956 resultados para Interleukin-1 beta


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Peptide-specific antibody AABI, raised to the C-terminal 13 amino acids of Arabidopsis thaliana beta 1 tubulin, identifies a single electrophoretically separable beta-tubulin on 2-D-gel Western blots of total protein extracts from A. thaliana seedlings. We show that AABI crossreacts with two of the eight polyglutamylated beta-tubulin isoforms present in purified Nicotiana tabacum tubulin fractionated by high-resolution isoelectric focussing. Immunolocalisation studies using AAB1 revealed that the two N. tabacum polyglutamylated beta 1-tubulin isoforms are utilised in all four plant microtubule arrays (the interphase cortical array, the preprophase band, the spindle and the phragmoplast) indicating that there is no apparent subcellular sorting of these isotypes.


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Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1) is a multifunctional cytokine produced in high amounts by placental tissue. Inhibiting trophoblast invasion and suppressing inflammation through inhibition of macrophage activation, MIC-1 is thought to provide pleiotropic functions in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. So far, little is known about the decidual cell subsets producing MIC-1 and the effect of this cytokine on dendritic cells (DCs), which are known to play a distinct role in the development of pro-fetal tolerance in pregnancy.


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Introduction: Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is a physiological modulator of fibrinolysis. High plasma PAI-1 is associated with the 4G/5G promoter polymorphism and with increased cardiovascular risk. Here we explored the role of platelets in regulating expression of the PAI-1 gene in monocytes. Methods: Blood from PAI-1 4G/5G genotyped volunteers (n=6) was incubated with the platelet GPVI-specific agonist, cross-linked collagen related peptide (CRP-XL), in the presence or absence of Mab 9E1 that blocks the binding of P-selectin to PSGL1. Monocytes were isolated by +ve selection on CD14 beads and monocyte PAI-1 mRNA expression was measured by real-time PCR. Results: Activation of platelets with CRP-XL resulted in platelets binding to >70% of monocytes and was accompanied by >5000-fold induction of PAI-1 mRNA, peaking at 4hrs. PAI-1 expression was independent of the 4G/5G genotype. Blocking the binding of platelets to monocytes enhanced PAI-1 induction (p<0.05 at 4 hrs). Incubation of isolated monocytes with the releasate from CRP-XL stimulated platelets also led to PAI-1 mRNA expression. The platelet secretome contains >100 different proteins. To identify the soluble factor(s) responsible for induction of PAI-1, neutralizing antibodies to likely candidates were added to monocytes incubated with the platelet releasate. Anti- TGF-beta inhibited platelet releasate-mediated PAI-1 mRNA induction by >80%. Monocyte PAI-1 was also induced by stimulation of PSGL-1 with a P-selectin-Fc chimera, in the absence of platelets, which was also blocked by the TGF-beta antibody. Conclusions: These results suggest that platelets induce PAI-1 mRNA in monocytes predominantly via TGF-beta, released from both platelets, and monocytes via activation by PSGL-1 signalling.This stimulation is independent of 4G/5G genotype


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The lymphatic vasculature is important for the regulation of tissue fluid homeostasis, immune response, and lipid absorption, and the development of in vitro models should allow for a better understanding of the mechanisms regulating lymphatic vascular growth, repair, and function. Here we report isolation and characterization of lymphatic endothelial cells from human intestine and show that intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells have a related but distinct gene expression profile from human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells. Furthermore, we identify liprin beta1, a member of the family of LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase-interacting proteins, as highly expressed in intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro and lymphatic vasculature in vivo, and show that it plays an important role in the maintenance of lymphatic vessel integrity in Xenopus tadpoles.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación Terminal en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL, 2012.


