1000 resultados para Jaboticabal


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The present study evaluated the effect of the use of natural antioxidants in different spent hens processed meat, the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of product were analyzed. The experiment was conducted at the Technology Laboratory of Animal Products, Department of Technology - FCAV/Unesp - Campus of Jaboticabal. Forty-five laying hens with approximately 80 weeks of age were used, distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 4x4 factorial arrangement, 4 condiment types (control, rosemary, clove and oregano, and the last three natural antioxidants) and 4 storage times (0; 3; 6 and 9 days at 4°C), with sixteen treatments and tree repetitions. It were evaluated the characteristics of humidity, pH, color, cooking loss, shear force, TBARS number and sensory analyze. The averages were obtained by Tukey test 5% of significance. The results showed an interaction between the storage time and condiments types in all analyzed parameters. It was concluded that oregano use decreased the processed meat oxidation, also pleased the judges in sensory analysis. The lowest notes in sensory analysis were obtained with the treatment that contained clove.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of cover crops in the soil causes changes in soil attributes influencing in a series of hydro-physical processes, which also modify the ability of soil to support the many activities that it is intended. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on physical attributes of the soil. For this, an experiment was carried out on a Typic Hapludox, Jaboticabal State, Brazil, using cover crops of millet, sunn hemp, jack bean, lab-lab and black velvet bean in no-tillage and fallow area (spontaneous vegetation). The characteristics evaluated were the bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, aggregate stability, penetration resistance and organic matter. The incorporation of cover crops has proved to be a beneficial practice for the physical attributes of the soil, allowing a greater aggregate stability compared to fallow in the depth of 0-0.05 m. All cover crops presented values of soil penetration resistance below the critical value of 2 MPa.


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The objective of this work was to analyze the most appropriate management to achieve higher productivity for carioca beans (phaseolus vulgaris) and pearll cultivar. The research was developed in the Demonstrative and Experimental Area of Irrigation (ADEI) of FCAV/UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP. Four treatments were used: T1- irrigation with base in ETo estimated by the method of Class A pan; T2- irrigations based on the readings of tensiometers installed at 0,20 m and 0,40 m of depth; T3- irrigations carried out with base in ETo estimated by the method of Penman-Monteith and T4- witness. The results were submitted to analysis of variance. To compare the averages the test Turkey was used at 5% of probability. The treatment T3 had smaller applied water depth than the treatments T1 and T2, and also smaller productivity. The conclusion is that the treatments irrigated with larger frequency showed higher production of grains.


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Endive (Cichorium intybus) is one of the vegetables least studied in Brazil with respect to the behavior of the most commercialized cultivars, but it is known that the number of plants per area is one of the factors that most influences the productivity of various crops. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the behavior of endive using four spacings between rows and five spacings between plants, in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment was conducted in the field in the period of August 12, 2008 to November 6, 2008, in the experimental area of the Sector of Vegetable Crops and Aromatic-Medicinal Plants, Department of Crop Sciences, School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences - UNESP-FCAV. The experimental design utilized was a randomized block design with a 4 × 5 factorial scheme, i.e., four spacings between rows (0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 m) and five spacings between plants (0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 m), with three repetitions. The endive cultivar studied was 'Pão-de-Acucar', obtained from the company Tecnoseed. Seedlings were established utilizing the sowing system in 200-cell Styrofoam trays containing the substrate Plantmax Vegetables® HA. The seedlings were transplanted at 37 days after planting. After harvesting, the following characteristics were determined: height (cm), diameter of the plant in rows (cm), diameter of the plant in between rows (cm), number of leaves, fresh weight (g) and total estimated productivity (t/ha). There were no interactions between the factors studied. Based on the data, we conclude that spacings of 0.15 m between rows and of 0.15 m between plants produce plants of higher quality and with greater productivity.


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The planting of lettuce in greenhouses, as well as covering beds with a polyethylene sheet, is a viable technology, promoting improvements in microclimatic conditions of the environment. In view of the little information on mini-lettuce, the aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of three cultivars of crisp minilettuce ('Green Frizzly', 'Red Frizzly no. 1' and 'Red Frizzly no. 2') with and without ground cover, under different spacings (20 × 15 cm and 20 × 20 cm), in three planting times (1: November 16, 2004; 2: December 17, 2004; and 3: January 20, 2005). The study was conducted in a greenhouse at UNESP-FCAV, Jaboticabal-SP. The experiments were carried out using a randomized block design, following a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial scheme with 12 treatments and three repetitions. The characteristics evaluated were plant height (cm), head diameter (cm), fresh weight (g) and number of leaves per plant. Planting time 3 was shown to be favorable for all the characteristics analyzed. 'Red Frizzly no. 2' was found to be the most suited to planting time 1, and for planting times 2 and 3, this cultivar did not differ from 'Red Frizzly no. 1'. The factor ground cover was not found to affect the characteristics evaluated, and therefore, cultivation without ground cover is recommended. The spacing 20 × 15 cm was shown to be favorable, resulting in cultivation with the highest populations, thereby increasing productivity. Based on the results obtained and for the conditions in which the experiment was conducted, it can be concluded that: planting time 3 (January 20, 2005) was the most favorable; the cultivars 'Red Frizzly no. 2' and 'Red Frizzly no. 1' are adapted to all the planting times; and cultivation without ground cover using a spacing of 20 × 15 cm was the most suitable.


