926 resultados para Intestinal ischemia and reperfusion


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Downstream effects of muscarinic receptor stimulation in intestinal smooth muscle include contraction and intestinal transit. We thought to determine whether classic transient receptor potential (TRPC) channels integrate the intracellular signaling cascades evoked by the stimulated receptors and thereby contribute to the control of the membrane potential, Ca-influx, and cell responses. METHODS: We created trpc4-, trpc6-, and trpc4/trpc6-gene-deficient mice and analyzed them for intestinal smooth muscle function in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: In intestinal smooth muscle cells TRPC4 forms a 55 pS cation channel and underlies more than 80% of the muscarinic receptor-induced cation current (mI(CAT)). The residual mI(CAT) depends on the expression of TRPC6, indicating that TRPC6 and TRPC4 determine mI(CAT) channel activity independent of other channel subunits. In TRPC4-deficient ileal myocytes the carbachol-induced membrane depolarizations are diminished greatly and the atropine-sensitive contraction elicited by acetylcholine release from excitatory motor neurons is reduced greatly. Additional deletion of TRPC6 aggravates these effects. Intestinal transit is slowed down in mice lacking TRPC4 and TRPC6. CONCLUSIONS: In intestinal smooth muscle cells TRPC4 and TRPC6 channels are gated by muscarinic receptors and are responsible for mI(CAT). They couple muscarinic receptors to depolarization of intestinal smooth muscle cells and voltage-activated Ca(2+)-influx and contraction, and thereby accelerate small intestinal motility in vivo.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1(7-36)amide (tGLP-1) is an important insulin-releasing hormone of the enteroinsular axis which is secreted by endocrine L-cells of the small intestine following nutrient ingestion. The present study has evaluated tGLP-1 in the intestines of normal and diabetic animal models and estimated the proportion present in glycated form. Total immunoreactive tGLP-1 levels in the intestines of hyperglycaemic hydrocortisone-treated rats, streptozotocin-treated mice and ob/ob mice were similar to age-matched controls. Affinity chromatographic separation of glycated and non-glycated proteins in intestinal extracts followed by radioimmunoassay using a fully crossreacting anti-serum demonstrated the presence of glycated tGLP-1 within the intestinal extracts of all control animals (approximately 19%., of total tGLP-1 content). Chemically induced and spontaneous animal models of diabetes were found to possess significantly greater levels of glycated tGLP-1 than controls, corresponding to between 24-71% of the total content. These observations suggest that glycated tGLP-1 may be of physiological significance given that such N-terminal modification confers resistance to DPP IV inactivation and degradation, extending the very short half-life (


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To investigate the role of the Fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 pathway in oxidative insults-mediated retinal degeneration and immune activation.
A prooxidant, paraquat (0.75 µM) was injected into the vitreous of C57BL/6J, CX3CR1(gpf/+), and CX3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice. Retinal lesions were investigated clinically by topic endoscopic fundus imaging and fluorescence angiography, and pathologically by light- and electron microscopy. Retinal immune gene expression was determined by real-time RT-PCR. Microglial activation and immune cell infiltration were examined by confocal microscopy of retinal flatmounts.
Intravitreal injection of paraquat (0.75 µM) resulted in acute retinal capillary nonperfusion within 2 days, which improved from 4 days to 4 weeks postinjection (p.i.). Panretinal degeneration was observed at 4 days p.i. and progressed further at 4 weeks p.i. In the absence of CX3CR1, retinal degeneration was exaggerated and was accompanied by increased TNF-a, iNOS, IL-1ß, Ccl2, and Casp-1 gene expression. Confocal microscopy of retinal flatmounts revealed microglial activation and CD44(+)MHC-II(+) monocyte and GR1(+) neutrophil infiltration in paraquat-injected eyes. The number of activated microglia and infiltrating leukocytes was significantly higher in CX3CR1(gfp/gfp) mice than in CX3CR1(gfp/+) mice.
Our results suggest that the CX3CR1 signaling pathway may play an important role in controlling retinal inflammation under oxidative and ischemia/reperfusion conditions. In the absence of CX3CR1, uncontrolled retinal inflammation results in exaggerated retinal degeneration.


