968 resultados para Maintenance of fish


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Seven native and introduced species of fish in south east Caspian Sea coast examined for parasite infestation during 2004-2006. Native fishes include Barbus capito, Carassius auratus, Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus frisii kutum, Rutilus rutilus, Stizostidion lucioperca, Alosa caspia persica, 24 ecto and endo parasites were found in different organs of 7 species of fishes of them 2 of the metazoan 12 species of crustacean Lernaea cyprinacea , Lamproglena pukhella nematodea and cestodea parasite were found and identified to species and genus including: Asymphylodora kubanicums, Caryophylaeus fimbericep, Rhabdochona hellichii, Contracecum sp. (larvae), Pronoprymna, Aspidogaster limacoides, Raphidascaris acus, Caryophylaeus laticeps, Rhabdochona hellichi, Clinostomum complanatum, Hysterothylacium sp., Rhipidocotyle illense of the metzoan 9 monogen species were found and identified to species and genus level including Dactylogyrus frisii, Dactylogyrus nybelini, Dactylogyrus extensus, Gyrodactylus sp, Dactylogyrus baueri, D. formosus, Gyrodactylus sprostonae, Gyrodactylus sp, Mazaocraes alosae. One psecies of digenea parasites belonging to Diplostomatidea family comprised Diplostomum Spathaceum. In comprise infestation parasite of fish species Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus frisii kutum with 25 precent and Stizostidion lucioperca with 5 percent showed the highest and lowest in infection between fishes in comprise ecological region rivers with 45 percent and Estuary 16 percent showed the highest and lowest percent of parasite Infection.


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Over the past years, ω3 fatty acids, namely EPA and DHA, have been recognized as presenting multiple health benefits. Several studies consider fish oil as the most important source of EPA and DHA. Nowadays, canned fish industry plays a very important role in Portuguese economy. However, expansion of this business brought some environmental concerns due to the high amount of by-products generated. Nevertheless, this problem can be substantially reduced by the recovery of some of the by-product components, diminishing its contamination load and simultaneously obtaining value-added products. This study was born from the growing interest in obtaining new sources of lipids rich in ω3 fatty acids, combined with environmental concerns related to the production of wastes from the fish canning industries, rich in these compounds. It thus intends to evaluate lipid extraction methods in liquid by-products from the fish canning industry, aiming to obtain fractions rich in ω3 fatty acids. Additionally, in a biorefining concept, the protein content of the remaining aqueous fractions was also quantified.


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Repeatability of behavioural and physiological traits is increasingly a focus for animal researchers, for which fish have become important models. Almost all of this work has been done in the context of evolutionary ecology, with few explicit attempts to apply repeatability and context dependency of trait variation toward understanding conservation-related issues. Here, we review work examining the degree to which repeatability of traits (such as boldness, swimming performance, metabolic rate and stress responsiveness) is context dependent. We review methods for quantifying repeatability (distinguishing between within-context and across-context repeatability) and confounding factors that may be especially problematic when attempting to measure repeatability in wild fish. Environmental factors such temperature, food availability, oxygen availability, hypercapnia, flow regime and pollutants all appear to alter trait repeatability in fishes. This suggests that anthropogenic environmental change could alter evolutionary trajectories by changing which individuals achieve the greatest fitness in a given set of conditions. Gaining a greater understanding of these effects will be crucial for our ability to forecast the effects of gradual environmental change, such as climate change and ocean acidification, the study of which is currently limited by our ability to examine trait changes over relatively short time scales. Also discussed are situations in which recent advances in technologies associated with electronic tags (biotelemetry and biologging) and respirometry will help to facilitate increased quantification of repeatability for physiological and integrative traits, which so far lag behind measures of repeatability of behavioural traits.


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The study of immune system aging, i.e. immunosenescence, is a relatively new research topic. It deals with understanding the processes of immuno-degradation that indicate signs of functionality loss possibly leading to death. Even though it is not possible to prevent immunosenescence, there is great benefit in comprehending its causes, which may help to reverse some of the damage done and thus improve life expectancy. One of the main factors influencing the process of immunosenescence is the number and phenotypical variety of naive T cells in an individual. This work presents a review of immunosenescence, proposes system dynamics modelling of the processes involving the maintenance of the naive T cell repertoire and presents some preliminary results.


