990 resultados para Kye-Sung Chon


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The capacity of the East Asian seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla ("Ogonori") for production of prostaglandin E2 from arachidonic acid occasionally causes food poisoning after ingestion. During the last two decades the alga has been introduced to Europe and North America. Non-native populations have been shown to be generally less palatable to marine herbivores than native populations. We hypothesized that the difference in palatability among populations could be due to differences in the algal content of prostaglandins. We therefore compared the capacity for wound-activated production of prostaglandins and other eicosatetraenoid oxylipins among five native populations in East Asia and seven non-native populations in Europe and NW Mexico, using a targeted metabolomics approach. In two independent experiments non-native populations exhibited a significant tendency to produce more eicosatetraenoids than native populations after acclimation to identical conditions and subsequent artificial wounding. Fourteen out of 15 eicosatetraenoids that were detected in experiment I and all 19 eicosatetraenoids that were detected in experiment II reached higher mean concentrations in non-native than in native specimens. The datasets generated in both experiments are contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.855008. Wounding of non-native specimens resulted on average in 390 % more 15-keto-PGE2, in 90 % more PGE2, in 37 % more PGA2 and in 96 % more 7,8-di-hydroxy eicosatetraenoic acid than wounding of native specimens. The dataset underlying this statement is contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.854847. Not only PGE2, but also PGA2 and dihydroxylated eicosatetraenoic acid are known to deter various biological enemies of G. vermiculophylla that cause tissue or cell wounding, and in the present study the latter two compounds also repelled the mesograzer Littorina brevicula. The dataset underlying this statement is contained in http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.854922. Non-native populations of G. vermiculophylla are thus more defended against herbivory than native populations. This increased capacity for activated chemical defense may have contributed to their invasion success and at the same time it poses an elevated risk for human food safety.


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Total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratio (C/N) and their isotopic composition (d13CTOC vs. d15NTN) are oft-applied proxies to discern terrigenous from marine sourced organics and to unravel the ancient environmental information. In high depositional Asian marginal seas, matrixes, including N-bearing minerals, dilution leads to illusive and even contradictive interpretations. We use KOH-KOBr to separate operationally defined total organic matter into oxidizable (labile) and residual fractions for content and isotope measurements. In a sediment core in the Okinawa Trough, significant amounts of carbon and nitrogen existed in the residual phase, in which the C/N ratio was ~9 resembling most documented sedimentary bulk C/N ratios in the China marginal seas. Such similarity creates a pseudo-C/N interrupting the application of bulk C/N. The residual carbon, though composition unknown, it displayed a d13C range (-22.7 to -18.9 per mil, mean -20.7 per mil) similar to black carbon (-24.0 to -22.8 per mil) in East China Sea surface sediments. After removing residual fraction, we found the temporal pattern of d13CLOC in labile fraction (LOC) was more variable but broadly agreed with the atmospheric pCO2-induced changes in marine endmember d13C. Thus, we suggested adding pCO2-induced endmember modulation into two-endmember mixing model for paleo-environment reconstruction. Meanwhile, the residual nitrogen revealed an intimate association with illite content suggesting its terrestrial origin. Additionally, d15N in residual fraction likely carried the climate imprint from land. Further studies are required to explore the controlling factors for carbon and nitrogen isotopic speciation and to retrieve the information locked in the residual fraction.


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We compared the responses of native and non-native populations of the seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla to heat shock in common garden-type experiments. Specimens from six native populations in East Asia and from eight non-native populations in Europe and on the Mexican Pacific coast were acclimated to two sets of identical conditions before their resistance to heat shock was examined. The experiments were carried out twice - one time in the native range in Qingdao, China and one time in the invaded range in Kiel, Germany - to rule out effects of specific local conditions. In both testing sites the non-native populations survived heat shock significantly better than the native populations, The data underlying this statement are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859335. After three hours of heat shock G. vermiculophylla exhibited increased levels of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and of a specific isoform of haloperoxidase, suggesting that both enzymes could be required for heat shock stress management. However, the elevated resistance toward heat shock of non-native populations only correlated with an increased constitutive expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). The haloperoxidase isoform was more prominent in native populations, suggesting that not only increased HSP70 expression, but also reduced allocation into haloperoxidase expression after heat shock was selected during the invasion history. The data describing expression of HSP70 and three different isoforms of haloperoxidase are presented in https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.859358.


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Dynamic soil-structure interaction has been for a long time one of the most fascinating areas for the engineering profession. The building of large alternating machines and their effects on surrounding structures as well as on their own functional behavior, provided the initial impetus; a large amount of experimental research was done,and the results of the Russian and German groups were especially worthwhile. Analytical results by Reissner and Sehkter were reexamined by Quinlan, Sung, et. al., and finally Veletsos presented the first set of reliable results. Since then, the modeling of the homogeneous, elastic halfspace as a equivalent set of springs and dashpots has become an everyday tool in soil engineering practice, especially after the appearance of the fast Fourier transportation algorithm, which makes possible the treatment of the frequency-dependent characteristics of the equivalent elements in a unified fashion with the general method of analysis of the structure. Extensions to the viscoelastic case, as well as to embedded foundations and complicated geometries, have been presented by various authors. In general, they used the finite element method with the well known problems of geometric truncations and the subsequent use of absorbing boundaries. The properties of boundary integral equation methods are, in our opinion, specially well suited to this problem, and several of the previous results have confirmed our opinion. In what follows we present the general features related to steady-state elastodynamics and a series of results showing the splendid results that the BIEM provided. Especially interesting are the outputs obtained through the use of the so-called singular elements, whose description is incorporated at the end of the paper. The reduction in time spent by the computer and the small number of elements needed to simulate realistically the global properties of the halfspace make this procedure one of the most interesting applications of the BIEM.