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Aims: Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent cardiomyocyte death. The generation of excessive quantities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and resultant damage to mitochondrial enzymes is considered an important mechanism underlying reperfusion injury. Mitochondrial complex I can exist in two interconvertible states: active (A) and deactive or dormant (D). We have studied the active/deactive (A/D) equilibrium in several tissues under ischemic conditions in vivo and investigated the sensitivity of both forms of the heart enzyme to ROS.

Results: We found that in the heart, t½ of complex I deactivation during ischemia was 10?min, and that reperfusion resulted in the return of A/D equilibrium to its initial level. The rate of superoxide generation by complex I was higher in ischemic samples where content of the D-form was higher. Only the D-form was susceptible to inhibition by H2O2 or superoxide, whereas turnover-dependent activation of the enzyme resulted in formation of the A-form, which was much less sensitive to ROS. The mitochondrial-encoded subunit ND3, most likely responsible for the sensitivity of the D-form to ROS, was identified by redox difference gel electrophoresis.

Innovation: A combined in vivo and biochemical approach suggests that sensitivity of the mitochondrial system to ROS during myocardial I/R can be significantly affected by the conformational state of complex I, which may therefore represent a new therapeutic target in this setting.

Conclusion: The presented data suggest that transition of complex I into the D-form in the absence of oxygen may represent a key event in promoting cardiac injury during I/R.


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Ischaemic injury impairs the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In this study, we investigated the molecular causes of this defect with regard to the putative correlations among NAD(P)H oxidase, plasminogen-plasmin system components, and matrix metalloproteinases. Hence, the activities of NAD(P)H oxidase, matrix metalloproteinase-2, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), and superoxide anion levels, were assessed in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs) exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) alone or OGD followed by reperfusion (OGD + R). The integrity of an in vitro model of BBB comprising HBMECs and astrocytes was studied by measuring transendothelial electrical resistance and the paracellular flux of albumin. OGD with or without reperfusion (OGD ± R) radically perturbed barrier function while concurrently enhancing uPA, tPA and NAD(P)H oxidase activities and superoxide anion release in HBMECs. Pharmacological inactivation of NAD(P)H oxidase attenuated OGD ± R-mediated BBB damage through modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tPA, but not uPA activity. Overactivation of NAD(P)H oxidase in HBMECs via cDNA electroporation of its p22-phox subunit confirmed the involvement of tPA in oxidase-mediated BBB disruption. Interestingly, blockade of uPA or uPA receptor preserved normal BBB function by neutralizing both NAD(P)H oxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-2 activities. Hence, selective targeting of uPA after ischaemic strokes may protect cerebral barrier integrity and function by concomitantly attenuating basement membrane degradation and oxidative stress.


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Ischaemic strokes evoke blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption and oedema formation through a series of mechanisms involving Rho-kinase activation. Using an animal model of human focal cerebral ischaemia, this study assessed and confirmed the therapeutic potential of Rho-kinase inhibition during the acute phase of stroke by displaying significantly improved functional outcome and reduced cerebral lesion and oedema volumes in fasudil- versus vehicle-treated animals. Analyses of ipsilateral and contralateral brain samples obtained from mice treated with vehicle or fasudil at the onset of reperfusion plus 4 h post-ischaemia or 4 h post-ischaemia alone revealed these benefits to be independent of changes in the activity and expressions of oxidative stress- and tight junction-related parameters. However, closer scrutiny of the same parameters in brain microvascular endothelial cells subjected to oxygen-glucose deprivation ± reperfusion revealed marked increases in prooxidant NADPH oxidase enzyme activity, superoxide anion release and in expressions of antioxidant enzyme catalase and tight junction protein claudin-5. Cotreatment of cells with Y-27632 prevented all of these changes and protected in vitro barrier integrity and function. These findings suggest that inhibition of Rho-kinase after acute ischaemic attacks improves cerebral integrity and function through regulation of endothelial cell oxidative stress and reorganization of intercellular junctions. Inhibition of Rho-kinase (ROCK) activity in a mouse model of human ischaemic stroke significantly improved functional outcome while reducing cerebral lesion and oedema volumes compared to vehicle-treated counterparts. Studies conducted with brain microvascular endothelial cells exposed to OGD ± R in the presence of Y-27632 revealed restoration of intercellular junctions and suppression of prooxidant NADPH oxidase activity as important factors in ROCK inhibition-mediated BBB protection.