999 resultados para MTHFR gene


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Introduction Le neuroblastome (NB) est la tumeur maligne solide extra-crânienne la plus fréquente chez l'enfant. Sa présentation clinique est très hétérogène, allant d'une tumeur localisée à une atteinte métastatique sévère. Malgré des traitements agressifs, environ 55% des NB de hauts risques sont actuellement résistants aux thérapies. L'espoir réside dans le développement de traitements ciblant les mécanismes moléculaires responsables du développement et de la progression du NB. Le gène Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) codant pour un récepteur tyrosine kinase a été particulièrement étudié ces dernières années car il est muté, amplifié ou surexprimé dans une majorité des NBs. Le but de ce projet était d'investiguer le rôle de ALK-wt, ainsi que de ces deux plus fréquentes mutations, ALK- F1174L et ALK-R1245Q, dans l'oncogenèse du NB. Le NB étant originaire des cellules de la crête neurale, nous avons analysé le potentiel oncogénique de ces différentes formes de ALK dans des cellules progénitrices de la crête neurale (NCPC). Méthode Des NCPC de souris (JoMal), possédant un c-MycER inductible pour leur maintien en culture in vitro, ont été transduites par un rétrovirus permettant l'expression stable de ALK-wt, ALK-F1174L et ALK-R1245Q. Des tests in vitro ont d'abord été effectués pour tester le système c-MycER, la stabilité de nos cellules transduites, leur phénotype, leur capacité de croissance et leur tumorigénicité. Les cellules transduites ont ensuite été injectées dans des souris immunosupprimées en sous-cutané, puis en orthotopique, c'est-à-dire dans leur glande surrénale, afin de mesurer leur tumorigénicité in vivo. Résultats La transduction et l'expression stable de ALK n'ont pas modifié le phénotype indifférencié des JoMal, ni de manière significative la capacité de croissance des cellules in vitro en absence d'activation de c-MycER. Par contre, lorsque c-MycER est actif, les cellules porteuses des mutations Fl 174L et R1245Q ont montré une meilleure capacité de prolifération et de formation de colonies, par rapport aux JoMal-ALK-wt et aux cellules contrôles en culture 3D dans de la méthylcellulose et dans un test de formation de neurosphères. In vivo, les souris injectées avec les cellules JoMal-ALK- F1174L en sous-cutané ou dans la glande surrénale ont rapidement développé des tumeurs, suivies par le groupe JoMal-ALK-R1245Q et le groupe JoMal-ALK-wt, alors que les groupes de souris contrôles n'ont présenté aucune tumeur. En orthotopique, nous avons obtenu 5/6 tumeurs ALK-F1174L, 7/7 tumeurs ALK-R1245Q et 6/7 tumeurs ALK-wt. Les tumeurs sous-cutanées ne présentaient pas de différences morphologiques et histologiques entre les différents groupes et montraient une histologie compatible avec un NB. Les tumeurs orthotopiques restent encore à analyser. Conclusion Cette étude a permis de démontrer que les mutations activatrices Fl 174L et R1245Q ont des propriétés tumorigéniques in vitro dans des NCPC et in vivo tandis que la forme sauvage de ALK montre une capacité oncogénique uniquement in vivo. Bien que la caractérisation des tumeurs orthotopiques n'a pas encore été effectuée, l'analyse des tumeurs sous-cutanées nous suggère que l'expression de ALK- wt ou muté est suffisante pour induire la formation de NB à partir des cellules progénitrices de la crête neurale. Le gène ALK semble donc jouer un rôle important dans l'oncogénèse du NB, aussi bien par la présence de mutations activatrices que par sa fréquente surexpression.


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BACKGROUND Ovarian carcinoma is the most important cause of gynecological cancer-related mortality in Western societies. Despite the improved median overall survival in patients receiving chemotherapy regimens such as paclitaxel and carboplatin combination, relapse still occurs in most advanced diseased patients. Increased angiogenesis is associated with rapid recurrence and decreased survival in ovarian cancer. This study was planned to identify an angiogenesis-related gene expression profile with prognostic value in advanced ovarian carcinoma patients. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS RNAs were collected from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of 61 patients with III/IV FIGO stage ovarian cancer who underwent surgical cytoreduction and received a carboplatin plus paclitaxel regimen. Expression levels of 82 angiogenesis related genes were measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan low-density arrays. A 34-gene-profile which was able to predict the overall survival of ovarian carcinoma patients was identified. After a leave-one-out cross validation, the profile distinguished two groups of patients with different outcomes. Median overall survival and progression-free survival for the high risk group was 28.3 and 15.0 months, respectively, and was not reached by patients in the low risk group at the end of follow-up. Moreover, the profile maintained an independent prognostic value in the multivariate analysis. The hazard ratio for death was 2.3 (95% CI, 1.5 to 3.2; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE It is possible to generate a prognostic model for advanced ovarian carcinoma based on angiogenesis-related genes using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples. The present results are consistent with the increasing weight of angiogenesis genes in the prognosis of ovarian carcinoma.


