quand ces étudiants sont en interaction, parce-que en toute apparence les dynamiques de groupes ont le potentiel de jouer un rôle clé dans les résultats obtenus.


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A prototype for a Responsive Fisheries Management System (RFMS) was developed in the context of the European FP7 project EcoFishMan and tested on the Portuguese crustacean trawl fishery. Building on Results Based Management principles, RFMS involves the definition of specific and measurable objectives for a fishery by the relevant authorities but allows resource users the freedom to find ways to achieve the objectives and to provide adequate documentation. Taking into account the main goals of the new Common Fisheries Policy, such as sustainable utilization of the resources, end of discards and unwanted catches, a management plan for the Portuguese crustacean trawl fishery was developed in cooperation with the fishing industry, following the process and design laid out in the RFMS concept. The plan considers biological, social and economic goals and assigns a responsibility for increased data collection to the resource users. The performance of the plan with regard to selected indicators was evaluated through simulations. In this paper the process towards a RFMS is described and the lessons learnt from the interaction with stakeholders in the development of an alternative management plan are discussed. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In farbstoffsensibilisierten Solarzellen (DSSC) spielen Chromophore, die als Lichtsammel- und Energie-/Elektronentransfersysteme fungieren, eine zentrale Rolle. Phthalocyanine mit ihren intensiven Absorptionsbanden um 400 nm und 700 nm besitzen großes Potential für die effektive Sensibilisierung von Solarzellen. Trotz ihrer vielversprechenden physikochemischen Eigenschaften und intensiver Bemühungen erreichen Phthalocyanin-sensibilisierte Solarzellen nicht die Effizienzen, die bisher mit anderen Chromophorklassen erzielt werden konnten. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Entwicklung effizienter Lichtsammelsysteme für DSSC auf der Basis von Aza-substituierten Phthalocyaninen, sogenannten Pyrazinoporphyrazinen, verfolgt. Ein besonderer Fokus lag dabei auf einer Verbesserung der Absorptionseigenschaften der Chromophore im Bereich ihrer intrinsischen Absorptionslücke zwischen den Maxima um 400 nm und 700 nm. Um diese optische Lücke zu schließen wurden komplementär absorbierende BODIPY-Farbstoffe kovalent an synthetisch maßgeschneiderte Porphyrazine gebunden. Insgesamt wurden sechs neue Porphyrazin-Sensibilisatoren synthetisiert und photophysikalisch sowie elektrochemisch charakterisiert. Alle in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Porphyrazine tragen sterisch anspruchsvolle Tri(p-tolyl)propinyl-Gruppen um Agglomerationen zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wurden die Porphyrazine peripher entweder mit Hydroxy- oder Carboxygruppen als Bindungsstellen für oxidische Materialien ausgestattet sowie mit sechs BODIPY-Auxiliarfarbstoffen funktionalisiert, deren Substitutionsmuster variiert wurden. Zur Darstellung der komplexen Porphyrazine wurde eine Syntheseroute erarbeitet, die statistische Cyclisierungen unterschiedlicher Dinitril-Vorstufen beinhaltete und es ermöglichte, funktionelle Gruppen erst am vorgeformten Makrocyclus einzuführen. Die photophysikalische Untersuchung der hochfunktionalisierten Farbstoffe erfolgte über UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie. Im Fall der BODIPY-Porphyrazin-Hybride schließt die zusätzliche Absorptionsbande der peripheren BODIPY-Einheiten die intrinsische Absorptionslücke der Porphyrazine. Die Hybride zeigen somit eine breite Absorption über den gesamten sichtbaren Spektralbereich mit hohen Extinktionskoeffizienten von ca. 4·10^5 M^−1cm^−1. Mittels Fluoreszenz- und Anregungsspektren wurde ein photoinduzierter Energie-transfer von den BODIPY-Einheiten auf den Porphyrazinkern nachgewiesen. Das elektrochemische Verhalten der BODIPY- und Porphyrazin-Verbindungen wurde mittels Cyclo- und Square-Wave-Voltammetrie untersucht. Die Effizienzen der Lichtenergieumwandlung wurden mit Hilfe von selbst-hergestellten und standardisierten farbstoffsensibilisierten Solarzellen bewertet. Alle Solarzellen zeigten eine messbare Photoaktivität unter Bestrahlung. Die Wirkungsgrade der Zellen lagen jedoch alle unter 1 %. Generell führten die Carboxyl-funktionalisierten Porphyrazine zu besseren Wirkungsgraden als die analogen, mit der tripodalen Ankergruppe ausgestatteten Derivate. Die mit Hilfe von Adsorptionsisothermen ermittelten Bindungskonstanten der Adsorption der Farbstoffe auf der TiO2-Oberfläche zeigten, dass beide Hafteinheiten eine feste Verankerung der Chromophore auf den TiO2-Elektroden ermöglichten. Insgesamt wirkte sich die Präsenz der peripheren BODIPY-Farbstoffe positiv auf die Wirkungsgrade der Solarzellen aus, jedoch nur in geringem Maß. Dieses Ergebnis wurde hauptsächlich auf die geringe Energiedifferenz zwischen der Leitungsbandkante des TiO2 und den LUMO-Energieniveaus der Chromophore zurückgeführt. Zusätzlich scheinen konkurrierende Prozesse wie die direkte Photoelektroneninjektion von den BODIPY-Einheiten in das TiO2 eine wichtige Rolle zu spielen. Neben der Anwendung in DSSC wurde die Wechselwirkung der Porphyrazine mit Graphen untersucht. Hierzu wurden A3B-Porphyrazine mit Pyrenyl-Seitenketten ausgestattet, die eine nicht-kovalente Verankerung des Chromophors auf Graphen ermöglichen. UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenzmessungen gaben u.a. erste Hinweise auf eine elektronische Kommunikation zwischen den beiden Hybridpartnern.