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In spite of significant results achieved with scion genetic improvement in stone fruits, the peach culture in Brazil still needs studies and new technologies regarding the use of rootstocks. A wide research project has being developed at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV/UNESP), Jaboticabal, Brazil, dealing with the use of mume clones (Prunus mume) as rootstocks for peach trees, which has produced promising results. In this research, two mume genotypes propagated by herbaceous cuttings were tested as rootstocks for peach cultivar Aurora-1. Three different tree spacing were used: 6 x 2 m, 6 x 3 m and 6 x 4 m. The experiment was carried out at Vista Alegre do Alto (21°10'14 S, 48°37'45 W, 700 m of altitude), São Paulo State, Brazil. Growing field conditions included Hapludalfs soil with medium sandy texture and using micro sprinkler irrigation. The region has an average chilling accumulation 17.9 hours per year. The evaluations were taken in 2005 and 2006 (2nd and 3rd year after planting, respectively). The trunk diameter was evaluated every three months, from the 24th to the 41st month after planting, totalizing seven evaluations. Plants on 'Rigitano' had higher trunk diameter on the 33rd, 39th and 41st month after planting (May/06, November/06 and February/07, respectively). No significant differences were observed in the other evaluations. The diameter at 5 cm above to the graft point was larger than below, but no incompatibility symptoms were observed between rootstocks and scion. Spacing tested did not influence trunk diameter, phenology and flower bud production in 'Aurora-1' scion. In conclusion, 'Rigitano' and 'Clone 15' are recommended for high density plantings of peach 'Aurora-1' in Brazil, and the 6 x 2 m spacing can be recommended, with productivity advantages for peach under low air relative humidity and mild winter conditions. © ISHS 2012.


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With the objective to quantify the okra crop's growth and macro and micronutrients accumulation during its life-cycle obtaining equations that best represent it, an experiment was carried out at Jaboticabal city, SP, Brazil, from January 14th to May 14th, 2009. The cv. Santa Cruz 47 was directly sowed into open soil furrows, in a spacing of 1 x 0,2 m. During the life-cycle were realized random samples of plants at 15 days intervals. The means were adjusted to polynomial regression equations set of non-linear parameters. After 50 days from sowing there has been a large increase of dry matter in plant' parts. At the final harvest, 120 days after sowing, the leaves, stems and fruits accounted for 21, 71 and 8%, respectively, from the total plant dry matter. The decreasing sequence of nutrient accumulation was K, Ca, N, Mg, P, Fe, B, Mn, Zn and Cu equivalent to 6,002.8; 4,733.8; 2,930.8; 1,196.3; 473.7; 436.2; 49.8; 10.4; 7.1; 7.1 e 1.5 mg plant-1. The quantity accumulated of culture were 146.5; 23.7; 300.1; 236.7; 59.8 e 21.8 kg ha-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, and 520.0; 76.0; 2,491.0; 355.0 e 355.0 de B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the hydro-physical attributes of the Red Oxisol cultivated with maize in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, under different systems of use and periods of adoption of managements. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with split-plot arrangement, with six replications and the treatments were: six years of no-tillage system (SPD6), eight years of no-tillage system (SPD8), ten years of no-tillage system (SPD10), conventional tillage system (SPC) and an adjacent area of native forest (NF). The soil penetration resistance (PR), density, macroporosity, microporosity of the soil in layers of 0-0.05; 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kθ) in 0.15 m depth were evaluated. It was found that the PR conditions were favorable for the cultivation to 0.20 m, indicating a structure preserved even after soil chiseling. Furthermore, the Kθ in the soil showed similar behavior between SPC and periods of SPD, although this was shown in a part of maize cycle, macroporosity values near 0.10 m3 m-3 and soil water tensions near 0.09 MPa.


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The present study was developed in Departamentos de Engenharia Rural e Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da FCAV/Unesp. The objective of evaluating different roof slopes and exposure in three types of coverage in models of animal installations. Project 48 built reduced models of wood were used with dimensions of 1,00 x 1,00 x 0,50 meters. The covering was one water, lateral and wood floor, disposed in the exhibitions North-south, being 24 prototypes in the north exhibition and 24 in the south. Were used in the covering roofs of ceramic type, galvanized steel and asbestos. The slopes varied of 20, 30, 40 and 50% for ceramic tile and 10, 30, 40 and 50% for the others and with two repetitions for slope. Inside the reduced models temperature readings were accomplished, of hour in hour during one year, for the system of acquisition of Data Logger Campbell Scientific-Ínc and externally the temperature of the air, incident radiation global solar, precipitation, speed and relative humidity of the air were measured. The results obtained during the experimental period of one year were appraised statistically for the statistical package SAS in the factorial outline, where three factors were considered: tile type, slope degree and exposure. The obtained averages were compared through the test of Tukey to 5% of probability. After analyzing the data we found that with increasing slope, there was a decrease in inside temperature in the cover prototypes, therefore, using steeper slopes with 50% of tipping ceramics and asbestos, with greater coverage on display South, we have lower temperatures in poultry houses in the geographic coordinates of the city of Jaboticabal.


