823 resultados para Löw <Rabbi>Löw <Rabbi>
Street map showing properties to be sold, existing buildings (some with owners' names), and railroad stations.
Grain finishing of cattle has become increasingly common in Australia over the past 30 years. However, interest in the associated environmental impacts and resource use is increasing and requires detailed analysis. In this study we conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) to investigate impacts of the grain-finishing stage for cattle in seven feedlots in eastern Australia, with a particular focus on the feedlot stage, including the impacts from producing the ration, feedlot operations, transport, and livestock emissions while cattle are in the feedlot (gate-to-gate). The functional unit was 1 kg of liveweight gain (LWG) for the feedlot stage and results are included for the full supply chain (cradle-to-gate), reported per kilogram of liveweight (LW) at the point of slaughter. Three classes of cattle produced for different markets were studied: short-fed domestic market (55–80 days on feed), mid-fed export (108–164 days on feed) and long-fed export (>300 days on feed). In the feedlot stage, mean fresh water consumption was found to vary from 171.9 to 672.6 L/kg LWG and mean stress-weighted water use ranged from 100.9 to 193.2 water stress index eq. L/kg LWG. Irrigation contributed 57–91% of total fresh water consumption with differences mainly related to the availability of irrigation water near the feedlot and the use of irrigated feed inputs in rations. Mean fossil energy demand ranged from 16.5 to 34.2 MJ lower heating values/kg LWG and arable land occupation from 18.7 to 40.5 m2/kg LWG in the feedlot stage. Mean greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the feedlot stage ranged from 4.6 to 9.5 kg CO2-e/kg LWG (excluding land use and direct land-use change emissions). Emissions were dominated by enteric methane and contributions from the production, transport and milling of feed inputs. Linear regression analysis showed that the feed conversion ratio was able to explain >86% of the variation in GHG intensity and energy demand. The feedlot stage contributed between 26% and 44% of total slaughter weight for the classes of cattle fed, whereas the contribution of this phase to resource use varied from 4% to 96% showing impacts from the finishing phase varied considerably, compared with the breeding and backgrounding. GHG emissions and total land occupation per kilogram of LWG during the grain finishing phase were lower than emissions from breeding and backgrounding, resulting in lower life-time emissions for grain-finished cattle compared with grass finishing.
The aim was to evaluate whether it had a similar effect in a Portuguese sample and if low weight classes – low weight (LW <2500g), very low weight (VLW <1500g) and extremely low weight (ELW <1000g) – had statistically significant differences between them.
[Es] wurden folgende Forschungsfragen entwickelt: (1) Welche Modelle aus den Bezugsdisziplinen der Umweltökonomie und Ökologischen Ökonomie haben hohe Bedeutung in den Fachwissenschaften und sind zugleich anschlussfähig an relevante erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung sowie curriculare Vorgaben? Was sind Bestandteile dieser fachwissenschaftlichen Schlüsselmodelle, die für eine ökonomische Allgemeinbildung bedeutsam sind? (2) Welche unterschiedlichen Präkonzepte nutzen Studierende der ökonomischen Bildung, wenn sie mit typischen, allgemein verständlich formulierten Problemen aus der Fachwissenschaft konfrontiert werden? (3) Wie können die Erkenntnisse über die fachlichen Modelle und Präkonzepte zur Planung von Seminaren genutzt werden? … Der erste Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Auswahl und Aufarbeitung bedeutsamer Modelle aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften … Dafür wird einleitend das der Arbeit zugrunde liegende Verständnis ökonomischer Bildung entwickelt … Anschließend werden erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung sowie curriculare Vorgaben aufgearbeitet und zentrale Forschungsgebiete der Ökologischen Ökonomie und Umweltökonomie identifiziert. Auf dieser Grundlage werden zwei Schlüsselmodelle der relevanten Bezugsdisziplinen bestimmt, nämlich die ökonomische Bewertung und das Management von Ökosystemdienstleistungen (ÖSD) und umweltpolitische Instrumente. … In den Kapiteln 3 und 4 werden die beiden identifizierten Modelle inhaltlich entsprechend der Anforderungen des Literacy-Ansatzes detailliert aufgearbeitet. … Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Präkonzepte, d. h. Vorstellungen, die bei Lernenden vor einem Bildungsprozess bestehen, zu Phänomenen erforscht, die anhand der beiden ausgewählten fachlichen Modelle (ökonomische Bewertung von ÖSD und umweltpolitische Instrumente) bearbeitet werden können. … Nach einer Beschreibung des phänomenographischen Forschungsansatzes werden die Untersuchungsgruppe, die Datenerhebung und -analyse beschrieben. … In den beiden anschließenden Kapiteln werden Lernendenvorstellungen analysiert, die in Beziehung zu den fachlichen Modellen stehen. In Kapitel 6 werden Vorstellungen der Lernenden zum Phänomen des Umgangs mit Ökosystemen, die auf unterschiedliche Weise genutzt werden können, beschrieben. Im Kapitel 7 geht es um das Phänomen der umweltpolitischen Maßnahmen und ihrer Bewertung. … Im Kapitel 8 werden Ergebnisse aus den vorherigen Kapiteln zusammengeführt und Vorschläge für die Gestaltung von Seminaren mit Studierenden der ökonomischen Bildung gemacht. Schließlich wird ein kurzer Ausblick auf weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten gegeben. (DIPF/Orig.)
