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This case study traced the process in which Florida International University engaged to determine what students want and need from their undergraduate education. Using grounded theory, the authors discovered that the process was reflective of the human capability approach in the development of its global learning student learning outcomes.


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Learning and memory in adult females decline during menopause and estrogen replacement therapy is commonly prescribed during menopause. Post-menopausal women tend to suffer from depression and are prescribed antidepressants – in addition to hormone therapy. Estrogen replacement therapy is a topic that engenders debate since several studies contradict its efficacy as a palliative therapy for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Signaling transduction pathways can alter brain cell activity, survival, and morphology by facilitating transcription factor DNA binding and protein production. The steroidal hormone estrogen and the anti-depressant drug lithium interact through these signaling transduction pathways facilitating transcription factor activation. The paucity of data on how combined hormones and antidepressants interact in regulating gene expression led me to hypothesize that in primary mixed brain cell cultures, combined 17beta-estradiol (E2) and lithium chloride (LiCl) (E2/LiCl) will alter genetic expression of markers involved in synaptic plasticity and neuroprotection. Results from these studies indicated that a 48 h treatment of E2/LiCl reduced glutamate receptor subunit genetic expression, but increased neurotrophic factor and estrogen receptor genetic expression. Combined treatment also failed to protect brain cell cultures from glutamate excitotoxicity. If lithium facilitates protein signaling pathways mediated by estrogen, can lithium alone serve as a palliative treatment for post-menopause? This question led me to hypothesize that in estrogen-deficient mice, lithium alone will increase episodic memory (tested via object recognition), and enhance expression in the brain of factors involved in anti-apoptosis, learning and memory. I used bilaterally ovariectomized (bOVX) C57BL/6J mice treated with LiCl for one month. Results indicated that LiCl-treated bOVX mice increased performance in object recognition compared with non-treated bOVX. Increased performance in LiCl-treated bOVX mice coincided with augmented genetic and protein expression in the brain. Understanding the molecular pathways of estrogen will assist in identifying a palliative therapy for menopause-related dementia, and lithium may serve this purpose by acting as a selective estrogen-mediated signaling modulator.


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Nella tesi è analizzata nel dettaglio una proposta didattica sulla Fisica Quantistica elaborata dal gruppo di ricerca in Didattica della Fisica dell’Università di Bologna, in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca in Fisica Teorica e con ricercatori del CNR di Bologna. La proposta è stata sperimentata in diverse classi V di Liceo scientifico e dalle sperimentazioni sono emersi casi significativi di studenti che non sono riusciti ad accettare la teoria quantistica come descrizione convincente ad affidabile della realtà fisica (casi di non accettazione), nonostante sembrassero aver capito la maggior parte degli argomenti e essersi ‘appropriati’ del percorso per come gli era stato proposto. Da questa evidenza sono state formulate due domande di ricerca: (1) qual è la natura di questa non accettazione? Rispecchia una presa di posizione epistemologica o è espressione di una mancanza di comprensione profonda? (2) Nel secondo caso, è possibile individuare precisi meccanismi cognitivi che possono ostacolare o facilitare l’accettazione della fisica quantistica? L’analisi di interviste individuali degli studenti ha permesso di mettere in luce tre principali esigenze cognitive (cognitive needs) che sembrano essere coinvolte nell’accettazione e nell’apprendimento della fisica quantistica: le esigenze di visualizzabilità, comparabilità e di ‘realtà’. I ‘cognitive needs’ sono stati quindi utilizzati come strumenti di analisi delle diverse proposte didattiche in letteratura e del percorso di Bologna, al fine di metterne in luce le criticità. Sono state infine avanzate alcune proposte per un suo miglioramento.


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This work explores the use of statistical methods in describing and estimating camera poses, as well as the information feedback loop between camera pose and object detection. Surging development in robotics and computer vision has pushed the need for algorithms that infer, understand, and utilize information about the position and orientation of the sensor platforms when observing and/or interacting with their environment.

The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a set of statistical tools for representing and estimating the uncertainty in object poses. A distribution for representing the joint uncertainty over multiple object positions and orientations is described, called the mirrored normal-Bingham distribution. This distribution generalizes both the normal distribution in Euclidean space, and the Bingham distribution on the unit hypersphere. It is shown to inherit many of the convenient properties of these special cases: it is the maximum-entropy distribution with fixed second moment, and there is a generalized Laplace approximation whose result is the mirrored normal-Bingham distribution. This distribution and approximation method are demonstrated by deriving the analytical approximation to the wrapped-normal distribution. Further, it is shown how these tools can be used to represent the uncertainty in the result of a bundle adjustment problem.

Another application of these methods is illustrated as part of a novel camera pose estimation algorithm based on object detections. The autocalibration task is formulated as a bundle adjustment problem using prior distributions over the 3D points to enforce the objects' structure and their relationship with the scene geometry. This framework is very flexible and enables the use of off-the-shelf computational tools to solve specialized autocalibration problems. Its performance is evaluated using a pedestrian detector to provide head and foot location observations, and it proves much faster and potentially more accurate than existing methods.

Finally, the information feedback loop between object detection and camera pose estimation is closed by utilizing camera pose information to improve object detection in scenarios with significant perspective warping. Methods are presented that allow the inverse perspective mapping traditionally applied to images to be applied instead to features computed from those images. For the special case of HOG-like features, which are used by many modern object detection systems, these methods are shown to provide substantial performance benefits over unadapted detectors while achieving real-time frame rates, orders of magnitude faster than comparable image warping methods.