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As the psychrometric method is considered standard for the measurement of relative humidity, many studies have used aspirated thermocouple psychrometers connected to microloggers but, however, they do not detail how the aspiration of the air stream is done. However, one of the major difficulties of aspirated thermocouple psychrometers is to program and to connect it in micrologger, because specific programming and connection are requires, and still some skills in getting accurate measurements. This work aimed to provide the programming and the connection of the aspirated thermocouple psychrometer type T for the CR10X microloggers and CR23X of Campbell Scientific, evaluating the quality of measurements of temperature and air relative humidity in relation the a sensor Vaisala HMP50. The non-continuous measurements were made in the period 2006/09/04 to 2007/07/11 at Jaboticabal, SP. The air temperature measurements were similar between the Vaisala sensors and aspirated thermocouple psychrometer, but the relative humidity measurements were significantly different. The measurements obtained by the aspirated thermocouple psychrometer connected to CR10X micrologger were the most accurate. Using the programming and connection of a micro-fan to suck in the dry and moist bulbs of aspirated thermocouple psychrometer in microloggers models CR10X and CR23X, it is possible to obtain measurements of air temperature with good precision and accuracy, and measurements of air relative humidity with good precision, but accuracy is not always attainable due to the difficulties inherent to the physical processes that occur in the wet bulb, the skill in the use and maintenance of this equipment and the reservoir protection against radiative effects.


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The work was carried out at the College of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of the State University of São Paulo (UNESP/FCAV), Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, aiming to study the tolerance response to water stress and capacity of regeneration after mowing three different ornamental grasses used in Brazilian landscaping: Imperial zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica 'Imperial'), zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica) and St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum). The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial scheme 33 (three grass species: Zoysia japonica 'Imperial', Zoysia japonica and Stenotaphrum secundatum; in three water stress conditions: under full sun, with and without irrigation, and under greenhouse conditions without irrigation) with four replications per plot. The irrigation was performed using microsprinklers with a flow of 0.28 L s-1, and the grasses of all plots were mowed monthly. The evaluations were executed monthly, before mowing the grass, in the beginning of each season, that means, in October (for Spring evaluation), January (for Summer), April (for Autumn) and July (for Winter), considering the Brazilian climate conditions. The evaluated parameters were shoot height and total dry mass. The data were submitted to the variance analysis and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% confidence level. The grasses grown under greenhouse conditions, without irrigation, showed higher height and lower dry mass weight averages, what possibly indicates that the plants etiolated. The grasses grown under full sun, either with or without irrigation, showed a similar plant development. The S. secundatum species showed greater tolerance to water stress in October, month that followed the longest dry period. The total dry mass was gradually reduced during the experiment for all grasses grown under greenhouse conditions without irrigation; however, a great general tolerance to water stress was observed for all grasses because all of them survived along nine months without irrigation.


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In the contemporary landscaping, among the gardening styles, the Japanese Garden plays very important rule and influence. The Japanese Garden has originated in China-the cradle of gardening culture; and Korea. Their vegetable elements, architectural features and fauna are characteristic, due to use of stones, water, bridges, stoned lamp, bonsai, carps and bamboo (Prunus serrulata, Camellia japonica, Ophiopogon japonicas) and many others. In Brazil, the Japanese Garden has massive influence, the presence of native elements typically tropical is very noticeable. This influence can be observed both in architecture, vegetation and fauna. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze the tropical elements in Japanese Gardens in cities such as São Paulo. Japanese Gardens in Brazil were chosen from the following cities: Sao Paulo State, Garça, Jaboticabal and Ribeirão Preto. It was observed, mostly in the presence of different palms species, plants of the Zingiberales order, Alpinia purpurata and styled architectural elements such as lakes. Some elements were able to apply the philosophy of the Japanese Garden, other not.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of residual leaf area index (rLAI), years of evaluation and grazing cycles on the morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass subjected to grazing intensities in two summers (years of evaluation). The experiment was carried out at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil and the intensities of grazing were defined by four rLAI: 0.8, 1.3, 1.8 and 2.3. When the canopy intercepted 95% of incident light, the animals were placed on the pasture for grazing and kept until the rLAI target has been reached. Pastures were grazed by non-lactating Holstein cows (Bos Taurus Taurus L.), using the technique of mob-stocking. The morphogenetic and structural characteristics of xaraés palisadegrass respond effectively to weather conditions. There is variability in morphogenetic and structural characteristics in response to years and grazing cycles within years.