915 resultados para Itacorubi (Florianópolis, SC)


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Analytical short time solution of moving boundary in heat conduction in a cylindrical mould under prescribed flux boundary condition has been studied in this paper. Partial differential equations are converted to integro-differential equations. These integro-differential equations which are coupled have been solved analytically for short time by choosing suitable series expansions for the unknown quantitities.


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Analytical and numerical solutions of a general problem related to the radially symmetric inward spherical solidification of a superheated melt have been studied in this paper. In the radiation-convection type boundary conditions, the heat transfer coefficient has been taken as time dependent which could be infinite, at time,t=0. This is necessary, for the initiation of instantaneous solidification of superheated melt, over its surface. The analytical solution consists of employing suitable fictitious initial temperatures and fictitious extensions of the original region occupied by the melt. The numerical solution consists of finite difference scheme in which the grid points move with the freezing front. The numerical scheme can handle with ease the density changes in the solid and liquid states and the shrinkage or expansions of volumes due to density changes. In the numerical results, obtained for the moving boundary and temperatures, the effects of several parameters such as latent heat, Boltzmann constant, density ratios, heat transfer coefficients, etc. have been shown. The correctness of numerical results has also been checked by satisfying the integral heat balance at every timestep.


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The nuclear Overhauser effect equations are solved analytically for a homonuclear group of spins whose sites are periodically arranged, including the special cases where the spins lie at the vertices of a regular polygon and on a one-dimensional lattice. t is shown that, for long correlation times, the equations governing magnetization transfer resemble a diffusion equation. Furthermore the deviation from exact diffusion is quantitatively related to the molecular tumbling correlation time. Equations are derived for the range of magnetization travel subsequent to the perturbation of a single spin in a lattice for both the case of strictly dipolar relaxation and the more general situation where additional T1 mechanisms may be active. The theory given places no restrictions on the delay (or mixing) times, and it includes all the spins in the system. Simulations are presented to confirm the theory.


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Depletion of calcium in the extracellular medium used to incubate first trimester human placental minces resulted in a significant decrease in the quantity of immuno-reactive hCG in the medium and a corresponding increase in the tissue. In contrast, when secretion of newly synthesised hCG was monitored in the absence of calcium by using a radioactive amino acid precursor, a significant increase in the secretion of newly synthesised hCG in the medium was noticed. This was true of secretion of other proteins also as evidenced by the increase in the trichloroacetic acid precipitable radioactivity in the medium in the absence of calcium. These results suggest that newly synthesised hCG is preferentially released over stored hormone in the absence of calcium.


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Inhibition of aromatase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of oestradiol-17 beta, by the addition of 1,4,6-androstatrien-3,17-dione resulted in a significant increase in the levels of immunoreactive human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in the medium and tissue. This increase was partially reversed by the simultaneous addition of oestradiol-17 beta. These effects on the levels of immunoreactive hCG were also reflected by the increased levels of mRNA specific for the alpha and beta subunits of hCG following the addition of the aromatase inhibitor. However, addition of tamoxifen resulted in a drastic decrease in the levels of both the messages. Based on these results, it is suggested that the synthesis of hCG is negatively modulated by oestradiol-17 beta in the human placenta.