Aunque hace más de 50 años que se describió que la glutamato descarboxilasa (GAD) lleva a cabo la descarboxilación del glutamato para producir GABA, y en animales ha sido muy estudiada debido al papel del GABA como neurotransmisor, la información disponible sobre las GADs de plantas es aún limitada, conociéndose sólo algunos aspectos de la regulación por calcio de su actividad enzimática o de expresión de algunos de los genes de su familia génica. El GABA es un metabolito que tradicionalmente se ha asociado a estrés, pero su papel en plantas todavía no está claro. En las últimas dos décadas los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre la GAD y el GABA, destacando las alteraciones fenotípicas mostradas por plantas tratadas con GABA y por plantas transgénicas para GAD, han generado preguntas interesantes sobre el posible papel de este metabolito y la enzima en señalización en plantas. En plantas, son varios los papeles que se han propuesto para el metabolismo del GABA tales como su participación como componente del metabolismo del carbono y del nitrógeno (Fait y col., 2008), protección frente especies reactivas de oxigeno (Liu y col., 2011), regulación de la expresión génica incluyendo la regulación de genes implicados en la síntesis de hormonas (Khatiresan y col., 1997; Shi y col., 2010; Lancien y Roberts, 2006) y señalización a larga distancia (Beuve y col., 2004) y en gradiente guiando el crecimiento del tubo polínico (Palanivelu y col., 2013). Nuestro grupo de investigación ha sugerido un papel novedoso para la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en pino (Molina-Rueda y col., 2010, 2015). En base a estos antecedentes, los objetivos planteados para este trabajo han sido: la asignación de posibles funciones a las GADs de Populus en condiciones normales de crecimiento y en estrés abióticos, estudiar la adquisición del dominio de unión a calmodulina (CaMBD) de las GADs de plantas vasculares y analizar el efecto del GABA y del glutamato en las raíces de Populus. Las conclusiones que se derivan de los resultados de este trabajo se detallan a continuación. El dominio de unión a calmodulina de la GAD de plantas esta conservado en GADs de plantas consideradas ancestros de plantas vasculares y ausente en plantas no vasculares, lo que sitúa juntos en la evolución los eventos de adquisición del dominio de unión a CaM y el desarrollo del tejido vascular de plantas. Los resultados similares de la localización de GABA en xilema y una expresión GAD asociada a la formación de madera de reacción tanto en pino como en chopo apuntan a un papel relevante de la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en leñosas. La familia génica GAD posee seis genes codificando todos ellos para proteínas aparentemente funcionales y susceptibles de ser reguladas por calcio. Esta familia génica ha sufrido duplicaciones y eventos de especialización durante la evolución de Populus. Este trabajo ha posibilitado la asociación entre papeles específicos y los diferentes genes de esta familia. Beuvé N, Rispail N, Laine P, Cliquet J-B, Ourry A, Deunff F (2004) Putative role of Υ-aminobutyric acid as a long-distance signal in up-regulation of nitrate uptake in Brassica napus L. Plant Cell Environ. 27: 1035-1046 Fait A, Fromm H, Walter D, Galili G, Fernie AR (2008) Highway or byway: the metabolic role of the GABA shunt in plants. Trends in plant science 13: 14-19 Kathiresan A, Tung P, Chinnappa CC, Reid DM (1997) gamma-Aminobutyric acid stimulates ethylene biosynthesis in sunflower. Plant Physiol. 115: 129-135 Lancien M, Roberts MR (2006) Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana 14-3-3 gene expression by ϒ-aminobutyric acid. Plant Cell Environ. 29: 1430-1436 Liu C, Zhao L, Yu G (2011) The dominant glutamic acid metabolic flux to produce gamma-amino butyric acid over proline in Nicotiana tabacum leaves under water stress relates to its significant role in antioxidant activity. Journal of integrative plant biology 53: 608-618 Molina-Rueda JJ, Pascual MB, Canovas FM, Gallardo F (2010) Characterization and developmental expression of a glutamate decarboxylase from maritime pine. Planta 232: 1471-1483 Molina-Rueda, J.J. y col., 2015. A putative role for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in vascular development in pine seedlings. Planta 241: 257-267 Palanivelu R, Brass L, Edlund AF, D P (2003) Pollen tube growth and guidance is regulated by POP2, an Arabidopsis gene that controls GABA levels. Cell 114: 47-59 Shi SQ, Shi Z, Jiang ZP, Qi LW, Sun XM, Li CX, Liu JF, Xiao WF, Zhang SG (2010) Effects of exogenous GABA on gene expression of Caragana intermedia roots under NaCl stress: regulatory roles for H2O2 and ethylene production. Plant, cell & environment 33: 149-162
