933 resultados para Intracellular Cholesterol


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This paper describes the implementation of a sensitive, on-chip immunoassay for the analysis of intracellular proteins, developed using microdroplet technology. The system offers a number of analytical functionalities, enabling the lysis of low cell numbers, as well as protein detection and quantification, integrated within a single process flow. Cells were introduced into the device in suspension and were electrically lysed in situ. The cell lysate was subsequently encapsulated together with antibody-functionalized beads into stable, water-in-oil droplets, which were stored on-chip. The binding of intracellular proteins to the beads was monitored fluorescently. By analyzing many individual droplets and quantifying the data obtained against standard additions, we measured the level of two intracellular proteins, namely, HRas-mCitrine, expressed within HEK-293 cells, and actin-EGFP, expressed within MCF-7 cells. We determined the concentrations of these proteins over 5 orders of magnitude, from ~50 pM to 1 µM. The results from this semiautomated method were compared to those for determinations made using Western blots, and were found not only to be faster, but required a smaller number of cells. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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The efficacy of antisense oligonucleotide (ODN) therapy is dependent on four major parameters: delivery to cells, intracellular stability and localisation and efficient action at the target site.The aim of this project was to study the delivery of ODNs to macrophages and to assess the stability of two ODN conjugates, in vitro. The first conjugate aimed to improve uptake of ODNs via mannose receptor mediated delivery, the second investigated the improved delivery of ODN conjugates via non-specific lipophilic interaction with the cell membrane. A mono-mannose phosphoramidite derivative was designed and synthesised and a mono-mannose ODN conjugate synthesised by standard phosphoramidite chemistry. Delivery of this conjugate was enhanced to RAW264.7 and J774 macrophage cell lines via a mechanism of receptor mediated endocytosis. The delivery of three lipophilic ODN conjugates, cholesterol (cholhex), 16-carbon alkyl chain (C16) and hexa-ethylene glycol (HEG) moieties and an unconjugated ODN were assessed in RAW264.7 macrophages. All three conjugates increased the lipophilicity of the ODN as assessed from partition coefficient data. Both the cholhex and unconjugated ODNs were found to have higher degrees of cellular association than the C16 and HEG conjugates. Cellular uptake studies implicated internalisation of these ODNs by an adsorptive endocytosis mechanism. Following endocytosis, ODNs must remain stable during their residence in endosomal/lysosomal compartments prior to exiting and exerting their biological action in either the cytosol or nucleus. Assessment of in vitro stability in a lysosomal extract revealed the cholhex conjugate and unconjugated ODNs to have a longer half-life than the C16 and HEG conjugated ODNs, highlighting the influence of conjugate moieties on lysosomal stability. The effects of base composition and length on stability in a lysosomal extract revealed the longest half-life for homo-cytidine ODNs and ODNs over 20 nucleotides in length. These studies suggest that the above conjugates can enhance cellular association and delivery of antisense ODNs to cultured macrophages. This may lead to their use in treating disorders such as HIV infection, which affects this cell type.


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Epidemiological studies previously identified cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as the biologically active component of fish oil of benefit to the cardiovascular system. Although clinical investigations demonstrated its usefulness in surgical procedures, its mechanism of action still remained unclear. It was shown in this thesis, that EPA partially blocked the contraction of aortic smooth muscle cells to the vasoactive agents KCl and noradrenaline. The latter effect was likely caused by reducing calcium influx through receptor-operated channels, supporting a recent suggestion by Asano et al (1997). Consistently, EPA decreased noradrenaline-induced contractures in aortic tissue, in support of previous reports (Engler, 1992b). The observed effect of EPA on cell contractions to KCl was not simple due to blocking calcium influx through L-type channels, consistent with a previous suggestion by Hallaq et al (1992). Moreover, EPA caused a transient increase in [Ca2+]i in the absence of extracellular calcium. To resolve this it was shown that EPA increased inositol phosphate formation which, it is suggested, caused the release of calcium from an inositol phosphate-dependent internal binding site, possibly that of an intracellular membrane or superficial sarcoplasmic reticulum, producing the transient increase in [Ca2+]i. As it was shown that the cellular contractile filaments were not desensitised to calcium by EPA, it is suggested that the transient increase in [Ca2+]i subsequently blocks further cell contraction to KCl by activating membrane-associated potassium channels. Activation of potassium channels induces the cellular efflux of potassium ions, thereby hyperpolarising the plasma membrane and moving the membrane potential farther from the activation range for calcium channels. This would prevent calcium influx in the longer term and could explain the initial observed effect of EPA to block cell contraction to KCl.


