849 resultados para Labor unions and youth


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Freimaurer verwenden eine spezielle Art von Kommunikation: Zeichensprache, Metaphern, Symbole, Neologismen, Fachsprachen, rituelle 'Reisen' usw. Untersucht werden soll hier der masonische Anspruch, eine 'Universalsprache' zu besitzen. Das Gerüst dieser Dissertation ist ein Vergleich der ganzen Bandbreite der Freimaurerei - Orden für Männer, Frauen, Jugendliche, Farbige, sowie quasi-masonische Freizeitclubs - mit nachahmerischen Fraternitäten, wie z.B. den frühen amerikanischen Versicherungsgesellschaften und deren Kommunikationsmodellen. Die experimentelle Methode der Autorin schließt die Erforschung freimaurerischer und anderer bruderschaftlicher Quellen der letzten drei Jahrhunderte ein, sowie Besuche freimaurerischer Institutionen und Interviews mit Freimaurern. Diese Aktivitäten führten zu dem Ergebnis, daß - während die Symbole allgemein anwendbar sind - die schriftliche Freimaurersprache nicht in allen Ländern uniform ist. Die ethischen Lehren, die aus der symbolischen Freimaurerkommunikation gezogen werden sollen, haben einen internationalen Standard erreicht. So ist die Freimaurersprache seit der offiziellen Gründung der Freimaurerei im Jahre 1717 immer noch lebendig. Die rituelle Phraseologie der frühen nordamerikanischen Gewerkschaften und Versicherungsgesellschaften hingegen ist entweder verloren gegangen oder stellt nur noch pompöse Worthülsen dar, die sich um ein weltliches Thema - wie Versicherungen - ranken.


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L’elaborato esamina il tema del concorso e del conflitto tra contratti collettivi di diverso livello nel settore privato. Partendo da un’impostazione complessiva del fenomeno della contrattazione collettiva, oltre che da una riflessione sulla natura e sul ruolo della contrattazione integrativa, il lavoro si propone di individuare un criterio di risoluzione del conflitto. In una prima parte della ricerca sono stati individuati e studiati i modelli di rapporti tra livelli definiti negli accordi interconfederali e nei contratti di categoria. Nello studio della regolamentazione interna al sistema sindacale si è considerato la natura delle relative clausole. Queste ultime hanno valenza obbligatoria e, per tale motivo, non sono idonee a risolvere l’eventuale conflitto tra livelli contrattuali. Si è reso quindi necessario considerare i criteri esterni di risoluzione del conflitto elaborati dalla dottrina e della giurisprudenza. Tra i vari criteri elaborati, ci si è soffermati sul criterio di specialità, sulla sua natura e sulla sua funzione. Più nello specifico, si è ritenuto il principio di specialità un principio generale dell’ordinamento giuridico, applicabile anche al conflitto tra contratti di diverso livello. Alla luce del principio di specialità, si è ricostruito il rapporto tra livelli, anche in ipotesi di contrattazione separata e di negoziazione operante su rinvio legislativo. Infine, nell’ultimo capitolo si è esaminato l’art. 8 della L. 148/2011. Ci si è interrogati sulla compatibilità di tale norma con l’impostazione complessiva del tema del rapporto tra contratti di diverso livello e sui suoi riflessi sulla questione del conflitto.


