969 resultados para Juvenile dermatomyositis


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Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, estimar a correlação genética entre idades de seleção (juvenil-adulta) e eficiência da seleção precoce para as características altura, diâmetro e volume de indivíduos de famílias de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática. O estudo foi realizado por meio de análise genético-estatística pelo procedimento de estimação de componentes de variância (Reml) e de predição de valores genéticos (Blup), usando-se o software Selegen-Reml/Blup. As correlações genéticas entre idades juvenis e idade de rotação foram realizadas aplicando o modelo linear desenvolvido por Lambeth (1980). Segundo os resultados do modelo estabelecido, a seleção precoce pode ser realizada em clones de Pinus taeda com alta eficiência de seleção. As idades de 4 a 6 anos são suficientes para selecionar clones de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática para colheita aos 8 e 12 anos e, as idades de 6 a 10 anos são suficientes para selecionar para colheita aos 20 anos. De acordo com as estimativas de correlação genotípicaa partir dos ambientes, a seleção de clones de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática deve ser praticada de forma específica para cada ambiente. Pode-se realizar a seleção de clones considerando o diâmetro, visto a alta correlação observada entre volume e diâmetro.


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Few studies have been performed with parasites of marine and estuarine fish in southern Brazil. In the present study, unpublished results show the ways of parasitism of juvenile mullet by parasites. The toxicity of formaldehyde and the effectiveness of this chemotherapy in controlling parasites in reared juvenile mullet Mugil liza were also studied. Juvenile mullets (1 +/- 0.26 g; 4.1 +/- 0.4 cm) were exposed to different concentrations of 37% formaldehyde: control group and five formaldehyde concentrations which were tested: T1 (13.5), T2 (21.6), T3 (40.5), T4 (81) and T5 (135) mg L-1 with 8 fish per repetition in triplicate. To verify the drug effectiveness in parasitic control, juvenile mullets were exposed to 1 h prophylactic bath of 37% formaldehyde with a control group and five formaldehyde concentrations: T1 (67.5), T2 (135), T3 (270), T4 (405) and T5 (540) mg L-1, 8 fish per repetition in triplicate. Ligophorus cf. uruguayensis (Monogenoidea: Ancyrocephalidae) and Solostamenides cf. platyorchis (Monogenoidea: Microcotylidae) were identified in the gills. Digenea and Nematoda were observed in the intestines. This is the first occurrence of S. cf. platyorchis in Brazil. During the toxicity test, the LC50-96 h was estimated at 20.77 mg L-1 of formaldehyde. During the 1 h formaldehyde prophylactic bath, all parasites were eliminated in formaldehyde concentrations between 135 and 540 mg L-1. High survival rate was observed in all treatments. Values of prevalence and intensity of infestation observed in this study showed the potential damage caused by Monogenoidea to mullet. Formaldehyde baths with 135 mg L-1 are recommended to control Monogenoidea in mullet and the safe limits for formaldehyde use were presented. Besides, the endoparasites were tolerant to formaldehyde exposure. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objetivou-se analisar a viabilidade econômica do uso do probiótico Bacillus subtilis na alimentação de matrinxã Brycon amazonicus, em tanques-rede. O experimento foi conduzido no Polo Regional do Vale do Ribeira, no município de Pariquera-Açu, São Paulo, Brasil, entre fevereiro e julho de 2009. Foram avaliados 960 peixes juvenis, divididos em 12 tanques-rede de 2,7 m³ (1,5 x 1,5 x 1,2 m) em uma área total de 600 m², com profundidade média de 1,50 m. Os testes foram conduzidos com um tratamento testemunha (T1), duas doses de probiótico (T2 = 5 g e T3 = 10 g kg-1 de ração) e quatro repetições. Os resultados mostraram que o T2 proporcionou melhor desempenho zootécnico e econômico da matrinxã na fase de engorda no sistema intensivo de criação.


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Fine-scale differences in behaviour and habitat use have important ecological implications, but have rarely been examined in marine gastropods. We used tri-axial accelerometer loggers to estimate activity levels and movement patterns of the juvenile queen conch Lobatus gigas (n = 11) in 2 habitat types in Eleuthera, The Bahamas. In 2 manipulations in nearshore areas, queen conchs were equipped with accelerometers and released in adjacent coral rubble or seagrass habitats. Queen conchs were located approximately every 6 h during daylight by snorkeling, to measure individual differences in linear distance moved, and after 24 h they were relocated to an alternate habitat (24 h in each habitat). We found significant inter-individual variability in activity levels, but more consistent levels of activity between the 2 habitat types within individual queen conchs. Four (36%) of the individuals placed in seagrass moved back to the adjacent coral rubble habitat, suggesting selectivity for coral rubble. Individuals showed variable behavioural responses when relocated to the less preferable seagrass habitat, which may be related to differing stress-coping styles. Our results suggest that behavioural variability between individuals may be an important factor driving movement and habitat use in queen conch and, potentially, their susceptibility to human stressors. This study provides evidence of diverse behavioural (activity) patterns and habitat selectivity in a marine gastropod and highlights the utility of accelero meter biologgers for continuously monitoring animal behaviour in the wild.


