995 resultados para Marjavaara, Roger
BACKGROUND: Sequence data from resistance testing offer unique opportunities to characterize the structure of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection epidemics. METHODS: We analyzed a representative set of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) subtype B pol sequences from 5700 patients enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. We pooled these sequences with the same number of sequences from foreign epidemics, inferred a phylogeny, and identified Swiss transmission clusters as clades having a minimal size of 10 and containing >or=80% Swiss sequences. RESULTS: More than one-half of Swiss patients were included within 60 transmission clusters. Most transmission clusters were significantly dominated by specific transmission routes, which were used to identify the following patient groups: men having sex with men (MSM) (38 transmission clusters; average cluster size, 29 patients) or patients acquiring HIV through heterosexual contact (HETs) and injection drug users (IDUs) (12 transmission clusters; average cluster size, 144 patients). Interestingly, there were no transmission clusters dominated by sequences from HETs only. Although 44% of all HETs who were infected between 1983 and 1986 clustered with injection drug users, this percentage decreased to 18% for 2003-2006 (P<.001), indicating a diminishing role of injection drug users in transmission among HETs over time. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests (1) the absence of a self-sustaining epidemic of HIV-1 subtype B in HETs in Switzerland and (2) a temporally decreasing clustering of HIV infections in HETs and IDUs.
Helicobacter pylori is an important human pathogen that causes chronic gastritis and is associated with the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric malignancies. The oral cavity has been implicated as a potential H. pylori reservoir and may therefore be involved in the reinfection of the stomach, which can sometimes occur following treatment of an H. pylori infection. The objectives of this paper were (i) to determine the presence of H. pylori in the oral cavity and (ii) to examine the relationship between oral H. pylori and subsequent gastritis. Gastric biopsies, saliva samples and dental plaques were obtained from 78 dyspeptic adults. DNA was extracted and evaluated for the presence of H. pylori using polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting methods. Persons with gastritis were frequently positive for H. pylori in their stomachs (p < 0.0001) and there was a statistically significant correlation between the presence of H. pylori in gastric biopsies and the oral cavity (p < 0.0001). Our results suggest a relationship between gastric infection and the presence of this bacterium in the oral cavity. Despite this, H. pylori were present in the oral cavity with variable distribution between saliva and dental plaques, suggesting the existence of a reservoir for the species and a potential association with gastric reinfection.
This research work deals with the problem of modeling and design of low level speed controller for the mobile robot PRIM. The main objective is to develop an effective educational tool. On one hand, the interests in using the open mobile platform PRIM consist in integrating several highly related subjects to the automatic control theory in an educational context, by embracing the subjects of communications, signal processing, sensor fusion and hardware design, amongst others. On the other hand, the idea is to implement useful navigation strategies such that the robot can be served as a mobile multimedia information point. It is in this context, when navigation strategies are oriented to goal achievement, that a local model predictive control is attained. Hence, such studies are presented as a very interesting control strategy in order to develop the future capabilities of the system
This paper is focused on the robot mobile platform PRIM (platform robot information multimedia). This robot has been made in order to cover two main needs of our group, on one hand the need for a full open mobile robotic platform that is very useful in fulfilling the teaching and research activity of our school community, and on the other hand with the idea of introducing an ethical product which would be useful as mobile multimedia information point as a service tool. This paper introduces exactly how the system is made up and explains just what the philosophy is behind this work. The navigation strategies and sensor fusion, where machine vision system is the most important one, are oriented towards goal achievement and are the key to the behaviour of the robot
BACKGROUND Evidence associating exposure to water disinfection by-products with reduced birth weight and altered duration of gestation remains inconclusive. OBJECTIVE We assessed exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) during pregnancy through different water uses and evaluated the association with birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA), low birth weight (LBW), and preterm delivery. METHODS Mother-child cohorts set up in five Spanish areas during the years 2000-2008 contributed data on water ingestion, showering, bathing, and swimming in pools. We ascertained residential THM levels during pregnancy periods through ad hoc sampling campaigns (828 measurements) and regulatory data (264 measurements), which were modeled and combined with personal water use and uptake factors to estimate personal uptake. We defined outcomes following standard definitions and included 2,158 newborns in the analysis. RESULTS Median residential THM ranged from 5.9 μg/L (Valencia) to 114.7 μg/L (Sabadell), and speciation differed across areas. We estimated that 89% of residential chloroform and 96% of brominated THM uptakes were from showering/bathing. The estimated change of birth weight for a 10% increase in residential uptake was -0.45 g (95% confidence interval: -1.36, 0.45 g) for chloroform and 0.16 g (-1.38, 1.70 g) for brominated THMs. Overall, THMs were not associated with SGA, LBW, or preterm delivery. CONCLUSIONS Despite the high THM levels in some areas and the extensive exposure assessment, results suggest that residential THM exposure during pregnancy driven by inhalation and dermal contact routes is not associated with birth weight, SGA, LBW, or preterm delivery in Spain.
