986 resultados para Isidro Labrador, Santo, ca. 1070-1130


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Single-phase polycrystalline ceramics in the MO-La2O3-Ti02 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) system, such as cation-deficient hexagonal perovskites CaLa4Ti4O15, SrLa4Ti4O15, BaLa4Ti4O15, and Ca2La4Ti5O18 and the orthorhombic phases CaLa4Ti5O17 and CaLa8Ti9O31, were prepared through the solid-state ceramic route. The phases and structure of the ceramics were analyzed through x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The microwave dielectric properties of the ceramics were studied using a network analyzer. The investigated ceramics show high Er in the range 42 to 54, high quality factors with Q x f in the range 16,222 to 50,215 GHz, and low Tf in the range -25 to +6 ppm3/°C. These high dielectric constant materials with high Q x f up to 50,215 GHz are suitable for applications where narrow bandwidth and extremely low insertion loss is necessary, especially at frequencies around 1.9 GHz


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L-Glutamine amidohydrolase (L-glutaminase, EC is a therapeutically and industrially important enzyme. Because it is a potent antileukemic agent and a flavor-enhancing agent used in the food industry, many researchers have focused their attention on L-glutaminase. In this article, we report the continuous production of extracellular L-glutaminase by the marine fungus Beauveria bassiana BTMF S-10 in a packed-bed reactor. Parameters influencing bead production and performance under batch mode were optimized in the order-support (Na-alginate) concentration, concentration of CaCl2 for bead preparation, curing time of beads, spore inoculum concentration, activation time, initial pH of enzyme production medium, temperature of incubation, and retention time. Parameters optimized under batch mode for L-glutaminase production were incorporated into the continuous production studies. Beads with 12 × 108 spores/g of beads were activated in a solution of 1% glutamine in seawater for 15 h, and the activated beads were packed into a packed-bed reactor. Enzyme production medium (pH 9.0) was pumped through the bed, and the effluent was collected from the top of the column. The effect of flow rate of the medium, substrate concentration, aeration, and bed height on continuous production of L-glutaminase was studied. Production was monitored for 5 h in each case, and the volumetric productivity was calculated. Under the optimized conditions for continuous production, the reactor gave a volumetric productivity of 4.048 U/(mL·h), which indicates that continuous production of the enzyme by Ca-alginate-immobilizedspores is well suited for B. bassiana and results in a higher yield of enzyme within a shorter time. The results indicate the scope of utilizing immobilized B. bassiana for continuous commercial production of L-glutaminase


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Raman and FTIR spectra of CaFeTi(PO4)3 and CdFeTi(PO4)3 are recorded and analyzed. The observed bands are assigned in terms of vibrations of TiO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra. The symmetry of TiO6 octrahedra and PO4 tetrahedra is lowered from their free ion symmetry. The presence of Fe3+ ion disrupts the Ti–O–P–O–Ti chain and leads to the distortion of TiO6 octrahedra and PO4 tetrahedra. The PO4 3 tetrahedra in both crystals are linearly distorted. The covalency bonding factor of PO4 3 polyanion of both the crystals are calculated from the Raman spectra and compared to that of other Nasicon-type systems. The numerical values of covalency bonding factor indicates that there is a reduction in redox energy and cell voltage and is attributed to strong covalency of PO4 3 polyanionin


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FT-Raman and FT-IR spectra of ASnFe(PO4)3 [A=Na2, Ca, Cd] were recorded and analyzed. The bands were assigned in terms of the vibrational group frequencies of SnO6 octahedral and PO4 tetrahedral. The spectral analysis shows that the symmetry of corner shared octahedral (SnO6) and the tetrahedral (PO4) are lowered from their free ion symmetry state. The presence of Fe3+ ions disrupts the S–N–O–S–N chain in the structure. This causes distortion of SnO6 and PO4 in the structure of all the compounds. Also it is seen that there are two distinct PO4 tetrahedra of different P–O bond lengths. One of these tetrahedra is linearly distorted in all the title compounds. The PO4 frequencies and bond lengths are calculated theoretically and are in agreement with the experimental values. The presence of PO4 polyanion in the structure can reduce the redox energy and hence reduce the metal oxygen covalency strength in the structure


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A modo de anexo se incluye álbum de fotos conmemorativo.


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Fine-grained parallel machines have the potential for very high speed computation. To program massively-concurrent MIMD machines, programmers need tools for managing complexity. These tools should not restrict program concurrency. Concurrent Aggregates (CA) provides multiple-access data abstraction tools, Aggregates, which can be used to implement abstractions with virtually unlimited potential for concurrency. Such tools allow programmers to modularize programs without reducing concurrency. I describe the design, motivation, implementation and evaluation of Concurrent Aggregates. CA has been used to construct a number of application programs. Multi-access data abstractions are found to be useful in constructing highly concurrent programs.


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Tratan por separado los puertos del Ras??n y de San Isidro pero siguiendo el mismo esquema en las dos partes. Se tratan los aspectos geogr??ficos, geol??gicos, biogeogr??ficos y bioclim??ticos de la zona, la flora, la vegetaci??n, la fauna, las especies protegidas, la ganader??a...se pretende hacer un llamamiento sobre la necesidad de proteger activamente algunas especies que est??n seriamente amenazadas no s??lo en el concejo de Aller sino en toda Asturias como el urogallo, el armi??o, la nutria, el acebo y el tejo. El primer apartado, Puerto de Ras??n, pretende ser un documento gu??a para que en el caso de que se lleve a cabo una explotaci??n minera a cielo abierto que est?? proyectada, se sepa en la fase de recuperaci??n qu?? hab??a anteriormente y qu?? se debe, por tanto, recuperar. La segunda parte pretende ser una gu??a para el mejor conocimiento de los valores naturales del concejo y aportar una formaci??n b??sica para la ordenaci??n del Puerto de San Isidro.


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Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas para desarrollar proyectos de convivencia, Gobierno de Arag??n 2008-09


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L'aprenentatge sempre està centrat en l'estudiant ja que s'ha de fonamentar en la seva experiència, així com en les seves expectatives i necessitats, però les nostres universitats s'aferren a la transferència de coneixement unidireccional. Aquest mètode resulta absurd en una era en què la gran quantitat d'informació, els dispositius multimèdia, la globalització i els canvis ràpids a la vida estan a l'ordre del dia. La universitat del futur no ha de continuar amb aquest enfocament erroni ni tractar els estudiants com clients distrets del basar de la informació, sinó que ha de cercar maneres de fer partícips els estudiants de les recerques importants i centrar-se en animar els estudiants a no centrar-se en ells mateixos. En aquesta ponència s'examina el desafiament de crear una universitat centrada en l'estudiant a través de tres preguntes relacionades entre si: què és la recerca? com podem relacionar l'aprenentatge i la vida? i com podem fomentar l'aprenentatge integrat a la universitat? A més, el cicle de recerca es considera com la lent que examina l'aprenentatge dels estudiants relacionat amb la comunitat i la vida