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The nutritional contribution of the dietary nitrogen, carbon and total dry matter supplied by fish meal (FM), soy protein isolate (SP) and corn gluten (CG) to the growth of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was assessed by means of isotopic analyses. As SP and CG are ingredients derived from plants having different photosynthetic pathways which imprint specific carbon isotope values to plant tissues, their isotopic values were contrasting. FM is isotopically different to these plant meals with regards to both, carbon and nitrogen. Such natural isotopic differences were used to design experimental diets having contrasting isotopic signatures. Seven isoproteic (36% crude protein), isoenergetic (4.7 kcal g−1) diets were formulated; three diets consisted in isotopic controls manufactured with only one main ingredient supplying dietary nitrogen and carbon: 100% FM (diet 100F), 100% SP (diet 100S) and 100% CG (diet 100G). Four more diets were formulated with varying mixtures of these three ingredients, one included 33% of each ingredient on a dietary nitrogen basis (diet 33FSG) and the other three included a proportion 50:25:25 for each of the three ingredients (diets 50FSG, 50SGF and 50GFS). At the end of the bioassay there were no significant differences in growth rate in shrimps fed on the four mixed diets and diet 100F (k=0.215–0.224). Growth rates were significantly lower (k=0.163–0.201) in shrimps grown on diets containing only plant meals. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values (δ13C and δ15N) were measured in experimental diets and shrimp muscle tissue and results were incorporated into a three-source, two-isotope mixing model. The relative contributions of dietary nitrogen, carbon and total dry matter from FM, SP and CG to growth were statistically similar to the proportions established in most of the diets after correcting for the apparent digestibility coefficients of the ingredients. Dietary nitrogen available in diet 33FSG was incorporated in muscle tissue at proportions representing 24, 35 and 41% of the respective ingredients. Diet 50GSF contributed significantly higher amounts of dietary nitrogen from CG than from FM. When the level of dietary nitrogen derived from FM was increased in diet 50FSG, nutrient contributions were more comparable to the available dietary proportions as there was an incorporation of 44, 29 and 27% from FM, SP and CG, respectively. Nutritional contributions from SP were very consistent to the dietary proportions established in the experimental diets.


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In this work I will analyze fish auctions focusing on a particular case: fish auctions in Bermeo. The purpose is to explain if at present the Dutch auction is the appropriate mechanism in the field of fish auctions or there are better alternatives for the sale of fish. For the fulfillment of this essay, I will first introduce some general notions on auctions and more particularly on Dutch auctions describing their properties and limitations.


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A produção aquícola gera benefícios sociais e econômicos, no entanto, também pode proporcionar impactos ambientais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) caracterizar os impactos causados pela manutenção de reprodutores do camarão-da-malásia (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) nas características físicas e químicas da água utilizada nos viveiros de cultivo; e b) avaliar a relação entre a biomassa de camarões e o impacto do cultivo na água utilizada no viveiro. Entre janeiro e dezembro de 2004, foram determinadas, mensalmente, a biomassa de M. rosenbergii, por meio de biometria, e as variáveis físicas e químicas da água de abastecimento e do efluente de um viveiro utilizado para a manutenção de reprodutores. Os resultados mostraram que o efluente possui maiores valores de clorofila a, material particulado em suspensão (MPS), pH, oxigênio dissolvido, nitrogênio Kjeldahl total (NKT) e nitrogênio Kjeldahl dissolvido (NKD), nitrogênio inorgânico (NI), fósforo (PT) e fósforo dissolvido (PD) e P-ortofosfato do que a água de abastecimento do viveiro. A maior biomassa de M. rosenbergii ocorreu em abril (127,0 g.m-2) e a menor em agosto (71,5 g.m-2) e houve correlações lineares positivas entre a biomassa de camarões e a intensidade do aumento de NKT, NKD, NI, PT e PD da água utilizada no viveiro. A manutenção de reprodutores de M. rosenbergii aumentou a clorofila-a, MPS, nitrogênio e fósforo da água utilizada no viveiro. Além disso, o aumento da biomassa de camarões intensifica a exportação de nitrogênio e fósforo do viveiro pelo efluente.


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Despite being typically represented and managed under the same policy umbrella, fishers face different challenges than do their farming counterparts. This paper unpacks the findings of research depicting poor levels of mental health and well-being among Australian commercial wild-catch fishers. The research is considered in the context of widespread acceptance that farmers tend to exhibit worse than average mental health outcomes due, at least in part, to the environmental uncertainties of climate change. In particular it is stressed that the insecurity of fishing concessions (quota and licenses), is a key driver of chronic livelihood insecurity, resulting in reports of stress, depression and suicide. A call is made for the separation of health research in the fishing and farming industries. Importantly, the role that tenure insecurity plays in the perpetuation of poor mental health among fishers should be acknowledged and addressed so that the fishing industry can maximize the strength of its human capital.


