943 resultados para Limitation of actions


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Quantity surveying is the key profession in cost management for construction business. However, construction industry is notorious in using information technology that makes reporting inefficient. A construction company in Hong Kong has been using an enterprise resource planning system as the information communication technology in management and cost reporting backbone since 2003. This paper investigates if such system represents an efficient tool for quantity surveyors and any intervening actions are required to enhance its efficiency. In doing so, a team of surveyors interviewed and then the soft system methodology was used as the research approach to depict the situation. This leads to the improvement needs and list of actions. Participants have prioritized working closely with top/senior management to design a proper report format; avoiding unnecessary adjustments and undue influence to reporting, and ensuring accurate data as the top three critical actions crucial for reliable cost reporting.


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The reduction of the cost of infrared (IR) cameras in recent years has made IR imaging a highly viable modality for face recognition in practice. A particularly attractive advantage of IR-based over conventional, visible spectrumbased face recognition stems from its invariance to visible illumination. In this paper we argue that the main limitation of previous work on face recognition using IR lies in its ad hoc approach to treating different nuisance factors which affect appearance, prohibiting a unified approach that is capable of handling concurrent changes in multiple (or indeed all) major extrinsic sources of variability, which is needed in practice. We describe the first approach that attempts to achieve this – the framework we propose achieves outstanding recognition performance in the presence of variable (i) pose, (ii) facial expression, (iii) physiological state, (iv) partial occlusion due to eye-wear, and (v) quasi-occlusion due to facial hair growth.


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Phenotypic screening is making a comeback in drug discovery as the maturation of chemical proteomics methods has facilitated target identification for bioactive small molecules. A limitation of these approaches is that time-consuming genetic methods or other means are often required to determine the biologically relevant target (or targets) from among multiple protein-compound interactions that are typically detected. Here, we have combined phenotypic screening of a directed small-molecule library with competitive activity-based protein profiling to map and functionally characterize the targets of screening hits. Using this approach, we identify carboxylesterase 3 (Ces3, also known as Ces1d) as a primary molecular target of bioactive compounds that promote lipid storage in adipocytes. We further show that Ces3 activity is markedly elevated during adipocyte differentiation. Treatment of two mouse models of obesity-diabetes with a Ces3 inhibitor ameliorates multiple features of metabolic syndrome, illustrating the power of the described strategy to accelerate the identification and pharmacologic validation of new therapeutic targets.


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Purpose– This paper aims to explore the issue of corporate governance mechanisms by including the importance of stakeholders, primary objectives of the firm and the ownership of top financial managers of listed firms in Kuwait in the survey tool. It attempts to investigate whether theory aligns with the behaviour of financial managers in practice in an emerging market case.Design/methodology/approach– A survey was developed to focus primarily on the current corporate finance practices implemented by CFOs in listed companies in Kuwait. The target respondents are listed firms in the Kuwaiti Stock Exchange (KSE). The survey includes questions on topics that are closely related to capital budgeting, capital structure, cost of capital and dividend policy. For example, the survey asks the managers how they estimate their cost of equity (CAPM or other methods) and whether the impact of the weighted average cost of equity is taken into consideration in their capital structure choices.Findings– A surprising number of firms are now widely using IRR for decision making. CAPM is also in use, whereas WACC remains the most popular method used. There is some support for the “bird‐in‐hand” dividend theory in the tax‐free environment. Firms in Kuwait do not have any particular source of capital structure choices when it comes to how best to finance their projects as is the case in the US market. Firms in Kuwait are consciously striving for maximizing profits and those managers are regarded as their most important stakeholders. This may indicate the existence of agency problems.Research limitations/implications– The limitation of this study lies in the absence of empirical investigation on how corporate finance decisions may affect firms' performance in Kuwait. Hence, empirical validation will be performed by the authors in the next stage of this research, which will form the basis for further research. Empirical validation for the impact of corporate governance on performance is needed.Practical implications– This research may benefit managers and decision makers in many aspects, including having an understanding of applying popular and the most suitable corporate finance and corporate governance techniques in the management of their companies. In this research, the authors have identified the gap between practice and academia.Originality/value– To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to examine comprehensively major areas of financial policies and practices and corporate governance in an emerging market case, especially in the Middle East. Kuwait provides a unique institutional setting in its taxation system. Therefore, this study will make a contribution to the general literature in this field.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess how the cultural value orientations of individual employees moderate their attitudinal responses to different categories of organizational rewards. Specifically, it seeks to examine how one dimension of traditionality, respect for authority, moderates the relationship between affective organizational commitment and three variables: pay satisfaction, autonomy and satisfaction with supervision. Design/methodology/approach: Hierarchical regression analysis was utilized to analyze survey data obtained from a sample of 290 employees of a major Chinese airline company. Findings: Employees high in traditionality were found to exhibit higher levels of affective commitment when autonomy and satisfaction with supervision was low. When autonomy and satisfaction with supervision was high employees low in traditionality exhibited higher levels of emotional attachment to the organization. Research limitations/implications: The cross-sectional design is an obvious limitation of the study. Another limitation relates to the generalizability of the study findings outside the context in which the research was undertaken. Social implications: Organizations should consider taking the cultural orientations of their workforce into account when developing appropriate human resource policies aimed at heightening employee commitment. This should enhance employee well-being, which is especially important in a global economy characterized by uncertainty and rapid change. Originality/value: This is the first study to examine how employees with different cultural value orientations respond to different categories of organizational rewards, in a predominantly traditional society.


