964 resultados para London, Jack, 1876-1916 - The Sea-Wolf - Crítica e interpretação


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Sea floor morphology plays an important role in many scientific disciplines such as ecology, hydrology and sedimentology since geomorphic features can act as physical controls for e.g. species distribution, oceanographically flow-path estimations or sedimentation processes. In this study, we provide a terrain analysis of the Weddell Sea based on the 500 m × 500 m resolution bathymetry data provided by the mapping project IBCSO. Seventeen seabed classes are recognized at the sea floor based on a fine and broad scale Benthic Positioning Index calculation highlighting the diversity of the glacially carved shelf. Beside the morphology, slope, aspect, terrain rugosity and hillshade were calculated. Applying zonal statistics to the geomorphic features identified unambiguously the shelf edge of the Weddell Sea with a width of 45-70 km and a mean depth of about 1200 m ranging from 270 m to 4300 m. A complex morphology of troughs, flat ridges, pinnacles, steep slopes, seamounts, outcrops, and narrow ridges, structures with approx. 5-7 km width, build an approx. 40-70 km long swath along the shelf edge. The study shows where scarps and depressions control the connection between shelf and abyssal and where high and low declination within the scarps e.g. occur. For evaluation purpose, 428 grain size samples were added to the seabed class map. The mean values of mud, sand and gravel of those samples falling into a single seabed class was calculated, respectively, and assigned to a sediment texture class according to a common sediment classification scheme.


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Mineral and chemical compositions of authigenic carbonates are studied by several methods in a sediment core collected in the axial zone of the Deryugin riftogenic basin. Manganese carbonates (kutnahorite, rhodochrosite) associated with manganiferous calcite, manganiferous pyrite, and nontronite are firstly identified in the Sea of Okhotsk. Manganese carbonates in Holocene diatomaceous ooze were presumably formed due to diagenetic transformation of sedimentary manganese hydroxides, organic matter, and biogenic silica, while those found in the underlying turbidites precipitated owing to the intermittent influx of endogenic fluids migrating along sand interbeds.


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Sea-ice ocean interaction processes are of significant influence on the water mass formation in the Weddell gyre. On the basis of data obtained between 1984 and 2008 from eight repeat hydrographic sections, moored instruments and profiling floats in the Weddell gyre on the Greenwich meridian - almost all of them collected with R.V. Polarstern - we identified variations in the properties of the Winter Water and the sea ice draft. In the Winter Water the salinity was relatively low throughout the 1990s (with a minimum in 1992) and a maximum was observed in 2003. Observations of sea ice draft by moored upward looking sonars are available from 1996 onwards. In the southern part of the transect they display variations on a decadal time scale with a minimum in sea-ice thickness in 1998 and an increase since then. Salinity variations in the Winter Water layer cannot be explained only by variations in sea-ice formation and variable entrainment of underlying Warm Deep Water, but lateral advection of water and sea ice needs to be taken into account as well. Potential sources are melt water from the ice shelves in the western Weddell Sea or transport of water of low salinity entering the Weddell gyre from the east. Accompanying variations of the properties of Warm Deep Water are discussed in detail in a companion paper (Fahrbach et al., 2011, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.06.007).


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Taxonomic composition and structure of assemblages of the present-day benthic Foraminifera in the Kara Sea has been studied on the base of 37 samples of surface sediments. Three assemblages have been distinguished by composition of dominant species. The assemblage Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Tritaxis nana with prevalence of agglutinating forms, typical for abyssal areas of the World Ocean, occurs in brown oozes in the deep western part of the sea at depths 70-375 m under conditions of considerable bottom stratification. The assemblage Elphidium clavatum-Cassidulina reniforme consists predominantly of species with calcareous shells and is characterized by a wide range of species; this assemblage occurs in the eastern part of the sea at depths 30-90 m in a well-aerated area. Species typical for sublittoral areas of polar regions are dominant. The assemblage Elphidium clavatum-Haynesina orbiculare occupies the littoral estuarine part of the sea. This assemblage is poor in species and not abundant, and it occurs under influence of freshened water masses undersaturated with dissolved carbonaceous matter.


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Water column stratification increased at climatic transitions from cold to warm periods during the late Quaternary and led to anoxic conditions and sapropel formation in the deep eastern Mediterranean basins. High-resolution data sets on sea-surface temperatures (SST) (estimated from UK'37 indices) and d18O of planktonic foraminifer calcite (d18Ofc) across late Pleistocene sapropel intervals show that d18Ofc decreased (between 1 and 4.6 per mil) and SST increased (between 0.7° and 6.7°C). Maximal d18Oseawater depletion of eastern Mediterranean surface waters at the transition is between 0.5 and 3.0 per mil, and in all but one case exceeded the depletion seen in a western Mediterranean core. The depletion in d18Oseawater is most pronounced at sapropel bases, in agreement with an initial sudden input of monsoon-derived freshwater. Most sapropels coincide with warming trends of SST. The density decrease by initial freshwater input and continued warming of the sea surface pooled fresh water in the surface layer and prohibited deep convection down to ageing deep water emplaced during cold and arid glacial conditions. An exception to this pattern is "glacial" sapropel S6; its largest d18Oseawater depletion (3 per mil) is almost matched by the depletion in the western Mediterranean Sea, and it is accompanied by surface water cooling following an initially rapid warming phase. A second period of significant isotopic depletion is in isotope stage 6 at the 150 kyr insolation maximum. While not expressed as a sapropel due to cold SST, it is in accord with a strengthened monsoon in the southern catchment.