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Drak2 est un membre de la famille des protéines associées à la mort et c’est une sérine/thréonine kinase. Chez les souris mutantes nulles Drak2, les cellules T ne présentent aucune défectuosité apparente en apoptose induite par activation, après stimulation avec anti-CD3 et anti-CD28, mais ont un seuil de stimulation réduit, comparées aux cellules T de type sauvage (TS). Dans notre étude, l’analyse d’hybridation in situ a révélé que l’expression de Drak2 est ubiquiste au stade de la mi-gestation chez les embryons, suivie d’une expression plus focale dans les divers organes pendant la période périnatale et l’âge adulte, notamment dans le thymus, la rate, les ganglions lymphatiques, le cervelet, les noyaux suprachiasmatiques, la glande pituitaire, les lobes olfactifs, la médullaire surrénale, l’estomac, la peau et les testicules. Nous avons créé des souris transgéniques (Tg) Drak2 en utilisant le promoteur humain beta-actine. Ces souris Tg montraient des ratios normaux entre cellules T versus B et entre cellules CD4 versus CD8, mais leur cellularité et leur poids spléniques étaient inférieurs comparé aux souris de type sauvage. Après activation TCR, la réponse proliférative des cellules T Tg Drak2 était normale, même si leur production d’interleukine (IL)-2 et IL-4 mais non d’interféron-r était augmentée. Les cellules T Tg Drak2 activées ont démontré une apoptose significativement accrue en présence d’IL-2 exogène. Au niveau moléculaire, les cellules T Tg Drak2 ont manifesté une augmentation moins élevée des facteurs anti-apoptotiques durant l’activation; un tel changement a probablement rendu les cellules vulnérables aux attaques subséquentes d’IL-2. L’apoptose compromise dans les cellulesT Tg Drak2 a été associée à un nombre réduit de cellules T ayant le phénotype des cellules mémoires (CD62Llo) et avec des réactions secondaires réprimées des cellules T dans l’hypersensibilité de type différé. Ces résultats démontrent que Drak2 s’exprime dans le compartiment des cellules T mais n’est pas spécifique aux cellules T; et aussi qu’il joue des rôles déterminants dans l’apoptose des cellules T et dans le développement des cellules mémoires T. En outre, nous avons recherché le rôle de Drak2 dans la survie des cellules beta et le diabète. L’ARNm et la protéine Drak2 ont été rapidement induits dans les cellules beta de l’îlot après stimulation exogène par les cytokines inflammatoires ou les acides gras libres et qui est présente de façon endogène dans le diabète, qu’il soit de type 1 ou de type 2. La régulation positive de Drak2 a été accompagnée d’une apoptose accrue des cellules beta. L’apoptose des cellules beta provoquée par les stimuli en question a été inhibée par la chute de Drak2 en utilisant petit ARNi. Inversement, la surexpression de Drak2 Tg a mené à l’apoptose aggravée des cellules beta déclenchée par les stimuli. La surexpression de Drak2 dans les îlots a compromis l’augmentation des facteurs anti-apoptotiques, tels que Bcl-2, Bcl-xL et Flip, sur stimulation par la cytokine et les acides gras libres. De plus, les expériences in vivo ont démontré que les souris Tg Drak2 étaient sujettes au diabète de type 1 dans un modèle de diabète provoqué par de petites doses multiples de streptozotocine et qu’elles étaient aussi sujettes au diabète de type 2 dans un modèle d’obésité induite par la diète. Nos données montrent que Drak2 est défavorable à la survie des cellules beta. Nous avons aussi étudié la voie de transmission de Drak2. Nous avons trouvé que Drak2 purifiée pouvait phosphoryler p70S6 kinase dans une analyse kinase in vitro. Lasurexpression de Drak2 dans les cellules NIT-1 a entraîné l’augmentation de la phosphorylasation p70S6 kinase tandis que l’abaissement de Drak2 dans ces cellules a réduit la phosphorylation. Ces recherches mécanistes ont prouvé que p70S6 kinase était véritablement un substrat de Drak2 in vitro et in vivo. Cette étude a découvert les fonctions importantes de Drak2 dans l’homéostasie des cellules T et le diabète. Nous avons prouvé que p70S6 kinase était un substrat de Drak2. Nos résultats ont approfondi nos connaissances de Drak2 à l’intérieur des systèmes immunitaire et endocrinien. Certaines de nos conclusions, comme les rôles de Drak2 dans le développement des cellules mémoires T et la survie des cellules beta pourraient être explorées pour des applications cliniques dans les domaines de la transplantation et du diabète.


