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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and Stark shift of In1-yMnyAs1-xNx oblate quantum dots are studied using the ten-band k center dot p model including the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ion. The Zeeman splitting of the electron ground states is almost isotropic. The Zeeman splitting of the hole ground states is highly anisotropic, with an anisotropy factor of 918 at B=0.1 T. The Zeeman splittings of some of the electron and hole excited states are also highly anisotropic. It is because of the spin-orbit coupling which couples the spin states with the anisotropic space-wave functions due to the anisotropic shape. It is found that when the magnetic quantum number of total orbital angular momentum is nearly zero, the spin states couple with the space-wave functions very little, and the Zeeman splitting is isotropic. Conversely, if the magnetic quantum number of total orbital angular momentum is not zero, the space-wave functions in the degenerate states are different, and the Zeeman splitting is highly anisotropic. The electron and hole Stark shifts of oblate quantum dots are also highly anisotropic. The decrease of band gap with increasing nitrogen composition is much more obvious in the smaller radius case because the lowest conduction level is increased by the quantum confinement effect and is closer to the nitrogen level. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We find that the Rashba spin splitting is intrinsically a nonlinear function of the momentum, and the linear Rashba model may overestimate it significantly, especially in narrow-gap semiconductors. A nonlinear Rashba model is proposed, which is in good agreement with the numerical results from the eight-band k center dot p theory. Using this model, we find pronounced suppression of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation rate at large electron densities, and a nonmonotonic dependence of the resonance peak position of the electron spin lifetime on the electron density in [111]-oriented quantum wells, both in qualitative disagreement with the predictions of the linear Rashba model.


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The electronic structure, electron g factors and optical properties of InAs quantum ellipsoids are investigated, in the framework of the eight-band effective-mass approximation. It is found that the light-hole states come down in comparison with the heavy-hole states when the spheres are elongated, and become the lowest states of the valence band. Circularly polarized emissions under circularly polarized excitations may have opposite polarization factors to the exciting light. For InAs ellipsoids the length, which is smaller than 35 nm, is still in a strongly quantum-confined regime. The electron g factors of InAs spheres decrease with increasing radius, and are nearly 2 when the radius is very small. The quantization of the electron states quenches the orbital angular momentum of the states. Actually, as some of the three dimensions increase, the electron g factors decrease. As more dimensions increase, the g factors decrease more. The dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field affect the g factors more than the other dimension. The magnetic field along the z axis of the crystal structure causes linearly polarized emissions in the spheres, which emit unpolarized light in the absence of magnetic field.


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In the framework of the effective-mass and adiabatic approximations, by setting the effective-mass of electron in the quantum disks (QDs) different from that in the potential barrier material, we make some improvements in the calculation of the electronic energy levels of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs QD. Comparing with the results when an empirical value was adopted as the effective-mass of electron of the system, we can see that the higher levels become heightened. Furthermore, the Stark shifts of the system of different methods are compared. The Stark shifts of holes are also studied. The vertical electric field changes the splitting between the symmetric level and the antisymmetric one for the same angular momentum. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The transmission through coupled quantum dots (CQDs) is calculated using the coupled-channel recursion method. Our results reveal that the conductance peaks move to high energy as the CQDs radius decreases or the period increases. If we increase the transverse momentum the conductance peaks move to high energy. Applying this characteristic, we can design a switch device using CQDs by applying a static electric field perpendicular to transmission direction. The theoretical results qualitatively agree with the available experimental data. Our calculated results may be useful for the application of CQDs to photoelectric devices. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the electronic energy levels and probability distribution of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs system in the presence of a vertically applied electric field. This field is found to increase the splitting between the symmetric and antisymmetric levels for the same angular momentum. The field along the direction from one disc to another affects the electronic energy levels similarly as that in the opposite direction because the two discs are identical. It is obvious from our calculation that the probability of finding an electron in one disc becomes larger when the field points from this disc to the other one.


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High-quality nc-Si/a-Si:H diphasic films with improved stability were prepared by using the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technology. In comparison with typical amorphous silicon, the diphasic silicon films possess higher photoconductivity (two orders larger than that of the amorphous silicon film) and fairly good photosensitivity(the ratio of the photo-to dark-conductivity is about 10) and higher stability (the degradation of the photoconductivity is less than 10% after 24h long light soaking with 50 mW/cm(2) intensity at room temperature). In addition, the diphasic silicon film has a better light spectra response in the longer wavelength range. The improvement in photoelectronic properties may be attributed to: the existence of the disorder within the amorphous matrix, which breaks the momentum selection rule in the optical transition and, consequently, results in the large light absorption coefficient and high photosensitivity; the improved medium range order and low gap states density. Excess carriers generated in the amorphous matrix tend to recombine in the embedded crystallites, which suppresses nonradiative recombination within the amorphous matrix and reduces the subsequent defect creation.


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The Hamiltonian of the wurtzite quantum rods with an ellipsoidal boundary is given after a coordinate transformation. The energies, wave functions, and transition possibilities are obtained as functions of the aspect ratio e with the same method we used on spherical dots. With an overall consideration of both the transition matrix element and the Boltzmann distribution we explained why the polarization factor increases with increasing e and approaches a saturation value, which tallies quite well with the experimental result. When e increases more and more S-z states are mixed into the ground, second, and third states of J(z)=1/2, resulting in an increase of the emission of z polarization. It is just the linear terms of the momentum operator in the hole Hamiltonian that cause the mixing of S and P states in the hole ground state. The effects of the crystal field splitting energy, temperature, and transverse radius to the polarization are also considered. We also calculated the band gap variation with the size and shape of the quantum rods.