BACKGROUND. A growing body of research suggests that prenatal exposure to air pollution may be harmful to fetal development. We assessed the association between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and anthropometric measures at birth in four areas within the Spanish Children's Health and Environment (INMA) mother and child cohort study. METHODS. Exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene was estimated for the residence of each woman (n = 2,337) for each trimester and for the entire pregnancy. Outcomes included birth weight, length, and head circumference. The association between residential outdoor air pollution exposure and birth outcomes was assessed with linear regression models controlled for potential confounders. We also performed sensitivity analyses for the subset of women who spent more time at home during pregnancy. Finally, we performed a combined analysis with meta-analysis techniques. RESULTS. In the combined analysis, an increase of 10 µg/m3 in NO2 exposure during pregnancy was associated with a decrease in birth length of -0.9 mm [95% confidence interval (CI), -1.8 to -0.1 mm]. For the subset of women who spent ≥ 15 hr/day at home, the association was stronger (-0.16 mm; 95% CI, -0.27 to -0.04). For this same subset of women, a reduction of 22 g in birth weight was associated with each 10-µg/m3 increase in NO2 exposure in the second trimester (95% CI, -45.3 to 1.9). We observed no significant relationship between benzene levels and birth outcomes. CONCLUSIONS. NO2 exposure was associated with reductions in both length and weight at birth. This association was clearer for the subset of women who spent more time at home.
Anàlisi territorial del litoral català mitjançant una sèrie de variables tractades amb sistemes d’informació geogràfica (recurs eòlic, perfil batimètric, zones incloses en Xarxa Natura 2000, subestacions elèctriques vora la costa) per tal de localitzar les zones òptimes d’implantació d’un parc eòlic marí
Background: One characteristic of post traumatic stress disorder is an inability to adapt to a safe environment i.e. to change behavior when predictions of adverse outcomes are not met. Recent studies have also indicated that PTSD patients have altered pain processing, with hyperactivation of the putamen and insula to aversive stimuli (Geuze et al, 2007). The present study examined neuronal responses to aversive and predicted aversive events. Methods: Twenty-four trauma exposed non-PTSD controls and nineteen subjects with PTSD underwent fMRI imaging during a partial reinforcement fear conditioning paradigm, with a mild electric shock as the unconditioned stimuli (UCS). Three conditions were analyzed: actual presentations of the UCS, events when a UCS was expected, but omitted (CS+), and events when the UCS was neither expected nor delivered (CS-). Results: The UCS evoked significant alterations in the pain matrix consisting of the brainstem, the midbrain, the thalamus, the insula, the anterior and middle cingulate and the contralateral somatosensory cortex. PTSD subjects displayed bilaterally elevated putamen activity to the electric shock, as compared to controls. In trials when USC was expected, but omitted, significant activations were observed in the brainstem, the midbrain, the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate. PTSD subjects displayed similar activations, but also elevated activations in the amygdala and the posterior insula. Conclusions: These results indicate altered fear and safety learning in PTSD, and neuronal activations are further explored in terms of functional connectivity using psychophysiological interaction analyses.
