956 resultados para Lift (Aerodynamics)
An engineering modification of blade element/momentum theory is applied to describe the vertical autorotation of helicopter rotors. A full non-linear aerodynamic model is considered for the airfoils, taking into account the dependence of lift and drag coefficients on both the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. The proposed model, which has been validated in previous work, has allowed the identification of different autorotation modes, which depend on the descent velocity and the twist of the rotor blades. These modes present different radial distributions of driven and driving blade regions, as well as different radial upwash/downwash patterns. The number of blade sections with zero tangential force, the existence of a downwash region in the rotor disk, the stability of the autorotation state, and the overall rotor autorotation efficiency, are all analyzed in terms of the flight velocity and the characteristics of the rotor. It is shown that, in vertical autorotation, larger blade twist leads to smaller values of descent velocity for a given thrust generated by the rotor in the autorotational state.
La Tesis estudia un tipo de refugio ganadero de la Cuenca Alta del río Tajo, conocidos como chozones. Singular arquitectura ligada a la ganadería extensiva ovina que servía de abrigo al ganado durante la noche invernal y umbráculo en estío. Construcciones de muros bajos de mampuesto colocados a hueso de planta circular o rectangular, levantadas alrededor de una estructura leñosa o un árbol en posición de vida que soportan una cubierta de ramas de la poda de la sabina. Son cientos diseminados por toda la región, si bien concentrados en la Sesma del sabinar, una de las cuatro divisiones históricas del Señorío de Molina. La decadencia de la ganadería en la comarca, sumada a otras causas de sociales y económicas, ha llevado a que estén cada vez en peor estado de conservación; con todo lo que ello supone de pérdida de una memoria histórica inseparable del paisaje del que son parte. Mi primera aproximación a estos refugios fue una oferta que aceptó el equipo de dirección del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo para catalogar los que se encontraban en su área de protección, un paisaje de Alto Valor Natural donde la ganadería ha sido el sustento tradicional. Tras terminar el inventario se produjo el gran incendio en Riba de Saélices (2005). Además de calcinar a 11 retenes voluntarios, quemó parte de las chozones inventariados. Tomé entonces consciencia de la fragilidad de este patrimonio popular y del valor que cobraba el trabajo realizado, pues en muchos casos era el único testimonio que había de los chozones desaparecidos. De ahí nació esta investigación. Al comienzo el enfoque analítico fue eminentemente disciplinar, como recoge la primera parte del título de la tesis: arquitectura y construcción. Pronto comprendí que este enfoque no era suficiente para entender las preguntas dejadas abierta por el análisis espacial, tales como su origen, razón de ser, función social, etc. Profundizando en estos temas la investigación fue haciéndose más amplia y transversal, hasta llegar a lo indicado en la segunda parte del título: paisaje y territorio. En síntesis, la tesis pasó del análisis de un objeto en sí a su entendimiento como parte de una sociedad y un paisaje del que es indisoluble. Para lograr estos objetivos transversales, los refugios ganaderos se estudiaron considerando desde sus aspectos geográficos e históricos a los propios de la arquitectura y del sistema ganadero que acoge. A cada enfoque se dedica un capítulo de la Tesis, lo que nos obligó a utilizar distintas metodologías de análisis: de un amplio trabajo de campo para catalogar y levantar los casi un centenar de chozones inventariados a la búsqueda de información documental en archivos históricos. Por el carácter del estudio fue también fundamental la revisión del material etnográfico de la zona, así como las entrevistas con vecinos y los pocos pastores que quedaban en los municipios estudiados. Los resultados de la Tesis muestran que los refugios ganaderos son construcciones con una serie de valores de distinto tipo. Entre ellos destacaría: (a) ambientales, porque son arquitecturas integradas en el medio ambiente, con empleo de materiales del territorio y adaptación a sus condiciones físicas; (b) históricos, porque son testimonio de un patrimonio arquitectónico que al menos desde la Edad Media se mantiene sin apenas modificaciones; (c) etnográficos, porque son un elemento arquitectónico con usos estrechamente ligados a la cultura tradicional, ganadera y rural de la cuenca del Alto Tajo. Tan clara es la relación entre estos tres aspectos que no es exagerado afirmar que desde el comienzo hasta su final, pasando por las distintas actividades cotidianas, la vida de los habitantes de la comarca giraba en torno al patrimonio vernáculo estudiado. Por ello, entendemos que todos estos elementos son lo suficientemente relevantes como para intentar evitar su destrucción, fomentar una reutilización que contribuya a un desarrollo sostenible de este singular paisaje etnológico. ABSTRACT My first approach to these refugees was commissioned by the management of the Alto Tajo Natural Park to catalog those who were in their protection area, a landscape of high natural value where livestock has been the traditional livelihood. After completing the inventory came the great fire in Riba de Saelices (2005). Besides calcine 11 firefighters, burned many of these popular architectures. I took then awareness of the fragility of this vernacular heritage and the value of the work