920 resultados para Jornalismo desportivo


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Negócio de Artesão: Empreendendo no Artesanato Pessoal is a blog about entrepreneurship for craftspeople. The present work comes to help in the formation of the artisan, bringing material for study on business, experts and organizations who understand the subject show up to talk about several topics in a simple, concise and relaxed way. Moreover, we also want to tell the story of people who already undertake projects, and supplement their income by selling products they make, humanizing the testimonies. The overall goal is to generate interest for the entrepreneurial activity in people who do handcrafts or who want to start doing it. Thus, people who once used to handcraft just as a hobby can now find a way to supplement their income. The specific goals are: to encourage people to think of a business of their own; stimulate the creative industries through the blog; contribute to the formalization of the artisan; stimulate the exchange of knowledge among artisans; to spread the work of artisans. The methodology used for this project was exploratory research, using bibliographical and desk research, in addition to interviewing and direct and indirect documentary techniques. The method used was the deductive approach, as the methods of procedure used were the historical and comparative ones. As a result, we have the blog named Negócio de Artesão, which can be used both to inform the reader about how he can conceive their enterprise and to be able to make money from their work


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The objective of this project is to foment and promote the themes related to the Hip Hop movement through a product, the H2 Magazine. Based on several forms of journalism, like photos, reports and interviews, we intend to demonstrate the use of Hip Hop as a vindicatory tool for young people living in the outskirts of towns. Moreover, we seek showing distinct visions and develop the issues in a broad and comprehensive way. H2 is an open space for reflections about Hip Hop, a cultural movement present in Bauru, as well as your importance in the social and cultural development of the citizens


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This project is about a book-report, which will discuss the nipo-brazilian’s identity. The Kasato-Maru ship arrived at Santos about a hundred years ago, opening a path that would never be closed: the path between Japan and Brazil, countries both geographically and culturally opposite. Miscegenation brings the nipo-brazilian to life, a individual who does not feel entirely Brazilian or Japanese. The goal of the book is to discuss the nipo-brazilian’s identity, once known that this individual can adopt one or other culture, or even merge both. It is not intended to conclude anything, so the main objective fulfills itself in the research of the possibilities of identities through interviews, theories, Japanese immigration’s history and Brazilian’s culture


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Este projeto tem como proposta principal a produção de um website que consolide informações, pesquisas, artigos, teses, notícias e produções audiovisuais que abordem a temática da Televisão Digital. A concepção deve ser construir com as bases de um modelo transdisciplinar de informações, já que pretende condensar e reunir inúmeras áreas correlatas à temática citada. O website LabTVD! – www.labtvd.com.br, é voltado a um público de estratos sociais e faixa etária flexíveis, constituído por estudantes universitários, pesquisadores, profissionais da área, professores ou qualquer interessado na evolução do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre - SBTVD-T


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This paper aims to propose a communication plan to Internet media that explores interaction, expanding “Agência Propagação” institutional communication and of its principal product, the social propaganda messages named “Minuto Consciente”. This study will be based on the concepts of Convergence Culture (JENKINS, 2009), Digital Marketing (TORRES, 2009), Integrated Communication (KUNSCH, 2003) and Computer Mediated Interaction (PRIMO, 2007) to understand the communication an interaction phenomenon in digital era and select the strategies to establish a continuous communication flow in different medias. Therefore, this paper will use exploratory and empirical methodology


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This study focuses on an analysis of the convergence of Journalism and Publicity on the covers of the magazine. This paper aims to clarify how the dynamics of that relationship, understanding that in contemporary society, both Journalism and Publicity to perform the same function-to inform, differing only in the objective-journalism sells news, Publicity sells dream. The magazine Veja was chosen for this study because its importance and scope in publishing. Inspired by Time magazine, founded in 1922 by Henry Luce, Veja was the 2nd review of gender information in Brazil. Today a record run of more than 1 million copies, occupying the 3rd position in the ranking of news magazines sold over the world and the largest weekly magazine of the U.S. Among the media, the magazine is the most identified with the publicity, because as disseminator of advertising, the magazine has the advantage of being able to achieve precisely the widest range of public and the possibility of dealing with many different subjects; In addition, the number of people who have contact with the advertising is much greater because, on average, four people read each issue and is also common that the same reader review the revised more than once, which helps in setting the message advertising. This affinity between magazine and publicity is in its essence as both are prepared for the market, seek to promote, show themselves to be bought. Accordingly, we intend to find out how media discourse of Veja and publicity, approach in the writing of magazine covers


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CurtaBauru (www.curtabauru.com.br) is a journalistc website which specializes on the covering of local art and culture. The idea came up from the three author's interest in Bauru's cultural scene and also from the scarcity of local media about the subject. The website was opened in the end of August 2012, and its archives include journalistic covering of some major events such as Revirada Cultural 2012, Festival Canja de Artes Integradas and Encontro de Academias de Letras e Entidades Afins. Besides that, the website is updated daily with articles about coming up events, and includes weekly sections about people and organizations related to the city's artistic scene, restaurant criticism and an agenda containing the main events of the following week


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The objective of this research is a production of a reporting-book broaching different aspects of the brazilian economic growing, more specifically on the last ten years. These visages surround topics so much discussed by the brazilian and international media. As these medias searched answers for the success of the Brazil's Economy in the 21st century, specially with the good results of the GDP in 2010, the reporting-book also was produced in order to explain better the brazilian scene on the crest of the greatest economic crisis of recent years which has led developed countries to its political and economic degradation