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Il lavoro di ricerca che si presenta è suddiviso in tre capitoli nei quali, da altrettanti punti di osservazione, è analizzato il tema della instabilità del lavoro. Nel primo capitolo, il candidato evidenzia le cause che hanno determinato il vorticoso aumento di utilizzo dei contratti di lavoro flessibili e, a tal proposito, da un prospettiva extra-nazionale, analizza le direttive europee e, i principi comuni e le guidelines che, nel percorso di sviluppo della strategia europea per l’occupazione, hanno posto la flexicurity come modello di mercato europeo tipico; dalla medesima prospettiva, prendendo spunto dai cambiamenti del mercato globale, si pone attenzione all’analisi economica del diritto del lavoro e, in particolare, alle conseguenze che le trasformazioni economiche generano sulla capacità di questa materia di tenere elevato il grado di sicurezza occupazionale connesso alla stipula dei contratti di lavoro. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato al ruolo svolto in Italia dai sindacati sul tema della flessibilità. In tal senso, l’autore evidenzia come la funzione “istituzionale” cui sono chiamate anche le organizzazioni dei lavoratori abbia caratterizzato le scelte di politica sindacale in materia di lavori temporanei; è così preso in esame il concetto di flessibilità “contrattata”, come già emerso in dottrina, e si teorizza la differenza tra rinvii “aperti” e rinvii “chiusi”, quali differenti forme di delega di potere normativo alle parti sociali in materia di flessibilità. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo l’autore tenta di evidenziare i vantaggi e le funzioni che derivano dall’utilizzo del contratto a termine, quale principale forma di impiego flessibile del nostro mercato del lavoro. Premessi tali benefici viene formulato un giudizio critico rispetto al grado di liberalizzazione che, con le ultime riforme, è stato ammesso per questo istituto sempre più strumento di arbitrio del datore di lavoro nella scelta della durata e delle condizioni di svolgimento della prestazione di lavoro.


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The early detection and treatment of persons at-risk for psychosis is currently regarded a promising strategy in fighting the devastating consequences of psychotic disorders. The two current at-risk approaches, i.e., the "ultra high risk" and the "basic symptom" criteria, were mainly developed on adult samples. Initial evidence suggests, however, that they cannot simply be applied to children and adolescents. For ultra high risk criteria, there is indication of some attenuated psychotic symptoms being potentially non-specific in adolescents and of brief limited intermittent symptoms being difficult to clinically classify in children when observable behavioral correlates are missing. For basic symptoms, too, only preliminary indication of their usefulness in children and adolescents exists. Since developmental peculiarities in the assessment of basic symptoms should be considered, a child and youth version of the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument (SPI-CY) was developed. In conclusion, research on the clinical-prognostic validity of the at-risk criteria and their potential adoption to the special needs of children and adolescents is needed. If a Prodromal Risk Syndrome for Psychosis or Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms Syndrome will be included into DSM-V, it has to be highlighted that its suitability for children and adolescents is only insufficiently known.


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Recent focus on early detection and intervention in psychosis has renewed interest in subtle psychopathology beyond positive and negative symptoms. Such self-experienced sub-clinical disturbances are described in detail by the basic symptom concept. This review will give an introduction into the concept of basic symptoms and describe the development of the current instruments for their assessment, the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Adult (SPI-A) and Child and Youth version (SPI-CY), as well as of the two at-risk criteria: the at-risk criterion Cognitive-Perceptive Basic Symptoms (COPER) and the high-risk criterion Cognitive Disturbances (COGDIS). Further, an overview of prospective studies using both or either basic symptom criteria and transition rates related to these will be given, and the potential benefit of combining ultra-high risk criteria, particularly attenuated psychotic symptoms, and basic symptom criteria will be discussed. Finally, their prevalence in psychosis patients, i.e. the sensitivity, as well as in general population samples will be described. It is concluded that both COPER and COGDIS are able to identify subjects at a high risk of developing psychosis. Further, they appear to be sufficiently frequent prior to onset of the first psychotic episode as well as sufficiently rare in persons of general population to be considered as valuable for an early detection of psychosis.


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This article explores the role of political context in shaping economic biases in representation-the degree to which wealthy citizens' views are more strongly represented than poorer citizens' views in the choices of policymakers. I develop a general model that explains why poorer citizens will be better represented relative to the rich in certain political contexts than others, arguing that the relative representation of the poor will be stronger in contexts that make the views of the poor relevant and accessible to policymakers. I then derive several specific hypotheses that flow from this model and test these hypotheses through a study of the dyadic relationships between citizens and their representatives in the U.S. Congress. The results show that poorer citizens are better represented relative to the rich in Congressional districts that are electorally competitive, have low median incomes, have relatively equal distributions of incomes, have a significant organized labor presence, and are represented by Democrats.