charged, since in many cases it was the only witness who had disappeared from the shelters. At that time, this research was born. At the begging our study was eminently from the point of view of our discipline, as it picks up the first part of the title of the Thesis: architecture and construction. Soon I realized that this approach was not sufficient to understand the questions left open by the spatial analysis, such as its origin, purpose, social function, etc. By studying topics, my research become to be more comprehensive and transversal, up to coming to the indicated in the second part of the title: landscape and territory. In synthesis, the Thesis went on from the analysis of an object in itself to its understanding like part of a society and a landscape of which it is indissoluble. To achieve these cross-cutting objectives, livestock shelters were studied considering from its geographic and historic aspects to this relating to his architecture own the livestock system to which they belong. To each approach we devoted a chapter of the Thesis, which forced us to use different methodologies of analysis: an extensive field work in cataloguing and lift the nearly a hundred chozones inventoried to the search of documentary information in historical archives. By the nature of the study, the review of the ethnographic material in the area was also essential, as well as interviews with neighbors and the few remaining shepherds in the municipalities studied. The results of our Thesis show that livestock shelters are constructions with a series of values of different types. Among them I would highlight three: (a) environmental, because they are architectures integrated in the territory, with the use of materials of the location and adapted to their physical conditions; (b) historical, because they are testimony of an architectural heritage that at least since the Middle Ages remains with little modifications; (c) ethnographic, because they are architectural elements closely linked to livestock, rural and traditional culture of the Alto Tajo basin. So clear is the relationship between these three aspects, that is not an exaggeration to say that from the beginning until the end, passing through the various daily activities, the life of the inhabitants of the region was in completed connection with the studied vernacular heritage. For it, we understand that all these elements are relevant enough to try to prevent their destruction and promote a recycling that contributes to a sustainable development of this unique ethnological landscape.
Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pelos fabricantes de turbinas hidráulicas é prevenir o aparecimento de vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento nas travessas do pré-distribuidor e pás do rotor. Considerando apenas as travessas, e atribuídos a tais vibrações, foram relatados 28 casos de trincas ou ruídos anormais nas últimas décadas, que acarretaram enormes prejuízos associados a reparos, atrasos e perda de geração. O estado da arte na prevenção destes problemas baseia-se na utilização de sofisticados, e caros, programas comerciais de dinâmica dos fluidos computacional para o cálculo transiente do fenômeno. Este trabalho faz uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e levantamento de eventos de trincas ou ruídos ocorridos em travessas nos últimos 50 anos. Propõe, então, um enfoque alternativo, baseado exclusivamente em ferramentas de código aberto. A partir de hipóteses simplificadoras devidamente justificadas, o problema é formulado matematicamente de forma bidimensional, no plano da seção transversal da travessa, levando em conta a interação fluido-estrutura. Nesta estratégia, as equações de Navier-Stokes são resolvidas pelo método dos elementos finitos por meio da biblioteca gratuita oomph-lib. Um código especial em C++ é desenvolvido para o problema de interação fluido-estrutura, no qual o fenômeno de turbulência é levado em consideração por meio de um algoritmo baseado no modelo de Baldwin-Lomax. O método proposto é validado por meio da comparação dos resultados obtidos com referências e medições disponíveis na literatura, que tratam de problemas de barras retangulares suportadas elasticamente. O trabalho finaliza com a aplicação do método a um estudo de caso envolvendo uma travessa particular.
Recently the Supreme Court has placed new limits on both the substance of the Fourth Amendment and the exclusionary that serves as the principal remedy for Fourth Amendment violations. In this Article we briefly summarize these limitations and then argue that the curtailment of the exclusionary rule has the potential to ameliorate substantive Fourth Amendment doctrine. The limited reach of the modern exclusionary rule provides the Court with license to develop an expansive new substantive framework free of the specter of a correspondingly expansive remedial framework. One point on which nearly all jurists and commentators agree is that current Fourth Amendment doctrine is a mess. We argue that the Court’s exclusionary rule cases, while frustrating and ill-conceived if viewed in isolation, provide the Court with an opportunity to revisit problematic Fourth Amendment doctrine that was born under a very different remedial regime. Such an approach would allow the Court to adhere to its current view of the exclusionary rule as a remedy of last resort while creating a Fourth Amendment with teeth. The goal is a Fourth Amendment right that is more substantial and clearly defined, but a remedy that remains limited to egregious violations of clear substantive rules. The time is now to lift the Fourth Amendment fog.