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Concanavalin A, a T cell mitogen enhanced DNA synthesis in murine splenocytes. Amongst the early signals prior to this event was an increase in cytosolic calcium derived from both intra- and extracellular sources. The requirements for extracellular calcium persisted for four hours after the lectin administration which itself was needed for six hours. Putative calcium channel antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors blocked ihe increase in DNA synthesis. The calcium signal was mimicked by application of the ionophore, A23187, although no increase in DNA synthesis occurred. An activator of protein kinase C, 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, had little effect in isolation but the combined application of these two agents greatly enhanced DNA synthesis. The natural mediators of these events are presumed to be inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol derived from phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate hydrolysis. Lectin application and protein kinase C activation both increased intracellular pH possibly as a result of Na'l'/H"'' exchange since amiloride an inhibitor of this antiporter inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis. The calcium and hydrogen ionic changes occur within minutes of lectin application; the protracted requirement for this mitogen suggests further signalling mechanisms occur to elicit maximum DNA synthesis in these cells. Gonadectomy caused an increase in thymic and splenic weight. Spleno-cytes derived from castrated mice showed no change in mitogen response whereas those from ovariectomised mice demonstrated a reduced lectin sensitivity. Testosterone, 5 a dihydrotestosterone, a and 0 oestradiol all inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis but only at pharmacological concentrations. Testosterone glucuronide and cholesterol were without effect Studies with mouse serum fractions of differing steroidal status were unable to confirm the presence or absence of serum factors which might mediate the effects of steroid on lymphoid cells, all fractions tested inhibited lymphocyte transformation. Both interleukin-2 and lipopolysaccharide induced splenocyte mitogene-sis was also impaired by high steroid concentrations in vitro, suggesting that steroids mediate their effect by a non-specific, non-receptor-mediated event.


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The immunostimulatory capacities of cationic liposomes are well-documented and are attributed both to inherent immunogenicity of the cationic lipid and more physical capacities such as the formation of antigen depots and antigen delivery. Very few studies have however been conducted comparing the immunostimulatory capacities of different cationic lipids. In the present study we therefore chose to investigate three of the most well-known cationic liposome-forming lipids as potential adjuvants for protein subunit vaccines. The ability of 3ß-[N-(N',N'-dimethylaminoethane)carbomyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol), 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP), and dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) liposomes incorporating immunomodulating trehalose dibehenate (TDB) to form an antigen depot at the site of injection (SOI) and to induce immunological recall responses against coadministered tuberculosis vaccine antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 are reported. Furthermore, physical characterization of the liposomes is presented. Our results suggest that liposome composition plays an important role in vaccine retention at the SOI and the ability to enable the immune system to induce a vaccine specific recall response. While all three cationic liposomes facilitated increased antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells, the monocyte infiltration to the SOI and the production of IFN-? upon antigen recall was markedly higher for DDA and DC-Chol based liposomes which exhibited a longer retention profile at the SOI. A long-term retention and slow release of liposome and vaccine antigen from the injection site hence appears to favor a stronger Th1 immune response.


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The activities of many mammalian membrane proteins including G-protein coupled receptors are cholesterol-dependent. Unlike higher eukaryotes, yeast do not make cholesterol. Rather they make a related molecule called ergosterol. As cholesterol and ergosterol are biologically non-equivalent, the potential of yeast as hosts for overproducing mammalian membrane proteins has never been fully realised. To address this problem, we are trying to engineer a novel strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in which the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway of mammalian cells has been fully reconstituted. Thus far, we have created a modified strain that makes cholesterol-like sterols which has an increased capacity to make G-protein coupled receptors compared to control yeast.