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Apteekkien yksilöllinen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelu on tupakoinnin lopettamiseen motivoituneille asiakkaille tarkoitettu maksullinen erikoispalvelu, joka sisältää 4–6 tapaamista vieroitusohjaajana toimivan farmaseutin tai proviisorin kanssa. Palvelu sisältää asiakkaalle räätälöityä neuvontaa, henkilökohtaisen vieroitussuunnitelman sekä seurantajakson. Apteekkien yksilöllinen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelu perustuu Isossa-Britanniassa kehitettyyn palvelumalliin, ja sitä on tarjottu suomalaisissa apteekeissa vuodesta 2006. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee apteekkien yksilöllisen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelun pilottitutkimusta, joka toteutettiin Suomen Apteekkariliiton ja Helsingin yliopiston farmasian tiedekunnan sosiaalifarmasian osaston yhteistyönä ja se kuului osana Hengitysliitto Heli ry:n koordinoimaa tupakasta vieroituksen hankekokonaisuutta. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan pilottitutkimuksessa saadun asiakasaineiston avulla apteekkien yksilöllisen tupakoinninvieroituspalvelumallin toimivuutta, asiakkaiden kokemuksia palvelusta, asiakkaiden onnistumista tupaakoinnin lopettamisessa sekä asiakkaiden kyvykkyyden tunteen kehittymistä palvelun aikana. Tässä interventiotutkimuksessa oli mukana 14 apteekkia, jotka rekrytoivat yhteensä 36 palveluasiakasta. Ennen asiakkaiden rekrytointia apteekit perehdytettiin palvelun tarjoamiseen. Apteekit tiedottivat pilottitutkimuksesta paikallisen terveydenhuollon lääkäreitä ja muita terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia, jotka voivat ohjata asiakkaita palveluun. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön pilottitutkimukselle myöntämä rahoitus mahdollisti asiantuntijapalkkion maksamisen apteekeille ja palvelun tarjoamisen asiakkaille ilmaiseksi tai pientä omakustannusosuutta vastaan. Asiakkaiden tupakoimattomana pysymistä sekä kokemuksia tupakoinninvieroituspalvelusta kartoitettiin kyselylomakkeilla, jotka asiakkaat saivat täytettäväkseen palvelun alussa sekä noin 3 kuukauden kohdalla palvelun alkamisesta. Asiakkaiden taustatiedot kerättiin ensimmäisen tapaamisen yhteydessä erillisille taustatietolomakkeille ja palvelun aikana tehtyjä huomioita niille tarkoitetuille kaavakkeille. Ensimmäisen kyselylomakkeen palauttaneista 28 henkilöstä 20 ja toisen kyselylomakkeen palauttaneista 17 henkilöstä 13 oli pysynyt tupakoimattomana (55,6 % ja 36,1 % kaikista asiakkaista). Kaikki tupakoinnin lopettaneet käyttivät jotakin tupakasta vieroituslääkettä. Tupakoinnin lopettaneilla asiakkailla kyvykkyyden tunne oli keskimääräistä parempi sekä palvelun alussa että koko palvelun ajan. Asiakkaat pitivät palvelua tarpeellisena ja apteekin vieroitusohjaajalta saatua tukea tärkeänä. Asiakkaat kokivat myös palvelun saamisen apteekista tärkeäksi. Noin 32 % ensimmäiseen kyselyyn vastanneista ja 41 % toiseen kyselyyn vastanneista oli valmis maksamaan palvelusta. Heidän ilmoittamansa maksuvalmius oli keskimäärin noin 45 euroa (10–100 euroa). Muusta terveydenhuollosta lähetettiin palveluun vain vähän tai ei lainkaan asiakkaita. Tästä syystä apteekit rekrytoivat asiakkaita myös ilman kontaktia muuhun terveydenhuoltoon. Palvelun 36 asiakkaasta noin 36 % oli pysynyt tupakoimattomana 3 kuukauden kohdalla. Verrokkiryhmä jouduttiin jättämään tutkimuksesta pois verrokkihenkilöiden rekrytoinnin epäonnistuttua. Tulos on kuitenkin vertailukelpoinen kansainvälisiin tutkimuksiin, joissa on saatu vastaavanlaisia tuloksia. Apteekkien yksilöllisestä tupakoinninvieroituspalvelusta saattaa olla hyötyä tupakoinnin lopettamisessa siihen motivoituneille henkilöille ja erityisesti henkilöille, jotka käyttävät lisäksi tupakasta vieroituslääkettä. Asiakkaat kokivat palvelun tärkeäksi ja tarpeelliseksi, mutta heikko maksuvalmius asettaa haasteita palvelun tarjoamiselle apteekeissa. Yhteistyömallia muun terveydenhuollon kanssa tulisi kehittää.