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Spam has become a critical problem on Twitter. In order to stop spammers, security companies apply blacklisting services to filter spam links. However, over 90% victims will visit a new malicious link before it is blocked by blacklists. To eliminate the limitation of blacklists, researchers have proposed a number of statistical features based mechanisms, and applied machine learning techniques to detect Twitter spam. In our labelled large dataset, we observe that the statistical properties of spam tweets vary over time, and thus the performance of existing ML based classifiers are poor. This phenomenon is referred as 'Twitter Spam Drift'. In order to tackle this problem, we carry out deep analysis of 1 million spam tweets and 1 million non-spam tweets, and propose an asymmetric self-learning (ASL) approach. The proposed ASL can discover new information of changed tweeter spam and incorporate it into classifier training process. A number of experiments are performed to evaluate the ASL approach. The results show that the ASL approach can be used to significantly improve the spam detection accuracy of using traditional ML algorithms.


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Bayesian optimisation is an efficient technique to optimise functions that are expensive to compute. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to transfer knowledge from a completed source optimisation task to a new target task in order to overcome the cold start problem. We model source data as noisy observations of the target function. The level of noise is computed from the data in a Bayesian setting. This enables flexible knowledge transfer across tasks with differing relatedness, addressing a limitation of the existing methods. We evaluate on the task of tuning hyperparameters of two machine learning algorithms. Treating a fraction of the whole training data as source and the whole as the target task, we show that our method finds the best hyperparameters in the least amount of time compared to both the state-of-art and no transfer method.


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Digital elevation model (DEM) plays a substantial role in hydrological study, from understanding the catchment characteristics, setting up a hydrological model to mapping the flood risk in the region. Depending on the nature of study and its objectives, high resolution and reliable DEM is often desired to set up a sound hydrological model. However, such source of good DEM is not always available and it is generally high-priced. Obtained through radar based remote sensing, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is a publicly available DEM with resolution of 92m outside US. It is a great source of DEM where no surveyed DEM is available. However, apart from the coarse resolution, SRTM suffers from inaccuracy especially on area with dense vegetation coverage due to the limitation of radar signals not penetrating through canopy. This will lead to the improper setup of the model as well as the erroneous mapping of flood risk. This paper attempts on improving SRTM dataset, using Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), derived from Visible Red and Near Infra-Red band obtained from Landsat with resolution of 30m, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The assessment of the improvement and the applicability of this method in hydrology would be highlighted and discussed.


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Durante a análise sísmica de estruturas complexas, o modelo matemático empregado deveria incluir não só as distribuicões irregulares de massas e de rigidezes senão também à natureza tridimensional da ecitação sísmica. Na prática, o elevado número de graus de liberdade involucrado limita este tipo de análise à disponibilidade de grandes computadoras. Este trabalho apresenta um procedimento simplificado, para avaliar a amplificação do movimento sísmico em camadas de solos. Sua aplicação permitiria estabelecer critérios a partir dos quais avalia-se a necessidade de utilizar modelos de interação solo-estrutura mais complexos que os utilizados habitualmente. O procedimento proposto possui as seguientes características : A- Movimento rígido da rocha definido em termos de três componentes ortagonais. Direção de propagação vertical. B- A ecuação constitutiva do solo inclui as características de não linearidade, plasticidade, dependência da história da carga, dissipação de energia e variação de volume. C- O perfil de solos é dicretizado mediante um sistema de massas concentradas. Utiliza-se uma formulação incremental das equações de movimento com integração directa no domínio do tempo. As propriedades pseudo-elásticas do solo são avaliadas em cada intervalo de integração, em função do estado de tensões resultante da acção simultânea das três componentes da excitação. O correcto funcionamento do procedimento proposto é verificado mediante análises unidimensionais (excitação horizontal) incluindo estudos comparativos com as soluções apresentadas por diversos autores. Similarmente apresentam-se análises tridimensionais (acção simultânea das três componentes da excitação considerando registros sísmicos reais. Analisa-se a influência que possui a dimensão da análise (uma análise tridimensional frente a três análises unidimensionais) na resposta de camadas de solos submetidos a diferentes níveis de exçitação; isto é, a limitação do Princípio de Superposisão de Efeitos.


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Com a crescente representatividade do setor de serviços na economia mundial, se torna cada vez mais necessária a pesquisa e a implementação de modelos que abordem as singularidades dos serviços em relação aos outros setores da economia. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aplicar um plano de ações voltado à estratégia de retenção de clientes, identificando e abordando os componentes a serem implementados, pelo qual se obtenha uma vantagem competitiva sustentável no longo prazo, por meio de um atendimento diferenciado e pelo fortalecimento de uma cultura de serviços baseada no relacionamento com clientes e colaboradores. O plano de ações proposto está sendo implementado em uma empresa de medicina de grupo com atuação local, e por isso, além de se basear em vasta fundamentação teórica, foram consideradas as características da empresa e do mercado onde atua. Com os resultados advindos da validação parcial do plano de ações, uma vez que ainda faltam etapas a avançar, pode-se concluir que os primeiros passos em direção à retenção de clientes foram alcançados.