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The study of acoustic communication in animals often requires not only the recognition of species specific acoustic signals but also the identification of individual subjects, all in a complex acoustic background. Moreover, when very long recordings are to be analyzed, automatic recognition and identification processes are invaluable tools to extract the relevant biological information. A pattern recognition methodology based on hidden Markov models is presented inspired by successful results obtained in the most widely known and complex acoustical communication signal: human speech. This methodology was applied here for the first time to the detection and recognition of fish acoustic signals, specifically in a stream of round-the-clock recordings of Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) in their natural estuarine habitat. The results show that this methodology is able not only to detect the mating sounds (boatwhistles) but also to identify individual male toadfish, reaching an identification rate of ca. 95%. Moreover this method also proved to be a powerful tool to assess signal durations in large data sets. However, the system failed in recognizing other sound types.


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Aim: To present the qualitative findings from a study on the development of scheme(s) to give evidence of maintenance of professional competence for nurses and midwives. Background: Key issues in maintenance of professional competence include notions of self- assessment, verification of engagement and practice hours, provision of an evidential record, the role of the employer and articulation of possible consequences for non-adherence with the requirements. Schemes to demonstrate the maintenance of professional competence have application to nurses, midwives and regulatory bodies and healthcare employers worldwide. Design: A mixed methods approach was used. This included an online survey of nurses and midwives and focus groups with nurses and midwives and other key stakeholders. The qualitative data are reported in this study. Methods: Focus groups were conducted among a purposive sample of nurses, midwives and key stakeholders from January–May 2015. A total of 13 focus groups with 91 participants contributed to the study. Findings: Four major themes were identified: Definitions and Characteristics of Competence; Continuing Professional Development and Demonstrating Competence; Assessment of Competence; The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and employers as regulators and enablers of maintaining professional competence. Conclusion: Competence incorporates knowledge, skills, attitudes, professionalism, application of evidence and translating learning into practice. It is specific to the nurse's/midwife's role, organizational needs, patient's needs and the individual nurse's/midwife's learning needs. Competencies develop over time and change as nurses and midwives work in different practice areas. Thus, role-specific competence is linked to recent engagement in practice.


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The active site of lipase from Bacillus thermocathenolatus was selectively modified with allyl and naphthyl chains at different positions. Lipase immobilization and selective tethering of a naphthyl side chain to its position 320 improve both the hydrolysis rate of fish oils and the selectivity towards the eicosapentaenoic acid acyl chains. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016.