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South Asians have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) than white Caucasians, for a given BMI. Premature biological ageing, assessed by reduction in telomere length (TL), may be mediated by factors resulting from altered metabolic profiles associated with obesity. We hypothesise that ethnicity and metabolic status represent detrimental factors contributing to premature biological ageing. Therefore we assessed TL in two South Asian, age and BMI-matched cohorts [T2DM (n = 142) versus non-T2DM (n = 76)] to determine the effects of BMI, gender, lipid and CVD profile on biological ageing. Genomic DNA was obtained from the UKADS cohort; biochemical and anthropometric data was collected and TL was measured by quantitative real-time PCR. Our findings indicated a gender-specific effect with reduced TL in T2DM men compared with non-T2DM men (P = 0.006). Additionally, in T2DM men, TL was inversely correlated with triglycerides and total cholesterol (r = -0.419, P <0.01; r = -0.443, P <0.01). In summary, TL was reduced amongst South Asian T2DM men and correlated with triglycerides and total cholesterol. This study highlights enhanced biological ageing among South Asian, T2DM men, which appears to be tracked by changes in lipids and BMI, suggesting that raised lipids and BMI may directly contribute to premature ageing.


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Background: During ageing an altered redox balance has been observed in both intracellular and extracellular compartments, primarily due to glutathione depletion and metabolic stress. Maintaining redox homeostasis is important for controlling proliferation and apoptosis in response to specific stimuli for a variety of cells. For T cells, the ability to generate specific response to antigen is dependent on the oxidation state of cell surface and cytoplasmic protein-thiols. Intracellular thiols are maintained in their reduced state by a network of redox regulating peptides, proteins and enzymes such as glutathione, thioredoxins and thioredoxin reductase. Here we have investigated whether any relationship exists between age and secreted or cell surface thioredoxin-1, intracellular glutathione concentration and T cell surface thioredoxin 1 (Trx-1) and how this is related to interleukin (IL)-2 production.Results: Healthy older adults have reduced lymphocyte surface expression and lower circulating plasma Trx-1 concentrations. Using buthionine sulfoximine to deplete intracellular glutathione in Jurkat T cells we show that cell surface Trx-1 is lowered, secretion of Trx-1 is decreased and the response to the lectin phytohaemagglutinin measured as IL-2 production is also affected. These effects are recapitulated by another glutathione depleting agent, diethylmaleate.Conclusion: Together these data suggest that a relationship exists between the intracellular redox compartment and Trx-1 proteins. Loss of lymphocyte surface Trx-1 may be a useful biomarker of healthy ageing. © 2013 Carilho Torrao et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd.