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The electronic structure of quantum rings is studied in the framework of the effective-mass theory and the two dimensional hard wall approximation. In cases of both the absence and presence of a magnetic field the electron momenta of confined states and the Coulomb energies of two electrons are given as functions of the angular momentum, inner radius, and magnetic-field strength. By comparing with experiments it is found that the width of the real confinement potential is 14 nm, much smaller than the phenomenal width. The Coulomb energy of two electrons is calculated as 11.1 meV. The quantum waveguide transport properties of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) rings are studied complementarily, and it is found that the correspondence of the positions of resonant peaks in AB rings and the momentum of confined states in closed rings is good for thin rings, representing a type of resonant tunneling.


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A set of numerical analyses for momentum and heat transfer For a 3 in. (0.075 m) diameter Liquid Encapsulant Czochralski (LEC) growth of single-crystal GaAs with or without all axial magnetic field was carried Out using the finite-element method. The analyses assume a pseudosteady axisymmetric state with laminar floats. Convective and conductive heat transfers. radiative heat transfer between diffuse surfaces and the Navier-Stokes equations for both melt and encapsulant and electric current stream function equations Cor melt and crystal Lire considered together and solved simultaneously. The effect of the thickness of encapsulant. the imposed magnetic field strength as well as the rotation rate of crystal and crucible on the flow and heat transfer were investigated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The magneto-Stark effect in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an in-plane magnetic field is investigate theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effects, in a DMS CQW the Lorenz force leads to a spatially separated exciton. The in-plane magnetic field can shift the ground state of the magnetoexciton from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM)/momentum to a finite CM momentum, and render the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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A theoretical model accounting for the macropolarization effects in wurtzite III-V nitrides quantum wells (QWs) is presented. Energy dispersions and exciton binding energies are calculated within the framework of effective-mass theory and variational approach, respectively. Exciton-associated transitions (EATs) are studied in detail. An energy redshift as high as 450 meV is obtained in Al0.25GaN0.75/GaN QWs. Also, the abrupt reduction of optical momentum matrix elements is derived as a consequence of quantum-confined Stark effects. EAT energies are compared with recent photoluminescence (PL) experiments and numerical coherence is achieved. We propose that it is the EAT energy, instead of the conduction-valence-interband transition energy that is comparable with the PL energy. To restore the reduced transition rate, we apply an external electric field. Theoretical calculations show that with the presence of the external electric field the optical matrix elements for EAT increase 20 times. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The hole effective-mass Hamiltonian for the semiconductors of wurtzite structure is established, and the effective-mass parameters of GaN and AlxGa1-xN are given. Besides the asymmetry in the z and x, y directions, the linear term of the momentum operator in the Hamiltonian is essential in determining the valence band structure, which is different from that of the zinc-blende structure. The binding energies of acceptor states are calculated by solving strictly the effective-mass equations. The binding energies of donor and acceptor for wurtzite GaN are 20 and 131, 97 meV, respectively, which are inconsistent with the recent experimental results. It is proposed that there are two kinds of acceptors in wurtzite GaN. One kind is the general acceptor such as C, substituting N, which satisfies the effective-mass theory, and the other includes Mg, Zn, Cd etc., the binding energy of which deviates from that given by the effective-mass theory. Experimentally, wurtzite GaN was grown by the MBE method, and the PL spectra were measured. Three main peaks are assigned to the DA transitions from the two kinds of acceptor. Some of the transitions were identified as coming from the cubic phase of GaN, which appears randomly within the predominantly hexagonal material. The binding energy of acceptor in ALN is about 239, 158 meV, that in AlxGa1-xN alloys (x approximate to 0.2) is 147, 111 meV, close to that in GaN. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the influence of a transverse magnetic field on the current-voltage characteristics of a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice at 1.6 K. The current transport regimes-stable electric field domain formation and current selfoscillation-are observed with increasing transverse magnetic field up to 13 T. Magnetic-field-induced redistribution of electron momentum and energy is identified as the mechanism triggering the switching over of one process to another lending to a change in the dependence of the effective electron drift velocity on electric field. Simulation yields excellent agreement with observed results.


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The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of channel surface wettability and temperature gradients on the boiling flow pattern in a single microchannel. The test section consists of a bottom silicon substrate bonded with a top glass cover. Three consecutive parts of an inlet fluid plenum, a central microchannel and an outlet fluid plenum were etched in the silicon substrate. The central microchannel had a width of 800 mu m and a depth of 30 mu m. Acetone liquid was used as the working fluid. High outlet vapor qualities were dealt with here. The flow pattern consists of a fluid triangle (shrinkage of the liquid films) and a connected long liquid rivulet, which is generated in the central microchannel in the timescale of milliseconds. The peculiar flow pattern is formed due to the following reasons: (1) the liquid rivulet tends to have a large contact area with the top hydrophilic channel surface of the glass cover, but a smaller contact area with the bottom silicon hydrophobic surface. (2) The temperature gradient in the chip width direction at the top channel surface of the glass cover not only causes the shrinkage of the liquid films in the central microchannel upstream, but also attracts the liquid rivulet populated near the microchannel centerline. (3) The zigzag pattern is formed due to the competition between the evaporation momentum forces at the vapor-liquid interfaces and the force due to the Marangoni effect. The former causes the rivulet to deviate from the channel centerline and the latter draws the rivulet toward the channel centerline. (4) The temperature gradient along the flow direction in the central microchannel downstream causes the breakup of the rivulet to form isolated droplets there. (5) Liquid stripes inside the upstream fluid triangle were caused by the small capillary number of the liquid film, at which the large surface tension force relative to the viscous force tends to populate the liquid film locally on the top glass cover surface.