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Echinococcus granulosus, the etiologic agent of cystic echinococcosis (CE) in humans and other animal species, is distributed worldwide. Ten intra-specific variants, or genotypes (G1-G10), have been defined based on genetic diversity. To determine the genotypes present in endemic areas of Peru, samples were collected from cattle (44), sheep (41) and humans (14) from Junín, Puno Huancavelica, Cusco, Arequipa and Ayacucho. DNA was extracted from protoscolex and/or germinal layers derived from 99 E. granulosus isolates and used as templates to amplify the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 gene. The resulting polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and further examined by sequence analysis. All isolates, independent of the host, exhibited the G1 genotype. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three isolates from Ayacucho shared the same cluster with microvariant G1(4). The G1 genotype is considered the most widespread and infectious form of E. granulosusworldwide and our results confirm that the same patterns apply to this country. Therefore, these findings should be taken into consideration in developing prevention strategies and control programs for CE in Peru.


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The S. pombe cdc15 gene is essential for cell division. cdc15ts mutants do not form a septum, but growth and nuclear division continue, leading to formation of multinucleate cells. The earliest step in septum formation and cytokinesis, rearrangement of actin to the center of the cell, is associated with appearance of hypophosphorylated cdc15p and formation of a cdc15p ring, which colocalizes with actin. Loss of cdc15p function impairs formation of the actin ring. The abundance of cdc15 mRNA varies through the cell division cycle, peaking in early mitosis before septation. Expression of cdc15 in G2-arrested cells induces actin rearrangement to the center of the cell. These data implicate cdc15p as a key element in mediating the cytoskeletal rearrangements required for cytokinesis.


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Objective: To analyze the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ1 and 2 (PPARγ1 and 2), 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11βHSD1), and leptin in adipose tissue (AT) of obese women during weight loss following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and to compare these levels with those obtained in AT of nonobese subjects. Methods: Gene expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR prior to surgery and at 3, 6, and 12 months after RYGB. Results: All obese patients lost weight, reaching a mean BMI of 29.3 ± 1.0 kg/m(2) at 1 year after surgery (-33.9 ± 1.5% of their initial body weight). In obese subjects leptin and 11βHSD1 were over-expressed, whereas PPARγ1 was expressed at lower levels compared to controls. After surgery, leptin and 11βHSD1 gene expression decreased, whereas PPARγ1 expression increased. At 12 months after RYGB, these 3 genes had reached levels similar to the controls. In contrast, PPARγ2 gene expression was not different between groups and types of tissue and remained unchanged during weight loss. We found a positive correlation between BMI and levels of gene expression of leptin and 11βHSD1. Conclusion: Gene expression of leptin, PPARγ1, and 11βHSD1 in AT is modified in human obesity. This default is completely corrected by RYGB. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.


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Lutzomyia longipalpis s.l. is the primary vector of Leishmania (L.) infantum in the New World. In this study, male Lutzomyia longipalpis specimens from Posadas, Argentina were characterized for two polymorphic markers: the male sex pheromone and the period (per) gene. The male sex pheromone was identified as (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B, the same compound produced by Lu. longipalpis from Paraguay and many populations from Brazil. The analysis of per gene sequences revealed that the population from Argentina is significantly differentiated from previously studied Brazilian populations. Marker studies could contribute to the understanding of the distribution and spread of urban American visceral leishmaniasis, thus aiding in the design of regional surveillance and control strategies.


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An understanding of the taxonomic status and vector distribution of anophelines is crucial in controlling malaria. Previous phylogenetic analyses have supported the description of six species of the Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae): An. albitarsis, Anopheles deaneorum, Anopheles marajoara, Anopheles oryzalimnetes, Anopheles janconnae and An. albitarsis F. To evaluate the taxonomic status of An. albitarsis s.l. mosquitoes collected in various localities in the Colombian Caribbean region, specimens were analyzed using the complete mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region and partial nuclear DNA white gene sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of the COI gene sequences detected a new lineage closely related to An. janconnae in the Caribbean region of Colombia and determined its position relative to the other members of the complex. However, the ITS2 and white gene sequences lacked sufficient resolution to support a new lineage closely related to An. janconnae or the An. janconnae clade. The possible involvement of this new lineage in malaria transmission in Colombia remains unknown, but its phylogenetic closeness to An. janconnae, which has been implicated in local malaria transmission in Brazil, is intriguing.