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The shear alignment of an initially disordered lamellar phase is examined using lattice Boltzmann simulations of a mesoscopic model based on a free-energy functional for the concentration modulation. For a small shear cell of width 8 lambda, the qualitative features of the alignment process are strongly dependent on the Schmidt number Sc = nu/D (ratio of kinematic viscosity and mass diffusion coefficient). Here, lambda is the wavelength of the concentration modulation. At low Schmidt number, it is found that there is a significant initial increase in the viscosity, coinciding with the alignment of layers along the extensional axis, followed by a decrease at long times due to the alignment along the flow direction. At high Schmidt number, alignment takes place due to the breakage and reformation of layers because diffusion is slow compared to shear deformation; this results in faster alignment. The system size has a strong effect on the alignment process; perfect alignment takes place for a small systems of width 8 lambda and 16 lambda, while a larger system of width 32 lambda does not align completely even at long times. In the larger system, there appears to be a dynamical steady state in which the layers are not perfectly aligned-where there is a balance between the annealing of defects due to shear and the creation due to an instability of the aligned lamellar phase under shear. We observe two types of defect creation mechanisms: the buckling instability under dilation, which was reported earlier, as well as a second mechanism due to layer compression.


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Previous work has shown that irrespective of the route of exposure methyl isocyanate (MIC) caused acute lactic acidosis in rats (Jeevaratnam et al., Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 19, 314�319, 1990) and the hypoxia was of stagnant type due to tissue hypoperfusion resulting from hypovolemic hypotension in rabbits administered MIC subcutaneously (Jeevarathinam et al., Toxicology 51, 223�240, 1988). The present study was designed to investigate whether MIC could induce histotoxic hypoxia through its effects on mitochondrial respiration. Male Wistar rats were used for liver mitochondrial and submitochondrial particle (SMP) preparation. Addition of MIC to tightly coupled mitochondria in vitro resulted in stimulation of state 4 respiration, abolition of respiratory control, decrease in ADP/O ratio, and inhibition of state 3 oxidation. The oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates (glutamate + malate) was more sensitive (fiveto sixfold) to the inhibitory action of MIC than succinate while cytochrome oxidase remained unaffected. MIC induced twofold delay in the onset of anerobiosis, and cytochrome b reduction in SMP with NADH in vitro confirms inhibition of electron transport at complex I region. MIC also stimulated the ATPase activity in tightly coupled mitochondria while lipid peroxidation remained unaffected. As its hydrolysis products, methylamine and N,N?-dimethylurea failed to elicit any change in vitro; these effects reveal that MIC per se acts as an inhibitor of electron transport and a weak uncoupler. Administration of MIC sc at lethal dose caused a similar change only with NAD+-linked substrates, reflecting impairment of mitochondrial respiration at complex I region and thereby induction of histotoxic hypoxia in vivo.


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Polymeric compositions containing Al-Mg alloys show higher reactivities, in comparison with similar compositions containing aluminium. This is observed irrespective of the amount of oxidizer, type of oxidizer used, type of polymeric binder, and over a range of the particle sizes of the metal additive. This is evident from the higher calorimetric values obtained for compositions containing the alloy, in comparison to samples containing aluminium. Analysis of the combustion residue shows the increase in calorimetric value to be due to the greater extent of oxidation of the alloy. The interaction between the polymeric binder and the alloy was studied by coating the metal particles with the polymer by a coacervation technique. On ageing in the presence of ammonium perchlorate, cracking of the polymer coating on the alloy was noticed. This was deduced from differential thermal analysis experiments, and confirmed by scanning electron microscopic observations. The increase in stiffness of the coating, leading to cracking, has been traced to the cross-linking of the polymer by magnesium.


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Lanthanide(II) complexes La(B)(acac)(3)] (1-3) and Gd(B)(acac)(3)] (4-6), where B is a N,N-donor phenanthroline base, viz., 1,10-phenanthroline (phen in 1, 4), dipyrido3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq in 2, 5) and dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz in 3, 6), have been prepared and characterized. The Gd(111) complexes 4 6 are structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The complexes display GdO6N2 coordination with the ligands showing bidentate chelating mode of bonding. The complexes are non-electrolytic in aqueous DMF and exhibit ligand-centered absorption bands in the UV region. The dppz complexes show a band at 380 nm in DMF. The La(111) complexes are diamagnetic. The Gd(III) complexes are paramagnetic with magnetic moment that corresponds to seven unpaired electrons. The Complexes are avid binders to calf thymus DNA giving K-b values in the range of 4.7 x 10(4) 6.1 x 10(5) M-1 with a relative binding order: 3, 6 (dppz) > 2, 5 (dpq) > 1, 4 (phen). The binding data suggest DNA surface and/or groove binding nature of the complexes. The dpq and dppz complexes efficiently cleave SC DNA to its nicked circular form in UV-A light of 365 nm via formation of both singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) and hydroxyl radical (HO center dot) species. The dppz complexes 3 and 6 exhibit significant PDT effect in He La cervical cancer cells giving respective IC50 value of 460(+/- 50) and 530(+/- 30) nM in UV-A light of 365 rim, and are essentially non-toxic in dark with an IC50 value of >100 mu M. The dppz ligand alone is cytotoxic in dark and UV-A light. A significant decrease in the dark toxicity of the dppz base is observed on binding to the Ln(III) ion while retaining its photocytotoxicity.


