965 resultados para Limb deformity


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It is known that post-movement beta synchronization (PMBS) is involved both in active inhibition and in sensory reafferences processes. The aim of this study was examine the temporal and spatial dynamics of the PMBS involved during multi-limb coordination task. We investigated post-switching beta synchronization (assigned PMBS) using time-frequency and source estimations analyzes. Participants (n = 17) initiated an auditory-paced bimanual tapping. After a 1500 ms preparatory period, an imperative stimulus required to either selectively stop the left while maintaining the right unimanual tapping (Switch condition: SWIT) or to continue the bimanual tapping (Continue condition: CONT). PMBS significantly increased in SWIT compared to CONT with maximal difference within right central region in broad-band 14âeuro"30 Hz and within left central region in restricted-band 22âeuro"26 Hz. Source estimations localized these effects within right pre-frontal cortex and left parietal cortex, respectively. A negative correlation showed that participants with a low percentage of errors in SWIT had a large PMBS amplitude within right parietal and frontal cortices. This study shows for the first time simultaneous PMBS with distinct functions in different brain regions and frequency ranges. The left parietal PMBS restricted to 22âeuro"26 Hz could reflect the sensory reafferences of the right hand tapping disrupted by the switching. In contrast, the right pre-frontal PMBS in a broad-band 14âeuro"30 Hz is likely reflecting the active inhibition of the left hand stopped. Finally, correlations between behavioral performance and the magnitude of the PMBS suggest that beta oscillations can be viewed as a marker of successful active inhibition.


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We studied the variations caused by stress in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, LPL-mRNA, and local blood flow in LPL-rich tissues in the rat. Stress was produced by body immobilization (Immo): the rat's limbs were taped to metal mounts, and its head was placed in a plastic tube. Chronic stress (2 h daily of Immo) decreased total LPL activity in mesenteric and epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) and was accompanied by a weight reduction of these tissues. In limb muscle, heart, and adrenals, total LPL activity and mRNA levels increased, and, in plasma, LPL activity and mass also increased. Acute stress (30-min Immo) caused a decrease in total LPL activity only in retroperitoneal WAT and an increase in preheparin plasma active LPL, but the overall weight of this tissue did not vary significantly. We propose an early release of the enzyme from this tissue into the bloodstream by some unknown extracellular pathways or other local mechanisms. These changes in this key energy-regulating enzyme are probably induced by catecholamines. They modify the flow of energy substrates between tissues, switching the WAT from importer to exporter of free fatty acids and favoring the uptake by muscle of circulating triacylglycerides for energy supply. Moreover, we found that acute stress almost doubled blood flow in all WAT studied, favoring the export of free fatty acids.


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Small bowel intussusception is a rare long-term complication after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the etiology of which remains unclear. Except for one series reporting on 23 patients, case reports represent the vast majority of all cases reported so far. With this complete review of the world literature, based on a total of 63 patients including 2 of our own cases, we provide an extensive overview of the subject. The origin of intussusception after gastric bypass is different from that of intussusception of other causes, in that there is usually no lead point. It is likely related to motility disorders in the divided small bowel, especially in the Roux limb. This rare condition may cause obstruction and lead to bowel necrosis if not recognized and treated promptly. Clinical presentation is not specific. Computerized tomography scan represents the diagnostic test of choice, but surgery is sometimes the only way to establish the diagnosis. Treatment may be limited to reduction if the small bowel is viable, but resection of the affected segment is recommended on the basis of this review, since it seems to result in fewer recurrences. Knowledge of this entity and a high index of suspicion are required to make the correct diagnosis and offer appropriate treatment in a timely fashion.


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Surgery of the rheumatoid foot and ankle Initial presentation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) will be foot and ankle symptoms in 20% of cases. Eventually, 50-90% of patients will develop foot and ankle alterations. Typical deformities of the forefoot include hallux valgus and dorso-lateral dislocation of the lesser metatarso-phalangeal joints. RA involvement of the hindfoot frequently leads to plano-valgus deformity. Approximately 20% of surgery performed for RA is done at the foot and ankle. Early surgery is efficient against pain and deformity. Patient's satisfaction rate after surgery is high despite a slight higher complication rate compared to conventional foot and ankle surgery.


