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This article presents a time domain approach to the flutter analysis of a missile-type wing/body configuration with concentrated structural non-linearities. The missile wing is considered fully movable and its rotation angle contains the structural freeplay-type non-linearity. Although a general formulation for flexible configurations is developed, only two rigid degrees of freedom are taken into account for the results: pitching of the whole wing/body configuration and wing rotation angle around its hinge. An unsteady aerodynamic model based on the slender-body approach is used to calculate aerodynamic generalized forces. Limit-cycle oscillations and chaotic motion below the flutter speed are observed in this study.
The range for airframe configurations available for UAS is as diverse as those used for manned aircraft and more since the commercial risk in trying unorthodox solutions is less for the UAS manufacturer. This is principally because the UAS airframes are usually much smaller than the manned aircraft and operators are less likely to have a bias against unconventional configurations. One of these unconventional configurations is the box-wing, which is an unconventional solution for the design of the new UAS generation. The existence of two wings separated in different planes that are, however, significantly close together, means that the aerodynamic analysis by theoretical or computational methods is a difficult task, due to the considerable interference existing. Considering the fact that the flight of most UAS takes place at low Reynolds numbers, it is necessary to study the aerodynamics of the box wing configuration by testing different models in a wind tunnel to be able to obtain reasonable results. In the present work, the study is enhanced by varying not only the sweepback angles of the two wings, but also their position along the models’ fuselage. Certain models have shown being more efficient than others, pointing out that certain relative positions of wing exists that can improve the aerodynamics efficiency of the box wing configuration.
The left ventricular (LV) summit is the most common site of idiopathic epicardial LV arrhythmias and frequently represents a diagnostic and a therapeutic challenge.1 We present a case of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) originating at the LV summit that underwent failed cryosurgical epicardial ablation and was successfully treated with the aid of merged hemodynamic and contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI).
Blended-wing-body (BWB) aircraft are being studied with interest and effort to improve economic efficiency and to overcome operational and infrastructure related problems associated to the increasing size of conventional transport airplanes. The objective of the research reported here is to assess the aerodynamic feasibility and operational efficiency of a great size, blended wing body layout, a configuration which has many advantages. To this end, the conceptual aerodynamic design process of an 800 seat BWB has been done completed with a comparison of performance and operational issues with last generation of conventional very large aircraft. The results are greatly encouraging and predict about 20 percent increase in transport productivity efficiency, without the burden of new or aggravated safety or operational problems.
BASING their work on a linear theory, Evvard1 and Krasilshchikova2'3 independently developed an expression that yields the perturbation generated by a thiri lifting wing of arbitrary planform flying at supersonic speed on a point placed on the wing plane inside its planform,1 or both on and above the wing plane.2 This point must be influenced by two leading edges, one supersonic and the other partially subsonic. Although these authors followed different approaches, their methods concur in showing the existence of a perfectly defined cancellation zone. In this Note, the Evvard approach is generalized to the case solved by Krasilshchikova. Circumventing the latter's lengthy and somewhat complex approach, Evvard's simple method seems to be useful at least for educational purposes.
Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact event by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta
The OSIRIS cameras on the Rosetta spacecraft observed Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 5 days before to 10 days after it was hit by the Deep Impact projectile. The Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) monitored the cometary dust in 5 different filters. The Wide Angle Camera (WAC) observed through filters sensitive to emissions from OH, CN, Na, and OI together with the associated continuum. Before and after the impact the comet showed regular variations in intensity. The period of the brightness changes is consistent with the rotation period of Tempel 1. The overall brightness of Tempel 1 decreased by about 10% during the OSIRIS observations. The analysis of the impact ejecta shows that no new permanent coma structures were created by the impact. Most of the material moved with View the MathML source∼200ms−1. Much of it left the comet in the form of icy grains which sublimated and fragmented within the first hour after the impact. The light curve of the comet after the impact and the amount of material leaving the comet (View the MathML source4.5–9×106kg of water ice and a presumably larger amount of dust) suggest that the impact ejecta were quickly accelerated by collisions with gas molecules. Therefore, the motion of the bulk of the ejecta cannot be described by ballistic trajectories, and the validity of determinations of the density and tensile strength of the nucleus of Tempel 1 with models using ballistic ejection of particles is uncertain.