Background: H19 is a strong candidate gene for influencing birth weight variation and is exclusively imprinted maternally. In an attempt to understand the relationship of this gene polymorphism with low birth weight children, we investigated association of H19/RsaI polymorphism with low birth weight and normal birth weight in children and their mothers. Objectives: The aim of our study was to establish the association between H19 gene polymorphism and LW in children born in Pernambuco, state of Brazil. Patients and Methods: It were selected 89 children, 40 low birth weight (LW) and 49 normal birth weight (NW) and 71 mothers (40 mothers of newborns NW and 31 mothers of newborns LW) attended at Dom Malan Hospital, Petrolina, Pernambuco - Brazil. Peripheral blood samples were collected from patients and genomic DNA was extracted and detected by electrophoresis agarose gel, stained by Blue Green Loading Dye. DNA PCR amplification was done using the primers H1 (sense) and H3 (antisense). PCR products were digested with RsaI and electrophoresed on agarose gel stained by ethidium bromide. Statistical analyses were performed using the program BioEstat version 5.0. Results: The RsaI polymorphism in the H19 gene showed that genotype frequencies did not differ statistically between low birth weight (AA = 12.5%, AB = 45%, BB = 42.5%) and control (AA = 8.6% AB = 36.73%, BB= 55.10% groups) and the allele frequencies were not significantly different (P = 0.2897). We also did not observe any association between maternal H19 allele polymorphism and low birth weight newborns (P =0.7799) or normal birth weight children (P = 0.8976). Conclusions: The small size of sample may be the explanation for these results; future studies with more patients are needed to confirm the effect of H19/RsaI polymorphism on birth weight of LW newborns.
Alfonso de Cartagena (1385-1456), possibly the most representative figure of the courtly, political and cultural dimension built around Juan II, was the third son of the famous convert Pablo de Santa Maria, Burgos’ rabbi and, later on, bishop of that same town. He started his career as governor of Cartagena’s cathedral, afterwards he was named dean of Santiago and Segovia, canon of Burgos and, after his father’s death, bishop of Burgos. Alternatively, he played a vital role in Castile’s national and international politics, as an ambassador in Portugal’s court, at Basel’s council and before Poland’s and Germany’s kings. His work, written both in Latin and Romance, either as an historian, treatise writer, theologist or translator, is quite broad; his literary connections were strong either with Italian humanists or with those who were fond of the language arts from Spain. The first part of this Thesis seeks to provide a wide enough perspective of the author, for which we place the emphasis on the most distinctive aspects of his life. Therefore, we divided the introduction in three sections: a biographical overview, his work and, last, a study on the Memoriale uirtutum itself. Thus, regarding the first aspect, we focus on the course of his life (§1.1), where we can highlight his university education, which isn’t restricted to his training as a jurist, but we also observe that his mental vitality takes him to develop certain inquisitiveness for Moral Philosophy or Latin, which leads him to study Grammar and Rhetoric; this would allow the influence of studia humanitatis to emerge, although he never got to learn the Greek language, as we can deduce from the epistolary confrontation between him and Leonardo Bruni. We also focus on the significance of his Jewish past, upon the defence of the converts during the massacre experienced in the XVth century (§1.2), and on his presence at Basel’s council (§1.3). Despite the fact that his work as a diplomat begins during the missions in Portugal as an emissary of king Juan II, he will get recognition owing to his legation in Basel, not only among the European ecclesiastics, but also among the scholars from Italy; the importance of Basel’s council in Cartagena’s life goes beyond his official work there, either as defending the Castilian interests, or as an active member of the purely conciliar functions, since it also had a huge impact in his intellectual growth. During this time period, Cartagena establishes a friendship with Pizzolpaso, Bishop of Milan, writer, humanist, and friend of Leonardo Bruni. As a result of this type of relationship with men of such high cultural standard, he re-awakens the study of the Classical antiquity among his contemporaries, developing a huge interest in the Greco-Roman masterpieces, which will bring him closely to the highly-regarded Spanish humanists of the XVIth century...