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Les cytokines jouent un rôle fondamental dans la régulation des processus biologiques via la cascade de signalisation JAK-STAT. Les « Suppressors of Cytokine Signalling » (SOCS), protéines intracellulaires, inhibent la voie JAK-STAT. Plusieurs études supportent leur implication dans des maladies immunitaires, mais peu d’informations sont disponibles sur leur expression par les lymphocytes T humains. Nous postulons que les cytokines Interféron-β(IFN-β) et Interleukine-27 (IL-27), dotées d’un potentiel immuno-régulateur, ont des rôles bénéfiques via l’induction des SOCS. L’impact de l’IFN-β et l’IL-27 sur l’expression des SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 par des cellules T CD8 et CD4 humaines a été étudié en utilisant des cellules sanguines de donneurs sains. L’expression de ces régulateurs a été évaluée aux niveaux de l’ARNm par qRT-PCR et protéique par immunocytochimie. Les SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 ont été rapidement induits en ARNm dans les deux types cellulaires en réponse à l’IFN-β ou l’IL-27 et une augmentation de l’expression a été confirmée au niveau protéique. Afin de mimer les thérapies à base d’IFN-β, les cellules T ont été exposées chroniquement à l’IFN-β. Après chaque ajout de cytokine les cellules T ont augmenté l’expression du SOCS-1, sans moduler le SOCS-3. L’IL-27 a induit les SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 préférentiellement dans les cellules T CD8 ; ceci corrèle avec des résultats du laboratoire démontrant une plus petite expression des récepteurs à l’IL-27 par les lymphocytes T CD4 que les CD8. Notre projet a permis d’élucider l’expression des SOCS dans deux populations de cellules T et de clarifier les mécanismes d’actions de l’IFN-β et l’IL-27.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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(1,3;1,4)-beta-d-Glucan (beta-glucan) accounts for 20% of the total cell walls in the starchy endosperm of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and is an important source of dietary fiber for human nutrition with potential health benefits. Bioinformatic and array analyses of gene expression profiles in developing caryopses identified the CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE F6 (CSLF6) gene as encoding a putative beta-glucan synthase. RNA interference constructs were therefore designed to down-regulate CSLF6 gene expression and expressed in transgenic wheat under the control of a starchy endosperm-specific HMW subunit gene promoter. Analysis of wholemeal flours using an enzyme-based kit and by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography after digestion with lichenase showed decreases in total beta-glucan of between 30% and 52% and between 36% and 53%, respectively, in five transgenic lines compared to three control lines. The content of water-extractable beta-glucan was also reduced by about 50% in the transgenic lines, and the M(r) distribution of the fraction was decreased from an average of 79 to 85 x 10(4) g/mol in the controls and 36 to 57 x 10(4) g/mol in the transgenics. Immunolocalization of beta-glucan in semithin sections of mature and developing grains confirmed that the impact of the transgene was confined to the starchy endosperm with little or no effect on the aleurone or outer layers of the grain. The results confirm that the CSLF6 gene of wheat encodes a beta-glucan synthase and indicate that transgenic manipulation can be used to enhance the health benefits of wheat products.


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Background: Activation of the platelet integrin alpha(2)beta(1) is closely regulated due to the high thrombogenicity of its ligand. As a beta(1) interacting kinase, ILK represents a candidate intracellular regulator of alpha(2)beta(1) in human platelets. Objectives We investigated the regulation of ILK in human platelets and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) activation in HEL cells, a megakaryocytic cell line. Methods: An in-vitro kinase assay was used to determine the effect of platelet agonists on ILK kinase activity together with the contribution of PI3K and PKC on ILK activation. Interaction of ILK with beta(1)-integrin subunits was investigated by coimmunoprecipitation and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) function assessed by overexpression studies in HEL cells. Results: We report that collagen and thrombin modulate ILK kinase activity in human platelets in an aggregation-independent manner. Furthermore, ILK activity is dually regulated by PI3K and PKC in thrombin-stimulated platelets and regulated by PI3K in collagen-stimulated cells. ILK associates with the beta(1)-integrin subunits immunoprecipitated from platelet cell lysates, an association which increased upon collagen stimulation. Overexpression of ILK in HEL cells enhanced alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion whereas overexpression of kinase-dead ILK reduced adhesion, indicating a role for this kinase in the positive regulation of alpha(2)beta(1). Conclusions: Our findings that ILK regulates alpha(2)beta(1) in HEL cells, is activated in platelets and associates with beta(1)-integrins, raise the possibility that it may play a key role in adhesion events upon agonist stimulation of platelets.