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Proteoglycans (PGs) are a major component of the extracellular matrix in many tissues and function as structural and regulatory molecules. PGs are composed of core proteins and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains. The biosynthesis of GAGs starts with the linker region that consists of four sugar residues and is followed by repeating disaccharide units. By exome sequencing, we found that B3GALT6 encoding an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of the GAG linker region is responsible for a severe skeletal dysplasia, spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity type 1 (SEMD-JL1). B3GALT6 loss-of-function mutations were found in individuals with SEMD-JL1 from seven families. In a subsequent candidate gene study based on the phenotypic similarity, we found that B3GALT6 is also responsible for a connective tissue disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (progeroid form). Recessive loss-of-function mutations in B3GALT6 result in a spectrum of disorders affecting a broad range of skeletal and connective tissues characterized by lax skin, muscle hypotonia, joint dislocation, and spinal deformity. The pleiotropic phenotypes of the disorders indicate that B3GALT6 plays a critical role in a wide range of biological processes in various tissues, including skin, bone, cartilage, tendon, and ligament.


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Lower limb chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is one of the most common diseases in western world adults with considerable socio-economic impact. Varicose veins of the legs are caused by a number of factors. Current data suggest that both lifestyle and environmental factors play a role in varicose vein occurrence. Nevertheless, environmental factors seem to play greater role than previously thought. This was also observed in a Swiss survey of 1099 participants carried out during summer 2008 in 40 different Swiss pharmacies.


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In sentinel node (SN) biopsy, an interval SN is defined as a lymph node or group of lymph nodes located between the primary melanoma and an anatomically well-defined lymph node group directly draining the skin. As shown in previous reports, these interval SNs seem to be at the same metastatic risk as are SNs in the usual, classic areas. This study aimed to review the incidence, lymphatic anatomy, and metastatic risk of interval SNs. METHODS: SN biopsy was performed at a tertiary center by a single surgical team on a cohort of 402 consecutive patients with primary melanoma. The triple technique of localization was used-that is, lymphoscintigraphy, blue dye, and gamma-probe. Otolaryngologic melanoma and mucosal melanoma were excluded from this analysis. SNs were examined by serial sectioning and immunohistochemistry. All patients with metastatic SNs were recommended to undergo a radical selective lymph node dissection. RESULTS: The primary locations of the melanomas included the trunk (188), an upper limb (67), or a lower limb (147). Overall, 97 (24.1%) of the 402 SNs were metastatic. Interval SNs were observed in 18 patients, in all but 2 of whom classic SNs were also found. The location of the primary was truncal in 11 (61%) of the 18, upper limb in 5, and lower limb in 2. One patient with a dorsal melanoma had drainage exclusively in a cervicoscapular area that was shown on removal to contain not lymph node tissue but only a blue lymph channel without tumor cells. Apart from the interval SN, 13 patients had 1 classic SN area and 3 patients 2 classic SN areas. Of the 18 patients, 2 had at least 1 metastatic interval SN and 2 had a classic SN that was metastatic; overall, 4 (22.2%) of 18 patients were node-positive. CONCLUSION: We found that 2 of 18 interval SNs were metastatic: This study showed that preoperative lymphoscintigraphy must review all known lymphatic areas in order to exclude an interval SN.


