1000 resultados para Local Shocks
'Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration: Local Effect and Global Impact' was the theme of the Xi"an International Neurotoxicology Conference (XINC), held in Xi"an, June 2011. The Conference was a joint event of the 13th Biennial Meeting of the International Neurotoxicology Association (INA-13) and the 11th International Symposium on Neurobehavioral Methods and Effects in Occupational and Environmental Health (NEUREOH-11) of the Scientific Committee on Neurotoxicology and...
'Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration: Local Effect and Global Impact' was the theme of the Xi"an International Neurotoxicology Conference (XINC), held in Xi"an, June 2011. The Conference was a joint event of the 13th Biennial Meeting of the International Neurotoxicology Association (INA-13) and the 11th International Symposium on Neurobehavioral Methods and Effects in Occupational and Environmental Health (NEUREOH-11) of the Scientific Committee on Neurotoxicology and...
Homology modeling is the most commonly used technique to build a three-dimensional model for a protein sequence. It heavily relies on the quality of the sequence alignment between the protein to model and related proteins with a known three dimensional structure. Alignment quality can be assessed according to the physico-chemical properties of the three dimensional models it produces.In this work, we introduce fifteen predictors designed to evaluate the properties of the models obtained for various alignments. They consist of an energy value obtained from different force fields (CHARMM, ProsaII or ANOLEA) computed on residue selected around misaligned regions. These predictors were evaluated on ten challenging test cases. For each target, all possible ungapped alignments are generated and their corresponding models are computed and evaluated.The best predictor, retrieving the structural alignment for 9 out of 10 test cases, is based on the ANOLEA atomistic mean force potential and takes into account residues around misaligned secondary structure elements. The performance of the other predictors is significantly lower. This work shows that substantial improvement in local alignments can be obtained by careful assessment of the local structure of the resulting models.
Objective: Local shockwave-application (SW) has shown to improve healing of various tissues and decrease necrosis of flaps. Though, there is no data about the optimal time-point of SW-application with regard to induction of ischemia (i.e. flap elevation) and subsequent effect on flap survival. Therefore we compared 2 shock-wave protocols in a model of persistent ischemia and investigated underlying mechanisms. Methods: 18 C57BL/6-mice equipped with a skinfold chamber containing a musculocutaneous flap were assigned to 3 experimental groups: 1. One session of 500 SWimpulses at 0·15 mJ/mm2 applied 24 hrs before (preconditioning) or 2. Applied 30 min after flap elevation (treatment). 3. Untreated flaps (control). Tissue necrosis,microhemodynamics, inflammation, apoptosis and angiogenesis were assessed by intravital epi-fluorescence microscopy over 10 days. Results: SW significantly reduced flap necrosis independent from the application time-point (preconditioning: 29 ± 7%; treatment: 25 ± 7% vs. control: 47 ± 2%; d10, p<0·05). This was associated with an early increase of functional capillary density (preconditioning: 236 ± 39 cm/cm2; treatment: 211 ± 33 cm/cm2 vs. control: 141 ± 7 cm/cm2; day1, p<0·05). Arteriolar diameter, red blood cell velocity and blood flow were comparable between the 3 experimental groups. SW-application significantly decreased the ischemiainduced inflammatory response (apoptotic cell death and leukocyte-endothelial interaction: (p<0·05)). Sprouts indicating angiogenesis were observed from day 7 only after SW-application. Conclusions: SW protects ischemically challenged musculocutaneous tissue. Interestingly, postoperative SW-application is as efficient as preoperative SWapplication. The protective effect induced by mechanical stress might be based on an early recruitment of ''sleeping capillaries'' maintaining nutritive perfusion and an anti-inflammatory effect within the ischemically jeopardized tissue. SWapplication provides a non-invasive alternative to local thermic and systemic pre-treatment of endangered tissues.