Beef production can be environmentally detrimental due in large part to associated enteric methane (CH4) production, which contributes to climate change. However, beef production in well-managed grazing systems can aid in soil carbon sequestration (SCS), which is often ignored when assessing beef production impacts on climate change. To estimate the carbon footprint and climate change mitigation potential of upper Midwest grass-finished beef production systems, we conducted a partial life cycle assessment (LCA) comparing two grazing management strategies: 1) a non-irrigated, lightly-stocked (1.0 AU/ha), high-density (100,000 kg LW/ha) system (MOB) and 2) an irrigated, heavily-stocked (2.5 AU/ha), low-density (30,000 kg LW/ha) system (IRG). In each system, April-born steers were weaned in November, winter-backgrounded for 6 months and grazed until their endpoint the following November, with average slaughter age of 19 months and a 295 kg hot carcass weight. As the basis for the LCA, we used two years of data from Lake City Research Center, Lake City, MI. We included greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with enteric CH4, soil N2O and CH4 fluxes, alfalfa and mineral supplementation, and farm energy use. We also generated results from the LCA using the enteric emissions equations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We evaluated a range of potential rates of soil carbon (C) loss or gain of up to 3 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. Enteric CH4 had the largest impact on total emissions, but this varied by grazing system. Enteric CH4 composed 62 and 66% of emissions for IRG and MOB, respectively, on a land basis. Both MOB and IRG were net GHG sources when SCS was not considered. Our partial LCA indicated that when SCS potential was included, each grazing strategy could be an overall sink. Sensitivity analyses indicated that soil in the MOB and IRG systems would need to sequester 1 and 2 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 for a net zero GHG footprint, respectively. IPCC model estimates for enteric CH4 were similar to field estimates for the MOB system, but were higher for the IRG system, suggesting that 0.62 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 greater SCS would be needed to offset the animal emissions in this case.
Introducción: El monitoreo hemodinámico es una herramienta para diagnosticar el choque cardiogénico y monitorear la respuesta al tratamiento; puede ser invasivo, mínimamente invasivo o no invasivo. Se realiza rutinariamente con catéter de arteria pulmonar (CAP) o catéter de Swan Ganz; nuevas técnicas de monitoreo hemodinámico mínimamente invasivo tienen menor tasa de complicaciones. Actualmente se desconoce cuál técnica de monitoreo cuenta con mayor seguridad en el paciente con choque cardiogénico. Objetivo: Evaluar la seguridad del monitoreo hemodinámico invasivo comparado con el mínimamente invasivo en pacientes con choque cardiogénico en cuidado intensivo adultos. Diseño: Revisión sistemática de la literatura. Búsqueda en Pubmed, EMBASE, OVID - Cochrane Library, Lilacs, Scielo, registros de ensayos clínicos, actas de conferencias, repositorios, búsqueda de literatura gris en Google Scholar, Teseo y Open Grey hasta agosto de 2016, publicados en inglés y español. Resultados: Se identificó un único estudio con 331 pacientes críticamente enfermos que comparó el monitoreo hemodinámico con CAP versus PiCCO que concluyó que después de la corrección de los factores de confusión, la elección del tipo de monitoreo no influyó en los resultados clínicos más importantes en términos de complicaciones y mortalidad. Dado que se incluyeron otros diagnósticos, no es posible extrapolar los resultados sólo a choque cardiogénico. Conclusión: En la literatura disponible no hay evidencia de que el monitoreo hemodinámico invasivo comparado con el mínimamente invasivo, en pacientes adultos críticamente enfermos con choque cardiogénico, tenga diferencias en cuanto a complicaciones y mortalidad.
A former cross between Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) breeds, called Ribatejano pig (RI), was quite spread in Ribatejo region until half of the last century and was raised in both borders of Tagus River. Besides the renewed interest of this cross nowadays, no performance data is available regarding the RI (ALxBI and BIxAL) animals or their products, which were studied in the frame of project TREASURE1. In order to assess the productive performance of the RI pig, castrated AL, BI, ALxBI and BIxAL pigs (10 from each genotype) raised in traditional free-range system and fed commercial diets ad libitum, were slaughtered at ~65kg LW.