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Objective - Platelet stimulation by collagen and collagen-related peptides (CRPs) is associated with activation of protein tyrosine kinases. In the present study, we investigated the role of Src family tyrosine kinases in the initial adhesion events of human platelets to collagen and cross-linked CRP. Methods and Results - Under arterial flow conditions, a glycoprotein VI - specific substrate, cross-linked CRP, caused rapid (<2 second) platelet retention and protein tyrosine phosphorylation that were markedly decreased by the Src family kinase inhibitor pyrozolopyrimidine (PP2) or by aggregation inhibitor GRGDSP. CRP-induced platelet retention was transient, and 90% of single platelets or aggregates detached within seconds. PP2, although having no effect on RGD peptide-binding to CRP, completely blocked aggregation and tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and phospholipase Cγ2 (PLCγ2). In contrast, PP2 weakly (<30%) suppressed firm adhesion to collagen mediated primarily by the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin. Although PP2 prevented activation of Syk and PLCgamma2 in collagen-adherent platelets, tyrosine phosphorylation of several unidentified protein bands persisted, as did autophosphorylation of pp125(FAK). Conclusions - These findings indicate that activation of Src-tyrosine kinases Syk and PLCgamma2 is not required for the initial stable attachment of human platelets to collagen and for FAK autophosphorylation. However, Src-tyrosine kinases are critical for glycoprotein VI - mediated signaling leading to platelet aggregation.


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Interaction of G-protein-coupled receptors with beta-arrestins is an important step in receptor desensitization and in triggering "alternative" signals. By means of confocal microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer, we have investigated the internalization of the human P2Y receptors 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, and 12 and their interaction with beta-arrestin-1 and -2. Co-transfection of each individual P2Y receptor with beta-arrestin-1-GFP or beta-arrestin-2-YFP into HEK-293 cells and stimulation with the corresponding agonists resulted in a receptor-specific interaction pattern. The P2Y(1) receptor stimulated with ADP strongly translocated beta-arrestin-2-YFP, whereas only a slight translocation was observed for beta-arrestin-1-GFP. The P2Y(4) receptor exhibited equally strong translocation for beta-arrestin-1-GFP and beta-arrestin-2YFP when stimulated with UTP. The P2Y(6), P2Y(11), and P2Y(12) receptor internalized only when GRK2 was additionally cotransfected, but beta-arrestin translocation was only visible for the P2Y(6) and P2Y(11) receptor. The P2Y(2) receptor showed a beta-arrestin translocation pattern that was dependent on the agonist used for stimulation. UTP translocated beta-arrestin-1-GFP and beta-arrestin-2-YFP equally well, whereas ATP translocated beta-arrestin-1-GFP to a much lower extent than beta-arrestin2- YFP. The same agonist-dependent pattern was seen in fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments between the fluorescently labeled P2Y(2) receptor and beta-arrestins. Thus, the P2Y(2) receptor would be classified as a class A receptor when stimulated with ATP or as a class B receptor when stimulated with UTP. The ligand-specific recruitment of beta-arrestins by ATP and UTP stimulation of P2Y(2) receptors was further found to result in differential stimulation of ERK phosphorylation. This suggests that the two different agonists induce distinct active states of this receptor that show differential interactions with beta-arrestins.


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The related inflammatory cytokines, interleukin- (IL-) 1β and IL-33, are both implicated in the response of the heart to injury. They also activate mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes. The hypertrophic Gq protein-coupled receptor agonist endothelin-1 is a potentially cardioprotective peptide and may modulate the inflammatory response. Endothelin-1 also stimulates (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes and promotes rapid changes in expression of mRNAs encoding intercellular and intracellular signalling components including receptors for IL-33 (ST2) and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Prior exposure to endothelin-1 may specifically modulate the response to IL-33 and, more globally, influence MAPK activation by different stimuli. Neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were exposed to IL-1β or IL-33 with or without pre-exposure to endothelin-1 (5 h) and MAPK activation assessed. IL-33 activated ERK1/2, JNKs and p38-MAPK, but to a lesser degree than IL-1β. Endothelin-1 increased expression of soluble IL-33 receptors (sST2 receptors) which may prevent binding of IL-33 to the cell-surface receptors. However, pretreatment with endothelin-1 only inhibited activation of p38-MAPK by IL-33 with no significant influence on ERK1/2 and a small increase in activation of JNKs. Inhibition of p38-MAPK signalling following pretreatment with endothelin-1 was also detected with IL-1β, H2O2 or tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) indicating an effect intrinsic to the signalling pathway. Endothelin-1 pretreatment suppressed the increase in expression of IL-6 mRNA induced by IL-1β and decreased the duration of expression of TNFα mRNA. Coupled with the general decrease in p38-MAPK signalling, we conclude that endothelin-1 attenuates the cardiac myocyte inflammatory response, potentially to confer cardioprotection.