The statistical tools and algorithms presented here are especially promising for mobile cameras, providing the ability to autocalibrate and adapt to the camera pose in real time. In addition, these methods have wide-ranging potential applications in diverse areas of computer vision, robotics, and imaging.


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Background: Healthcare worldwide needs translation of basic ideas from engineering into the clinic. Consequently, there is increasing demand for graduates equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply interdisciplinary medicine/engineering approaches to the development of novel solutions for healthcare. The literature provides little guidance regarding barriers to, and facilitators of, effective interdisciplinary learning for engineering and medical students in a team-based project context. Methods: A quantitative survey was distributed to engineering and medical students and staff in two universities, one in Ireland and one in Belgium, to chart knowledge and practice in interdisciplinary learning and teaching, and of the teaching of innovation. Results: We report important differences for staff and students between the disciplines regarding attitudes towards, and perceptions of, the relevance of interdisciplinary learning opportunities, and the role of creativity and innovation. There was agreement across groups concerning preferred learning, instructional styles, and module content. Medical students showed greater resistance to the use of structured creativity tools and interdisciplinary teams. Conclusions: The results of this international survey will help to define the optimal learning conditions under which undergraduate engineering and medicine students can learn to consider the diverse factors which determine the success or failure of a healthcare engineering solution.


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Contrary to interviewing guidelines, a considerable portion of witness interviews are not recorded. Investigators’ memory, their interview notes, and any subsequent interview reports therefore become important pieces of evidence; the accuracy of interviewers’ memory or such reports is therefore of crucial importance when interviewers testify in court regarding witness interviews. A detailed recollection of the actual exchange during such interviews and how information was elicited from the witness will allow for a better assessment of statement veracity in court. Two studies were designed to examine interviewers’ memory for a prior witness interview. Study One varied interviewer note-taking and type of subsequent interview report written by interviewers by including a sample of undergraduates and implementing a two-week delay between interview and recall. Study Two varied levels of interviewing experience in addition to report type and note-taking by comparing experienced police interviewers to a student sample. Participants interviewed a mock witness about a crime, while taking notes or not, and wrote an interview report two weeks later (Study One) or immediately after (Study Two). Interview reports were written either in a summarized format, which asked interviewers for a summary of everything that occurred during the interview, or verbatim format, which asked interviewers to record in transcript format the questions they asked and the witness’s responses. Interviews were videotaped and transcribed. Transcriptions were compared to interview reports to score for accuracy and omission of interview content. Results from both studies indicate that much interview information is lost between interview and report especially after a two-week delay. The majority of information reported by interviewers is accurate, although even interviewers who recalled information immediately after still reported a troubling amount of inaccurate information. Note-taking was found to increase accuracy and completeness of interviewer reports especially after a two week delay. Report type only influenced recall of interviewer questions. Experienced police interviewers were not any better at recalling a prior witness interview than student interviewers. Results emphasize the need to record witness interviews to allow for more accurate and complete interview reconstruction by interviewers, even if interview notes are available.


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Sleep has emerged in the past decades as a key process for memory consolidation and restructuring. Given the universality of sleep across cultures, the need to reduce educational inequality, the low implementation cost of a sleep-based pedagogy, and its global scalability, it is surprising that the potential of improved sleep as a means of enhancing school education has remained largely unexploited. Students of various socio-economic status often suffer from sleep deficits. In principle, the optimization of sleep schedules both before and after classes should produce large positive benefits for learning. Here we review the biological and psychological phenomena underlying the cognitive role of sleep, present the few published studies on sleep and learning that have been performed in schools, and discuss potential applications of sleep to the school setting. Translational research on sleep and learning has never seemed more appropriate.


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Vocabulary homework is a common feature in the English subject in Sweden. Often the pupils are given a list of words they are to memorize for a pending test. In this literature review the author aims to analyze what the current research says about homework and how homework can be used effectively for EFL learners in elementary school, with a focus on both homework and vocabulary learning research. Cognitive linguistics has been used as a theoretical perspective to help answer the research questions. Results indicate that homework has limited effect on younger learners and should not be used, while, some researchers claim that it can be effective if introduced properly. Regarding vocabulary learning, it is important that vocabulary is relevant to the learner and that words are taught through a meaningful context. Therefore, vocabulary homework for EFL learners in elementary school should consist of words and phraseology which have a personal relevance to the learner, or key words for subjects taught in class. The conclusion of the study is that it is up to the teachers to determine if they should use vocabulary homework or not when teaching EFL, as long as the decision is based on current research.


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Introduction A computer-based simulation game (CSG) was used for the first time in a final-year undergraduate module. A change management simulation game was used in the seminar classes as a formative exercise that was linked to parts of the students’ summative assessment. The module evaluation suggests that most students learned from using the CSG.


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Computer-based simulation games (CSG) are a form of innovation in learning and teaching. CGS are used more pervasively in various ways such as a class activity (formative exercises) and as part of summative assessments (Leemkuil and De Jong, 2012; Zantow et al., 2005). This study investigates the current and potential use of CGS in Worcester Business School’s (WBS) Business Management undergraduate programmes. The initial survey of off-the-shelf simulation reveals that there are various categories of simulations, with each offering varying levels of complexity and learning opportunities depending on the field of study. The findings suggest that whilst there is marginal adoption of the use CSG in learning and teaching, there is significant opportunity to increase the use of CSG in enhancing learning and learner achievement, especially in Level 5 modules. The use of CSG is situational and its adoption should be undertaken on a case-by-case basis. WBS can play a major role by creating an environment that encourages and supports the use of CSG as well as other forms of innovative learning and teaching methods. Thus the key recommendation involves providing module teams further support in embedding and integrating CSG into their modules.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08