This paper analyses the influence of the extreme Saharan desert dust (DD) event on shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiation at the EARLINET/AERONET Évora station (Southern Portugal) from 4 up to 7 April 2011. There was also some cloud occurrence in the period. In this context, it is essential to quantify the effect of cloud presence on aerosol radiative forcing. A radiative transfer model was initialized with aerosol optical properties, cloud vertical properties and meteorological atmospheric vertical profiles. The intercomparison between the instantaneous TOA shortwave and longwave fluxes derived using CERES and those calculated using SBDART, which was fed with aerosol extinction coefficients derived from the CALIPSO and lidar-PAOLI observations, varying OPAC dataset parameters, was reasonably acceptable within the standard deviations. The dust aerosol type that yields the best fit was found to be the mineral accumulation mode. Therefore, SBDART model constrained with the CERES observations can be used to reliably determine aerosol radiative forcing and heating rates. Aerosol radiative forcings and heating rates were derived in the SW (ARFSw, AHRSw) and LW (ARFLw, AHRLw) spectral ranges, considering a cloud-aerosol free reference atmosphere. We found that AOD at 440 nm increased by a factor of 5 on 6 April with respect to the lower dust load on 4 April. It was responsible by a strong cooling radiative effect pointed out by the ARFSw value (−99 W/m2 for a solar zenith angle of 60°) offset by a warming radiative effect according to ARFLw value (+21.9 W/m2) at the surface. Overall, about 24% and 12% of the dust solar radiative cooling effect is compensated by its longwave warming effect at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere, respectively. Hence, larger aerosol loads could enhance the response between the absorption and re-emission processes increasing the ARFLw with respect to those associated with moderate and low aerosol loads. The unprecedented results derived from this work complement the findings in other regions on the modifications of radiative energy budget by the dust aerosols, which could have relevant influences on the regional climate and will be topics for future investigations.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seasons under a tropical climate on forage quality, aswell the effect of an Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu grazing system on enteric methane (CH4) emissions fromNellore cattle in the Southeast region of Brazil. Sixteen Nellore steers (18 months old and initial weight 318.0 ± 116.59 kg of LW; final weight 469 ± 98.50 kg of LW) were used for a trial period of 10 months, with four collection periods in winter (August), spring (December), summer (February) and autumn (May). Each collection period consisted of 28 days, corresponding to the representative month of each season where the last six days were designed for methane data collection. Animals were randomly distributed within 16 experimental plots, distributed in four random blocks over four trial periods. CH4 emissions were determined using the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer gas technique measured by gas chromatography and fluxes of CH4 calculated. The forage quality was characterized by higher CP and IVDMD and lower lignin contents in spring, differing specially from winter forage. Average CH4 emissions were between 102.49 and 220.91 g d-1 (37.4 to 80.6 kg ani-1 yr-1); 16.89 and 30.20 g kg-1 DMI; 1.35 and 2.90 Mcal ani-1 d-1; 0.18 and 0.57 g kg-1 ADG-1 and 5.05 and 8.76% of GE. Emissions in terms of CO2 equivalents were between 4.68 and 14.22 g CO2-eq-1 g-1 ADG. Variations in CH4 emissions were related to seasonal effect on the forage quality and variations in dry matter intake.
La mia tesi si concentra sullo sviluppo del movimento sabbatiano in Italia tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo, una fase tarda del Sabbatianesimo. Il tentativo è quello di descrivere questo post-sabbatianesimo e i suoi rappresentanti attraverso lo studio di figure come quelle di Binyamin ben El‘azar Coen Vitale da Reggio (1651-1730), un rabbino piemontese identificato da Gershom Scholem - il padre degli studi sabbatiani - come un modello nel panorama sabbatiano italiano. Dopo una contestualizzazione storica e culturale che compara il mondo cristiano e quello ebraico dell'epoca, e il misticismo ebraico italiano con quello originario di Safed in Galilea, ho analizzato la produzione letteraria di Binyamin Coen. Mi sono concentrata sui suoi testi a stampa, traducendo integralmente e analizzando la versione a stampa di‘Et ha-zamir, "Il tempo del canto", una raccolta di poesie cabalistiche (piyyutim), composta da poesie per i giorni della settimana e per le festività principali. la prim a edizione a stampa del "Tempo del canto" risale al 1707, e fu stampata a Venezia. Il testo era utilizzato nel contesto delle confraternite cabalistiche dei ghetti italiani, e spicca per l'uso molto particolare della metrica legata alla cabbala. ‘Et ha-zamir è infatti perfettamente inserito in un'epoca che vide una vasta diffusione della mistica ebraica.