954 resultados para Ledoux, Claude Nicolas
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Compte rendu de OBERHUBER, Andrea, Alexandra ARVISAIS et Marie-Claude DUGAS (dir.), Fictions modernistes du masculin-féminin : 1910-1940, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 314 p. (ISBN : 978-2-7535-4884-8)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Compte rendu de OBERHUBER, Andrea, Alexandra ARVISAIS et Marie-Claude DUGAS (dir.), Fictions modernistes du masculin-féminin : 1910-1940, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, 314 p. (ISBN : 978-2-7535-4884-8)
We generated a high-resolution SSTMg/Ca record for the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from the core MD99-2346 collected in the Gulf of Lion, and compared it to that obtained using modern analogue techniques applied to fossil foraminiferal assemblages (SSTMAT). The two temperature records display similar patterns during the last 28,000 years but the SSTMg/Ca estimates are several degrees warmer (~+4 °C) than SSTMAT. The temperature shift between SSTMg/Ca and SSTMAT remained relatively constant over time. This seems to exclude a bias on the Mg/Ca record associated with salinity or secondary Mg-rich calcite encrustation on the foraminiferal tests during early diagenesis. Therefore, anomalously high Mg/Ca suggests either: (1) the empirical equation for G. bulloides of Elderfield and Ganssen (2000) is incorrect; or (2) there is a specific Mediterranean genotypes of G. bulloides for which a specific Mg/Ca-temperature calibration is needed.
Ecological network analysis was applied in the Seine estuary ecosystem, northern France, integrating ecological data from the years 1996 to 2002. The Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) approach was used to model the trophic flows in 6 spatial compartments leading to 6 distinct EwE models: the navigation channel and the two channel flanks in the estuary proper, and 3 marine habitats in the eastern Seine Bay. Each model included 12 consumer groups, 2 primary producers, and one detritus group. Ecological network analysis was performed, including a set of indices, keystoneness, and trophic spectrum analysis to describe the contribution of the 6 habitats to the Seine estuary ecosystem functioning. Results showed that the two habitats with a functioning most related to a stressed state were the northern and central navigation channels, where building works and constant maritime traffic are considered major anthropogenic stressors. The strong top-down control highlighted in the other 4 habitats was not present in the central channel, showing instead (i) a change in keystone roles in the ecosystem towards sediment-based, lower trophic levels, and (ii) a higher system omnivory. The southern channel evidenced the highest system activity (total system throughput), the higher trophic specialisation (low system omnivory), and the lowest indication of stress (low cycling and relative redundancy). Marine habitats showed higher fish biomass proportions and higher transfer efficiencies per trophic levels than the estuarine habitats, with a transition area between the two that presented intermediate ecosystem structure. The modelling of separate habitats permitted disclosing each one's response to the different pressures, based on their a priori knowledge. Network indices, although non-monotonously, responded to these differences and seem a promising operational tool to define the ecological status of transitional water ecosystems.
Un día del año 1985 se celebraba en Brighton (Inglaterra) un simposio internacional sobre la Teoría de la Información y todo transcurría de manera normal. Una figura de complexión más bien delgada, alta y canosa, se movía nerviosamente en los pasillos. De pronto corrió la noticia de que Claude Shannon en persona se contaba entre los asistentes. La conmoción fue de tal magnitud como si, en palabras del profesor J. Mc Eliece, del Instituto Tecnológico de California (Caltech), "iNewton se hubiera aparecido en una conferencia de Física!".
Hospital San Nicoláas, Luis García, Liliana García y Herlinda Garcia entre otros. Versalles, C. 1949.
Claude Viallat talks about his early life and shares the stories behind some of his newer works. Introduction by Carol Damian.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, explicar la influencia de los ODM del PNUD en la implementación de políticas públicas medioambientales de Tailandia en el periodo del 2000 al 2013, basado en la teoría de los complejos de socialización y la transferencia de normas que implican un buen comportamiento medioambiental. De esta manera, demostrar que los agentes socializadores han cumplido un papel fundamental para la implementación de políticas públicas en Tailandia en su interés por cumplir con sus compromisos internacionales. Esta monografía utilizara un método cualitativo, desde el análisis de las fuentes primarias y secundarias, realizando especial énfasis en la teoría de complejos de socialización que permita un análisis descriptivo y explicativo del fenómeno.
A discussão sobre território em Claude Raffestin é o tema desta comunicação. Nela buscaremos discuti-lo não só centrado na perspectiva do Estado-nação. Com esta discussão buscamos compreender o sentido da fronteira política no Estado do Acre-Brasil, para a população transfronteiriça. A questão fronteiriça, como ressaltado em Raffestin deve ser compreendida a partir de sua historicidade, uma vez que o sentido de fronteira muda ao longo do tempo. E essa mudança é detrimento das modificações sociopolíticas e socioeconômicas. Os limites e fronteiras refletem o poder daqueles que moldam, influenciam ou controlam atividades. Desta forma é de fundamental importância a compreensão da construção dos territórios e fronteiras, pois é no território que se manifestam todas as espécies de relações de poder, traduzindo-se por malhas, redes centralidades que podem pura ou simplesmente estar ligadas a várias decisões. Os sujeitos que aí atuam fazem a diferença, seja construindo as tessituras ou articulando os pontos que quiserem para então, assegurar o controle sobre aquilo que pode ser possuído.
This paper assesses and compares the performances of two daylight collection strategies, one passive and one active, for large-scale mirrored light pipes (MLP) illuminating deep plan buildings. Both strategies use laser cut panels (LCP) as the main component of the collection system. The passive system comprises LCPs in pyramid form, whereas the active system uses a tiled LCP on a simple rotation mechanism that rotates 360° in 24 hours. Performance is assessed using scale model testing under sunny sky conditions and mathematical modelling. Results show average illuminance levels for the pyramid LCP ranging from 50 to 250 lux and 150 to 200 lux for the rotating LCPs. Both systems improve the performance of a MLP. The pyramid LCP increases the performance of a MLP by 2.5 times and the rotating LCP by 5 times, when compared to an open pipe particularly for low sun elevation angles.
This work aims to take advantage of recent developments in joint factor analysis (JFA) in the context of a phonetically conditioned GMM speaker verification system. Previous work has shown performance advantages through phonetic conditioning, but this has not been shown to date with the JFA framework. Our focus is particularly on strategies for combining the phone-conditioned systems. We show that the classic fusion of the scores is suboptimal when using multiple GMM systems. We investigate several combination strategies in the model space, and demonstrate improvement over score-level combination as well as over a non-phonetic baseline system. This work was conducted during the 2008 CLSP Workshop at Johns Hopkins University.
Many nations are experiencing a decline in the number of graduating engineers, an overall poor preparedness for engineering studies in tertiary institutions, and a lack of diversity in the field. Given the increasing importance of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology in our world, it is imperative that we foster an interest and drive to participate in engineering from an early age. This discussion paper argues for the integration of engineering education within the elementary and middle school mathematics curricula. In doing so, we offer a definition of engineering education and address its core goals; consider some perceptions of engineering and engineering education held by teachers and students; and offer one approach to promoting engineering education within the elementary and middle school mathematics curriculum, namely through mathematical modeling.