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Este trabalho se propõe a ser um fio na teia de reflexões que tecem o debate sobre a participação infantil a partir do ponto de vista das crianças em co-operação com adultos. Sua trama se compõe de campos distintos e autônomos - infância, direito social e participação -, que se cruzam e inter-relacionam, investigados no âmbito de uma experiência realizada na organização social Fundação Xuxa Meneghel, que tem como eixo central de suas ações a promoção e a proteção de crianças e adolescentes que vivem em situação de vulnerabilidade social na Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de uma micro-experiência, que pretende compreender o ser criança em relação aos seus direitos humanos e sociais, observando sua influência nas práticas sociais presentes na nossa cultura. O direito à participação infantil - entendida como ferramenta para a auto-proteção e a promoção das crianças como sujeitos plenos exercitando a cidadania - se materializou numa investigação em que as concepções metodológicas convencionais foram se re-construindo por meio das vozes infantis em diálogo com seus pares e com os adultos. As crianças apresentaram seus pontos de vista e as significações que atribuem ao seu entorno e a suas possibilidades e limites de participar de forma genuína nas suas principais instâncias de socialização: família, escola e comunidade. A experiência se constitui numa provocação do olhar para as identidades e as culturas das crianças que dela participaram, para suas vivências expressas por representações de ações e emoções contextualizadas no tempo e no espaço, numa tentativa de compor com elas - e ampliando para todas as crianças da instituição - uma compreensão do que significa o direito de participar, ensinado e apreendido em perspectiva social e cultural.


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One of the main features of Brazilian civil society in the nineties is the widespread presence of nongovernamental organizations, religious and secular associations, and the emergence of private foundations as a social mediator midway state and market institutions. This research is a bibliographical discussion of the Social Sciences literature about these organizations, pertinent with their quantitative and qualitative profiles and scope of actions, identities and future role in the construction of the active citizenship in Brasil.


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o objetivo do trabalho foi delimitar um núcleo reflexivo ou um núcleo de ações que pudessem ser indicadores da missão da administração pública federal de cultura, a partir do estudo da evolução histórica de suas instituições. O estudo conclui que o período que se configura como mais denso, quando se discute a questão da missão institucional da área federal de cultura, é anterior à criação do Ministério da Cultura em 1985 e localiza-se entre o final da década de 70 e início da década de 80. Este se liga a um período ainda mais anterior na década de 30, articulando os trabalhos e os pensamentos de Mário de Andrade (1935) e Aloísio Magalhães (1980), respectivamente. O trabalho filia-se ao ambiente dos estudos de política pública e cobre o período de 1935 a outubro de 2000. E o atual período de 1991 a 2000 é avaliado, segundo as perspectivas desse núcleo de ações e reflexões em tomo do ano de 1980.


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This work is analyzing the challenges which the National Petrol Agency is facing to regulate the Petrol industry in Brazil after the Monopoly crash in the period between 1997 until 2005. Due to the necessities of adaptation of its political strategies to the rules which determine the international economic flows, Brazil was forced to use the Economic Regulation in order to control the market. The regulation established in Brazil is not indifferent to imperfect markets. Thus can be find a conflict of interests among companies, the government and consumers within this process of regulation. The established agency does not have enough autonomy for administrating a regulation. The State with its paternalism power does not allow the agency to fulfill its function for which it was established, even though its function was established by law. A regulating policy which is clearly defined will establish a strong and independent agency with a clear limitation of its competences, avoiding divergent interpretation which prioritizes investments and promotes economic development. The agency will have the challenge to regulate the companies that enter the sector, allowing the opening of the market for new initiatives of investments which contribute to the welfare of the country and breaking at the same time the monopoly that is lead by Petrobras since 1953. Combining a stable set of rules with agility in order to adapt to changes will provide the regulator with a great decision-making power. The flexibility in the regulation will improve the correcting of the rules that were set in the beginning, being more efficient, which are based on acquired experience and achieved results. The structure of the agency and the flexibility of the regulation should be orientated on the promotion of competition in order to achieve economic and social development.


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This work of research treats of the police military formation in the state of the Rio de Janeiro. The academic approach to be adopted in respect to verify the state actions for the adaptation of the course of the soldier¿s formation to the national curriculum mould (NCM) for the police education, proposed by the National General Office of Public Security in the year of 2000. It¿s part of a group of actions of the federal government to format the police education in all country. The aim of this action is to form policemen to act in an appropriate way in a democratic society. The result of the research revealed that the Military Police of the state of the Rio de Janeiro, did not effect actions for the adoption the of NCM in the period of 2000-2005, as well as it¿s not preparing the militaries polices to act with base in the values of a democratic society. The empirical material show us the view the of the military police in relation to the education in the Military Police, as well as its performance day by day in the resolution of the social conflicts.