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A two part experiment was conducted to assess the response of barramundi (Lates calcarifer; initial weight = 10.3 ± 0.03 g; mean ± S.D.) fed one of five diets with varying eicosapentaenoic acid (diets 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg) or one of four diets with varying arachidonic acid (1, 6, 12, 18 g/kg) against a fish oil control diet. After 6 weeks of feeding, the addition of EPA or ARA did not impact on growth performance or feed utilisation. Analysis of the whole body fatty acids showed that these reflected those of the diets. The ARA retention demonstrated an inversely related curvilinear response to either EPA or ARA. The calculated marginal utilisation efficiencies of EPA and ARA were high (62.1 and 91.9 % respectively) and a dietary ARA requirement was defined (0.012 g/kg(0.796)/day). The partial cDNA sequences of genes regulating eicosanoid biosynthesis were identified in barramundi tissues, namely cyclooxygenase 1 (Lc COX1a, Lc COX1b), cyclooxygenase 2 (Lc COX2) and lipoxygenase (Lc ALOX-5). Both Lc COX2 and Lc ALOX-5 expression in the liver tissue were elevated in response to increasing dietary ARA, meanwhile expression levels of Lc COX2 and the mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (Lc CPT1a) were elevated in the kidney. A low level of EPA increased the expression of Lc COX1b in the liver. Consideration should be given to the EPA to ARA balance for juvenile barramundi in light of nutritionally inducible nature of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes.


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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and substituted phenylamine antioxidants (SPAs) are two chemical groups that have been used in multiple Canadian industrial processes. Despite the production ban of PCBs in North America in 1977, they are still ubiquitous in the environment and in wildlife tissues. Previous studies of fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals have shown that PCBs are toxic and act as endocrine disruptors. In contrast, SPAs, specifically N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine (PANA), have received very little attention despite their current use in Canada and their expected environmental releases. The effects of PCB and PANA exposures in reptiles remain unknown thus, juvenile Chelydra serpentina were used in this thesis as a model vertebrate to fill in missing toxicity research gaps due to their importance as an environmental indicator. First, food pellets were spiked at an environmentally relevant concentration of the PCB mixture Aroclor 1254 (A1254) to model hepatic bioaccumulation (0.45 μg/g A1254 for 31 days) and depuration (clean food for 50 days) of PCBs in turtles. No significant differences in PCB concentrations were observed between the control and treated animals, suggesting that juvenile turtles exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of PCBs can likely detoxify low concentrations of PCBs. Additionally, two dose-response experiments were performed using A1254 or PANA spiked food (0-12.7 μg/g and 0-3,446 μg/g, respectively) to determine hepatic toxicity and bioaccumulation in juvenile C. serpentina. An increase in hepatic cyp1a was observed when exposed to the highest dose of both chemicals: 1) for A1254, induction correlated to the significant increase in hepatic PCB congeners that are known to be metabolized by CYP1A; and 2) for PANA, induction suggested that CYP1A has a potential role in its detoxification. PCBs are known endocrine disruptors, but no significant changes were observed for both thyroid receptors (alpha and beta) or by estrogen and androgen receptors. This lack of response, also noted in the PANA exposure, suggests that C. serpentina is less sensitive to endocrine disruption than other vertebrates. Furthermore, the expression of genes involved in cellular stress was not altered in PCB and PANA exposed animals, supporting the resilience of turtles to oxidative stress. This is the first study to demonstrate the toxicity of PCBs and PANA in C. serpentina, demonstrating the turtle’s high tolerance to contamination.