Promazine hydrochloride was injected accidentally in the antecubital artery of a 42-year-old woman, resulting in severe ischemia of the second and third fingers of her right hand which lasted for four days before she was hospitalized. Vasodilation by combining axillary plexus block and intravenous sodium nitroprusside did not improve ischemia and local thrombolysis was performed using recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (50 mg over 8 hours), resulting in normalization of digital pressure in one of the two affected fingers. The outcome was favourable and amputation could be avoided.
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a mucosal tissue-associated cytokine that has been widely studied in the context of T helper type 2 (Th2)-driven inflammatory disorders. Although TSLP is also produced upon viral infection in vitro, the role of TSLP in antiviral immunity is unknown. In this study we report a novel role for TSLP in promoting viral clearance and virus-specific CD8+ T-cell responses during influenza A infection. Comparing the immune responses of wild-type and TSLP receptor (TSLPR)-deficient mice, we show that TSLP was required for the expansion and activation of virus-specific effector CD8+ T cells in the lung, but not the lymph node. The mechanism involved TSLPR signaling on newly recruited CD11b+ inflammatory dendritic cells (DCs) that acted to enhance interleukin-15 production and expression of the costimulatory molecule CD70. Taken together, these data highlight the pleiotropic activities of TSLP and provide evidence for its beneficial role in antiviral immunity.
BACKGROUND: The long latent stage seen in syphilis, followed by chronic central nervous system infection and inflammation, can be explained by the persistence of atypical cystic and granular forms of Treponema pallidum. We investigated whether a similar situation may occur in Lyme neuroborreliosis. METHOD: Atypical forms of Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes were induced exposing cultures of Borrelia burgdorferi (strains B31 and ADB1) to such unfavorable conditions as osmotic and heat shock, and exposure to the binding agents Thioflavin S and Congo red. We also analyzed whether these forms may be induced in vitro, following infection of primary chicken and rat neurons, as well as rat and human astrocytes. We further analyzed whether atypical forms similar to those induced in vitro may also occur in vivo, in brains of three patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis. We used immunohistochemical methods to detect evidence of neuroinflammation in the form of reactive microglia and astrocytes. RESULTS: Under these conditions we observed atypical cystic, rolled and granular forms of these spirochetes. We characterized these abnormal forms by histochemical, immunohistochemical, dark field and atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods. The atypical and cystic forms found in the brains of three patients with neuropathologically confirmed Lyme neuroborreliosis were identical to those induced in vitro. We also observed nuclear fragmentation of the infected astrocytes using the TUNEL method. Abundant HLA-DR positive microglia and GFAP positive reactive astrocytes were present in the cerebral cortex. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that atypical extra- and intracellular pleomorphic and cystic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi and local neuroinflammation occur in the brain in chronic Lyme neuroborreliosis. The persistence of these more resistant spirochete forms, and their intracellular location in neurons and glial cells, may explain the long latent stage and persistence of Borrelia infection. The results also suggest that Borrelia burgdorferi may induce cellular dysfunction and apoptosis. The detection and recognition of atypical, cystic and granular forms in infected tissues is essential for the diagnosis and the treatment as they can occur in the absence of the typical spiral Borrelia form.
El objetivo del presente proyecto será el definir, en su totalidad, las instalaciones de climatización/ventilación y eléctrica, de un local destinado a realizar las tareas de laboratorio de resistencia de materiales y oficinas para una industria cerámica. Esta iniciativa nace como una necesidad de este tipo de empresas a ofrecer unos productos de mayor calidad que la competencia, bastante dura en la zona donde se encuentran. Aún y la existencia de laboratorios homologados que ofrecen este tipo de servicios, se cree necesario este tipo de instalaciones, basados en la investigación de nuevos materiales y/o productos, pudiendo así ofrecer al cliente las máximas garantías de calidad de los productos finales obtenidos.