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Cholesterol is an abundant component of mammalian cell membranes and has been extensively studied as an artificial membrane stabilizer in a wide range of phospholipid liposome systems. In this study, the aim was to investigate the role of cholesterol in cationic liposomal adjuvant system based on dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) which has been shown as a strong adjuvant system for vaccines against a wide range of diseases. Packaging of cholesterol within DDA:TDB liposomes was investigated using differential scanning calorimetery and surface pressure-area isotherms of lipid monolayers; incorporation of cholesterol into liposomal membranes promoted the formation of a liquid-condensed monolayer and removed the main phase transition temperature of the system, resulting in an increased bilayer fluidity and reduced antigen retention in vitro. In vivo biodistribution studies found that this increase in membrane fluidity did not alter deposition of liposomes and antigen at the site of injection. In terms of immune responses, early (12 days after immunization) IgG responses were reduced by inclusion of cholesterol; thereafter there were no differences in antibody (IgG, IgG1, IgG2b) responses promoted by DDA:TDB liposomes with and without cholesterol. However, significantly higher levels of IFN-gamma were induced by DDA:TDB liposomes, and liposome uptake by macrophages in vitro was also shown to be higher for DDA:TDB liposomes compared to their cholesterol-containing counterparts, suggesting that small changes in bilayer mechanics can impact both cellular interactions and immune responses. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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The aim of this research was to investigate the molecular interactions occurring in the formulation of non-ionic surfactant based vesicles composed monopalmitoyl glycerol (MPG), cholesterol (Chol) and dicetyl phosphate (DCP). In the formulation of these vesicles, the thermodynamic attributes and surfactant interactions based on molecular dynamics, Langmuir monolayer studies, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), hot stage microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were investigated. Initially the melting points of the components individually, and combined at a 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP weight ratio, were investigated; the results show that lower (90 C) than previously reported (120-140 C) temperatures could be adopted to produce molten surfactants for the production of niosomes. This was advantageous for surfactant stability; whilst TGA studies show that the individual components were stable to above 200 C, the 5:4:1 MPG:Chol:DCP mixture show ∼2% surfactant degradation at 140 C, compared to 0.01% was measured at 90 C. Niosomes formed at this lower temperature offered comparable characteristics to vesicles prepared using higher temperatures commonly reported in literature. In the formation of niosome vesicles, cholesterol also played a key role. Langmuir monolayer studies demonstrated that intercalation of cholesterol in the monolayer did not occur in the MPG:Chol:DCP (5:4:1 weight ratio) mixture. This suggests cholesterol may support bilayer assembly, with molecular simulation studies also demonstrating that vesicles cannot be built without the addition of cholesterol, with higher concentrations of cholesterol (5:4:1 vs 5:2:1, MPG:Chol:DCP) decreasing the time required for niosome assembly. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a public health priority in the UK. The National Service Framework (NSF) has set standards for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of CHD, which include the use of cholesterol-lowering agents aimed at achieving targets of blood total cholesterol (TC) < 5.0 mmol/L and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) < 3.0 mmol/L. In order to achieve these targets cost effectively, prescribers need to make an informed choice from the range of statins available. Aim: To estimate the average and relative cost effectiveness of atorvastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin in achieving the NSF LDL-C and TC targets. Design: Model-based economic evaluation. Methods: An economic model was constructed to estimate the number of patients achieving the NSF targets for LDL-C and TC at each dose of statin, and to calculate the average drug cost and incremental drug cost per patient achieving the target levels. The population baseline LDL-C and TC, and drug efficacy and drug costs were taken from previously published data. Estimates of the distribution of patients receiving each dose of statin were derived from the UK national DIN-LINK database. Results: The estimated annual drug cost per 1000 patients treated with atorvastatin was £289 000, with simvastatin £315 000, with pravastatin £333 000 and with fluvastatin £167 000. The percentages of patients achieving target are 74.4%, 46.4%, 28.4% and 13.2% for atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin and fluvastatin, respectively. Incremental drug cost per extra patient treated to LDL-C and TC targets compared with fluvastafin were £198 and £226 for atorvastatin, £443 and £567 for simvastatin and £1089 and £2298 for pravastatin, using 2002 drug costs. Conclusions: As a result of its superior efficacy, atorvastatin generates a favourable cost-effectiveness profile as measured by drug cost per patient treated to LDL-C and TC targets. For a given drug budget, more patients would achieve NSF LDL-C and TC targets with atorvastatin than with any of the other statins examined.


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Background - The P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an ATP binding cassette transmembrane transporter, is expressed by astrocytes in the adult brain, and is positively modulated during astrogliosis. In a search for factors involved in this modulation, P-gp overexpression was studied in long-term in vitro astroglial cultures. Results - Surprisingly, most factors that are known to induce astroglial activation in astroglial cultures failed to increase P-gp expression. The only effective proteins were IFNγ and those belonging to the IL-6 family of cytokines (IL-6, LIF, CT-1 and CNTF). As well as P-gp expression, the IL-6 type cytokines - but not IFNγ - stimulated the expression of endogenous CNTF in astrocytes. In order to see whether an increased intracellular level of CNTF was necessary for induction of P-gp overexpression by IL-6 type cytokines, by the same cytokines analysis was carried out on astrocytes obtained from CNTF knockout mice. In these conditions, IFNγ produced increased P-gp expression, but no overexpression of P-gp was observed with either IL-6, LIF or CT-1, pointing to a role of CNTF in the intracellular signalling pathway leading to P-gp overexpression. In agreement with this suggestion, application of exogenous CNTF -which is internalised with its receptor - produced an overexpression of P-gp in CNTF-deficient astrocytes. Conclusions - These results reveal two different pathways regulating P-gp expression and activity in reactive astrocytes, one of which depends upon the intracellular concentration of CNTF. This regulation of P-gp may be one of the long searched for physiological roles of CNTF.