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Fuelwood is a major resource in rural areas. Fuelwood collection and consumption habits were monitored in Lupeta, Tanzania through household interviews and fuelwood collection walks. Social dimensions, economic aspects of fuelwood, and alternative fuel sources were also examined. The study found that for all wealth classes, fuelwood is the primary source of fuel used within the village, with the middle and upper classes occasionally supplementing fuelwood with charcoal. Women collect and consume fuelwood for cooking. The majority of women (69%) prefer to use charcoal because fuelwood collection is labor intensive and time consuming. While the use of charcoal would provide more time for other required household activities, local economic constraints inhibit their adoption. The fuel shift from biomass fuels to transition fuels is happening slowly in Lupeta from fuelwood to charcoal. As fuelwood becomes scarcer, improved methods will need to be adopted or the fuel source will change.


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Analyzing “nuggety” gold samples commonly produces erratic fire assay results, due to random inclusion or exclusion of coarse gold in analytical samples. Preconcentrating gold samples might allow the nuggets to be concentrated and fire assayed separately. In this investigation synthetic gold samples were made using similar density tungsten powder and silica, and were preconcentrated using two approaches: an air jig and an air classifier. Current analytical gold sampling method is time and labor intensive and our aim is to design a set-up for rapid testing. It was observed that the preliminary air classifier design showed more promise than the air jig in terms of control over mineral recovery and preconcentrating bulk ore sub-samples. Hence the air classifier was modified with the goal of producing 10-30 grams samples aiming to capture all of the high density metallic particles, tungsten in this case. Effects of air velocity and feed rate on the recovery of tungsten from synthetic tungsten-silica mixtures were studied. The air classifier achieved optimal high density metal recovery of 97.7% at an air velocity of 0.72 m/s and feed rate of 160 g/min. Effects of density on classification were investigated by using iron as the dense metal instead of tungsten and the recovery was seen to drop from 96.13% to 20.82%. Preliminary investigations suggest that preconcentration of gold samples is feasible using the laboratory designed air classifier.


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For Estonia and its people social work is one of the vitally important fields that had to be built up from almost nothing since independence was regained in 1991. During Soviet times social work and social workers did not receive the necessary attention. Severe social problems were denied and kept hidden since according to official communist ideology, life in the Soviet Union was the best in the world and getting better all the time. Social workers did not receive specialised education and their functions were to be carried out by the workers of trade unions and the party, by teachers and by the workers of the personnel departments. In the 1990s big changes, having also an effect on social life, took place in the development of Estonian society. Concepts such as social work and social worker were rediscovered in Estonia. There are certain prerequisites for the success of any activity (including social work). One of the most important ones is being a professional, a worker with thorough preparation. Social work as an occupation requires specialised academic education, which is based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills that have been acquired through theoretical knowledge. Specialised knowledge is a foundation for attaining a specialised qualification. However, at the same time one has to keep in mind that social work as an occupation is constantly changing, there is no absolute knowledge - everything is relative, dynamic and changing (Tamm, 1998). The changing nature of the activity requires reflection by a social worker, who also has to be able to evaluate his/her work and its basis and learn from experiences. Academic specialised education implies also the development of a new professional identity and higher levels of competence. This underlines the necessity of specialised education.


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OBJECTIVES To test a non-glycosylated recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (ngly-rhBMP-2)/fibrin composite, which has been shown experimentally to enhance healing of bone defects in rodents, in a clinical case series of dogs and cats undergoing treatment for fracture non-unions and arthrodesis. METHODS A ngly-rhBMP-2/fibrin composite was applied in 41 sites in 38 dogs and cats for which a cancellous bone autograft was indicated, replacing the graft. RESULTS Bridging of the bone defect with functional bone healing was achieved in 90 per cent of the arthrodesis and fracture nonunions treated in this manner. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE This prospective clinical study demonstrates the beneficial effects of ngly-rhBMP-2 in a specially designed fibrin matrix on the treatment of bone defects, and validates the use of this composite as an alternative to bone autografts in dogs and cats.