Only one drug is currently available for the treatment and control of schistosomiasis and the increasing risk of selecting strains of schistosome that are resistant to praziquantel means that the development of new drugs is urgent. With this objective we have chosen to target the enzymes modifying histones and in particular the histone acetyltransferases and histone deacetylases (HDAC). Inhibitors of HDACs (HDACi) are under intense study as potential anti-cancer drugs and act via the induction of cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis. Schistosomes like other parasites can be considered as similar to tumours in that they maintain an intense metabolic activity and rate of cell division that is outside the control of the host. We have shown that HDACi can induce apoptosis and death of schistosomes maintained in culture and have set up a consortium (Schistosome Epigenetics: Targets, Regulation, New Drugs) funded by the European Commission with the aim of developing inhibitors specific for schistosome histone modifying enzymes as novel lead compounds for drug development.
In this paper, we assessed the suitability of using the neonicotinoid imidacloprid with standard ovitraps by evaluating the ovicidal properties of imidacloprid and its influence on the oviposition response of gravid females of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae). First, we calculated the imidacloprid lethal dose 99 (LD99) by exposing third instar larvae of the target species to different concentrations of the insecticide. Next, Ae. aegypti eggs were exposed to the imidacloprid LD99 for 24 h and hatching inhibition was recorded. Finally, we investigated any potential repellent effect of the imidacloprid solution on the oviposition response of gravid Aedes females in field and laboratory conditions. The LD99 obtained from larvae tests proved to be sufficient to keep any exposed eggs from hatching. No repellent effect was observed; females laid as many eggs in imidacloprid-treated ovitraps as in traps containing either clean water or temephos-treated water in both field and laboratory conditions. Our results indicate that imidacloprid is a suitable insecticide for treating ovitraps against Ae. aegypti.
Vaccination is the method of choice for the prevention of influenza infection. However, the quantity of the antigen available, especially in the case of pandemics, often fails to meet the global demand. However, improved adjuvants can overcome this problem. Preliminary results obtained in this study revealed that one year after a single subcutaneous immunisation with influenza A H3N2 virus in an oil-based carrier, VaxcineTM, outbreed mice produced a high immunoglobulin G response that lasted for up to one year and exhibited less variation in titre compared with the response of the control group treated with alum. The haemagglutination-inhibition titres induced by VaxcineTM were also higher than those generated by alum. These data indicate that VaxcineTM is a good adjuvant candidate for seasonal influenza vaccines.
The glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (Tsc22d3-2) is a widely expressed dexamethasone-induced transcript that has been proposed to be important in immunity, adipogenesis, and renal sodium handling based on in vitro studies. To address its function in vivo, we have used Cre/loxP technology to generate mice deficient for Tsc22d3-2. Male knockout mice were viable but surprisingly did not show any major deficiencies in immunological processes or inflammatory responses. Tsc22d3-2 knockout mice adapted to a sodium-deprived diet and to water deprivation conditions but developed a subtle deficiency in renal sodium and water handling. Moreover, the affected animals developed a mild metabolic phenotype evident by a reduction in weight from 6 months of age, mild hyperinsulinemia, and resistance to a high-fat diet. Tsc22d3-2-deficient males were infertile and exhibited severe testis dysplasia from postnatal d 10 onward with increases in apoptotic cells within seminiferous tubules, an increased number of Leydig cells, and significantly elevated FSH and testosterone levels. Thus, our analysis of the Tsc22d3-2-deficient mice demonstrated a previously uncharacterized function of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein in testis development.
Esta investigación pretende abordar el estudio del juego en el ámbito teatral, intentando reconocer los vínculos que pudiera haber entre el universo de la escena y el lúdico. La base teórica estudiada sobre el juego serán las fuentes primarias de la construcción lúdica: Johan Huizinga, y Roger Caillois y como referente principal del análisis del signo teatral tomaré a Tadeusz Kowzan, historiador y semiólogo del teatro. Para documentar la práctica teatral, he seleccionado a Jacques Lecoq y Philippe Gaulier, además de la compañía británica Théâtre de Complicité, analizando muy particularmente su espectáculo Las tres vidas de Lucie Cabrol
En esta investigación se explora el fenómeno de la agresividad originada en entornos cerrados como lo son los centros educativos de justicia juvenil de Cataluña. Una correcta valoración estructurada en combinación con el análisis de las redes sociales establecidas entre los individuos de los centros permite obtener información precisa sobre los comportamientos agresivos producidos en estos entornos cerrados. Esta información puede ser utilizada por los equipos profesionales para detectar, registrar y prevenir futuros incidentes.