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The geologic structures and metamorphic zonation of the northwestern Indian Himalaya contrast significantly with those in the central and eastern parts of the range, where the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) thrust southward over the weakly metamorphosed sediments of the Lesser Himalaya along the Main Central Thrust (MCT). Indeed, the hanging wall of the MCT in the NW Himalaya mainly consists of the greenschist facies metasediments of the Chamba zone, whereas HHC high-grade rocks are exposed more internally in the range as a large-scale dome called the Gianbul dome. This Gianbul dome is bounded by two oppositely directed shear zones, the NE-dipping Zanskar Shear Zone (ZSZ) on the northern flank and the SW-dipping Miyar Shear Zone (MSZ) on the southern limb. Current models for the emplacement of the HHC in NW India as a dome structure differ mainly in terms of the roles played by both the ZSZ and the MSZ during the tectonothermal evolution of the HHC. In both the channel flow model and wedge extrusion model, the ZSZ acts as a backstop normal fault along which the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the HHC of Zanskar are exhumed. In contrast, the recently proposed tectonic wedging model argues that the ZSZ and the MSZ correspond to one single detachment system that operates as a subhorizontal backthrust off of the MCT. Thus, the kinematic evolution of the two shear zones, the ZSZ and the MSZ, and their structural, metamorphic and chronological relations appear to be diagnostic features for discriminating the different models. In this paper, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data demonstrate that the MSZ and the ZSZ experienced two distinct kinematic evolutions. As such, the data presented in this paper rule out the hypothesis that the MSZ and the ZSZ constitute one single detachment system, as postulated by the tectonic wedging model. Structural, metamorphic and geochronological data are used to present an alternative tectonic model for the large-scale doming in the NW Indian Himalaya involving early NE-directed tectonics, weakness in the upper crust, reduced erosion at the orogenic front and rapid exhumation along both the ZSZ and the MSZ.


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The ideal reconstruction technique for complex defects of the lower limb consists of replacing tissue with similar tissue in an attempt to achieve a good functional result. A 23-year-old white male sustained a crush injury with a grade IIIB open ankle dislocation. After open reduction and fixation, the patient developed severe osteomyelitis at the tibiotalar joint requiring a staged and radical debridement with a substantial combined soft tissue and bony defect over the distal tibia, fibula, and talus area. The reconstructive approach consisted of a modified model of the propeller flap, implementing the spare part concept in a 2-stage procedure using a prefabricated and vascularized "double-barrel" fibular graft. At 17 months postoperatively, a plain radiograph showed bony union with complete and stable coverage of the soft tissue defect. The patient was fully weightbearing. In conclusion, there is evidence to suggest that the established concept of a soft tissue propeller flap can be implemented on bone.