La redacción del proyecto se centra en el diseño y dimensionado de las instalaciones básicas para el correcto funcionamiento de un restaurante. Como punto de partida se toma el diseño del local y sus respectivas zonas. A partir de este punto y con la normativa vigente, en concreto, el Código Técnico de la Edificación, procedemos al cálculo de las instalaciones que harán posible el servicio del local al público. Instalaciones como: eléctrica, climatización y ventilación, incendios, agua, saneamiento, gas, entre otras.
Perceiving the world visually is a basic act for humans, but for computers it is still an unsolved problem. The variability present innatural environments is an obstacle for effective computer vision. The goal of invariant object recognition is to recognise objects in a digital image despite variations in, for example, pose, lighting or occlusion. In this study, invariant object recognition is considered from the viewpoint of feature extraction. Thedifferences between local and global features are studied with emphasis on Hough transform and Gabor filtering based feature extraction. The methods are examined with respect to four capabilities: generality, invariance, stability, and efficiency. Invariant features are presented using both Hough transform and Gabor filtering. A modified Hough transform technique is also presented where the distortion tolerance is increased by incorporating local information. In addition, methods for decreasing the computational costs of the Hough transform employing parallel processing and local information are introduced.
El present document constitueix el Treball Final de Grau de Geografia i Ordenació del Territori. Basant-se en una anàlisi socioeconòmica de la comarca de la Noguera per, posteriorment, poder aproximar-nos cap a unes interpretacions dels resultats extrets que ens permetin fer una radiografia sintètica de l’estat actual de la comarca. A partir d’aquestes interpretacions es farà una anàlisi DAFO per tal d’extreure’n les fortaleses i les debilitats principals i, a partir d’aquest, obtindre unes bases per poder obtenir un seguit d’estratègies claus que es desenvolupin a través de diferents línies d’actuació específiques. Així doncs, el treball que desenvolupat al llarg del projecte, consta d’una primera part on s’hi inclouen diferents tècniques d’obtenció d’informació que s’han après al llarg de la carrera. En una segona part s’hi presenta una tasca més personal i amb un toc d’aportació individual, amb la invenció i enfocament de les diferents estratègies de desenvolupament.
The Goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara, a large-bodied (similar to 2.5 m TL, > 400 kg) and critically endangered fish (Epinephelidae), is highly Vulnerable to overfishing. Although protected from fishing in many countries, its exploitation in Mexico is unregulated; a situation that puts its populations at risk. Fishery records of E. itajara are scarce, which prevents determination of its fishery status. This work aimed to elucidate the E itajara fishery in the northern Yucatan Peninsula by 1) analyzing available catch records and 2) interviewing veteran fishermen (local ecological knowledge) from two traditional landing sites: Dzilam de Bravo and Puerto Progreso. Historic fishery records from two fishing cooperatives were analyzed in order to elucidate the current situation and offer viable alternatives for conservation and management. Catches have decreased severely. Local knowledge obtained from fishermen represented a very important source of information for reconstructing the fisheries history of this species. Conservation measures that incorporate regional and international regulations on critically endangered fish species are suggested
La crisi actual ha agreujat la situació socioeconòmica de nombroses persones i famílies , esdevenint una realitat social cada vegada més complexa . Aquest nou context, ha portat a que aquesta nova bossa de persones hagin de recórrer a demanar suport als serveis socials bàsics. Persones que fins aquest moment havien estat en una situació normalitzada i en aquests moments estan en el llindar de l’exclusió social. El treball Sorgeix de la necessitat del món local, concretament de l’Àrea Bàsica de Serveis Socials del Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès, de disposar d’eines d’inserció social per a les persones perceptores de la renda mínima d’inserció de la comarca, que formen part d’aquest col·lectiu en risc d’exclusió. Planteja la importància que des del món local es creïn aliances amb entitats , associacions diverses i de diferents àmbits , per tal d’adequar les respostes i les mesures d’inserció social segons la realitat de cada persona i família a través de diferents tasques col·laboratives, dins la seva comunitat, el seu entorn més immediat. Presenta la renda mínima com una via útil i necessària per lluitar contra la pobresa i a favor de la inclusió social