During the civil war (1936-39) was built a network of defensive settlements on the coast in anticipation of attacks enemies, forming the so-called 'wall Mediterranean', because of its similarity with the Wall Atlantic of the World War II. These enclaves were composed of groups of batteries, bunkers and buildings. This communication comes to inventory and draw the remains of more than 50 architectures that are located in the Valencian South Coast (from Denia to Torrevieja), documenting the first ruins of hormigion armed with our history. It's a set of military settlements anti-aircraft, mostly scattered coastal rural, which are a great heritage and landscape value, and from which planes haven't been preserved. It is to lift current state record of them all, proceeding to its typological classification, in order to contribute to its assessment and protection on the grounds that they constitute a legacy of architectural heritage that increases our cultural memory.history.
This study examined the effect of a spanwise angle of attack gradient on the growth and stability of a dynamic stall vortex in a rotating system. It was found that a spanwise angle of attack gradient induces a corresponding spanwise vorticity gradient, which, in combination with spanwise flow, results in a redistribution of circulation along the blade. Specifically, when modelling the angle of attack gradient experienced by a wind turbine at the 30% span position during a gust event, the spanwise vorticity gradient was aligned such that circulation was transported from areas of high circulation to areas of low circulation, increasing the local dynamic stall vortex growth rate, which corresponds to an increase in the lift coefficient, and a decrease in the local vortex stability at this point. Reversing the relative alignment of the spanwise vorticity gradient and spanwise flow results in circulation transport from areas of low circulation generation to areas of high circulation generation, acting to reduce local circulation and stabilise the vortex. This circulation redistribution behaviour describes a mechanism by which the fluctuating loads on a wind turbine are magnified, which is detrimental to turbine lifetime and performance. Therefore, an understanding of this phenomenon has the potential to facilitate optimised wind turbine design.
To make the abolition of visas in relations between the EU and the Eastern European countries possible, the ”spell cast” must be broken on this issue. With the present levels of mobility and people-to-people, business and political contacts the introduction of a visa-free regime will be a natural consequence of the liberalisation processes which have been at work for years.Moreover, the decision to lift the visa requirement is unlikely to significantly stimulate an increase in migration pressure from Eastern European countries but could reduce the operating costs of expanded Schengen consular network. Lifting the visa requirement for Eastern European citizens can be temporary and conditional and allow for actual implementation of an increased conditionality rule. In political terms, making visa liberalisation a key issue would fundamentally change the partners’ approach to the Eastern Partnership and would provide a link to the Partnership for Modernisation targeted at Russia.
At the 18 March EU-Turkey Migration Summit EU leaders pledged to lift visa requirements for Turkish citizens travelling to the Schengen zone by the end of June 2016 if Ankara met the required 72 benchmarks. On 4 May the European Commission will decide whether or not Turkey has done enough. The stakes are high because Turkey has threatened to cancel the readmission agreement, which is central to the success of the migration deal, if the EU fails to deliver.
L'elaborato è il risultato del progetto di tesi svolto presso l’azienda Lift Truck Equipment L.T.E. di Ostellato (Ferrara) che opera nell’ambito della progettazione e produzione di gruppi di sollevamento ed attrezzature per carrelli elevatori all’interno del gruppo Toyota Material Handling. Il progetto è stato svolto nel periodo da gennaio a marzo 2016 in collaborazione con l’ufficio di Ingegneria di processo di L.T.E. e riguarda l’applicazione del metodo MAGEC (Modi e Analisi dei Guasti e delle Criticità) per l’analisi dei guasti di una linea produttiva dell’azienda, la Rail Line. Nel primo capitolo viene inquadrato il sistema produttivo dell’azienda in aderenza con la filosofia del TPS (Toyota Production System) per chiarire l’ambito in cui è nato il progetto, le motivazioni che hanno portato al suo sviluppo e l’ottica secondo cui è stato svolto. Nel secondo capitolo è fornita una descrizione dell’approccio utilizzato, che consiste in una variante della FMECA, il metodo più utilizzato per le analisi in ambito affidabilistico. Inoltre sono riportate le attività di pianificazione che sono state svolte preliminarmente all’inizio del progetto. Successivamente nel terzo capitolo sono illustrati in modo dettagliato i vari step dell’implementazione del metodo, dalla raccolta dati, effettuata presso l’azienda, all’elaborazione. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato ai risultati dell’analisi e a una breve descrizione di come tali risultati sono stati utilizzati nelle attività di manutenzione preventiva.
Reproduced from typewritten copy.
Reproduced from typewritten copy.
"It is shown that adequate means are available for calculating inviscid direct and induced pressures on simple axisymmetric bodies at zero angle of attack. The extent to which viscous effects can alter these predictions is indicated. It is also shown that inviscid induced pressures can significantly affect the stability of blunt, two-dimensional flat wings at low angles of attack. However, at high angles of attack, the inviscid induced pressure effects are negligible."
Reproduced from type-written copy.
For voice and piano.