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Résumé Cette étude porte sur le flanc inverse de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel et sur les unités tectoniques sous jacentes (zone de Stalden supérieur et zone Houillère) dans la vallée menant à Zermatt. L'étude structurale du granite permien de Randa (orthogneiss oeillé) permet de mieux comprendre les effets de la déformation alpine sur les roches de socle. La cartographie détaillée de l'orthogneiss et de son encaissant, ainsi que l'étude lithostratigraphique des terrains sédimentaires associés permettent de proposer un schéma structural et cinématique du flanc inverse de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel et de mieux comprendre ses relations avec les unités tectoniques sous-jacentes. L'analyse structurale de l'orthogneiss de Randa et de son encaissant révèle la superposition de plusieurs phases de déformation ductile. Cet orthogneiss formé sous des conditions métamorphiques du faciès schiste vert possède une forte schistosité alpine avec au moins deux linéations d'extension. La première, L1, orientée NW-SE est associée à la mise en place de la nappe. La seconde, L2, orientée SW-NE, se corrèle au cisaillement ductile du Simplon. La quantification de la déformation au moyen de la méthode de Fry sur les faciès porphyriques donne des ellipses à rapports axiaux compris entre 1.9 et 5.3, en accord avec les valeurs obtenues par d'autres marqueurs {tourmalines étirées, fibres). Les valeurs mesurées parallèlement à L1 ou L2 sont très semblables. La méthode de Fry a nécessité une étude théorique préalable afin de vérifier son applicabilité aux orthogneiss oeillés. La méthode requiert une distribution spatiale homogène et isotrope des marqueurs utilisés. Les tests statistiques effectués ont révélé que les phénocristaux de feldspath alcalin satisfont à cette condition et qu'ils peuvent être utilisés comme marqueur de la déformation au moyen de la méthode de Fry. Les valeurs obtenues révèlent l'importance du cisaillement ductile du Simplon sur la géométrie de la nappe dans la région d'étude. Le levé cartographique a permis d'améliorer la lithostratigraphie de la base de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel. Trois formations en position renversée peuvent être observées sous les gneiss formant le coeur de la nappe. Ces trois formations forment le coeur du synclinal de St-Niklaus qui connecte la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel à la zone de Stalden supérieur. La datation par U-Pb de zircons détritiques et magmatiques par LA-ICP-MS permet de contraindre l'âge des formations observées (probablement Carbonifère à Trias précoce). Ces données ont des répercussions importantes sur la structure de la nappe dans la région, prouvant l'existence de plusieurs plis avec des séries normales et renversées bien préservées. La définition et la datation de ces formations, ainsi que leur identification dans la-Zone- Houillère avoisinante permettent de mieux comprendre la géométrie initiale et les relations tectoniques des nappes du Pennique moyen dans la vallée de Zermatt. Summary This study investigates the overturned limb of the Siviez-Mischabel nappe and underlying tectonic units (Upper Stalden zone and Houillère zone) in the Mattertal area. Detailed structural analysis in the Permian Randa granite (augen orthogneiss) allows a better understanding of the Alpine deformation effects on basement rocks. Detailed mapping of this orthogneiss and surrounding rocks, and the study of the lithostratigraphy in the related sedimentary horizons allow the proposition of a structural and kinematic model for the overturned limb of the Siviez-Mischabel and to better understand the relations with the underlying tectonic units. The structural analysis of the Randa orthogneiss and surrounding rocks revealed the superposition of several phases of ductile deformation. This orthogneiss formed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions displays a strong Alpine foliation with at least two stretching lineations. The first lineation, L1, is oriented NW-SE and is related to the nappe emplacement northward. The second one, L2, is related to the Simplon ductile shear zone. Strain estimation using the Fry method has been performed on porphyritic facies of the Randa orthogneiss. The obtained ellipses have axial ratios varying between 1.9 and 5.3, in agreement with strain estimation obtained from other markers (stretched turmalines, fringes). The strain values are very similar if measured parallel to L1 or to L2. A theoretical approach was necessary to verify the relevant application of the Fry method to augen orthogneiss. This method requires that the distribution of the used markers has to be homogeneous and isotropic. Statistical tests have been done and revealed that K-feldspar phenocrysts satisfy these conditions and can be used as strain markers with the Fry method. The obtained strain measurements revealed the importance of the Simplon ductile shear zone on the geometry of the nappe in the studied area. Mapping has improved the lithostratigraphy at the base of the Siviez-Mischabel nappe. Three overturned formations can be observed below the gneisses forming the core of the nappe. These three formations form the St-Niklaus syncline, which connects the Siviez-Mischabel nappe to the underlying Upper Stalden zone. U-Pb dating of detrital and magmatic zircons by LA-ICPMS allowed the age of the observed formations to be constrained (presumably Carboniferous to Early Triassic). This data has critical implications for nappe structure in the region, composed of few recumbent folds with well preserved normal and overturned limbs. The definition and dating of these formations, as well as their identification in the adjacent "Houillère Zone" improve the understanding of the geometry and tectonic relations of the Middle Penninic nappes in the Mattertal.


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Geleophysic (GD) and acromicric dysplasia (AD) belong to the acromelic dysplasia group and are both characterized by severe short stature, short extremities, and stiff joints. Although AD has an unknown molecular basis, we have previously identified ADAMTSL2 mutations in a subset of GD patients. After exome sequencing in GD and AD cases, we selected fibrillin 1 (FBN1) as a candidate gene, even though mutations in this gene have been described in Marfan syndrome, which is characterized by tall stature and arachnodactyly. We identified 16 heterozygous FBN1 mutations that are all located in exons 41 and 42 and encode TGFβ-binding protein-like domain 5 (TB5) of FBN1 in 29 GD and AD cases. Microfibrillar network disorganization and enhanced TGFβ signaling were consistent features in GD and AD fibroblasts. Importantly, a direct interaction between ADAMTSL2 and FBN1 was demonstrated, suggesting a disruption of this interaction as the underlying mechanism of GD and AD phenotypes. Although enhanced TGFβ signaling caused by FBN1 mutations can trigger either Marfan syndrome or GD and AD, our findings support the fact that TB5 mutations in FBN1 are responsible for short stature phenotypes.