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Transmembrane proteins play crucial roles in many important physiological processes. The intracellular domain of membrane proteins is key for their function by interacting with a wide variety of cytosolic proteins. It is therefore important to examine this interaction. A recently developed method to study these interactions, based on the use of liposomes as a model membrane, involves the covalent coupling of the cytoplasmic domains of membrane proteins to the liposome membrane. This allows for the analysis of interaction partners requiring both protein and membrane lipid binding. This thesis further establishes the liposome recruitment system and utilises it to examine the intracellular interactome of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), most well-known for its proteolytic cleavage that results in the production and accumulation of amyloid beta fragments, the main constituent of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Despite this, the physiological function of APP remains largely unclear. Through the use of the proteo-liposome recruitment system two novel interactions of APP’s intracellular domain (AICD) are examined with a view to gaining a greater insight into APP’s physiological function. One of these novel interactions is between AICD and the mTOR complex, a serine/threonine protein kinase that integrates signals from nutrients and growth factors. The kinase domain of mTOR directly binds to AICD and the N-terminal amino acids of AICD are crucial for this interaction. The second novel interaction is between AICD and the endosomal PIKfyve complex, a lipid kinase involved in the production of phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate (PI(3,5)P2) from phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, which has a role in controlling ensdosome dynamics. The scaffold protein Vac14 of the PIKfyve complex binds directly to AICD and the C-terminus of AICD is important for its interaction with the PIKfyve complex. Using a recently developed intracellular PI(3,5)P2 probe it is shown that APP controls the formation of PI(3,5)P2 positive vesicular structures and that the PIKfyve complex is involved in the trafficking and degradation of APP. Both of these novel APP interactors have important implications of both APP function and Alzheimer’s disease. The proteo-liposome recruitment method is further validated through its use to examine the recruitment and assembly of the AP-2/clathrin coat from purified components to two membrane proteins containing different sorting motifs. Taken together this thesis highlights the proteo-liposome recruitment system as a valuable tool for the study of membrane proteins intracellular interactome. It allows for the mimicking of the protein in its native configuration therefore identifying weaker interactions that are not detected by more conventional methods and also detecting interactions that are mediated by membrane phospholipids.


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Cholesterol is an abundant component of mammalian cell membranes and has been extensively studied as an artificial membrane stabilizer in a wide range of phospholipid liposome systems. In this study, the aim was to investigate the role of cholesterol in cationic liposomal adjuvant system based on dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate (TDB) which has been shown as a strong adjuvant system for vaccines against a wide range of diseases. Packaging of cholesterol within DDA:TDB liposomes was investigated using differential scanning calorimetery and surface pressure-area isotherms of lipid monolayers; incorporation of cholesterol into liposomal membranes promoted the formation of a liquid-condensed monolayer and removed the main phase transition temperature of the system, resulting in an increased bilayer fluidity and reduced antigen retention in vitro. In vivo biodistribution studies found that this increase in membrane fluidity did not alter deposition of liposomes and antigen at the site of injection. In terms of immune responses, early (12 days after immunization) IgG responses were reduced by inclusion of cholesterol; thereafter there were no differences in antibody (IgG, IgG1, IgG2b) responses promoted by DDA:TDB liposomes with and without cholesterol. However, significantly higher levels of IFN-gamma were induced by DDA:TDB liposomes, and liposome uptake by macrophages in vitro was also shown to be higher for DDA:TDB liposomes compared to their cholesterol-containing counterparts, suggesting that small changes in bilayer mechanics can impact both cellular interactions and immune responses. © 2013 American Chemical Society.