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La preparación de estas notas ha llevado, al más veterano de los autores, a rememorar sus primeros tanteos con los métodos numéricos. Tratando de desarrollar su tesis doctoral sobre efectos dinámicos en puentes de ferrocarril, descubrió, en 1968, en la biblioteca del Laboratorio de Transporte (donde el profesor ]iménez Salas era Director) las Actas de la reunión ASTM en las que Quilan y Sung proponían la asimilación del comportamiento dinámico del semiespacio elástico a un sistema con un grado de libertad. Además de incorporar estos resultados a un modelo de puente para tener en cuenta los fenómenos de interacción dinámica terreno-estructura dicho autor entró en contacto con algunos miembros del equipo de investigación del Prof. ]iménez Salas que, por entonces, estaba explorando la posibilidad de aplicación del ordenador y los métodos numéricos necesarios para tratar los problemas más difíciles de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos. De hecho fue ese grupo quien contribuyó a introducir en España el método de los elementos finitos en la ingeniería civil, pero además, y en relación directa con el título de este artículo fue el propio ]iménez Salas quién inició la línea de trabajo de lo que mas tarde se ha llamado Método Indirecto de Elementos de Contorno que luego fue seguida por otros miembros de su grupo. En aquélla época poco podía sospechar el autor precitado que iba a dedicar una parte sustancial de su vida al desarrollo de ese método numérico en su versión Directa y mucho menos que gran parte de la motivación vendría del problema de interacción dinámica terreno-estructura, una de cuyas primeras soluciones había obtenido en la mencionada visita al Laboratorio de Transporte. En efecto los autores trataban en 1975 de encontrar un procedimiento que les permitiera afrontar el estudio de la interacción en túneles sometidos a carga sísmica y tropezaron, al utilizar el método de elementos finitos, con el problema de las reflexiones de ondas en los contornos artificiales creados al truncar la malla de cálculo. Deseando evitar el uso contornos absorbentes y otros recursos similares se exploró la posibilidad de soluciones fundamentales que incorporasen el comportamiento en el infmito y, fruto de ello, fueron los primeros trabajos que introdujeron el Método Directo de los Elementos de Contorno en España en problemas estáticos. La extensión a teoría del potencial, dinámica en el dominio de la frecuencia, plasticidad, etc tuvo lugar inmediatamente siendo en la mayoría de los casos los problemas típicos de mecánica del suelo los que motivaron y justifican el esfuerzo realizado. Un campo apasionante, el de la poroelasticidad ha dado lugar a nuevas contribuciones y también se han escrito libros de diverso calado que describen las posibilidades del método para dar contestación a preguntas de gran importancia técnica. Los autores quieren poner de manifiesto que la redacción de este trabajo, debe considerarse no solo como la muestra de algunos resultados de aplicación a problemas prácticos, sino también como un homenaje y reconocimiento explícito a la labor precursora del Prof. ]iménez Salas y a su espíritu de permanente curiosidad por el conocimiento científico.


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Este estudo surgiu da inquietação da autora sobre a eficiência da comunicação no ensino e orientação sexual nas comunidades religiosas. E como se dá tal ensino nas Organizações Ecumênicas. Para tanto, foram escolhidas organizações ecumênicas que tem como um de seus objetivos a educação à população e desenvolvem efetivo trabalho na área de educação e orientação sexual. As organizações ecumênicas, objeto deste estudo são: Conselho Latino Americano de Igrejas-CLAI, KOINONIA -Presença Ecumênica e Serviço, Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço-CESE e Diaconia. Tal escolha não foi ao acaso, mas pelo fato das referidas organizações comporem a RES-Rede Evangélica de Solidariedade. Ao longo do estudo dos folhetos e livretos disponibilizados às Igrejas membros foi possível perceber a dificuldade de diálogo entre ciência e bíblia quando o assunto é sexualidade. Levantou-se a necessidade de novas teorias que dê conta de explicações coerentes sobre o que é sexualidade e como transmiti-la à comunidade religiosa, tornando, esse ensino, enriquecedor, verdadeiro e livre de preconceitos e discriminações. Verificou-se que a comunidade religiosa tem em sua forma de pensar alguns preceitos doutrinários, porém a aplicação de tais preceitos nem sempre é possível por viverem em uma sociedade que oferece possibilidades de práticas sexuais livres, mesmo sendo essas reprovadas pelo estilo de vida escolhido pelos cristãos. Eles, os cristãos, não estão imunes de tais práticas. Necessitando assim orientações esclarecedoras de seus líderes sobre o assunto, uma vez que esses são vistos como os que têm legitimidade para tratar qualquer assunto na comunidade.(AU)