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BACKGROUND: Stimulants, such as methylphenidate, are among the most commonly used medications in children and adolescents. Psychotic symptoms have been reported as rare adverse reactions to stimulants but have not been systematically inquired about in most previous studies. Family history of mental illness may increase the vulnerability to drug-induced psychotic symptoms. We examined the association between stimulant use and psychotic symptoms in sons and daughters of parents with major mood and psychotic disorders. METHODS: We assessed psychotic symptoms, psychotic-like experiences, and basic symptoms in 141 children and youth (mean ± SD age: 11.8 ± 4.0 years; range: 6–21 years), who had 1 or both parents with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, and of whom 24 (17.0%) had taken stimulant medication. RESULTS: Psychotic symptoms were present in 62.5% of youth who had taken stimulants compared with 27.4% of participants who had never taken stimulants. The association between stimulant use and psychotic experiences remained significant after adjustment for potential confounders (odds ratio: 4.41; 95% confidence interval: 1.82–10.69; P = .001) and was driven by hallucinations occurring during the use of stimulant medication. A temporal relationship between use of stimulants and psychotic symptoms was supported by an association between current stimulant use and current psychotic symptoms and co-occurrence in cases that were assessed on and off stimulants. CONCLUSIONS: Psychotic symptoms should be monitored during the use of stimulants in children and adolescents. Family history of mood and psychotic disorders may need to be taken into account when considering the prescription of stimulants.


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We develop a two-sector economy where each sector is classified as classical/Keynesian (contract/noncontract) in the labor market and traded/nontraded in the product market. We consider the effects of changes in monetary and exchange rate policy on sectoral and aggregate prices and outputs for different sectoral characterizations. Duca (1987) shows that nominal wage rigidity facilitates the effectiveness of monetary policy even in the classical sector. We demonstrate that trade price rigidity provides a similar path for the effectiveness of monetary policy, in this case, even when both sectors are classical.


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This descriptive systematic review describes intervention trials for children and youth that targeted screen time (ST) as a way to prevent or control obesity and measured ST, and at least one of the following: physical activity, dietary intake, and adiposity. Both “hands-on” (e.g., video games) and “hands free” (e.g., television viewing) ST were included. Published, completed intervention trials (k=12), not-yet-published, completed trials (k=6), and in-progress trials (k=11) were identified through searches of electronic databases, including trial registries and bibliographies of eligible study reports. Study characteristics of the 29 identified trials were coded and presented in evidence tables. Considerable attention was paid to the type of ST addressed, measures used, and the type of interventions. Based on the number of in-progress and not-yet-published trials, the number of completed, published reports will double in the next three years. Most of the studies were funded by federal sources. General populations, not restricted by race, gender, or weight status, were targets of most interventions with children ages 9-12 yeas as the modal age group. Most trials used randomized control trials in which the majority of control or comparison group received an intervention. The mean number of participants was 242.8 (SD=314.7) and interventions were delivered over an average of 10.5 months and consisted of approximately 16 sessions, with a total time of about eight hours. The majority of completed trials evaluate each of the four constructs, however, most studies have more than one measure to assess each construct (e.g., BMI and tricep skinfold thickness to evaluate adiposity) and rarely did studies use the same measures. This is likely why the majority of studies produced at least one significant intervention effect on each outcome that was assessed. The four major outcomes should be evaluated in all interventions attempting to reduce screen time in order to determine the mechanisms involved that may contribute to obesity. More importantly researchers should work together to determine the best measures to evaluate the four main constructs to allow studies to be compared. Another area for consensus is the definition of ST. ^