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Glibenclamide is neuroprotective against cerebral ischemia in rats. We studied whether glibenclamide enhances long-term brain repair and improves behavioral recovery after stroke. Adult male Wistar rats were subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) for 90 minutes. A low dose of glibenclamide (total 0.6mg) was administered intravenously 6, 12, and 24 hours after reperfusion. We assessed behavioral outcome during a 30-day follow-up and animals were perfused for histological evaluation. In vitro specific binding of glibenclamide to microglia increased after pro-inflammatory stimuli. In vivo glibenclamide was associated with increased migration of doublecortin-positive cells in the striatum toward the ischemic lesion 72 hours after MCAO, and reactive microglia expressed sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) and Kir6.2 in the medial striatum. One month after MCAO, glibenclamide was also associated with increased number of NeuN-positive and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine-positive neurons in the cortex and hippocampus, and enhanced angiogenesis in the hippocampus. Consequently, glibenclamide-treated MCAO rats showed improved performance in the limb-placing test on postoperative days 22 to 29, and in the cylinder and water-maze test on postoperative day 29. Therefore, acute blockade of SUR1 by glibenclamide enhanced long-term brain repair in MCAO rats, which was associated with improved behavioral outcome.


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PURPOSE: Acute limb ischemia after thrombosis of a popliteal aneurysm is a distinct and limb-threatening entity. Preoperative intra-arterial thrombolysis may improve the outcome in this challenging situation. This study retrospectively analyzed a consecutive series of patients treated with preoperative thrombolysis and subsequent revascularization. METHODS: Thirteen patients with acute limb ischemia caused by thrombosis of a popliteal aneurysm underwent catheter-directed intra-arterial thrombolysis with urokinase and subsequent vascular reconstruction. The angiographic and clinical outcome was analyzed and compared with that in the literature. RESULTS: Complete aneurysm thrombosis with absence of runoff was documented in 12 cases. Thrombolysis restored perfusion with patency of the popliteal artery and a one- or two-vessel runoff in 77% of cases (10/13). Early cumulative graft patency and limb salvage rates were 68% and 83%, respectively, with an ankle/brachial index of 0.8 +/- 0.2. Lytic failure followed by attempts at bypass grafting was present in three patients (23%) and resulted in above-knee amputation. Severe rhabdomyolysis and fatal pulmonary embolism were responsible for a 15% early mortality rate. CONCLUSION: Preoperative thrombolysis followed by bypass grafting is a valid treatment option for patients who can withstand an additional period of ischemia that does not require immediate revascularization and intraoperative lysis. Lytic failure identifies patients with a highly compromised runoff who are probably best treated by means of subsequent amputation, without any attempts at bypass grafting.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate variability in reproductive biology traits and the correlation between them in genotypes of 'Oblačinska' sour cherry (Prunus cerasus). High genetic diversity was found in the 41 evaluated genotypes, and significant differences were observed among them for all studied traits: flowering time, pollen germination, number of fruiting branches, production of flower and fruit, number of flowers per bud, fruit set, and limb yield efficiency. The number of fruiting branches significantly influenced the number of flower and fruit, fruit set, and yield efficiency. In addition to number of fruiting branches, yield efficiency was positively correlated with fruit set and production of flower and fruit. Results from principal component analysis suggested a reduction of the reproductive biology factors affecting yield to four main characters: number and structure of fruiting branches, flowering time, and pollen germination. Knowledge of the reproductive biology of the 'Oblačinska' genotypes can be used to select the appropriate ones to be grown or used as parents in breeding programs. In this sense, genotypes II/2, III/9, III/13, and III/14 have very good flower production and satisfactory pollen germination.