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Corrugation formation is investigated in bearing components in squirrelcage induction motors. The study, conducted on site, measured shaft voltage and analysed motor bearing vibrations from 48 motors on nine sites. The on-site frequency data was compared with the measured natural frequency of the motors. Detailed profilometric, optical and SEM studies were carried out on the surface of failed bearings to aid discussion on the formation of corrugations in bearings used in squirrelcage induction motors.


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Diastereomers (SRu,Sc)-1a and (RRu,Sc)-1b, in a ratio of 85: 15 and formulated as [Ru(η-MeC6H4Pri-p)Cl(L*)], have been prepared by treating [{Ru(η-MeC6H4Pri-p)Cl2}2] with the sodium salt of (S)-α-methylbenzylsalicylaldimine (HL*) in tetrahydrofuran at –70 °C. The reaction of 1(1a+1b) with AgClO4 in acetone followed by an addition of PPh3 or 4-methylpyridine (4Me-py) leads to the formation of adducts [Ru(η-MeC6H4Pri-p)(PPh3)(L*)]ClO42[(SRu,Sc)2a, (FRu,Sc)2b] and [Ru(η-MeC6H4Pri-p)(4Me-py)(L*)]ClO43[(SRu,Sc)3a, (RRu,Sc)3b] in the diastereomeric ratios (SRu,Sc) : (RRu,Sc) of 2 : 98 and 76 : 24, respectively. Complex 1 crystallises with equal numbers of 1a and 1b molecules in an asymmetric unit of monoclinic space group P21 with a= 10.854(1), b= 17.090(1), c= 12.808(4)Å, β= 110.51(1)°, and Z= 4. The structure was refined to R= 0.0552 and R′= 0.0530 with 2893 reflections having I[gt-or-equal] 1.5σ(I). The absolute configurations of the chiral centres in the optically pure single crystal of the PPh3 adduct have been obtained from an X-ray study. Crystals of formulation [Ru(η-MeC6H4Pri-p)-(PPh3)(L*)]2[ClO4][PF6]·1.5 CHCl3, obtained in presence of both ClO4 and PF6 anions, belong to the non-centric triclinic space group P1 with a= 10.852(2), b= 14.028(1), c= 15.950(2)Å, α= 91.51(1), β= 105.97(1), γ= 106.11(1)°, and Z= 2. The final residuals were R= 0.0713, R′= 0.0752 with 7283 reflections having I[gt-or-equal] 2.5σ(I). The crystal structures of 1a,1b, and the PPh3 adduct (2b,2b′) consist of a ruthenium(II) centre bonded to a η-p-cymene, a bidentate chelating Schiff base, and a unidentate ligand (Cl or PPh3). The chirooptical properties of the complexes have been studied using 1H NMR and CD spectral data. The presence of a low-energy barrier for the intermediate involved in these reactions, showing both retention as well as inversion of the metal configuration, is discussed.


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Time course of release of immunoreactive hCG to a placental incubation in the medium revealed a steady increase over a period of 4 hours. However, levels in the tissue, showed an increase at 10' and 60' after an initial decrease. Studies using A23187 which stimulated hCG secretion also revealed a net increase in the quantity of hCG in the tissue. These results sugest that the secretion of hCG acts as a stimulus for fresh synthesis of hCG.


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Analytical and numerical solutions have been obtained for some moving boundary problems associated with Joule heating and distributed absorption of oxygen in tissues. Several questions have been examined which are concerned with the solutions of classical formulation of sharp melting front model and the classical enthalpy formulation in which solid, liquid and mushy regions are present. Thermal properties and heat sources in the solid and liquid regions have been taken as unequal. The short-time analytical solutions presented here provide useful information. An effective numerical scheme has been proposed which is accurate and simple.