The usually reserved and shy scholar made a name for himself at Lincoln; joining the Alpha Phi Alpha social fraternity and becoming a member of the History Club and the Student Government, where he served as President for his senior class.
Mutations in the nubbin (nub) gene have a phenotype consisting of a severe wing size reduction and pattern alterations, such as transformations of distal elements into proximal ones. nub expression is restricted to the wing pouch cells in wing discs since early larval development. These effects are also observed in genetic mosaics where cell proliferation is reduced in all wing blade regions autonomously, and transformation into proximal elements is observed in distal clones. Clones located in the proximal region of the wing blade cause in addition nonautonomous reduction of the whole wing. Cell lineage experiments in a nub mutant background show that clones respect neither the anterior–posterior nor the dorsal–ventral boundary but that the selector genes have been correctly expressed since early larval development. The phenotypes of nub el and nub dpp genetic combinations are synergistic and the overexpression of dpp in clones in nub wings does not result in overproliferation of the surrounding wild-type cells. We discuss the role of nub in the wing’s proximo–distal axis and in the formation of compartment boundaries.
The importance of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) became apparent through the identification of distinct mutations in the APP gene, causing early onset familial AD with the accumulation of a 4-kDa peptide fragment (βA4) in amyloid plaques and vascular deposits. However, the physiological role of APP is still unclear. In this work, Drosophila melanogaster is used as a model system to analyze the function of APP by expressing wild-type and various mutant forms of human APP in fly tissue culture cells as well as in transgenic fly lines. After expression of full-length APP forms, secretion of APP but not of βA4 was observed in both systems. By using SPA4CT, a short APP form in which the signal peptide was fused directly to the βA4 region, transmembrane domain, and cytoplasmic tail, we observed βA4 release in flies and fly-tissue culture cells. Consequently, we showed a γ-secretase activity in flies. Interestingly, transgenic flies expressing full-length forms of APP have a blistered-wing phenotype. As the wing is composed of interacting dorsal and ventral epithelial cell layers, this phenotype suggests that human APP expression interferes with cell adhesion/signaling pathways in Drosophila, independently of βA4 generation.
A number of neuroimaging findings have been interpreted as evidence that the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) subserves retrieval of semantic knowledge. We provide a fundamentally different interpretation, that it is not retrieval of semantic knowledge per se that is associated with left IFG activity but rather selection of information among competing alternatives from semantic memory. Selection demands were varied across three semantic tasks in a single group of subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging signal in overlapping regions of left IFG was dependent on selection demands in all three tasks. In addition, the degree of semantic processing was varied independently of selection demands in one of the tasks. The absence of left IFG activity for this comparison counters the argument that the effects of selection can be attributed solely to variations in degree of semantic retrieval. Our findings suggest that it is selection, not retrieval, of semantic knowledge that drives activity in the left IFG.
Insects in the order Plecoptera (stoneflies) use a form of two-dimensional aerodynamic locomotion called surface skimming to move across water surfaces. Because their weight is supported by water, skimmers can achieve effective aerodynamic locomotion even with small wings and weak flight muscles. These mechanical features stimulated the hypothesis that surface skimming may have been an intermediate stage in the evolution of insect flight, which has perhaps been retained in certain modern stoneflies. Here we present a phylogeny of Plecoptera based on nucleotide sequence data from the small subunit rRNA (18S) gene. By mapping locomotor behavior and wing structural data onto the phylogeny, we distinguish between the competing hypotheses that skimming is a retained ancestral trait or, alternatively, a relatively recent loss of flight. Our results show that basal stoneflies are surface skimmers, and that various forms of surface skimming are distributed widely across the plecopteran phylogeny. Stonefly wings show evolutionary trends in the number of cross veins and the thickness of the cuticle of the longitudinal veins that are consistent with elaboration and diversification of flight-related traits. These data support the hypothesis that the first stoneflies were surface skimmers, and that wing structures important for aerial flight have become elaborated and more diverse during the radiation of modern stoneflies.