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A seawall was constructed in 1897 along the steep coast of Streckelsberg, Usedom Island to stop the cliff retreat. It was destroyed several times by storm induced sea floods, reconstructed and gradually extended to a length of 450 m. After the severe storm event of 1/2.3.1949, no more repair work was implemented. The ruins were no longer capable of preventing further erosion of the Streckelsberg cliff. A new protective structure became a necessity against ongoing erosion, and to check the lowering of the abrasion platform. The construction of three breakwaters began in 1995. A severe storm occurred on 3/4.11.1995 before their completion. Coastal bottom sediment mapping using a sidescan-sonar carried out two days later showed that a channel system down to a depth of 1.5 m was cut into the sand layer covering the sea floor on both sides of the Koserow Bank. The bottom of these channels was paved with gravel and boulders. This layer was encountered in the whole surveyed area below a mobile sand layer. Discharged bodies of fine sand half a meter high and erosional cavities several m2 in diameter around boulders led to the conclusion that an intensive sediment movement down to a depth of 11 m had taken place during the storm. A storm related direction of sediment discharge could not be identified. The existing section of the breakwaters withstood the severe storm.


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To study inorganic nitrogen uptake rates by microplankton in the Black Sea the first 15N-experiments were carried out in August-September 1990 and in November 1991. In surface waters nitrate uptake rates varied from 5.7 to 28.5 nM/l/h in summer and from 1.9 to 7.8 nM/l/h in autumn. In both seasons maximal and minimal rates were observed in frontal zones of shelf/slope areas and in open waters, respectively. In summer average nitrate uptake rate per unit of particulate organic nitrogen was 0.0037 1/h for all stations. In autumn it varied from 0.0007 1/h in the central part of the sea to 0.0033 1/h in the slope near the southeastern Crimean coast. In autumn ammonium uptake rate varied from 7.1 to 22.2 nM/l/h and from 0.0025 to 0.00094 1/h. Ammonium uptake correlated linearly with nitrate uptake, with new production being 22-36% of total summary nitrate and ammonium uptake. There was a linear correlation between nitrogen uptake and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Black Sea. In the water column in autumn both nitrate and ammonium uptake decreased as chlorophyll a concentration diminishes with depth.


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The combination of two research projects offered us the opportunity to perform a comprehensive study of the seasonal evolution of the hydrological structure and the circulation of the North Aegean Sea, at the northern extremes of the eastern Mediterranean. The combination of brackish water inflow from the Dardanelles and the sea-bottom relief dictate the significant differences between the North and South Aegean water columns. The relatively warm and highly saline South Aegean waters enter the North Aegean through the dominant cyclonic circulation of the basin. In the North Aegean, three layers of distinct water masses of very different properties are observed: The 20-50 m thick surface layer is occupied mainly by Black Sea Water, modified on its way through the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara and the Dardanelles. Below the surface layer there is warm and highly saline water originating in the South Aegean and the Levantine, extending down to 350-400 m depth. Below this layer, the deeper-than-400 m basins of the North Aegean contain locally formed, very dense water with different i/S characteristics at each subbasin. The circulation is characterised by a series of permanent, semi-permanent and transient mesoscale features, overlaid on the general slow cyclonic circulation of the Aegean. The mesoscale activity, while not necessarily important in enhancing isopycnal mixing in the region, in combination with the very high stratification of the upper layers, however, increases the residence time of the water of the upper layers in the general area of the North Aegean. As a result, water having out-flowed from the Black Sea in the winter, forms a separate distinct layer in the region in spring (lying between "younger" BSW and the Levantine origin water), and is still traceable in the water column in late summer.


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As part of the JGOFS field program, extensive CO2 partial-pressure measurements were made in the atmosphere and in the surface waters of the equatorial Pacific from 1992 to 1999. For the first time, we are able to determine how processes occurring in the western portion of the equatorial Pacific impact the sea-air fluxes of CO2 in the central and eastern regions. These 8 years of data are compared with the decade of the 1980s. Over this period, surface-water pCO2 data indicate significant seasonal and interannual variations. The largest decreases in fluxes were associated with the 1991-94 and 1997-98 El Niño events. The lower sea-air CO2 fluxes during these two El Niño periods were the result of the combined effects of interconnected large-scale and locally forced physical processes: (1) development of a low-salinity surface cap as part of the formation of the warm pool in the western and central equatorial Pacific, (2) deepening of the thermocline by propagating Kelvin waves in the eastern Pacific, and (3) the weakening of the winds in the eastern half of the basin. These processes serve to reduce pCO2 values in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific towards near-equilibrium values at the height of the warm phase of ENSO. In the western equatorial Pacific there is a small but significant increase in seawater pCO2 during strong El Niño events (i.e., 1982-83 and 1997-98) and little or no change during weak El Niño events (1991-94). The net effect of these interannual variations is a lower-than-normal CO2 flux to the atmosphere from the equatorial Pacific during El Niño. The annual average fluxes indicate that during strong El Niños the release to the atmosphere is 0.2-0.4 Pg C/yr compared to 0.8-1.0 Pg C/yr during non-El Niño years.