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Parasites remain competent invaders of host immunity. Their invasion strategies have proven to impact immunorelevant genes leading to diversity among gene families. We focussed on signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT6) factor that plays a fundamental role in signal transduction and activation of transcription. Recent studies have highlighted the role of STAT6 variants in control of infection levels. We identified and investigated regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the promoter regions of the STAT6 gene in a group of Gabonese individuals exposed to a variety of parasitic infections. Three promoter variants were identified in 40 individual subjects. We further validated these promoter variants for their allelic gene expression using transient transfection assays. One promoter variant, rs3024944 (G/C), revealed an altered expression of the marker gene. The identification of function-altering SNPs in the promoter may facilitate studying parasite susceptibility in association studies.


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Glucokinase is essential for glucose-stimulated insulin release from the pancreatic beta-cell, serving as glucose sensor in humans. Inactivating or activating mutations of glucokinase lead to different forms of glucokinase disease, i.e. GCK-monogenic diabetes of youth, permanent neonatal diabetes (inactivating mutations), and congenital hyperinsulinism, respectively. Here we present a novel glucokinase gene (GCK)-activating mutation (p.E442K) found in an infant with neonatal hypoglycemia (1.5 mmol/liter) and in two other family members suffering from recurrent hypoglycemic episodes in their childhood and adult life. In contrast to the severe clinical presentation in the index case, functional studies showed only a slight activation of the protein (relative activity index of 3.3). We also report on functional studies of two inactivating mutations of the GCK (p.E440G and p.S441W), contiguous to the activating one, that lead to monogenic diabetes of youth. Interestingly, adult family members carrying the GCK pE440G mutation show an unusually heterogeneous and progressive diabetic phenotype, a feature not typical of GCK-monogenic diabetes of youth. In summary, we identified a novel activating GCK mutation that although being associated with severe neonatal hypoglycemia is characterized by the mildest activation of the glucokinase enzyme of all previously reported.


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The CTLA-4 protein is expressed in activated T cells and plays an essential role in the immune response through its regulatory effect on T cell activation. Polymorphisms of the CTLA-4 gene have been correlated with autoimmune, neoplastic and infectious illnesses. This work aimed to verify possible associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CTLA-4, -318C/T in the promoter and +49A/G in exon 1 and paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. For this purpose, 66 chronic form PCM patients and 76 healthy controls had their allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies determined. The genetic admixture structure of the patients and controls was evaluated to eliminate ancestral bias. The comparison of frequencies indicated no significant differences between patients and controls that could link the SNPs to PCM. Groups were admixture matched with no difference observed in population ancestry inference, indicating that the absence of association between CTLA-4 polymorphisms and PCM could not be attributed to ancestral bias. This study showed that there was no association between the CTLA-4 SNPs -318 and +49 and the resistance or susceptibility to PCM.


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Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite that causes Chagas disease, exhibits unique mechanisms for gene expression such as constitutive polycistronic transcription of protein-coding genes, RNA editing and trans-splicing. In the absence of mechanism controlling transcription initiation, organized subsets of T. cruzi genes must be post-transcriptionally co-regulated in response to extracellular signals. The mechanisms that regulate stage-specific gene expression in this parasite have become much clearer through sequencing its whole genome as well as performing various proteomic and microarray analyses, which have demonstrated that at least half of the T. cruzi genes are differentially regulated during its life cycle. In this review, we attempt to highlight the recent advances in characterising cis and trans-acting elements in the T. cruzi genome that are involved in its post-transcriptional regulatory machinery.