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Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are among the most widely used gene transfer systems in basic and pre-clinical research and have been employed in more than 160 clinical trials. AAV vectors are commonly produced in producer cell lines like HEK293 by co-transfection with a so-called vector plasmid and one (in this work) or two so-called helper plasmids. The vector plasmid contains the transgene cassette of interest (TEC) flanked by AAV’s inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) which serve as packaging signals, whereas the helper plasmid provides the required AAV and helper virus functions in trans. A pivotal aspect of AAV vectorology is the manufacturing of AAV vectors free from impurities arising during the production process. These impurities include AAV vector preparations that contain capsids containing prokaryotic sequences, e.g. antibiotic resistance genes originating from the producer plasmids. In the first part of the thesis we aimed at improving the safety of AAV vectors. As we found that encapsidated prokaryotic sequences (using the ampicillin resistance gene as indicator) cannot be re-moved by standard purification methods we investigated whether the producer plasmids could be replaced by Minicircles (MCs). MCs are circular DNA constructs which contain no functional or coding prokaryotic sequences; they only consist of the TEC and a short sequence required for production and purification. MC counterparts of a vector plasmid encoding for enhanced green fluorescent (eGFP) protein and a helper plasmid encoding for AAV serotype 2 (AAV2) and helper Adenovirus (Ad) genes were designed and produced by PlasmidFactory (Bielefeld, Germany). Using all four possible combinations of plasmid and MCs, single-stranded AAV2 vectors (ssAAV) and self-complementary AAV vectors (scAAV) were produced and characterized for vector quantity, quality and functionality. The analyses showed that plasmids can be replaced by MCs without decreasing the efficiency of vector production and vector quality. MC-derived scAAV vector preparations even exceeded plasmid-derived preparations, as they displayed up to 30-fold improved transduction efficiencies. Using MCs as tools, we found that the vector plasmid is the main source of encapsidated prokaryotic sequences. Remarkably, we found that plasmid-derived scAAV vector preparations contained a much higher relative amount of prokaryotic sequences (up to 26.1 %, relative to TEC) compared to ssAAV vector preparations (up to 2.9 %). By replacing both plasmids by MCs the amount of functional prokaryotic sequences could be decreased to below the limit of quantification. Additional analyses for DNA impurities other than prokaryotic sequences showed that scAAV vectors generally contained a higher amount of non-vector DNA (e.g. adenoviral sequences) than ssAAV vectors. For both, ssAAV and scAAV vector preparations, MC-derived vectors tended to contain lower amounts of foreign DNA. None of the vectors tested could be shown to induce immunogenicity. In summary we could demonstrate that the quality of AAV vector preparations could be significantly improved by replacing producer plasmids by MCs. Upon transduction of a target tissue, AAV vector genomes predominantly remain in an episomal state, as duplex DNA circles or concatemers. These episomal forms mediate long-term transgene expression in terminally differentiated cells, but are lost in proliferating cells due to cell division. Therefore, in the second part of the thesis, in cooperation with Claudia Hagedorn and Hans J. Lipps (University Witten/Herdecke) an AAV vector genome was equipped with an autonomous replication element (Scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR)). AAV-S/MAR encoding for eGFP and a blasticidin resistance gene and a control vector with the same TEC but lacking the S/MAR element (AAV-ΔS/MAR) were produced and transduced into highly proliferative HeLa cells. Antibiotic pressure was employed to select for cells stably maintaining the vector genome. AAV-S/MAR transduced cells yielded a higher number of colonies than AAV-ΔS/MAR-transduced cells. Colonies derived from each vector transduction were picked and cultured further. They remained eGFP-positive (up to 70 days, maximum cultivation period) even in the absence of antibiotic selection pressure. Interestingly, the mitotic stability of both AAV-S/MAR and control vector AAV-ΔS/MAR was found to be a result of episomal maintenance of the vector genome. This finding indicates that, under specific conditions such as the mild selection pressure we employed, “common” AAV vectors persist episomally. Thus, the S/MAR element increases the establishment frequency of stable episomes, but is not a prerequisite.


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As a discipline, marine historical ecology (MHE) has contributed significantly to our understanding of the past state of the marine environment when levels of human impact were often very different from those today.What is less widely known is that insights from MHE have made headway into being applied within the context of present-day and long-term management and policy. This study draws attention to the applied value of MHE. We demonstrate that a broad knowledge base exists with potential for management application and advice, including the development of baselines and reference levels.Using a number of case studies from around the world,we showcase the value of historical ecology in understanding change and emphasize how it either has already informed management or has the potential to do so soon.We discuss these case studies in a context of the science–policy interface around six themes that are frequently targeted by current marine and maritime policies: climate change, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem structure, habitat integrity, food security, and human governance.We encourage science–policy bodies to actively engage with contributions from MHE, as well informed policy decisions need to be framed within the context of historical reference points and past resource or ecosystem changes.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Previous studies have shown that antidepressants reduce inflammation in animal models of colitis. The present trial aimed to examine whether fluoxetine added to standard therapy for Crohn's disease [CD] maintained remission, improved quality of life [QoL] and/or mental health in people with CD as compared to placebo. METHODS: A parallel randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial was conducted. Participants with clinically established CD, with quiescent or only mild disease, were randomly assigned to receive either fluoxetine 20 mg daily or placebo, and followed for 12 months. Participants provided blood and stool samples and completed mental health and QoL questionnaires. Immune functions were assessed by stimulated cytokine secretion [CD3/CD28 stimulation] and flow cytometry for cell type. Linear mixed-effects models were used to compare groups. RESULTS: Of the 26 participants, 14 were randomized to receive fluoxetine and 12 to placebo. Overall, 14 [54%] participants were male. The mean age was 37.4 [SD=13.2] years. Fluoxetine had no effect on inflammatory bowel disease activity measured using either the Crohn's Disease Activity Index [F(3, 27.5)=0.064, p=0.978] or faecal calprotectin [F(3, 32.5)=1.08, p=0.371], but did have modest effects on immune function. There was no effect of fluoxetine on physical, psychological, social or environmental QoL, anxiety or depressive symptoms as compared to placebo [all p>0.05]. CONCLUSIONS: In this small pilot clinical trial, fluoxetine was not superior to placebo in maintaining remission or improving QoL. [ID: ACTRN12612001067864.].