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Population outbreaks of adult Acanthaster planci cause significant reductions in coral cover and reduce the resilience of coral reefs, but little is known about the behaviour and food preference of juvenile A. planci. In 2014, food preferences and feeding rates of recently settled (<1 year) juvenile A. planci were tested and determined at the National Sea Simulator facilities of the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Juveniles were offered eight species of coral (Acropora formosa, A. millepora, A. tenuis, Pavona cactus, Echinopora lamellosa, Pocillopora damicornis, Stylophora pistillata and Porites lutea), known to be either consumed or avoided by adult sea stars, in a multiple-choice and a no-choice experiment. In the multiple-choice experiment, a preference for A. tenuis was detected, while S. pistillata, E. lamellosa and P. lutea were avoided. The no-choice experiment showed that the avoidance of these species was not influenced by the presence of other coral species, the exception being E. lamellosa, which was only consumed when no other choice was offered. Interestingly, all juveniles consuming E. lamellosa died post-predation. The study suggests that as A. planci matures it feeds on a wider range of species, even those which would have been lethal to them if consumed as a juvenile.


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Social networks are often inferred from spatial associations, but other parameters like acoustic communication are likely to play a central role in within group interactions. However, it is currently difficult to determine which individual initiates vocalizations, or who responds to whom. To this aim, we designed a method that allows analyzing group vocal network while controlling for spatial networks, by positioning each group member in equidistant individual cages and analyzing continuous vocal interactions semi-automatically. We applied this method to two types of zebra finch groups, composed of either two adult females and two juveniles, or four young adults (juveniles from the first groups). Young often co-occur in the same social group as adults but are likely to have a different social role, which may be reflected in their vocal interactions. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that the social structure of the group influences the parameters of the group vocal network. We found that groups including juveniles presented periods with higher level of activity than groups composed of young adults. Using two types of analyses (Markov analysis and cross-correlation), we showed that juveniles as well as adults were more likely to respond to individuals of their own age-class (i.e. to call one after another, in terms of turn-taking, and within a short time-window, in terms of time delay). When juveniles turned into adulthood, they showed adult characteristics of vocal patterns. Together our results suggest that vocal behavior changes during ontogeny, and individuals are more strongly connected with individuals of the same age-class within acoustic networks.


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Data are provided to CJJP through statistical summary forms completed by the JCSLs. Because forms are completed only when meaningful contact between a student and a liaison takes place, only a portion of the total population served is reported. Meaningful contact is defined as having at least five contacts within a 60-day period (at any point during the academic year) regarding at least one of the referral reasons supplied on the form. Data are entered into a web-based application by the liaisons and retrieved electronically by CJJP via the internet. Service information is submitted and uploaded only at the end of the academic year.


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Data are provided to CJJP through statistical summary forms completed by the JCSLs. Because forms are completed only when meaningful contact between a student and a liaison takes place, only a portion of the total population served is reported. Meaningful contact is defined as having at least five contacts within a 60-day period (at any point during the academic year) regarding at least one of the referral reasons supplied on the form. Data are entered into a web-based application by the liaisons and retrieved electronically by CJJP via the internet. Service information is submitted and uploaded only at the end of the academic year.


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Data are provided to CJJP through statistical summary forms completed by the JCSLs. Because forms are completed only when meaningful contact between a student and a liaison takes place, only a portion of the total population served is reported. Meaningful contact is defined as having at least five contacts within a 60-day period (at any point during the academic year) regarding at least one of the referral reasons supplied on the form. Data are entered into a web-based application by the liaisons and retrieved electronically by CJJP via the internet. Service information is submitted and uploaded only at the end of the academic year.


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This study followed four cohorts of youth in an effort to determine the impact of waiving youth from the juvenile courts to the adult justice system. The four cohorts included a group of youth who were automatically processed in the adult system due to the severity of the charges against them, a group waived to the adult system after starting in the juvenile court, a group returned to the juvenile court after having initially been waived to the adult system, and a group of “youthful offenders” who started supervision in the juvenile court with the option of moving into the adult system upon reaching age 18.


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The Legislative Oversight Committee of the South Carolina House of Representatives, referred allegations pertaining to the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) which were generated during its ongoing oversight study of DJJ. Specifically, the safety issues focused on lack of control; lack of trust; and lack of adequate staffing. This review’s scope and objectives were: Investigate specific complainant allegations of DJJ employees underreporting, misreporting, or destroying ERs; Review the efficiency and effectiveness of DJJ’s event reporting process and follow-up on anomalies or potential patterns of systemic underreporting, misreporting, or missing ERs; and Assess juvenile and employee safety conditions through interviewing a cross-section of relevant employees, record review, and possibly an employee survey.


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Federal and state laws impose a range of collateral consequences that affect the opportunities available to youth involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Children who have pled or have been found guilty of juvenile delinquency offenses face challenges in gaining employment finding housing and accessing educational opportunities. This publication provides a community resource containing the most current information on the short-term and long-term consequences of delinquency adjudications in South Carolina.