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BACKGROUND: The evolutionary lineage leading to the teleost fish underwent a whole genome duplication termed FSGD or 3R in addition to two prior genome duplications that took place earlier during vertebrate evolution (termed 1R and 2R). Resulting from the FSGD, additional copies of genes are present in fish, compared to tetrapods whose lineage did not experience the 3R genome duplication. Interestingly, we find that ParaHox genes do not differ in number in extant teleost fishes despite their additional genome duplication from the genomic situation in mammals, but they are distributed over twice as many paralogous regions in fish genomes. RESULTS: We determined the DNA sequence of the entire ParaHox C1 paralogon in the East African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, and compared it to orthologous regions in other vertebrate genomes as well as to the paralogous vertebrate ParaHox D paralogons. Evolutionary relationships among genes from these four chromosomal regions were studied with several phylogenetic algorithms. We provide evidence that the genes of the ParaHox C paralogous cluster are duplicated in teleosts, just as it had been shown previously for the D paralogon genes. Overall, however, synteny and cluster integrity seems to be less conserved in ParaHox gene clusters than in Hox gene clusters. Comparative analyses of non-coding sequences uncovered conserved, possibly co-regulatory elements, which are likely to contain promoter motives of the genes belonging to the ParaHox paralogons. CONCLUSION: There seems to be strong stabilizing selection for gene order as well as gene orientation in the ParaHox C paralogon, since with a few exceptions, only the lengths of the introns and intergenic regions differ between the distantly related species examined. The high degree of evolutionary conservation of this gene cluster's architecture in particular - but possibly clusters of genes more generally - might be linked to the presence of promoter, enhancer or inhibitor motifs that serve to regulate more than just one gene. Therefore, deletions, inversions or relocations of individual genes could destroy the regulation of the clustered genes in this region. The existence of such a regulation network might explain the evolutionary conservation of gene order and orientation over the course of hundreds of millions of years of vertebrate evolution. Another possible explanation for the highly conserved gene order might be the existence of a regulator not located immediately next to its corresponding gene but further away since a relocation or inversion would possibly interrupt this interaction. Different ParaHox clusters were found to have experienced differential gene loss in teleosts. Yet the complete set of these homeobox genes was maintained, albeit distributed over almost twice the number of chromosomes. Selection due to dosage effects and/or stoichiometric disturbance might act more strongly to maintain a modal number of homeobox genes (and possibly transcription factors more generally) per genome, yet permit the accumulation of other (non regulatory) genes associated with these homeobox gene clusters.


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It is well known that the adult human thymus degenerates into fat tissue; however, it has never been considered as a potential source of angiogenic factors. Recently, we have described that this fat (TAT) produces angiogenic factors and induces human endothelial cell proliferation and migration, indicating its potential angiogenic properties. DESIGN Adult thymus fat and subcutaneous adipose tissue specimens were obtained from 28 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, making this tissue readily available as a prime source of adipose tissue. We focused our investigation on determining VEGF gene expression and characterizing the different genes, mediators of inflammation and adipogenesis, and which are known to play a relevant role in angiogenesis regulation. RESULTS We found that VEGF-A was the isoform most expressed in TAT. This expression was accompanied by an upregulation of HIF-1alpha, COX-2 and HO-1 proteins, and by increased HIF-1 DNA binding activity, compared to SAT. Furthermore, we observed that TAT contains a high percentage of mature adipocytes, 0.25% of macrophage cells, 15% of endothelial cells and a very low percentage of thymocyte cells, suggesting the cellular variability of TAT, which could explain the differences in gene expression observed in TAT. Subsequently, we showed that the expression of genes known as adipogenic mediators, including PPARgamma1/gamma2, FABP-4 and adiponectin was similar in both TAT and SAT. Moreover the expression of these latter genes presented a significantly positive correlation with VEGF, suggesting the potential association between VEGF and the generation of adipose tissue in adult thymus. CONCLUSION Here we suggest that this fat has a potential angiogenic function related to ongoing adipogenesis, which substitutes immune functions within the adult thymus. The expression of VEGF seems to be associated with COX-2, HO-1 and adipogenesis related genes, suggesting the importance that this new fat has acquired in research in relation to adipogenesis and angiogenesis.


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BACKGROUND Adipose tissue lipid storage and processing capacity can be a key factor for obesity-related metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes. Lipid uptake is the first step to adipose tissue lipid storage. The aim of this study was to analyze the gene expression of factors involved in lipid uptake and processing in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissue according to body mass index (BMI) and the degree of insulin resistance (IR). METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS VLDL receptor (VLDLR), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), acylation stimulating protein (ASP), LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) and fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) gene expression was measured in VAT and SAT from 28 morbidly obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) or high IR, 10 morbidly obese patients with low IR, 10 obese patients with low IR and 12 lean healthy controls. LPL, FABP4, LRP1 and ASP expression in VAT was higher in lean controls. In SAT, LPL and FABP4 expression were also higher in lean controls. BMI, plasma insulin levels and HOMA-IR correlated negatively with LPL expression in both VAT and SAT as well as with FABP4 expression in VAT. FABP4 gene expression in SAT correlated inversely with BMI and HOMA-IR. However, multiple regression analysis showed that BMI was the main variable contributing to LPL and FABP4 gene expression in both VAT and SAT. CONCLUSIONS Morbidly obese patients have a lower gene expression of factors related with lipid uptake and processing in comparison with healthy lean persons.